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Fucking the Team Ch. 01

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Locker room encounter wtih softball team's star pitcher.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/22/2024
Created 09/18/2022
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I've always enjoyed coaching. I had worked at a small, private college for a few years, overseeing the women's softball program. It was a good position: the team was good enough to be competitive, but not so good that the students were obnoxious: the atmosphere was one of intense, collaborative fun.

I had been a little nervous starting the job: I was only a few years out of college myself, and the prospect of spending all my time around athletic young women raised some fantasies that I knew were wildly inappropriate. But I found quickly that they were easy enough to dispel. I had friendly, professional relationships with the girls, and directed my sexual energy towards women at bars or dating apps; women who weren't off limits.

Of course, equilibriums never last. The athletic facilities on campus were being renovated; Specifically, the men's locker room was being renovated, which meant that both genders were using what was ordinarily the women's locker room. There were schedules of course, posted liberally around the area, describing the strict times after which the women were supposed to be out, schedules that I usually buffered by a good hour to avoid any sort of accidental indecency. And, we were at a point in the athletic schedule where the women's softball team was the only sport active, which simplified things: I just had to wait a few hours after practice to freshen up before I went home for the day, time that gave me a chance to catch up on paperwork and prepare for the next day.

Of course, fantasies abounded, but, again, I was able to suppress them after a few weeks, and settle into a comfortable routine, largely forgetting that, at the end of the day, the showers I were using had been full of wet, naked college students hours before.

Until, of course, everything changed.

I stood there enjoying the warm water running down my body, feeling it wash away the grime and sweat of the day. I was shampooing my hair, eyes closed, when I heard someone padding into the showers behind me. I froze, unwilling to turn and look with shampoo running down my face, but I heard the unknown person walking across the wet floor and standing stationery next to me. The shower next to me hissed on, and the splatter of water running off their body joined mine on the tiled floor.

I continued rinsing my hair long after it was necessary, reluctant to open my eyes and face the embarrassing question of if one of my students had now seen me naked and brazenly chosen to shower next to me. But, finally, I did, turned, opened my eyes, and found myself staring at one of my pitchers: a wet, naked Michelle, with a teasing half smile on her face. "Hi, coach," she said, giving me a little wave.

I tried desperately to keep my eyes on her face. Her long brown hair was wet and pulled back in a tail down her back, and her elfen face was flushed from the heat of the shower. She still had that smirk on, and a light in her eyes that made it obvious she was enjoying my discomfort. As hard as I tried not to notice, I could see her two plum sized breasts, sitting perkily on her slender frame, her nipples small and hard, water hitting her chest and running down between them.

"Michelle, what are you doing here?" I tried my best to mask my embarrassment with disapproval. "You know you girls are supposed to be out of here by 5 so I can use the showers while the men's locker room is under renovation."

She shrugged carelessly, her thin shoulder coming to a point. "I stayed late to hit a few more balls. But being naked around you doesn't bother me. I manage to do it with the other girls all the time. And I've seen naked men plenty of times. So what's the harm?" She had an affected look of fake innocence, her eyes wide and eyebrows raised questioningly.

I was having trouble maintaining an authoritative air as my face reddened and my cock started to stiffen. "I'm your coach, is the harm! I'm not supposed to see you naked!"

She pouted. "We're both adults, aren't we? And you're hardly older than I am. Are you saying I gross you out?"

I couldn't help it. I used the half invitation to run my eyes down her body, taking in the thin, toned stomach, the delicate strength of her arms, her thin waist, and her half hidden cunt, a small tuft of brown hair above it. Her face and skin were wet and glistening, trails of water running down her slender frame, accentuating her petite curves. I stared at her cunt, tuft of hair wet, warm water streaming down her muscular thighs.

She laughed. "Okay, obviously I'm not gross. Like what you see, coach?" She opened her legs, allowing me to see her cunt, labia poking out.

"No, Michelle, you're not gross. But this still isn't acceptable behavior."

"Really?" She asked, "I think it could be helpful. Maybe you could look at some of my muscle groups in closer detail." She turned, and stuck out her tight, athletic ass. "I'm concerned my glutes aren't even. Could that mess up my swing?"

I shook my head, and desperately tried to avoid drooling as I stared at her displayed ass, bent forward enough to open her cheeks slightly, and show off her asshole, and flushed cunt underneath. She wiggled it slightly. "I'm not sure if you'd be able to tell just by looking, coach. You might have to do it by feel."

I closed my eyes tight, and put a hand over my face, trying to recover my composure. "Michelle. We both know there's nothing wrong with your glutes."

"You're saying my ass is perfect?! Thank you, coach!"

"That's not..."

Her hands were on my cock. My eyes snapped open, and I was looking at Michelle on her knees in front of me, both hands wrapped around my sizable cock. "What the fuck are you doing?"

She looked up at me with the same look of affected innocence, green eyes sparkling, water on her face. "I'm having so much trouble with my swing," she said, "I'm wondering if it's my grip." She squeezed my cock gently with both of her hands. "And since this rod of yours is just about the size of a bat handle, I figured I could test out some different ones. And maybe", she said, running her right hand gently up my shaft and back down, water running over us, "the tactile feedback can help you give me pointers."

I knew this was wrong, but the feeling of her delicate hands on my cock, her lithe body kneeling in front of me, water running down her small breasts and back, sluicing down the bend of her spine between her toned ass, felt perfect, like she had been designed for me. Still, I tried one more time. "That's not how you hold a bat, Michelle."

She pretended to be puzzled. "Isn't it? I admit, usually we're using aluminum, and this is clearly wood, but it seems incredibly natural." She started stroking my cock, keeping her left hand stationary, squeezing the base of my shaft. "I think I need to work on my grip. Is this too hard or too soft? To hold a bat with, I mean."

I was desperately trying to avoid showing any reaction, unable to stop her, but aware that if I let the 22 year old minx in front of me know that she was giving me the best hand job I'd ever received, she'd have me by the balls metaphorically as well as literally. "It's great," I managed to croak out, trying to sound authoritative. "But only because my di--er, the bat, is so wet."

She nodded solemnly. "Coach, you know I always take weather conditions into account. My playfield, for example, is incredibly slick right now. If you saw it you'd realize how dangerous it is. Not many people can perform to their full potential on it. But I think you probably could."

I shook my head. "My playing days are done."

She moved her left hand to my balls, and kept jerking me off. "What about my ball handling?"

"You're getting your sports mixed up."

She started gently massaging my balls, still stroking me. "Am I, coach? I'm pretty sure I know exactly what sort of game we're playing right now."

Her hands were incredible. Her right was like velvet gently caressing my cock head, and water had pooled in her left, adding extra warmth to her caresses of my ball. My legs started shaking, and I stepped back, and leaned against the wall, almost faint with pleasure.

She stood, and stepped forward, pressing her lithe body up against mine. I felt her small breasts against my chest, my cock pushed against her stomach. She reached down and continued stroking my cock with her hand, caressing my shoulders with the other. "I'm in position, coach. Give me the sign."

I closed my eyes, desperately trying to think of a way out of the situation. "Hold there, Michelle. Don't make any risky moves."

She shook her head, and moved down my body, kneeling in front of my cock. "I'm going to steal third," she whispered, and slid my cock into her mouth.

She was good. She took my whole length into her mouth, and I felt my head slide into her throat effortlessly. Her eyes were closed in pleasure, and she moved her hand around to caress my balls as she undulated her throat around my cock, making my legs shake. "Michelle, I could lose my job!"

She slowly pulled her head off my cock and took a breath, looking up at me. "I could lose my scholarship, coach, my whole future. But if you don't fuck me right now, you're going to lose my tight pussy, ready for you, desperate to feel your giant dick inside of me. And I'm going to lose the feeling of this massive cock splitting me open, stretching me out more than these dumb ass frat boys. And didn't you say stretching is incredibly important?"

I was done. I pulled Michelle to her feet, and she yelped happily, smiling at me. "Mm, I like the aggression."

"Get out," I told her, my voice quaking. "I can't do this."

She shook her head, and smiled strangely at me. "You can, and you will."

She ran her hand along my cock once more, and turned and walked off, her hips swaying as she moved across the shower floor to the exit.

I stared at her as she left, cock begging for release, her tight, bubbly ass swaying as she walked, her cunt barely visible between two gorgeous, long, toned thighs and calves. When she was almost at the exit, she turned, and caught me staring at her ass, my mouth open wide, practically drooling. Her eyes lit up, and she laughed, and, instead of continuing out, she stepped sideways, placed her hands on the wall, and bent over almost double, sticking her ass out, her wet cunt and tight clean asshole on full display, muscles in her ass and thigh tight. She held it there for a moment, and I stared, desperate, thinking about how badly I wanted to step forward and slide into her.

Then she wiggled it slightly, the muscles in her thighs moving as she slowly swayed her ass from side to side. I stared at her, feeling my cock throb as I watched her ass slowly gyrate, her cunt ready and waiting, her tight asshole winking in and out of sight. I watched her move, and my vision narrowed, the context disappearing, thinking only about the fact that there was a fit, wet, hole putting itself on display, twenty feet away, doing everything it could to seduce me, begging me to revert to my animal instincts and follow my cock deep into her.

I broke. I crossed the shower, grabbed her hips, and slid into her, my cock easily parting her tight cunt and driving deep inside. It was the best pussy I had ever had in my life: drooling wet, incredibly tight, gripping my cock like a sleeve of pure happiness, sending a primal, golden sensation of success deep into my brain, knowing I was filling her, knowing this tight young cunt wanted me. Wanted me badly. Wanted me so badly that, I realized, she was moaning in deep pleasure, her eyes closed, her mouth open, wet hair still down her back. "Oh my fucking God, coach, I can't believe you did it."

I looked at her in shock. "What? Isn't this what you've been trying to get me to do for the past ten minutes?"

"Fuck yes," she exhaled, grinding her hips against me and moaning as my cock shifted inside of her, her muscular ass rubbing against my hips. "But I didn't think you'd do it. God, you feel good."

She stood, and pressed herself against me, her back on my chest, squatting down slightly and grinding my cock deep into her. "You feel amazing. Jesus, I almost gave up. I can't believe I almost missed out on this."

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight to my body and grabbing at her palm sized breasts. She moaned, and I grabbed her chin, bringing her lips to mine and kissing her, faint tinge of gum in her mouth. She moaned, and I smiled, enjoying holding her against me, and the tight wet embrace of her cunt.

I moved one of my arms to her hips, and started fucking her, taking her hard, holding her in place with my arms and slamming in and out of her, using the cushion of her muscular ass to full effect. I felt her relax into my grip, held up by my arms at her shoulders and her hips, and start drifting away, the deep pleasure from my dick filling her mind. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I kissed her again, hard, holding her up as my cock plunged in and out of her cunt.

After a while, I let go of her shoulders, and pushed her up against the shower wall, her face resting against the cold tile. She moaned, and put her hands on it, stabilizing herself and sticking her ass out. I grabbed her hips and started driving into her, relishing the moans I was getting from her mouth, the coquettishness of before replaced by pure animal bliss.

There wasn't much point in soft caresses after the build we'd both had. I fucked her hard, slamming in and out of her with long, fast strokes. She called my name out over and over, and I slapped her ass every time she did, eliciting little yelps of pleasure. I felt her tight cunt contract even more, and she came, hard, her cry echoing over the din of the showers through the whole locker room, and bringing me to my own yelling orgasm, my cock buried deep inside her, spurting cum into my 22 year old college softball student.

We stood there for a moment, my cock still deep inside of her, as I came to my senses. She started laughing. "The girls didn't think I'd be able to do it!"

I was still dazed from my orgasm. "Huh?"

She rubbed her ass on my hips and sighed. "They didn't think I'd be able to get you to fuck me. They're going to be pissed!"

"What?! You planned this?"

She giggled, and the laughter squeezed my cock out of her cunt, semen dripping onto the shower floor. She turned, and put her hand on my shoulders, flushed face looking up into my eyes. "Mhm. Coach, we all want to fuck you. I was the only one brave enough to try it though. They all thought you'd be far too adult and mature to risk it all for some pussy. Or even be interested."

I shook my head, the magnitude of what I had just done hitting me. "You *all* want to fuck me?"

She giggled, and ran her hand along my cock, then leaned in for a kiss. She tasted good, her warm, wet body pressed against me. She broke the kiss, then looked me in the eye, smiling. "More or less. But I was the first one to do it." She winked, and squeezed my dick. "But now that we know you *are* interested in tight young pussy, I don't think I'm going to be the last."

"Michelle, you can't tell anyone about this!"

She shook her head. "Believe me, coach, I don't want to have to share you. I'd love exclusive rights to that dick. But we made a bet, and if I say you weren't interested, I have to blow the football team."

She knelt down, and started licking my balls. "And you wouldn't want that, would you coach? Seeing my cute innocent little body and mouth used by those big brutes?" She laid my cock in her face and looked at me. "What if some of them get impatient and decide they're entitled to take my pussy? I'd have some fat linebacker plowing me from behind while I suck some running back's tiny cock. I'd have to fantasize about you while I do it to get any pleasure at all. I'd probably call out your name by the time the fifth boy came in my innocent little pussy, and then our secret would be out anyways. I'd rather share you with the girls than risk that. Wouldn't you rather fuck nine teenage sluts than have me get destroyed by thirteen cocks?"

I shook my head. "Jesus Christ, Michelle."

She started stroking me again, and I looked down at her. She was looking at me with a smile. "I always knew you had it in you, coach. You're always so proper with us, but the way you carry yourself -- you want it. You want all of us, too. The way you just fucked me proves that. And I've never been fucked by a man before. Just lots and lots of little boys. So I want to help you."

She stood up, and turned around, grinding her ass on my cock, hard again after her attention. "I want you to let go. I want you to use me like a little fucktoy. I want to know what it's like to be taken by a man, and owned. And in return, I'll help you. I'll help you let go of all of those ridiculous hang ups about propriety and just take what you want. I'll make sure every girl on the team is a part of your personal harem. And maybe," she said, backing up and sliding my cock into her cunt, "we'll all be one big happy family."

I held her hips, my cock enveloped in her incredible cunt. "Michelle," I told her, "I don't think you understand what you're asking for."

She bounced herself slowly on my cock, and I watched myself slide in and out of her slick pussy, my cum leaving streaks on my cock. She sighed. "I'm asking for this. I'm asking for you to fuck me like you just did, over and over again, whenever and wherever you want. I'm asking you if you want to own my tight teen cunt, have it all to yourself, have me help you fuck the rest of my teammates."

I sighed, and put my hands on her hips, pushing her off of my cock. She turned, and looked at me, confused. "You definitely don't understand."

She crouched down to the ground, getting on all fours, her head down, her knees tucked under her. Her position left her ass and pussy spread for me, my cum dripping out of her cunt into the tiled floor. "Show me, coach," she said, voice muffled. "I want you to make me understand."

I stood there and stared at her body, hips gently swaying, pussy flushed and aching for my cock. I knelt down next to her, and slapped her firm ass, hard. "Fuck, yes," she moaned.

I sighed, and started rubbing her wet cunt, my hand running up and down her folds, teasing her hole, and grazing her clit.

"Submission isnt about getting fucked really hard," I told her. "It's a mindset. It's about understanding that this cute little cunt I'm rubbing isn't yours anymore. It's about service. It's about giving yourself away, wholly, to the one you're submitting to. Do you understand that?"

She pushed her ass back, trying to get my fingers inside her cunt. "Yes, sir."

I sighed, and slapped her ass again. "I don't think you do. So we're going to do two things."

I stood, and she looked up at me, unfolding herself, and laying back on the floor, legs spread, ass gently compressed from her weight, her abs flexing from holding up her torso. She reached down and used two fingers to spread her cunt, dripping hole visible. She smiled up at me.

"Whatever you want. Use me."

I looked down at her, lithe wet body in a pool of water, her wet hair sticking to her shoulders, her face flushed from the heat of the shower and arousal.

I held my cock in my hand, gently stroking it, and she stared at me. "That's what you want," I told her, "but I want to see if you are who you say you are."

She frowned. "I just told you I'm willing to do whatever you want."

I shook my head. "You think all I want is to fuck you."

She bit her lip and spread her legs a little wider. "Don't you?"

I shook my head. "I want to own you. And you say that's what you want. But I think you just like a rough fuck."

She laid back onto the floor, sighing. "What's wrong with a good rough fuck, coach?"

"Nothing," I said. "but I can get that from any woman at a club on a weekend. Ownership is different."


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