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Freebie Ch. 01


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I could see Graham was uneasy about the attention my clothes were causing, or to be more precise, lack of clothes. But Peter was un-fazed, and he just escorted me past gob-smacked hotel guests, and into the plush restaurant. The head waiter who assigned the tables suggested a booth, I guess to get me out of the eyes of the rest of the diners. But Peter was having none of it, and he knew how to put underlings in their place. So it was we were seated right centre of the room, and that was where we were for the next hour and a half.

After what was the most expensive meal I'd ever had, we made our way to the room Graham had booked. For my part, this evening was turning out to be one of the most enjoyable I could ever remember. I think in hind sight, maybe a little of the euphoria was due to that little innocent looking yellow tablet. But what ever the reason, as Peter pointedly made a show of hanging the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the hotel room door; I could feel my tummy in full turmoil. And I don't mean I had stomach ache from the meal I'd just consumed.

So here was I, not in the same situation as earlier; resigned to accepting the task of wanking these men. No, this time I was eagerly waiting for the moment when they'd order me into the bedroom, and then they'd both fuck me. But to my frustration, Graham was busy looking at the telephone, and he asked Peter,

"How do you make this work as a speaker phone?"

Peter walked across and took hold of the phone, and after flicking a switch on the underside,

"I think that should work. Why who are you going to phone?"

"The match will be in the second half by now; it'll annoy the hell out of him to have to answer the phone."


"Yes her stupid husband will be watching the big match on TV. Hang-on I'll give him a call."

He dialled a number,

"Here we are, it's ringing."

And as he was using the speaker, we could hear the ringing, and also Gerry's curt angry response as he picked up the phone.


"Are, Gerry lad. Mr Spencer here."

"Oh sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"That's alright lad. I'm not disturbing anything, am I?"

"No, it's ok. Just the blues where looking like they'd make an equaliser. But what's happened. Is Mary ok?"

"Yes. She's fine; but things this end look like she might need to sweeten the pot a bit more than we first thought. Hang on I'll put her on the phone."

At that point he pressed the mute button, so Gerry wouldn't hear anything said at our end,

"Ok girl. Ask him if he wants you to fuck both of us."

Although I'd already decided that was what I was here for, asking Gerry if he wanted me to do it seemed very awkward.


"Mary. Is everything ok?"

"Yes. But it looks like this man will only agree to Graham's deal if I let him go all the way."

"What? You mean fuck you?"


"What do you think?"

"It's up to you."

"You'd do it if I asked you?"


Then there was silence, it must have lasted nearly a minute. I began to think we'd been cut-off.

"Gerry? Are you still there?"

A very subdued voice came back,

"Yes. I guess if it's the only way, and you don't mind; then the sooner you get it over with the better."

"Don't say things like that."

"Like what?"

"You said 'I don't mind'. I do mind; but I'll do it for you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Just do it, and then tell Mr Spencer to bring you home."

"About Mr Spencer."

"What about Mr Spencer?"

"I'm getting signals from him, to say he wants to do me as well."

"Oh Jesus. This is getting silly."

"Do you want me to tell him no?"

"That would be even more stupid. If you let Mr Harris fuck you and Mr Spencer then says no deal, it will all have been for nothing."

"So I let him do it as well?"

"I guess so."

Graham took the phone from my hand,

"Are Gerry lad. Your good lady has just told me your decision. And she says you've also offered to let me fuck her as well. That's very generous of you. Now you go back and watch the rest of your match, and we'll make sure your little lady gets well looked after. Oh, and don't bother to wait up, it might be late when we get her back home. And you wouldn't want to be late for work in the morning."

As he put the phone down and turned back towards Peter and I, with a big satisfied smile on his face, Peter said,

"You're a twisted sod. You'll get more pleasure from that little wind-up than you will out of the rest of the night."

"Maybe so; but each to his own. Now Mary love; I think it's about time you made your way to the bedroom."

As I was walking into the bedroom followed by these two men, my sexual senses began to go wild. As every step I took gave my breasts an almost imperceptible bounce, something you'd not normally be aware of; I could feel my nipples being rubbed by the material of my dress. But more than this, was the turmoil going on down below. On many occasions before, I have been sexually excited whilst walking into a room knowing I was about to have sex, maybe the most memorable being when Gerry and I went away for a dirty weekend six weeks before our wedding. But I can never before remember feeling my pussy pouting, and feeling the wetness as it actually started to run down the tops of my legs. I didn't feel ashamed of my heightened state of arousal, just worried that the men behind me might see the glistening sheen appearing.

As soon as I neared the bed, I stopped and turned around, and before either of them had chance to speak, I knelt and began to loosen their trousers. They at first looked a little surprised at my eagerness, but they didn't complain and almost immediately began to strip their top half. In no time my mouth was sucking from one cock and back to the other, whilst my hands had a balls-sack apiece. They had released the shoulder straps from my dress, and it had just slipped to the floor where it lay in a crumpled heap around my knees. They played with my breasts, and my nipples felt fit to burst. But the sensations powered buy the cock sucking coupled with the breast fondling, had now driven my pussy to a point where I could no longer ignore it.

As I rose to my feet, the dress remained in a heap on the floor, and my hands slipped the meagre thong from my waist, letting it join the dress. Then as I launched myself back onto the bed, and spread my legs wide, I begged,

"Fuck me. For god's sake, fuck me."

My arms were outstretched with open palms, and I couldn't feel a morsel of shame. Graham and Peter looked at one another, as if in amazement, and then as if deciding who would be first. But either way, from the point at which I'd begged for a fucking, until the moment Peter's cock entered my pussy couldn't have been more than five seconds.

He mounted me, and even with his cock being bigger than my Gerry's by a good two inches, my pussy not only took it, it almost ate it! I'm sure it sucked it in, and with the help of my reflex hip humping, I fucked him as hard as he fucked me. I was eventually aware Graham was around my top end, pushing his cock to my lips, and I did attempt to suck it, but my body just wanted pussy treats, and I found the cock in my mouth a distraction.

Then Peter rolled over onto his back, and I followed his lead, mounting him and riding myself hard down onto his shaft. It was now somewhat easier to suck Graham's cock, as I was the right way up for him to push it into my mouth without Peter's head being in the way. And speaking of Peter, he now started to enhance my exhilaration, by reaching down and rubbing my clit. This manipulation didn't confine itself to just my clit, he was soon sliding his fingers around my bulging pussy lips, and up into the crevice of my bottom.

I think most people will consider this naive, but I'd never done anal, and at this point, I never even thought that this massaging might be a fore runner to my initiation. Silly me, I just felt the fingers as they poked, stroked and probed, and thought this was the greatest turn-on I'd ever known. As I've just said, I knew they were probing, but as he did it so gradually, in minutely increasing steps, even when I eventually realised he'd got his finger up to full depth, it didn't faze me.

Then he whispered in my ear,

"I'm almost there; can I finish you doggy style?"

I felt flattered that he'd even asked, and I just lifted myself up off him, and moved to his side, stopping the same way up. He got up from below me, and as he came up behind, he began to rub his cock up and down the wet valley. As I felt his cock was about to line up with my pussy, I heaved back, wrapping my pussy around his shaft. He lunged forwards, and after just a couple of thrusts, he pulled it out, again resuming his stroking of my valley with his knob-end.

Then I felt him push at my bottom. It was a funny feeling. Not funny ha ha, but different. I can't say it hurt, because my whole body was relaxed, and my bottom was so wet and juicy from his fingering. But as the big bulbous head of his cock slipped in, I felt my ring close and grip his shaft, as if to say, 'you're not coming in here'. My first thoughts were, 'he's slipped in the wrong place by mistake'. But instead of pulling it back out, I felt him grip my hair. Then as he pushed slowly into my bottom, I felt everything stretching. Oh my god! I don't know if it was good or bad. It hurt, but it wasn't really hurting. Oh I can't explain exactly. I wanted him to stop, but my pussy was revelling in the sensations it was now going through.

He didn't stop, and I didn't struggle or fight. And although he kept hold of my hair, it wasn't needed to keep me in place. As he thrust his long strokes deep into my bottom, I sensed he was nearing his climax. Then as his pumping moved to his erratic cum strokes, my hips spasmed like they had done earlier today on the video I'd seen. And like this afternoon, I lost my conscious control and memory. I came to my senses, lying on my side, with Graham lying behind me. One of his hands was on my breast, just gently working from one breast to the other, but his other hand was gently stroking my fore head.

At this moment of awakening, I didn't know who it was that I was laying with, and as I turned, to see Graham's smiling face, he asked,

"Are you ok?"


He pulled his arm from underneath me, and then turned me fully onto my back. As he lay alongside, propped up on one arm he asked,

"Is it ok if I try to arouse you now, or do you need a rest?"

I know this sex session was being forced upon me, but this man had such an approach, it made me want to please him.

"Yes, you can take your turn now."

He planted a kiss on my mouth, and our tongues intertwined. His hand was first caressing my breast, but slowly it worked its way down my body. His fingers stroking my torso, as he worked down over my tummy. As they neared my pubic mound the turmoil I'd being feeling in my tummy just a few minutes earlier, was once again bubbling. In anticipation of his fingers slipping into my crotch, I let my legs fold open, and lifted my crotch up, as if to invite him. His hand did slip down, but not to my pussy, his fingers ran through the juices in the hollows at the tops of my legs, and then he proceeded to stroke the inside of the top half of my legs.

He moved himself down to my lower half, his mouth and tongue following the same route his fingers had just travelled. As his mouth firsts glided up my left breast, I felt my body shiver with anticipation, and then as his mouth latched onto my nipple, my hips lifted. He sucked for what seemed like an age, his tongue circling my nipple and all the time he was sucking, I had my weight supported by my heels and shoulders, with my knees open, and crotch spread high and wide. The fingers of his hand were still stroking my legs, and my pussy was burning with desire for attention. I reached one of my hands down to my crotch, but he used his other hand to intercept mine.

"Ah ah. That pussy is mine. You can play with it any time you want. If you want something to occupy your hands, my cock is getting lonely."

I didn't answer, but I did reach for his cock, and attempt to stroke it. But with my body in this position it wasn't so easy. He had now moved to my right breast, and he was repeating his sucking. As he did so, my hips which had dropped back to the bed, once again rose, as his sucking sent wave after wave of exhilarating sensations to my crotch. As he moved from my breast I again dropped to the bed, and his tongue made its next stop, this time at my bellybutton. This he circled, and then with a parting kiss, he moved over the flatlands of my tummy, and climbed my hairless mound.

As his lips parted to encircle my clit, I heaved up and he brought his hands one under each buttock. His sucking, licking and probing just sent my body crazy, and it was only by holding himself tightly to my crotch that he managed to stay in contact. Not that I was in any way trying to kick him off, but his stimulation had taken away any conscious control. I couldn't even attempt to work his cock, I just lay back with my hips going wild, and my mind blown away. The next thing I was conscious of was he had now moved into a position in between my legs, and his cock was entering my pussy.

As he pushed it up inside, his body loomed over the top of me, and his head came down. He first gave me a kiss, and I responded, with our tongues both probing deep. I could tell he was pushing his cock in to its full length, but it was also obvious, his cock was no bigger than my Gerry's, which meant a good two inches shorter than Peter's. But this fuck wasn't like Peter's had been, an onslaught, or invasion of new territory, this was more like love, or at least romance. It felt nice, warm and safe. We lay in each others arms, fucking and kissing, all the time my arousal just gradually building.

Then he lifted his head from mine, and as he half sat back, he took hold of my legs below my knees, lifting them up and pressing them back to the bed alongside my body. His cock slipped from my pussy, and it began to push at my bottom. As it slipped in, and he began to ram it deep, he brought his head back down, but this time he went to my breasts. As he fucked, I knew he would soon be shooting spunk, and as he began to nip at my nipples, my pussy again started to spasm. I was conscious of his warm cum in my bottom, and then the overload of my own sensations just took me to a higher plain, where I drifted in the clouds.

As I came back to the reality of my situation, Graham was busy packing his camera and all its accessories into his little bag. Peter was nowhere to be seen.

"Please tell me you didn't take photos of me whilst Peter was... doing it?"

"Photos! The camera has been running from start to finish. Mind you, your first fuck with Peter won't be that good; we didn't have a camera-man. But Peter took over for my fuck, so he'll have got some good close-ups. Not just of your snatch, but that goggle-eyed expression while you were cuming."

I never for one moment thought they'd been doing something like that. Then just as I'm turning over the thought of what he has captured on his video camera, Peter comes waltzing out of the shower-room. Totally naked, and as he walks past Graham and the bed where I lay, he says,

"Shower's free if you want it."

I looked at Graham, as if to ask if he wanted to be next, but didn't actually speak. He put down his camera bag, and as he turned and walked towards the shower,

"Ok, I won't take long."

Then he glanced over towards where Peter was now getting dressed.

"Keep your eye on my camera; I don't want her getting any silly ideas about erasing that last file."

Peter didn't reply, but he looked my way, and just smiled.

I sat there, not able to do anything about my messy state; but give Graham his due, it was only a few minutes before he to was walking naked back into the room. I walked, or should I say waddled my way to the shower room; and it felt so good to wash off all that now stale remnants of their session. I came from the shower-room draped in a towel, and sat myself in front of the mirror. I'd only had about five or ten minutes to try to do something with my face and hair before Graham was standing up behind me.

"How much longer are you going to be?"

I didn't know exactly what the time was, but I knew it couldn't be gone mid-night. And he'd told Gerry he wouldn't be bringing me home until late; so I was wondering what his hurry was.

"What's the rush, you told Gerry I'd be home late?"

"Who says were taking you home? I know a little club we can go to, somewhere you can show off in that little dress."

"Oh no. I'd rather go straight home now."

"I wasn't asking you. Now hurry up with your tarting-up, we want to get going."

So I made the final touches to my make-up, got my hair somewhere near tidy, and then went and picked up my dress. Within a few minutes of Graham's hurry-up call, we were leaving the hotel, and climbing back into the big limo. As we were being driven to the club, Graham began to explain what kind of club it was.

At this point I think I'll draw part one of my tale to an end, and if enough people are interested in knowing how my life worked out, then I'll post part two. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to email me.

It is only the feedback from readers that make the effort of writing worthwhile, and I will answer all mail received (eventually). To ensure I accept your mail, make sure your mail has 'Story Feedback' as a subject, all other mail to this account is deleted as spam.

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Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for Great Writing and a Great plot. We all know that there is Nothing Free in life. I guess our Characters didn't know that. Funny thing, I had a roommate Truck Driver buddy one time. We had so many cookies from the same exact situation. LOL I enjoyed them. Thanks for the effort. Buster2U

BunnymasterBunnymaster5 months ago

One of Literotica’s best writers, kudos to the author!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Loved this series

What a great series - loved them all!

kensimoorekensimooreabout 7 years ago

Another outstanding story, love that Mary is beginning to get into group sex thing. I wonder what Gerry will think?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
don't stop now

Well written and thought out. I think she needs to get her pussy shaved at some point. I want more, Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Fantastic Story!

Your story had me hard from part 1 until the end part5. You are a very erotic writer and chose your words well. If it is true then I do envy both of those men. I can't wait to get to the next part of this story. Thanks it was great.

PhalluxPhalluxabout 15 years ago

Fantastic. Adding you as a favorite author. Love how they develop with the comfortable-uncomfortable dynamic constantly at work. Naughty.

wallabyedwardwallabyedwardabout 16 years ago
Oh God Yes, I love it

Pt 2 Please

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Love your story, can't wait for chapter 2

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