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Full Moon Rut


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She tried to pull away from him and his jaws lightly clasped the back of her neck in warning. She wasn't going anywhere. It came back to her that inexperienced pairs sometimes stayed this way for hours and that filled her with the first sensations of worry. She had hoped to let this male vent his sexual urges on her, not trap her for an hour in a rut position with his spent cum sloshing around inside of her sore pussy.

Lunging forward, she managed to disengage his engorged cock with an audible 'pop' and his seed immediately began leaking out of her cunt. Brown released a livid snarl and tackled her before she managed to get away from him. Unacceptable! His forearms wrapped around her waist with almost crushing force and he began fucking her again, impatience and need driving him to mate with this creature, even if she wasn't his breed.

Sheila's entire body rocked with the force of his hammering blows. Her fingers clawed futilely at the blanket and she released whimpers and cries with each frenzied thrust. Sperm-laced juices were running down the insides of her legs, forced out by his rapidly pounding member. She was coming again as the girth of his cock expanded and rubbed against the excited froth-rimmed circle of her cunt. Just as she climaxed, he forced the bulb back into her and they both cried out together; a pained scream and satisfied howl of triumph that echoed in the still forest.

More thick cream was shot into her bruised womb until his balls were finally empty. This time, Sheila let him remain locked inside of her. She was really too exhausted to struggle. She fell asleep with his greater weight pinning her down on the blanket and woke up shortly later to still feel that uncomfortable packing of her bruised cunt. It was clear that Brown was going to wait her out for the duration and she groaned at the thought. Every time she dared to shift position to try and lessen that unbearable pressure, he grumbled and his muscular forearms tightened around her. It wasn't until dawn when the bulb finally disengorged and slipped from her pussy, and she could feel the spill of his semen oozing from the swollen lips of her sex. Sheila groaned with relief.

There was a distant howl in the woods and Brown's ears cocked with sudden alertness. The pack was allowing him to return! He sat up and then considered the prone female beneath him, clearly hesitating between desire and duty. Shape changing, he assumed his human form and let his fingers glide over her scratched stomach and dallied briefly in her soaked cunt, making her groan. He stared tentatively up at her face. Leaning over, he licked her lips and then offered her a grateful smile.

"You're welcome," she said, smiling weakly back.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Absolutely stunning, thank you

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wow loved this story! Very arousing.

Took me back to a summer staying with my aunt when I was just finishing school. Fooling around playing with her dog lead to a snout up my skirt, which lead to letting him lick my pussy, then going all the way and letting him mount me.

I’ve never done that again in over 25 years, realising how wrong it was later, but those orgasms I had during the time we spent locked together by his knot were still the best of my life!

m1km1n30m1km1n3010 months ago

Primal yet almost gentle connection between them. Liked it a lot. Thank you.

uofumanuofumanabout 1 year ago

Excellent. We need to hear more of this story.

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