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Friend in Need, Slut Indeed

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Rescuing a friend and front of her husband.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/18/2012
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Here's another submission. I always hope that people enjoy my stories. If you do, let me know! Any feedback, critiques, or story ideas are always welcome.


Driving back home this late on a Saturday night is probably a terrible idea. I've had about ten beers over the course of the night, but then again I started drinking at about 10. It's, what, 3:00am now? What's my BAC? Probably a 0.10. Certainly enough for a DUI but low enough to keep it together. Alright, can't think about that now. Just focus on the road.

Speaking of the road, I need to make sure I spot a checkpoint or a lurking cop with plenty of time to avoid problems. My shiny new Range Rover must look like an easy kill for the cops who patrol late Saturday nights for people who have had a little too much to drink. I'm not a big car guy, but I splurged on this one. I just got a big raise at my law firm. Where else was I going to spend the money? I owned my own house, didn't have any debt, and no family. No worries.


<< Incoming Text >>

Rebecca Caswell: OMG. Do u liv in Metroville? Need favor


Shit. I looked at the clock and it read 3:12 am. This text set off all kinds of red flags. First, it was 3:12am. Anyone asking for a favor at that time of night needed more than a cup of sugar.

Second and far more importantly, this girl was a quasi-ex of mine. About two years ago, she and I had hooked up for a few weeks while I was in law school. She worked at the university. To make a long story short, it ended badly.

You see, I went to a very good law school; however, it was situated in a tiny, rural city where a social life was nearly impossible. It was in an extremely rural part of the country, and the only real pool to fish from was the law school itself. The locals were a hodgepodge of hicks and degenerates with about 60% of the normal intelligence and teeth.

But by all accounts she was the exception to the rule, a relatively attractive girl. She was about 5'4, blonde hair and a stout set of high Cs, low Ds. I forget how we were introduced to one another --it could have been through friends of friends or just ran into one another. It doesn't matter. Well, I took her out to lunch, and the next thing I knew she was sucking my dick in her office when I dropped her off. At lunch! On our first date! I was pretty used to having success with the ladies, but this was something else. This girl was a slut.

Over the next few weeks she was the ultimate fuck buddy. I didn't have to do anything. I'd come home from a long day of studying, and she would just stop by for a fuck. And I'm not talking a quickie. These were epic shag sessions where there were no holds barred. She was down for anything: missionary, doggy, cowgirl, oral, anal, and everything in between.

Normally, this would have been a super situation, but things eventually got weird. (As they inevitably do in these situations.) She had a very vanilla personality; she was nagging me to do things that I simply didn't have time to do; and she informed everyone we both knew that we were now very seriously involved.

That was the last straw. When some of my guy friends approached me and told me that she'd told everyone we were a serious item, I knew something had to be done. I approached her and set her straight.

"Rebecca, I think we should stop seeing each other."

"Rebecca, we're not that serious. I haven't even taken you to dinner."

"Becca, I haven't even introduced you to my friends."

Yes, I know I sound like the ultimate dick. But it had only been about three weeks! It wasn't like I had made any kind of commitment. Sure, we had been very physical to this point. I know girls may see that very differently from guys, but her meltdown took this to the extreme.


About six months after our "break up" (I don't refer to us as a breakup, because people have to be dating to break up), I spotted her at a restaurant with some random guy. He was about 5'6, overweight, awkward complexion. In sum, he didn't seem very put together.

As I walked by, she waved at me in an obvious attempt to get me to say hello. Not wanting to cause a scene and genuinely trying to smooth things over, I stopped and said hello.

"Keith [that's me], I'd like you to meet Ed, my fiancé," she began very normally.

Well that was quick. He had to have been the first guy she met after me. Sounds like someone really took their rebound seriously. He stood up and shook my hand.

"So Keith, how do you and Becca know one another?"

"Oh, Keith fucked me for a while before ditching me."

The Hiroshima Awkward bombed dropped, and Ed and I just stood there for a second. We were still shaking hands. He was obviously sizing me up and knew he was losing. I'm about 6'3, pretty good looking, and have an athletic build from years of playing sports.

"Um, well it was a little more complicated than that," I said trying to diffuse a bomb that had already gone off. "It was a pleasure meeting you Ed, and lovely as always to see you Becca. Congratulations to you both."

I promptly turned and walked away. I tried to make it seem like it wasn't a retreat, but that's very much what it was. The sooner I got away from her kind of crazy, the better. The whole experience reinforced my confidence in my decision. I sure as hell didn't want any part of a girl that would behave in that way.


That awkward conversation occurred about a year ago, and I hadn't heard a peep from her since that night. I did learn that she did in fact marry Ed. Again, good for them. I hope they're happy.

I continued driving down the road that night wondering how I should respond. In the end, I knew that I had to write her back. I don't think she was so crazy as to drunk text me, and she could have been in some trouble. So I decided to respond:

<< Outgoing Text >>

Tom: I do, what's up?

Immediately, my phone lit up with an incoming call from Becca. Wow, that was fast.

"Hello," I answered.

"Keith, I need your help. I don't know what to do or who to call. I'm lost here in the city in a really bad part of town, and my purse is gone." There was genuine fear in her voice, and it was obvious that she was spooked.

"Ok, no worries. Do you have any idea where you are? Streets or landmarks?"

"No, I'm sitting in some convenience store because some homeless guys were badgering me."

"Ask the attendant for the address."

"Corner of Morgan Ferry and Polk."

"That'll take me ten or fifteen minutes to get to, but I'll be there as quick as I can."

"Thank you so much."


I turned the car around and headed towards a very decidedly dodgy part of town. Why on Earth was she down in that neighborhood? The only reason why I even knew about it was from a pro bono program I did to help drug addicts.

When I got to the intersection, I noticed an old, rundown corner liquor store with a group of homeless guys huddled around the entrance. Unfortunately, I knew they were there for probably the same reason I was. I pulled up to the front of the store, jumped out, and immediately locked my car. The honk my car makes when it's locked remotely drew the attention of the crowd, and there were some confused faces looking my way. I know. I have no business being here. I walked into the store and there she was.

Becca was sullen-looking crouching on the floor with Ed passed the fuck out on the ground. She wasn't crying, screaming, or trembling; she was simply petrified into inaction hovering over her husband. Was he unconscious?

What I probably should have noticed first was that they were both wearing weird clothes. Not clothes, more like costumes. Had they just come from some kind of theme party? So many questions with this situation. I realized I needed to stop thinking about that, scoop them up, and get the fuck out of there.

Becca looked up, saw me, and an instant look of joy/relief washed over her face. I didn't ask questions. I flung Ed over my shoulder, lifeless, took her hand, and led her to my car. Once I had opened the back door and flung Ed in the back seat, I cranked the car and revved it out of there.

Alright, now time for some answers.


"What the hell is going on, Becca? Are you ok?"

She didn't cry. She didn't break down. She just simmered in the seat next to me. I could tell that the fear and panic had somehow worn off in a very short amount of time and had been replaced by some kind of controlled anger.

"I'm fine. We're staying at the Holiday Inn on Circuit Street, by the way. I'm so sorry about this. We were cabbing our way back to our hotel. Ed, the jackass, was really drunk and caused a scene in the cab. Well, he kicked the driver's seat and the cabbie kicked us out. As I was pulling him out of the car, the cab drove away with my bag. I don't have ID, keys, or money. Luckily, I had my phone in my hand. We were in that shitty part of town, and I had no idea how to get back. Then those homeless assholes started harassing me. I had heard you lived here. You were the only person I knew to call. Thanks for rescuing me."

Now that the situation was a little more settled, I could relax a little bit. I was also glad that this reunion seemed to be going well. There hadn't been any yelling or cutting remarks leveled at me. That had to be good.

As I drove on, I also got a chance to fully take in her outfit. She was wearing a thin, skin-tight army green tank top. It was extremely low cut, exposing her tits for all they were worth. There must have been some serious pushup bra under there, because those girls looked massive. Her cleavage line must have been five or six inches long. Her top ended just below her tits and fully exposed her stomach. She must have been working out, because she was a lot more fit than what I remember.

And her skirt. Damn, if you could even call it that. It was black and had cargo style pockets on the side. The whole thing was so small I couldn't imagine what they could even hold. It was as short, I didn't know if it could actually cover her underwear if she was standing up. Now that she was sitting down, I could see the back of her ass coming out the back and making direct contact with my seats. The underwear must have been nonexistent or tiny, because with the view I had I would have seen it.

Her hair was in pigtails and below her eyes she had lines of eye black. Once I stepped back to look at it all, she was like some slutty soldier-girl type of character. I looked down and saw she had on some kind of black combat boots.

I turned around and Ed had on some type of cape thing. It was so stupid looking I felt awkward for him.

"What are you doing in town? I mean, were you at a theme party or something?"

"Unhh, don't get me started..."

"That doesn't sound good."

"No, I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

"Seriously though, what are y'all up to?"

"Ed plays some online game every day. He's really into it. Well, there was some type of convention in town this weekend. We haven't had that much "together time" recently, so I agreed to come along. He picked out this outfit. Before I could even say no, he was telling me how badly he wanted me to wear it and how I'd be the hit of the crowd."

"Well you certainly attracted attention I bet. You're"

"Thanks, I suppose the one thing he did tell me was that it was a bare midriff. I've been doing a lot of sit-ups for a few weeks. I didn't know about everything else. Or how little else I should say."

"It must have been one helluva party, though, he looks down for the count."

"Actually, there was only a little bit of drinking at the convention. We went to a bar afterward. The reason why he got so drunk was because all sorts of men were coming on to me. He got so jealous that he just started taking shots."

"In an outfit like that, that he picked out, it shouldn't have been a surprise."

"I know, right? He came out of the bathroom one time and a big guy was trying rubbing up on me. He flipped out. I didn't even think was flirting back. Sure, he had his hands on my ass, but it was all in good fun."

Hmm. Sounds like he might have had some cause to lose it, but what did this joker think would happen if a girl wearing this showed up at a bar?


We made it to the hotel, and I pulled into under the awning that serves as the entrance to most hotels. You know the kind, temporary parking to unload.

I opened the back door and threw Ed over my shoulder. This was actually pretty hard. He probably weighed 190 pounds. Becca followed me into the lobby and went up the elevator. Throughout the trip up to her room was an uninterrupted awkward silence. As we approached her hotel room, she stopped.

"Damnit. My key was in my bag. Can you check Ed's wallet to see if he has his key?"

I laid him down on the ground and fumbled through his pockets to find his wallet. No wallet. God knows where this joker lost it.

"Can't find his wallet."

"This night keeps getting better..."

We left Ed laying there and headed back down to the lobby to get another key. I was already a little worried this may not work, because without any kind of ID, why would the hotel give her a new key?


"Ma'am, I can't give you a key without some form of identification," the guy at the front desk glibly informed us.

"But you don't understand, my purse and my husband's wallet were stolen."

"I'm sorry to hear about that ma'am, but I'm afraid that doesn't affect our policy."

"Sir, do you have any other possible forms of ID? Do you know the credit card number you put down for the room?"

"Oh no, that's not my husband, he's just a friend helping me out."

This was sounding more and more preposterous. I didn't think there was going to be any other way for us to work this out.

"There's nothing I can put on this counter to change your mind?"

Before I knew it, Becca had hoisted her tits up on the counter and lifted up her tanktop. It exposed her bra and put her tits even more on display than they were before. Slowly, she lifted from the bottom of her bra. In quick succession, her two massive melons slipped out beneath her bra and spilled onto the counter.

The attendant nervously looked around, and his resolve seemed to give in. Maybe he just wanted the obvious hooker in his lobby to move along.

"Alright miss. Here is your key."

We quickly turned and moved towards the elevator. On our way and inside the elevator, Becca was readjusting her top to reinsert her massive boobs into the tight confines of that shirt. When she was done, she inched a little closer to me and started to whisper in a very sexy voice.

"Wow, I can't believe I just did that. Somehow, I knew it would work. Showing them off normally gets me what I want. Plus, I've been so hot tonight. At the bar, so many guys were grabbing me and feeling me up that I didn't know what I was going to do."

"So Ed did have a reason to get upset?"

"I don't think he saw anything. I was careful. He was in the corner pouting or in the bathroom most of the time we were there. It let me have a little freedom. "

As she finished that statement, she started lifting up her skirt as she swayed her hips from side to side. In absolutely no time at all because her skirt was so short, her pussy was on full display in front of me. She was clean-shaven, like always, and I could tell that by the glistening on her lips that she was mighty turned on.

"I took my panties off in the bar. I just dropped them on the floor. I bent over a few times for the bartenders just to get free drinks."

She demonstrated by turning around and bending over in front of me. Her cunt was absolutely gaping. There was no question she needed that thing filled. And by her conduct tonight, she certainly didn't want Ed to be the fella to do it.

"You little slut."

"Really? Do you think so?"

"I know so."

Fuck it. I knew it would be fucking retarded, but I unbuttoned by pants and whipped my dick out. Before she even knew what was going on, I impaled my cock straight to the bottom of her pussy. She's pretty shallow, because I remembered the usual rush I got when I bottomed out in her box.

"Oh FUCK YEA!" she screamed.

I started pounding into the back of her. She was bent all the way over. Her hands were on the floor and her legs perfectly straight making an upside down V. Her legs were spread the perfect distance for me to stand behind her and have full access to that sloppy cunt.

For the next minute or two we went at it like the times of old. Really loud and very vocal.

"Oh yea, pound my cunt!"

"God, your dick is so amazing! Don't ever stop!"


The elevator door reopened and there was the attendant looking right at us. We were so caught up in the moment we must not have noticed the elevator go to our floor, open, then return back to the lobby by default. The man's mouth was agape as he took in the sight of the girl completely bent over being railed in his elevator.

She didn't break stride for a second.

"Oh fuck yea, now everyone knows you're a stud."

"Yep, you heard, he's NOT my husband!"

On that note, I pushed the button for her floor. When we got to the right floor and the door opened, I realized my pants had fallen to the floor. Fuck it. I just stepped out of them and picked them up. I knew this wasn't ending. We headed off down to the room—my dick flapping in the wind. Becca didn't bother pulling her skirt down or fixing her top. Her tits had obviously spilled out after being upside down and crashing forward and backward for a few minutes.

When we did get to the door, Becca just stepped over Ed and unlocked the door.

"Will you bring Ed in? I don't think he'll bother us."

Ok. So I picked him up and threw him on the closest bed. There were two twin beds in the room. Becca was already lying down on the other one with her legs spread wide fingering the shit out of herself.

"Come keep fucking me you huge stud."

I didn't waste any time. I jumped up on the bed and immediately ripped off her top. I mean I tore the fucking thing to shreds. She gasped as I grabbed hold of the bra and pulled it back in one quick yank. Snap. It tore at the clasp. Next, I tried to tear her skirt, but it wouldn't tear. Finally, I just pulled the tiny damn thing off her. I didn't bother with the boots—too many laces.

Now that she was fully naked in front of me. I leaned my head between her two massive tits and started eating the shit out of them. I somehow pushed her massive melons together enough so that both her nipples were in my mouth that the same time. Using a little tooth, I bit down on both and got the desired effect. Becca was gasping and moaning for more. I couldn't see but I'm pretty sure she was still fingering herself. Who knows?

"Alright, that enough of that. Give me back that dick!"

I mounted her and she wrapped her legs around my waste and interlocked her ankles behind me. She shifted so that her pussy was directly below my cock. I grabbed my dick, directed it right at her slit, and thrust down with all of my strength. If I thought I bottomed out before, I almost hurt myself when my dick stopped abruptly this time. I was like a tripod: weight distributed between my two legs and my cock, which trying to cleave her box in two.

The cry she let out was earth shattering. She let my cock fill her up for a few seconds, and then she started bucking up and down. I don't know how she had the leverage to get as strong of thrusts as she did, but the result was amazing.

I grunted as I used every muscle in my legs, hips, and back to drive down into her over and over.

"God Y-yess!"

I took both of her tits in my hands and kneaded the shit out of them as I pounded her. After a few strokes, I licked my fingertips and went straight back to her nipples. Mmm. I love flicking the shit out of a girl's nipples when they're nice and moist.


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