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Futa Club Ch. 05

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Setting up a club room and getting more intimate.
16.5k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/09/2022
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Chapter Five: Misty Gets Pounded


The school showers had remained a special place for Misty and Emma. Emma had become almost entirely comfortable with getting naked and naughty around the girls in their class, much to Misty's delight.

Even now, Misty was quite happily leaning back against the wall, surveying the rest of the room while Emma knelt in front of her and sucked away on her cock. There wasn't a single other place where Emma would do sexy stuff in front of so many witnesses, let alone so casually, but here she'd go at it with only the barest prompting. Sometimes even just because she wanted to, depending on her mood and confidence.

Everyone else had gotten used to them. Most of the girls ignored them entirely, or maybe glanced at them a few times. The ones who wanted to watch all took the closer shower heads so they had good views. Jenna, Sierra, and Eve remained their horniest and most interested audience members, and would often play with themselves while watching, though it depended on if they had the time for it, and whether they were in the right mood.

Misty lazily watched Jenna finger her little slit, while Jenna in turn was staring so fixedly at Emma's head bobbing back and forth that she might not have realized she was being observed as well.

Other than Jenna, there were plenty of options for perving out while getting a blowjob. That was the other great thing about the shower area, was all their naked classmates sharing it with them. Misty didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but she was horny and getting her cock orally massaged, and her self-control took quite a hit under such circumstances. How could she be expected not to check out some tits and ass?

Emma was getting better at blowjobs, and soon had Misty's attention locked right back on her cutely sucking face. Misty groaned and half-closed her eyes, keeping them open just enough to see as she came down Emma's throat.

Emma held her mouth open with an adorably proud expression as Misty pulled out. She made sure to show off that she'd swallowed everything before standing and accepting a kiss from Misty.

"You're getting so good at that," Misty whispered.

"Thanks. I had a good teacher."

"Yeah you did."

They were running low on time, but that was hardly anything new for them. And Emma was so hard and cute and needy, how was Misty supposed to pass up the chance to suck her off in return?

They were very much late and alone when they finally made it out to get changed. They were, however, both well sated for the time being, and had the sweet taste of each other's cum on their lips.

"You think we should go see Ms. Kindle later?" Misty asked. "I've wandered by her class a couple times, and I have to admit I'm getting really curious."

"Curious about what she'll do for us? Or what she might do to you?" Emma asked, a hint of a teasing grin on her face.

"Little of both, I guess. It'd be good to know, wouldn't it?"

"Probably. I'm not sure I'm ready, though. Like... she's a teacher. That's a lot of pressure."

"You can just watch if something happens. And it's possible nothing will."

"Maybe. But what if she never actually did stuff to your sister, and then we go talking to her and it gets all weird 'cause she doesn't know what's going on and we--"

"Oh she knows. Saphy doesn't leave things vague." Misty grinned. "Plus, you saw how she was walking. No way she didn't get her butt pounded."

"You say that like it's reassuring. But if even Saphira was walking funny, what the hell would it feel like for me?"

"First of all, Saphy's not special when it comes to taking cock. She does more sticking hers in butts than anything. Secondly, I already said I'd take care of that if you don't want to."

Emma sighed and accepted a hug. "I'm kind of a chicken, huh?"

"Maybe sometimes. But only until you try things out a bit. Look at today. You totally just sucked me off in front of everyone without even thinking about it. You're so much braver than you were a few weeks ago. You see that, right?"

"Yeah, well, only 'cause no one's made it weird." Emma's nose wrinkled in confusion. "And you'd almost think at least a few of 'em would have said something."

"Nah. They're used to me by now. I think they're actually happy you showed up to keep me in line some." Misty shrugged. "And some of 'em are happy you showed up for different reasons."

Emma took a step back and put her hands on her hips, a firm look on her face. "Don't tell me you were harassing everyone in the showers."

"I wasn't," Misty said innocently. "I mean, not much."


"Look, things happen, and--"

"You can't just be getting all weird in the showers like that. Not with people who don't want you to."

"Nothing much ever happened," Misty said quickly. "I didn't just start groping girls or anything. Buuuttt I mighta, like, been a bit of a pest when I was particularly horny."

Emma shook her head. "Oh Misty."

"What? You know what it's like. If you hadn't been off showering alone, you woulda been just as unruly."

"Would not."

"Would too."

"Would not! I can behave myself."

Misty grinned and stepped closer. "Just wait until you get horny again. If I start teasing you a little, just you try and behave yourself."

"That's different. I can be unruly with you."

"'Cause you can't help yourself?"

"I don't want to help myself. And I don't need to. Totally different."

"Uh huh."

They finished dressing and walked to their next classes. They stayed together, side by side and holding hands, just as long as they could before they'd have to part. The halls were deserted, as was not uncommon given how late they often were after gym.

"Misty?" Emma asked.


"Did you actually, like, mess around with other girls in the shower?"

"You want the truth?"

"I think so."

"Then yeah, a bit." Misty shrugged. "And I mean, some of it was pretty great. But I was really only ever a novelty. A girl with a cock, you know? A few of 'em have touched it, or played a bit. Sierra and Eve have both sucked me a bit, but not all the way."

"Not Jenna?"

"You'd think, right? But no. She jerked me off onto her tummy a couple times though."

"Ah. Right."

"You don't need to be jealous or anything, 'cause--"

"I'm not."

"Oh. You sure?"

"Yeah. It's kinda weird and I want some time with it, but, like, I knew you'd done more stuff than me. Way more. And I think I'm cool with you still doing stuff with other people. Within reason. And ideally if I'm there or know about it."

Misty squeezed Emma's hand. "Tell me if you ever aren't though, yeah?"

"Yeah. My point was, though, stuff you did before we really knew each other is, like, whatever. Nothing to do with me."

"Maybe. But you're allowed to be jealous about it if you want.'

Emma sighed in exasperation. "You literally just told me not to be."

"I don't want you to be, but you're allowed to be. It's different."

"Uh huh. Well I don't want to be either. So there." Emma chewed her lip for a moment. "Is it weird that I don't feel more jealous about you and other people?"

"Why would it be? Seems pretty healthy to me."

"Is it though? What if it means I don't like you as much as I think I do?"

"I don't think that's what it means, Em."

"No. But what if it does, though? I'm all inexperienced and shit, and I'm supposed to be clingy and weird, aren't I?"

Misty laughed. "Well, yeah, maybe. I guess." She shrugged. "But then, you're my first girlfriend too, you know. If you wanted to mess around with someone, I'd be cool with it. And I'm pretty sure it's not 'cause I secretly don't much care. 'Cause I really, really like you, and want to be with you, and also want to do all sorts of naughty things with you."

"So you're saying we're both being strange and not as clingy and awful as we should be?"

"Kinda." Misty considered. "I should ask Saphy. Or Mom, maybe. It could be a futa thing. Neither of them's particularly sold on the whole monogamy thing that's so popular. Then again, neither is Mommy, and she doesn't even have a dick. So I dunno."

"I guess. But your moms are pretty much always together, aren't they? I mean, in the evenings and stuff."

"Sure. They bone lots."

"I wish you wouldn't say that so casually."

"Well they do."

"Right. Fine. Anyway, we're together a lot too."

"Sure. Every day, practically, for, like...." Misty stopped and thought. "I dunno. Since that day in the shower? Have we missed a day since then?"

"I think we just texted a bunch one Sunday when it was rainy and crappy out."

"Oh yeah. So, like, maybe we just haven't been apart enough to get jealous."

"That... that could be, actually. Speaking of which."

Emma reluctantly let go of Misty's hand. They'd arrived at the divergence in their paths, and without realizing it at first, they'd kind of just stood there, not wanting to part just yet.

"Huh," Misty said. "Maybe we are clingy after all."

"Clingy in a way where you still want to go off and get banged by teachers and I apparently am just gonna go along with it?"

Misty grinned. "Yep. Pretty much that kind, alright."

"I need to give this more thought."

"Me too."

Misty moved in for a quick kiss, then had to force herself to walk away. Not that being any later would do any harm, but she really should show up to class at some point. Maybe extending after-gym shower time was something she could bring up to Ms. Kindle when they saw her. It'd beat getting all these annoyed looks and trips to the principal's office.

Somehow Emma, who should have had less of a tolerance for such attention, had been putting up with it way longer. Misty would have to ask how she did it.


They went to see Ms. Kindle at the end of the day. Emma was still hesitant about it, but she followed along all the same. Misty could be very persuasive when she wanted. All the more so with Emma, who had lots of fun buttons to push.

Ms. Kindle's class was empty, except for her. She was organizing some papers and looked to be packing up when the girls arrived. She glanced their way, then smiled.

"Well well," Ms. Kindle said. "Little Artemis."

"Misty," Misty said.

"So I hear. You're still Artemis in the system, you know."

Misty sighed. "Yeah, I know. Stupid official name."

She closed the door behind her and Emma, then stepped closer. Emma hung back a few steps.

"I'd ask what brings you here," Ms. Kindle said, "except I suspect I might already know."

Misty perked up at the reminder. "Oh yeah. That. Well, Saphy told us that you want to help us out."

"Is that all she told you?"

"Nah. She told us about you doing stuff to her butt and making her walk funny. Or, actually, I mostly guessed that. She wanted to pretend like that's not what happened at first."

"I see."

"So what exactly did you do to her? She can usually take a pretty good butt fucking when she wants to. Though really there aren't a whole lot of people she'd let do anal to her like that. Usually she's pounding other people's bums. But she definitely let you do stuff to her, and then she was all sore and stuff and it was kind of funny, and...."

Misty kept babbling, at least somewhat aware that she was asking too much too quickly. She was just too excited about the situation to stop herself. She wanted to know everything. And, ideally, feel some of it too.

Ms. Kindle was watching Misty with an amused smirk, folded arms, and tilted head. She calmly waited for Misty to stop talking.

"I have an idea that I think will work for you," Ms. Kindle said.


"But I don't think I want to tell you about your sister and me."


"That would be rude."

"She wouldn't mind."

"But maybe...."


"I could show you a little something."


"Except I really shouldn't mess around with students."

"Like hell! You did stuff with my sister. It'd be more like family than a student."

Emma nudged Misty. "That doesn't make it better," she whispered. "And I don't know that it's really correct in the first place."

"I'm not even your student," Misty continued undeterred.

"No, you aren't," Ms. Kindle said. "And admittedly, I'm not great at following rules sometimes."

"Me either," Misty said. She bit her lip and turned to Emma. "You cool with this?"

Emma looked confused. "You're asking me?"

"You're my girlfriend."

"Yeah, but, I thought you were set on trying to, uh, you know."

"I am." Misty found Emma's hand and gave it a squeeze. "But I'm tryin' the whole 'asking' thing. See how that goes."

"You goof. I'd just feel bad saying no now."

"But you could."

"Sure. But I won't." Emma looked away for a second, then back to Misty with a shyer expression. "Might be fun to watch."

"Yeah, you like me getting all taken advantage of in front of you, huh?"

Emma snorted. "That's not at all how I'd describe it. As if anyone could take advantage of you."

"Hey, it could happen."

"Sure it could."

"It could."

Emma rolled her eyes, then leaned closer. "But I do like watching you."

"I knew it!"

"Not having sex. Just you."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. But, like, I like seeing you have fun too. Which just happens to involve sex most of the time."

"Mmhm. Just coincidence that you like seeing me get all stuffed full. Right."

"It is!"


Misty smiled and ignored Emma's further protests. She sauntered over to Ms. Kindle's desk, swinging her hips for the benefit of both sets of watching eyes, then slowly and seductively bent over.

Emma's gaze was bouncing back and forth between Misty's butt and Ms. Kindle. She could protest all she wanted, Misty knew Emma thought it was hot watching her get pounded. Partly just because it was. Misty had watched herself in a mirror a time or two, and even she enjoyed the sight of it. She wasn't sure whether she'd ever get to see Emma get fucked like that, or if she'd keep her bum for Misty's use only. Misty kind of liked the thought of it either way, so she wasn't too worried about where they'd land on that one.

"You really want this?" Ms. Kindle asked. "No backing out halfway through."

"Pff, as if," Misty said. "What kind of butt slut do you think I am?"

"She may not have known you were one at all," Emma pointed out as she perched on the corner of the desk, one foot tucked under her other leg. "She hasn't seen you and your sister together like I have."

"Still, though." Misty wiggled her butt, hoping to get it some attention. "Just assuming I'd want to quit halfway through. Rude."

"I'm already getting the sense that this will be interesting," Ms. Kindle said.

"Hope so," Misty said. "No one's ever been bored with me before."

"That's true," Emma concurred.

Ms. Kindle pulled a pair of silk scarves from her desk. "You'd be willing to indulge me then?"

Misty wasn't quite sure what she was indulging in, until her arms were pinned behind her back and tied, followed by the second scarf being draped over her eyes and secured loosely, but tight enough so that she couldn't see. Her pulse rose dramatically, and her cock struggled to gain its freedom from confinement. Not only about to be fucked by a hot teacher, but getting tied up first? This was going to be fun.

Ms. Kindle took care of stripping Misty's bottoms. She removed Misty's pants and panties, then took a gentle hold of Misty's cock and licked it all the way from the tip up to her balls, then to her asshole in one long swipe.

Misty shivered delightfully at the feel of it. She both couldn't see, and had no idea how Ms. Kindle liked to play. It was a total sexy unknown. She knew she could trust Saphira's judgement, as well as Emma watching out for her if it came down to it, but she genuinely was pretty helpless at the moment. Ms. Kindle could do most anything she wanted.

What Ms. Kindle seemed to want, at first, was just to tease Misty with her tongue. She licked everywhere over Misty's naughty bits until Misty was squirming and dripping precum everywhere. It was amazing, but wasn't what she wanted, and what she'd prepared for.

Finally there came a lull, and the sounds of Ms. Kindle shedding some clothes. Misty bit her lip and waited to find out what was going to happen.

Emma gasped at something. Misty instinctively turned her head to look, not that it did any good.

"What? What is it?" Misty asked.


"Come on, give me a hint."

"You're about to find out anyway."

A heavy weight settled on Misty's back all at once. She gasped in turn at the feel of it. Saphira sometimes rested her cock on her lower back before fucking, just to make sure Misty knew what she was getting. If anything, Ms. Kindle's cock felt longer and heavier. Maybe wider too. Similar to her mother's cock, if anything. Maybe halfway between Persephone and Saphira's cocks.

"Ooh," Misty said. "Is it-- ow!"

Ms. Kindle slapped Misty's ass. Then again for good measure. She followed up by pouring some lube over Misty's butthole, then grinding on it and sticking a pair of fingers rather presumptively inside.

Misty got all squirmy again as Ms. Kindle fingered her and rubbed her cock on her butt. She was so excited for getting filled up, but she was still only getting teased. She was pretty sure Ms. Kindle wanted to emphasize what was going in her butt, and just how full it was going to make her, but there was only so much tantalizing grinding Misty could take before she went a bit crazy.

"You sure you want it?" Ms. Kindle asked.

"Of course I am! I said I did. I don't take things like that back."

"Well you never know. Wouldn't want you running home to big sis crying about how you can't sit down afterward."

Misty took actual offense to that, though she suspected it was a deliberate jab. She really needed to ask Saphira about her and Ms. Kindle. It felt like there must be more history there than a one-off butt fuck. Much, much more.

All of Misty's annoyance faded away as she felt the tip of a cock at her butthole. She bit her lip and arched her back as it pressed against her, seeking permission to enter. It was big and would take some work, but not nearly so big that Misty couldn't handle it. She knew what she was doing.

Misty let out a gasp, then a contented sigh as Ms. Kindle made it past her outer ring and stretched the entrance to her bumhole. There was far more yet to come, but that initial penetration was one of the most fun moments. That and the moment of totally consuming a cock all the way to the balls. And the nice hard fucking afterward. And getting all creamy at the end. They were all fun moments, really.

Ms. Kindle was relatively gentle, but made steady progress stretching Misty out and working her way deeper and deeper. Misty knew she could take her, but she was still big enough to cause some ache as she really worked Misty's butthole. It was the best kind of ache, in Misty's opinion. Not enough to be unpleasantly painful, for one, plus anything resulting from a nice fucking was such a sexy reminder later.

Misty cooed and hissed as Ms. Kindle filled her up. It was slower going as she tried to fit absolutely everything inside, but all the more decadent with every extra inch.

Emma slipped off the desk and Misty cocked her head, listening as best she could over the already slightly sloppy sounds of her ass getting fucked. Misty grinned as she heard the unmistakable noise of pants sliding down legs.

"You gonna jerk off while watching me, babe?"

The desk creaked softly as Emma retook her seat on the corner. "Maybe."

"You like seeing me get bent over like a naughty school girl?"

Emma sighed in a way that suggested she did, in fact, like it. And that she probably had wrapped her fingers around her cock too. "Maybe."

"Shoulda wore a skirt," Misty mused. "Coulda pouted and bent over for teacher, and been all like-- ah!"

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