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Full Moon Strays Ch. 05


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Those closest to Jane shared a look.

"You think she's talking about her stepfather?" Talia asked of Red.

"Who else? Damn it, is that piece of shit ever going to leave her alone?" Red looked at Tarloh. "You all decide whatever you're going to do. I'm going to go check on her." She stood up and made as brisk a pace towards her quarters as she could. As she descended the stairs, she realized that Talia had followed her.

"I want to be there for her too," Red's best friend stated firmly. "I'll go with whatever the rest of the Strays decide. Red, I think I can help."

Red agreed by remaining silent and continuing to her room. Jane was still asleep, albeit fitfully. Talia could see the two women's pain reflected on each other faces. Neither of them deserved what had happened to them, nor did they deserve the continuous strain that their burgeoning relationship had been under. It's hard to fall in love when you don't have time to breathe and while you're fighting for your life.

Red gently sat down on the bed next to the prone Jane, who stirred and opened her eyes. For a moment, there was hope behind those green eyes and no small amount of devotion. But there was also despair.

Red didn't mince words. "Natasha told me what you said," she whispered. "Why?"

"She shouldn't have," came Jane's raspy voice. "I can't live. I'm a danger to you. There's got to be a reason it picked me," the increasingly agitated girl said. "I'm evil. That's why . . ."

"Don't you dare say that's why this has happened to you, and don't say your evil," Red almost snapped. "You've done good things when any sane person would have turned away, and you've been a good person when you had no reason to be. These aren't the acts of someone capable of being evil."

"It's still out there," Jane practically sighed. "It's out there and I won't be able to resist it. I wasn't able to last time."

"Jane . . . I need you to tell us what happened down there," Talia requested. "If the Dark One is still alive . . ."

Jane's eyes turned glassy. "I don't think 'alive' is a good word for it. The Dark One 'exists.' And it's so big and so empty . . ." Jane started to babble about what had happened in that hole in the ground. About what it said to her and how it hurt her. Talia had counseled many a battered woman in her day, but nothing like this. Talia and Red were getting a blow by blow account of what it meant to lose your soul. But Jane didn't remember much of anything after the Shoggoth had uttered that fateful phrase. She remembered the fight, and she remembered crawling up towards the surface. Neither Red nor Talia felt like explaining what had happened next.

Talia mulled things over in her head carefully before speaking. "Jane, I need you to stay calm and listen to what I have to say. When the Hellspawn attacked the first time, I know you were thinking about your stepfather when you lost it. You were thinking about him again when you were defending Red against the Swarm, and that's what set you off when you were facing the Dark One. Jane, you can't let him haunt you like this!" Talia tried inserting some more compassion in her voice. Just mentioning the stepfather had caused Jane serious anguish. "The things that have happened to you for the last seven years . . . some things you LET happen . . . it's all because you're still afraid of him."

"Of course I'm afraid!" Jane shouted, her eyes flashing black before (thankfully) returning to normal. "I can still feel him pushing me down . . . I can still hear him saying how it would only hurt for a moment, and I can still feel him . . ." Jane started to weep uncontrollably. She still screamed . . . deep in her thoughts were no one could hear, whenever she thought back to that moment. All the things he had done before that . . . all the presents he had bought her to keep her quiet couldn't silence the pain she had carried with her for so long. She had run across the country to escape its voice, only to find his echo come from the hollow voice of an ancient evil.

Jane's blood-shot eyes weren't focused on anything in particular, but she felt Red's closeness and could feel those eyes on the back of her neck. "It was only supposed to hurt for a moment," she uttered. "So why does it still hurt so much?"

Jane looked helpless, Red looked furious, and Talia desperately wanted to make everything better. The Strays needed both Red and Jane back at one-hundred percent, and neither would reach that goal without each other.

"Healing takes more than time," Talia said, sitting on the corner of the bed. "It takes effort. You've been too busy running. You've tried finding someone else to take the hurt away. And more people hurt you along the way. You've got to stop running Jane."

Jane's eyes met Red's, but the lycanthrope gave her no sign of what she should do. Red knew that her best friend was right.

"Jane," Talia continued, "we need you. You've got power, and we'll need it to defeat the Shoggoth when it comes back."

"I can't," Jane cried. "How can I help against that? I don't even know how I did it the last time! How can I stand against it when I couldn't . . ." Then Jane stopped, her face inscrutable. "I can't stay," she whispered.

Talia sighed. "You can't run away anymore. I told you . . ."

"I'm not running away. This . . . it all started when I ran away. You were right. How can I stand against anything when I could never stand up . . . to him? I have to go home. I've got to face him." With that said, Jane felt . . . peace.

Red and Talia were both taken slightly aback.

"Are you sure?" Red asked.

"This isn't about revenge is it?" inquired Talia.

"I don't know what it's about. I just know that it's about time." Jane coughed, then leaned back, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Talia and Red walked outside. "She can't go alone," Talia said as the ascended the stairs.

"I can't leave," Red said, her heart not in her protest. She didn't want to let Jane go off alone. "Someone has to keep the streets safe and . . ."

SMACK! Talia's left hand had smartly struck Red's cheek, leaving the red-haired woman more perplexed than injured.

"Damn it, the rest of the Strays aren't exactly dog food!" Talia growled. "You're not the only one who cares, and you don't have to do everything all on your own. The Strays NEED time to rest, we NEED a new place to do it, and YOU need to get your girlfriend's head on straight. Otherwise, we've got no chance in hell against the Dark One once it recovers. You want to single-handedly protect something . . . protect her! I think she's right. Jane needs to confront her demons, so to speak, and someone . . . that being you . . . needs to stop her from doing something she might regret when she lays eyes on him. And I don't like her being out there alone when the Shoggoth is unaccounted for, and you're the only one who might stand a chance of looking after her. Now snap out of it and . . ."

SMACK! Red punched Talia straight in the face, knocking her best friend to the ground. Talia was clutching her nose, hoping it wasn't broken.

"You're right," Red said calmly. "I'll go with her. And you should have known that NO ONE hits me and gets away with it." Red smiled and extended her hand towards her friend. Talia accepted the assistance, grabbing Red's hand and getting pulled to her feet.

"Bitch," Talia said petulantly, but strangely found herself resisting the urge to laugh.

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A few minutes later . . .

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Tarloh's hand was over his mouth, trying to conceal his grin as Talia looked in a slightly-cracked mirror, checking on the status of her nose. Arthur had given it a once over and determined it wasn't broken, but it looked like hell.

"I can't believe she hit me," Talia said for the millionth time.

"She's Red!" Tarloh chuckled. "You went in planning on pushing her buttons, yet you're surprised at what happened when your plan worked?"

"But did she have to hit me so hard? Why not just a friendly punch in the arm? Isn't that what schoolyard chums do?"

Her friend and lover laughed a full-throated laugh. "Hey, think of it this way. If I'd said that stuff to her, she would've hit me a lot harder!"

"Small comfort," Talia mumbled, but felt a little better when Tarloh's mighty arms snaked around her from behind and held her against his warm body. 'God, when was the last time I felt safe like this?' she asked of herself. 'Even just for a moment?'

"How would you like a little bit of . . . large . . . comfort?" he rumbled in her ear.

Talia let out a heated breath as she felt his growing member pressed against her backside, almost as if it were trying to find its way to a friendly port. Talia didn't think twice. Life consisted of moments, good and bad, but limited in number. She was with a man she cared about, and it was a moment she wasn't going to let slip by.

Talia reached back and grabbed her lover's heavy hands, drawing them up her body until the rested on her small firm breasts. Tarloh drew her back into an alcove. They didn't need the darkness for protection from prying eyes. They needed it for comfort.

Tarloh's sizeable endowment was using up a proportionally large amount of his blood supply. That and Talia's scent were making him a bit light-headed. But he didn't need to think, as instinct quickly took over. Her hands were fumbling behind her as she tried to undo the bindings to Tarloh's pants and free the satisfaction they contained. When his manhood was finally able to breathe, she wrapped one hand around it and sighed, a source of comfort and normalcy having returned to her.

Talia's felt her lover's hands roughly shoving down her pants, and she quickly was able to feel the raw heat of his member against not only her hand but her ass cheeks as well. She released his rod as he picked her up with those strong arms and, without further adieu, placed her on the tip of his organ and slid her body down.

"Oh sweet Lord above," she whispered, bending her knees and hooking the fronts of her feet around the backs of his knees as Tarloh started a slow, methodical penetration of her being. She didn't miss the "foreplay" . . . she'd make it up to him later. They both needed something basic . . . simple. Something that the rest of their lives wasn't at that moment.

Tarloh noticed a few things that he had missed as of late . . . the curve of Talia's shoulder and the scent of her hair. She fit him perfectly as he slid his substantial endowment into her warm recess. He took in the little grunts she made when he drove himself home and savored the feel of her sweat. He almost ripped the shirt from her body as he increased his pace. They may have kept their human bodies, but their animal spirits were taking over.

Talia placed her hands against the wall in front of her while Tarloh grabbed her hips even more firmly. He was taking no prisoners, and she would never surrender. Talia would take everything the alpha male had, and she would do so with a smile on her face.

Normally, she would talk dirty to him, but normally they weren't in the midst of fighting something like a Shoggoth. He was drilling her like an oil-well and she was ready to blow. In almost record time, her insides were clenching and entrapping the invader, holding it hostage until her body shook under the pressure of sweet, sweet release.

"Hair trigger?" Tarloh whispered.

"You know it," she murmured in replied. "Turn me around."

Tarloh pulled his lover off of his shaft, spun her and braced himself as she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and lowering herself back onto his cock.

"Now take me like you mean it," she growled.

"I always mean it," he rumbled back as he shoved Talia's back against the wall and hammered her like there was no tomorrow. Because quite possibly, there wouldn't be. He was laying almost a foot of lumber on every stroke, driving the air out of her on the upswing and sucking it back in on the downswing. His balls were smacking against her taut ass like battering rams and could probably be heard throughout the Den. She was so hot and so wet . . . more so than he could ever remember.

Talia was digging into Tarloh's powerful buttocks with her heels as he filled her as only he could. She clung to his chest, clawed at his shoulders and kissed him passionately. He was her man . . . her alpha male and lover. He was pushing against her so hard that she was getting an imprint of bricks on the skin of her back when he let his seed loosed in her warmth. Her pussy gripped his member, feeling it quiver and pump cum deep into her body.

She gasped as she clung to him. He let out a deep breath as he filled her. Neither wanted to speak again. The silence and the moment were too perfect.

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In the medical area . . .

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Arthur was lying on the one intact gurney while Mindy straddled his hips. They had shared a giggle when they heard Tarloh, quite loudly, give Talia the stuff she craved.

"Those two are so loud they could wake the dead," Mindy cooed, rocking her hips and savoring the feel of Arthur's cock inside her. She leaned over and took Robbie's warm dick between her lips as she rode Arthur. Red's brother had been chatting with the two friends when Tarloh and Talia had started going at it, and had been more than happy to join in. Mindy wanted to help him forget his troubles for a moment. Everyone was so stressed about the survival of the Strays or Jane's mental well-being that many overlooked that Robbie had almost lost his sister several times over recently. And with Arthur being tired, Mindy was determined to bear the "weight" of their sexual encounter on her quite capable shoulders.

"Oh, that's so sweet," whispered Robbie as his organ slid down her throat and his pubes nestled against her nose.

Mindy held is cock in her throat until he was almost ready to burst, the slow let in slide out, smiling up at him after it was free and then kissing its mushroom-like head. She felt Arthur's hands grasping her ass cheeks, holding them so fiercely that she wouldn't have been able to dismount if she had wanted too. His member seemed to have swollen to larger-than-normal proportions, as if fueled by desperation.

Arthur was thrusting gently with his hips, driving himself deeper into this miraculous woman's body. Her pussy had become so familiar to him, yet always amazed him. It was so powerful and voracious yet gentle, much like Mindy herself. He saw Robbie's rod disappearing down her throat as his own member penetrated her vaginal opening. She moaned happily around Robbie's meat, eliciting a smile from that man. The reverberations went in from his manhood and spread throughout his body, making every hair on his body stand on end as her warm, wet mouth pleasured him.

Mindy felt Arthur's lips encircle on of her nipples, his five o'clock shadow pressing against the sensitive flesh of her breast. He was hungry for her skin, and she wanted to satiate him . . . to satisfy both of her lovers.

"Time to switch," she murmured. Mindy crawled off of Arthur's cock and down his body, letting her feet slide of the table until they touched the floor. She had let Robbie's shaft slide from her lips, but she quickly replaced it with Arthur's as Robbie wandered around behind her, grabbed her hips and sank his dick into her treasure trove. He wasn't quite so gentle as Arthur as he started to pound her, sometimes hard enough to lift her feet back off the floor. But Mindy wasn't the kind to complain. Her suction on Arthur's cock was absolute, and she hummed into his skin as Robbie banged her from behind.

Mindy REALLY liked this arrangement. Robbie's cock-head was pressing her g-spot like an elevator button, but the elevator wasn't going all the way to the top floor any more. Thinking wasn't something Mindy was doing anymore. She was simply succumbing to pleasure. She had to lift her head off of Arthur's beautiful meat to avoid biting it when Robbie's constant, pounding thrusts brought her to delicious orgasm. It was a wet, warm climax that had her skin trembling, her body exhausted and her soul satisfied.

"Nice work, Robbie my boy," Arthur said as Mindy's still-willing mouth finally encircled his cock again.

"Always willing to please a lady," Robbie said as he started fucking Mindy again with the same pace and power as before. He sank his thumb into Mindy's tight sphincter. She moaned contentedly, sucking happily on Arthur's root.

They went on like that for several minutes, Robbie playing with Mindy's ass and fucking her pussy while she blew Arthur's rod. But Mindy had developed a taste for something else . . . a sensation she wanted to revisit.

"I want both of you," she said.

"You've kind of got both of us," Arthur replied.

"No . . . I want you both in here," she corrected, reaching back and touch where Robbie was entering her, "at the same time."

"Is she serious?" Robbie directed to Arthur.

"Dead serious," Mindy growled. She clambered back onto the table and sank onto Arthur's cock again. "Now get back in my pussy," she whispered back to Robbie. "I want to feel you both in me . . . I want you both to cum in me," she added.

"We created a monster," Arthur said, holding her ass cheeks apart so Robbie could push his own dick into Mindy's already occupied pussy.

Mindy's brain basically exploded as Robbie worked his way in. His cock was sliding against Arthur's as the two men pistoned her cunt, leaving Mindy feeling very filled. The last time they had done this to her, she had been nervous. Now, she needed it.

It didn't take long before both men started to feel that familiar building pressure. But it was actually Mindy's next orgasm that set everything in motion. Her pussy was putting incredible pressure on both men's shafts, and it was that pressure that made them shoot a gallon of creamy seed into her womb.

Three bodies lay atop a rickety surface, sweating like racehorses and gasping for breath. Mindy was sandwiched between two sexy and wonderful men, and she wished things could stay that way forever.

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In the supply room . . .

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"Step right up boys! Don't be shy!" Anya said with a grin before biting her bottom lip as Michael slid his member in her backdoor. She was straddling Chris, who was lying on his back on the floor. Michael was beginning to give her a nice, leisurely ass-fucking, and Matthew, Shield, Nathan and Johan stood nearby, smiling from ear to ear. Anya had decided earlier that everyone in the Strays deserved to get lucky, and she was more than happy to entertain as many of the troops as possible. With her front and back doors filled, she reached out and grasped the erect cocks of two on-lookers, stroking them while she took turns sucking on the two remaining members.

"The girl can multi-task," the pretty-boy Nathan said as Anya took his entire dick in her throat. Anya was a sex machine, and she had gotten better at it since she started doing it with people who actually cared for her.

"Mmh hmm," Anya agreed around the object in her mouth. She was stroking Matthew and Shield while blowing Nathan, and she wished she had more hands. All her boys were behaving themselves so nicely!

Michael grabbed Anya's hips and started plowing her ass with greater fervor. With Chris's thick dick filling Anya's front tunnel, the pressure in her butt-hole was intense.

"She's fucking incredible," he grunted.

"She's fucking amazing," Nathan agreed.

"She's just fucking," Shield said.

Anya was bracing herself by placing her hands on Chris's massive chest, keeping her torso mostly upright. She noticed he was the only one not talking dirty to her, but that wasn't his style. Even in the middle of a gangbang, he was still, in a bizarre way, the quintessential southern gentleman. She knew that while all her lovers "liked" her, Chris was developing stronger feelings for her than that. She was afraid she wasn't ready to experience that kind of relationship yet, but wasn't going to turn him away. Chris made her feel special. She figured she'd have to talk to him about it, but that would have to wait until later . . . assuming they lived that long.

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