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Fun Times at the Lake House Ch. 04

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Caitlyn and Andy get each other off next to Casey.
5.6k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/02/2017
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I felt a light brush against my arm, startling me awake again, and I lurched myself upright in bed. "You've got to stop doing that Cai-" I started to say, rubbing my eyes open and squinting.

"Sorry, Andy! I didn't mean to scare you!"

It was my stepsister Casey, not Caitlyn, sitting on the edge of my bed this time. I felt a huge relief Casey had interrupted me just then, because I thought it was Caitlyn again.

"It's ok," I told her. I realized the spot she touched on my arm was really sensitive, and remembered it's where I landed when Caitlyn and I fell out of the shower last night. I pulled my arm out from under the blankets to rub it.

"What happened to your arm???" Casey exclaimed.

Looking down, I realized there was a big bruise right on my elbow. "Uh," I thought quickly, "I just fell walking up the stairs last night. No big deal I just wasn't paying attention. I was texting a friend of mine and missed a step," I told her.

Casey smiled. "Do you want me to get you some ice? Or I could rub it for you?" She asked me. "I'll be really gentle!" she ensured.

"Oh, gosh Casey," I started, and took a long exhale. "It's alright." I looked up to her and smiled back. It was morning, and the sun's light brightened up my room through closed blinds, the light setting a halo behind Casey's entire body. Casey smiled back at me lovingly, placing her hand lightly on my knee. The room being so bright from just waking up along with Casey's warm aura made me feel like I was still in a dream.

"You know," Casey started to say. "Caitlyn fell out of the shower last night. She's got this huge bruise on her hip, too. I swear you two were meant for each other or something," She laughed.

"Is everything else alright, Andy?" She asked a moment later, a little concerned, her fingers gliding along my knee. "About last night, I mean," she added. My body was covered with blankets, but Casey's touch along my knee made me remember I was still completely naked from yesterday. I never put clothes back on after skinny dipping with Caitlyn and Taylor. "You went to bed pretty early last night, I was worried you might have had too much to drink. I was hoping you weren't sick."

Casey reached for a glass on my nightstand, twisting her body to the side and bending over a bit to reach it. Casey was still in her pajamas and light reflected through her now nearly see-through white t-shirt while she was bent over, giving me a profile view of her breasts. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough to see she wasn't wearing a bra and also enough to know exactly what they looked like underneath her shirt. My mind immediately went places it shouldn't. Thoughts of a topless Casey filled my head, her amazing c-cup breasts exposed to me, made to look even larger compared to her flat, tight stomach. Casey grabbed the glass and twisted back towards me, the images fading in an instant, just as quickly as they had come. My heart fluttered and my penis began to eagerly twitch, swelling slightly.

"I brought you a glass of water, in case you were a little hung over this morning," Casey said handing me the glass.

"Thanks!" I replied, grabbing the glass and taking a few sips. "I am a little dehydrated from yesterday, actually," I admitted, not telling her it wasn't really from drinking too much alcohol. "That really hit the spot!" I said, gulping down the rest.

There was a short pause. "That was really thoughtful of you," I told her.

"Oh, it's nothing, really. I mean, what's a sister for!" She said gleefully. "It's so cool saying something like that after going my whole life without a brother, you know?" Casey asked, her hand warmly sliding over my knee again, this time making its way farther up my thigh to the point I was a little worried she might reach high enough to feel my enlarged cock. "I mean, you're not my real brother, but it's just cool having someone you can care about and trust, you know?" Casey closed her eyes and tilted her head up, giving me the biggest, dorkiest smile she could manage, then looked back down to me, and paused.

"Shut up, sis," I chuckled after a moment nudging Casey's shoulder, and Casey back fell into me with laughter, putting her head down into my chest, pushing me down into bed. With this, my hard cock sprang upward pressing against Casey's body. Just the feeling of her stomach against my penis made my thoughts race again. Casey stopped laughing for just a second, and I was certain she noticed my hard penis, but she pressed herself up off of me and continued to giggle, her breasts bouncing with each subtle vibration of her body, pronounced by the fact she wasn't wearing a bra.

"That wasn't even funny," Casey said continuing to smile. "Why are we even laughing?"

"I'm not even sure," I admitted.

Casey wiped a tear forming in her eye, and composed herself. We looked at each other for another moment or two. I desperately wanted to ask her about last night, whether or not it was her watching Caitlyn, Taylor and I skinny dipping last night. If she saw us playing with each other's naked bodies in the lake. I wanted to know if she enjoyed watching us. If it turned her on, got her wet. I could feel my erection getting harder.

"Hey Andy?" Casey said. I realized I was looking at her chest again, and looked up. "Lost in thought, huh?" She questioned.

"Yeah, Sorry!" I said, looking down hoping she didn't notice I was staring at her while also bending my knees up to make my erection less noticeable under the blankets. I could feel my cheeks flush with red.

"No worries, I daydream all the time!" Casey said reassuringly. "Anyway, why'd I come up here again? Oh yeah! Well, I'm glad you're not hung over or anything. And I wanted to tell you I missed hanging out with you last night. Let's make up for it tonight this time, alright?"

"Yeah, of course," I told her. "I really want to spend more time with you too!"

"It's settled, then," Casey said. "Come down for breakfast, your dad made everyone blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes! Try not to use up all the world's ketchup this time."

I looked dully at Casey. "Really?" I asked. "Good one," I said sarcastically. Casey stuck her tongue out at me, smiled, and got up to leave the room. I watched as she left. Even under pajama pants you could see her amazing figure underneath.

I sighed with relief once she closed the door. Why do my thoughts get so sexual when she's around? I've never had feelings about her like this before, but now that they started, I felt they were completely out of my control.

I took another moment to compose myself, got up and put some clothes on, and went downstairs for breakfast. The smell hit me before I even entered the dining room. Hot, fluffy stacks of pancakes awaited me. I sat at the table with all the other girls, and said good morning to everyone. Jess and Caitlyn both looked up to smile at me and said hello back, but Taylor just kept her head down and continued eating. She was obviously back to her shy, bashful self. I hoped she didn't feel embarrassed about last night at all.

I grabbed my own stack of pancakes and opened the syrup, pouring a bountiful amount over them. "Careful with that," Casey said to me.

I smirked back at her, but said nothing. She laughed, as did Jess and Caitlyn. In my periphery I saw Taylor glance up at me pouring my syrup, smile, and then look back down at her plate.

For the most part, the remainder of breakfast was silent, mostly I felt because everyone else had a little too much to drink last night and probably didn't sleep a whole lot. When we finished, I volunteered to wash everyone's dishes, and grabbed their plates and took them to the sink.

"Hey Andy," Jess called from the dining room table. "Do you want to go into town with us today? We're going to head out in a few minutes."

"Yeah, come on Andy!" Casey joined in. "Come with us!"

"No, that's alright," I told them. "You girls are just going to do a bunch of clothes shopping, I'd be bored."

"That's probably true," Jess added. "Just thought I'd extend the invite."

"Thanks," I told Jess, "I appreciate it."

"Oh, fine," Casey said. "But we're planning on renting a movie for when we get back tonight. Something scary," she added. "You're watching it with us!" That wasn't a question.

"Ugh, does it have to be scary? I HATE scary movies," Taylor pouted.

"Don't be such a wimp," Jess told her.

"I'm not a wimp!" Taylor said, "It's just that, well... ok fine I'm a wimp," she conceded. "I just don't like them alright? I'll have nightmares for weeks."

"Too bad!" Jess said giving Taylor a nudge, laughing as she did it. "Andy, you're cool with horror films, right?"

"Yeah!" I said honestly, "They're my favorite. Sorry, Taylor," I added.

"Fine," Taylor said. "Let's get going so I can enjoy the day at least," Taylor laughed.

"Alright," Casey chimed in, "Let's get going then. Andy, if you need anything give me a call, ok?"

"Will do," I told her.

The girls got their things together and walked towards the door.

"Oh, and thanks for washing our dishes!" Casey called out right before closing the door.

A minute passed and I heard the door open up again. It was Caitlyn coming back inside.

"I told them I forgot my wallet," she told me. "I didn't, but I wanted to tell you quick. I was talking with Taylor this morning, before you came downstairs. I was just going to tell her not to tell anyone about last night."

"Good idea," I told her.

"But before I could tell her that, she stared to tell me she doesn't really remember what happened!" I looked at her, surprised. How could someone forget THAT?

"She remembers all of us taking our clothes off and jumping into the water, but nothing after that. So I lied and told her nothing else really happened, we just swam around a little bit and then came back inside."

"Well," I thought, "it's probably better that way. I don't want her to clam up because she feels embarrassed about not remembering what actually happened."

"Exactly," Caitlyn agreed. "I guess I didn't realize how much she had to drink! Anyway, just wanted to keep you up to date." Caitlyn paused another moment. "Oh, but she did remember seeing you naked on the beach. Who could completely forget a hard cock like that?" she added, winking at me and then running back out the door. "See you later!" she called back as the door closed.

"Guys!" I heard her yell out. "I had my wallet in my pocket the whole time!" The girls all laughed, and I heard the car start and pull out of the driveway. I turned back to the sink, finished the dishes, and went up to my room to relax till the girls got back.

I hung out on my computer in my room for most of the day, taking an hour or two to sprawl out on the beach by the lake and get some sun. My dad, stepmom and I ate lunch and dinner together, and talked about how the week was going so far. I told them I was having a great time with my stepsister and her friends, but skipped most of the details, obviously. It was about 8:30 at night, when the sun had fully set, when the girls got back home.

"You girls were gone a long time!" my stepmom told them as they walked inside.

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe how much shopping Jess can do!" Caitlyn told her.

"Oh shut up, you enjoyed it!" Jess countered.

"That's true," Caitlyn said. "Still though, you bought twice as many clothes as anyone else."

"I just have the best fashion sense," Jess retorted. "Besides, the swimsuit deals were unbeatable, I actually think I bought too many." Jess and the girls all laughed.

"So what movie did you girls bring home?" my dad asked them.

"Cabin in the Woods," Casey said. "I've never seen it before, but it's supposed to be really good, and I thought it wouldn't be too scary for Taylor."

"Doesn't matter," Taylor chimed in, "I still won't like it."

"Oh I've heard of that one!" my dad said. "Do you mind if your mother and I watch it too?"

"Of course not!" Casey told him. "It'll be a good time, right Andy?"

"Yeah, sounds good!" I said.

We all parted ways for a bit so the girls could put their things away and we could all change into our pajamas. I went up to my room, changed, and walked back downstairs and into the living room. My parents were snuggled up in the love seat against the wall to the left of the television, and I took a seat in the middle of the couch right in front of it.

All the girls came down together, Casey taking a seat on the couch to my left, Caitlyn to my right, and Jess and Taylor sat on the floor in front of us. I noticed Casey was wearing the same thing she had on this morning, a low-cut, loose white tank top and pajama pants. This time I could faintly see her breasts poking out through her top, and knew she wasn't wearing a bra again. We grabbed blankets and popcorn and started the movie. Thankfully, Casey covered herself with the blanket, otherwise I thought I would probably end up missing the entire movie trying to get a better look at her breasts.

"God I'm already scared!" Taylor said not two minutes into the movie. After about ten more minutes, the main characters got to the cabin in the woods, an ominous looking place where you know nothing good is going to happen.

"Nope! I'm done." Taylor said, standing up and giving Jess all of the blanket they were sharing.

"Come on Taylor," Jess said. "You're going to leave me on the floor all by myself? Nothing's even happened yet!"

"Exactly," Taylor refuted. "The perfect time to stop watching. I'll be in my room, let me know when the movie's over." And with that, Taylor grabbed one more handful of popcorn, and headed upstairs to her room.

The movie progressed quickly, and as things started to get creepier, Caitlyn and Casey both inched closer to me. At one point there was a quick jump-scare, and Casey's hand grasped my inner thigh. That startled me more than the movie had. I thought she would let go when the tension subsided, but her hand rested on my leg, under the blanket we were sharing.

Not much further into the movie the hottest guy and girl head off into the woods on their own, and started making out. The guy, played by Chris Hemsworth, and girl both take their shirts off and start really getting into it. I glanced over to my parents, thinking it would be a little awkward to watch a sex scene with them, but it didn't seem to bother them, so I wasn't going to let it bother me either. I think that seeing a shirtless Chris Hemsworth got Casey kind of hot though, because she, perhaps subconsciously, started rubbing my leg with her hand. The girl had a pretty amazing body as well, which in combination with Casey rubbing the inside of my thigh, got me going too, and in no time I was sporting a decent erection. Thankfully I was able to bend my knees a little bit, creating a kind of tent with the blanket to cover it up, as my pajama pants weren't doing me any favors at keeping my hard cock hidden. I think Caitlyn noticed I was getting a hard on though, because as soon as I bent my knees, her hand was on my other thigh, rubbing it in unison with Casey.

At this point the girl had removed her bra as well and had gotten on top of Chris's character. I think all three of us were turned on at this point.

"Pretty sexy, huh?" Caitlyn leaned over and whispered in my right ear. All I could do was nod, not wanting to give any reason for Casey to look over and possibly notice Caitlyn's hand also moving under the blanket. Caitlyn slowly moved her hand closer and closer to my cock, brushing her hand against it, teasing me more and more, and then finally sliding her hand under my pajamas and wrapping her hand around my hard penis, stroking it slowly. I looked down, and it was fairly obvious she was jerking me off under the covers even with the blanket hovering over it. Worried someone would notice, I looked over to my parents, but they were thankfully still focused on the movie. Casey also seemed to be too into the movie to notice what was happening, and so I relaxed a little bit and let Caitlyn go at it.

It was thrilling to be getting jerked off like this right next to Casey and my parents. The thought of doing this secretly while everyone else was in the room got me even harder, and I decided to get Caitlyn in on the fun too.

Once Caitlyn got into a good rhythm stroking my cock while trying not to make it overly obvious, I slowly slid my hand under the waistband of her pajama pants reaching for her pussy and made large circles around it with just my middle finger, teasing her like she did with me. She immediately gasped and shrunk down in her seat, which wasn't too unusual considering we were watching a scary movie, and no one paid her any attention. Soon my hand was sliding up and down her moist vagina, toying with moving my fingers inside of her. Caitlyn subtly wiggled her body forward and back, trying to force my fingers to penetrate her.

At the same time, Caitlyn's hand felt amazing. She was stroking it at just the right speed, alternating between full strokes along my entire shaft with smaller ones focusing on just the head all while Casey was still lightly rubbing my inner thigh. A few times I was pretty sure Casey's own hand brushed against my cock, but if it did she didn't seem to notice.

Needless to say at this point I had no idea what was happening in the movie anymore, but at one point my parents, Jess, and Casey all gasped loudly. At the same time, Casey stopped rubbing my leg and grasped my thigh tight, the motion of which caused the blanket we were under to drop down to her waist. Casey then motioned right up next to me and dropped her head onto my shoulder. I could feel her breasts resting on my side, and I couldn't help but look down at them. We were positioned at the perfect angle, and I could see straight down her low cut top to her unencumbered breasts, both her nipples clearly visible. It was my first time ever seeing them like this, and I wasn't disappointed. They were even more spectacular than I imagined them, perky, firm, and huge. Her nipples were small and erect and just the right amount of puffy.

I couldn't bring myself to look away, it was too amazing. I glanced again over to my parents to make sure they weren't looking, and luckily they were still fixated on the movie. Caitlyn's hand started to feel more and more orgasmic and I started to finger Caitlyn harder, plunging my fingers in and out of her with more vigor. Caitlyn began to squirm in her seat and I could tell we were both close to coming. The feeling of Caitlyn's warm, wet pussy actually got me thinking about fucking Casey, her magnificent breasts bouncing up and down as she rode me harder and harder. Caitlyn really got into it now stroking my cock faster and faster, in sync with my imagination, all while I stared at my stepsister's tits.

At this point I was halfway between worried someone would finally notice me and Caitlyn obviously masturbating each other and completely oblivious about my surroundings because I was about to finish. Casey slightly readjusted herself and I noticed movement under the blankets near her crotch. There was an obvious up and down motion happening with her left hand. Holy shit, was Casey masturbating too??? I focused all my attention on her. I could feel her breathing getting heavier, her breasts gently rocking up and down against my side. This was incredible! Me and my stepsister masturbating right next to each other!

Caitlyn's body was writhing under the blankets now and I let my fingers run wild, practically vibrating against her clit they were moving so fast. Casey's own body began to sway forward and back a little, and I could tell now that Casey was looking right at my cock, not trying to hide the obvious fact I was getting jerked off anymore.

"Andy, oh god Andy," Caitlyn whispered. "Andy you have to stop I'm going to scream!" She added trying to keep her voice low. That only made my hands move even faster.


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