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Futa Club Ch. 05


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Rather typically for Misty, once the inevitable had happened, it wasn't so bad as she'd feared. The boy and girl were as shocked and embarrassed as she and Emma were, if not more so, and were rather cute in their awkward uncertainty. That was enough for Misty to regain confidence and smile at the pair staring at them.

"Hey there," Misty said brightly. "We lost our clothes. Have you seen them?"

Emma belatedly squeaked, covered her face with both hands, and rushed past. Misty watched her butt as she scurried away. As, she noted, did the boy. The girl was still staring at Misty.

"You have cocks," the girl said in a mixture of curiousity, surprise, and awe.

"Well spotted," Misty said, patting her on the shoulder as she went by. "Gold star for you. Excuse me, won't you? I best catch up now."

She deliberately didn't look back, though for fun she swung her hips far more than necessary as she walked away, just in case she was still being watched. It was funny how much less she minded being seen once it had happened. It was the before that sometimes got her. The unknown of it all.

Emma was waiting in the club room, still panting slightly from her race back and embarrassment over being caught naked in the halls. Misty closed the door and sauntered up to her.

"You were right. That was fun."

Emma tried to glare, but was too horny and embarrassed to pull it off well. "Hush, you."

"You were quite adorable running away like that."

Emma groaned. "I can't believe we got seen."

"Yes you can. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"How come you're not all red."

Misty grinned. "You know me. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist once I get going."

"Well it's no fun getting you going then. Shoulda kept it shorter."

"Probably," Misty agreed, stepping close and pushing Emma's hair back. "On the other hand, I'm super horny now and ready to do lots of fun things with you. Or to you."

"You always are anyway."

"True." Misty grinned wickedly. "Wanna cover me in cum for real? That blowjob's still on the table."

"Um... actually...."


"Do you think I could maybe, like, do your butt instead?"

Misty's eyes lit up as Emma's request sank in. "You really want to?"

"Yeah. I thought it could be fun if we were all worked up already. 'Cause, like, Saphira's right, it's never gonna be a perfect time for it. But maybe for us... maybe this is kinda perfect. In a sense."

Misty kissed Emma fiercely. "It's always a perfect time as far as I'm concerned."

"You don't say."

"I do say!" Misty whipped her head around, scanning the room. "Not many options yet. Wanna bend me over the old teacher's desk or something?"

Emma grinned crookedly. "You have a bit of a thing for those desks, huh?"

"I wouldn't say that. It's just convenient, is all."

"Sure. Right. That's all."

"It is!"

Misty turned and sauntered over to the desk, ass swaying just as seductively as possible, and slowly bent herself over it. She wasn't lying, it genuinely was the most convenient spot right now. Their plans for the room hadn't yet had chances to materialize. But, too, Emma knew her well enough to know that there was more to it. Misty kind of liked imagining Emma as a hot, dominant teacher bending her over in class. Maybe in front of a whole, shocked roomful of their classmates.

Misty shivered as her imagination ran a little too wild. Her cock throbbed at the thought of being put on such lewd and public display. She wouldn't want to actually test her limits like that, not without being somehow even hornier and more desperate than she already was, but daydreaming about it was still kind of a thrill.

There wasn't much time for imagination before Emma caught up to her. Misty cooed in surprise and delight as Emma immediately grabbed big handfuls of her ass, both squeezing and spreading.

"Ooh, you are turned on, aren't you?" Misty said.

"I told you I was."

"So you did. Gonna really give it to me?" Misty asked hopefully.

Emma just growled deep in her throat in response. She pressed her cock to Misty's bum, laying it across her asshole and slowly grinding back and forth.

Misty moaned and squirmed at the feel of Emma rubbing so intimately on her. Emma's movements had a slight involuntary feel to them, like her body had decided for her that she absolutely needed to be fucking right goddamn now.

"I want to eat you out first," Emma said while still massaging Misty's butt with hands and cock, "but I also really, really want to just be inside you."

Misty bit her lip, her eyes rolling back at the need in her girlfriend's voice. "Do it. Fill me up. Get some lube and just shove it in. Do it!"

Emma only reluctantly tore herself away long enough to find lube. Misty watched over her shoulder as Emma nakedly and overexcitedly tried to locate a bottle for use, her nerves betraying her and making her thoughts and movements all scattered and ineffective. It delayed their sex, but was adorable and weirdly kind of hot--probably something to do with Emma showing off her ass and hard cock so much as she rummaged through Misty's bag--so it kind of worked out.

Upon her return, lube triumphantly in hand, Emma gave her cock a quick and vigourous rub down, getting it all slick and shiny, before turning back to Misty's bum. Emma drizzled lube down Misty's butt crack and rubbed it in to her little hole, rather aggressively spreading it inside with a pair of fingers.

It was only getting more exciting for Misty with every moment of delay and every rough fingering or groping from Emma. She so badly wanted to take hold of Emma and shove her cock in for her, but instead kept a white-knuckled grip on the edges of the desk beneath her. It was Emma's first time, after all, the first chance she'd have to experience being inside someone's butt. Misty's butt. Her very first time. She was rushed enough as it was, and it just wouldn't do to try and hurry it along any faster.

Emma discarded the bottle of lube and pressed eagerly to Misty's slippery butthole. She had enough force behind her initial setup that she threatened to shove her way right in, but didn't quite go for it. It probably would have hurt a little, but also would have been hot enough to make up for that, so Misty wasn't sure whether to be relieved or not.

"Do it," Misty breathed, wiggling her bum enticingly.

Emma pressed hard again, but still not quite hard enough to penetrate. She was holding back.

"You won't hurt me," Misty encouraged. "I can take it."

"Oh I know. I've seen you." Emma took a firm grip on Misty's ass with both hands and spread it wide. "I just really like the view."

Misty giggled and reached back to hold her ass lewdly spread for Emma. "Naughty girl."

"Just the way you taught me."


With her hands free, Emma took hold of herself and slowly pushed inside Misty. Both girls gasped and moaned and tried their best to hold it together as Emma's cock slid inside Misty's butt for the very first time.

"You're so tight," Emma said. "Squeezing my cock so nicely."

"Pretty great, isn't it?"

"Uh huh."

Misty squirmed a bit and massaged Emma's cock with tactical flexes of her anal muscles as it continued to press inward. "I want you inside me. All the way. Fill me up."

"Oh god, I want to." Emma gave another little thrust. "I don't know if I can."

"I can take it, Em. Go harder if you want."

"I'm just afraid I'll cum too soon."

Misty giggled insanely. "So do it. Cum whenever you want to. I don't mind."

"I mind! I feel like such a newb."

"You are a newb. So that makes sense."

"Gee, thanks."

Misty wiggled her bum. "Not a bad thing. Just means you'll get better later. Don't worry so much about this time."

"Yeah, I guess. That's kinda what your sister said too."

"Mmhm. She knows a thing or two."

Emma grabbed firm handfuls of Misty's ass and spread it wider. Misty cooed as she felt Emma's cock slide deeper inside, then pouted as Emma pulled out again.

There was clearly a battle going on inside Emma between wanting to fuck Misty as hard and deep as she could, and not wanting to cum too quickly before she could actually get as deep as possible. Misty continued to encourage her to do whatever she wanted, both verbally and non, since it was her first time trying it. Mainly it was about Emma enjoying herself, Misty felt, and it would be better if she didn't stress herself out about doing it right.

Fortunately, Emma's horniness took over more and more, and she quickly shed her hesitance and self-control. She started fucking harder, working to satisfy her needs rather than trying to 'get it right.' Her movements lost some of their control, and her rhythm was a little jerky. Misty found it adorable, and encouraged it by pushing back against Emma's thrusts.

Emma's hips finally slapped against Misty's butt as she managed to fully bury herself. She kept thrusting, kept pounding away with growing confidence and continued lack of coordination. She had enthusiasm and an eager desire to pound Misty, but wasn't yet able to add focus and dexterity to the mix.

The sounds of their skin slapping together gradually grew more and more rhythmic. Emma found a pace that worked, a good angle, and the right length for her thrusts. She didn't quite hold it all together for any amount of time, but she was getting better.

Misty relaxed and enjoyed getting her bum pounded. Emma wasn't as big or forceful as she was used to, and it was a very nice change of pace. Getting absolutely stuffed and railed was fun and all, but it also tended to make her a bit sore and achy, and could feel like quite a bit more work. Emma was so much easier to take. So much more smooth and manageable, while still hitting those fun internal spots and giving her ass that workout that she loved so much. It was ideal, really.

Then, too, it had never really meant anything before. Family was fun to play with, but they were family, still. Girls in the shower, or Ms. Kindle, they were fun, but there wasn't any emotional connection there. Actually getting fucked in the butt by her girlfriend was new and exciting for Misty, though she wasn't sure if Emma would really understand that or not.

"Damn you feel goood," Misty moaned.

"It doesn't hurt or anything, does it?"

"No, baby. I can take whatever you give me. Do what you want. Use me."

Emma groaned, somewhere halfway between arousal and despair. "Don't talk like that. I'm so close already."

Misty grinned wickedly, even though Emma couldn't see it. "That's what I want, Em. I want your cum all filling me up. I want to get that very first butt load from you. I want it all. All that hot, sexy cum making a mess inside me. Making me-- ooh!"

Misty got exactly what she wanted, quicker than she anticipated. Though, really, she'd had plenty of warning. Emma kept pumping away as her cock spewed exquisitely thick cum all up inside Misty, deep in her happy, happy bum.

"Ooh, that's it," Misty continued after her surprised pause. "Damn that's good."

Emma stopped fucking Misty and buried herself as deep as possible for the last of her orgasm, ensuring cum filled as far up into Misty as she could reach.

"Holy fuck," Emma breathed as she fell on top of Misty, her boobies becoming soft cushions between their bodies. "That was... intense."

"Good, right?"

"So good."

"A fun first time?"

"So fun."

"And you want to do it again, yeah?"

Misty could practically hear the beaming smile on Emma's lips.

"So badly."


Misty shifted a bit to see if it would disturb Emma's rest, but no dice. She mentally shrugged and settled herself right where she was, bent over a desk in their room in the school, naked and still full of her girlfriend's cock, supporting Emma's weight until she decided to get up again. It was a weirdly nice feeling, somehow comforting. She couldn't remember anyone else ever just collapsing on her like that after sex, getting to feel their warmth and the pressure of their body in the afterglow. Not so fully and not for so indefinite a time, at any rate.

Better still, Emma didn't get all soft and slide out of her. If anything, it felt like Emma wasn't softening at all. Her beautifully hard cock continued to keep Misty's ass stretched and filled, even as they cuddled in their unique, post-first-time kind of way.

"Hey, babe?" Misty said. "You think you're going to get off me soon?"

"No," Emma said lazily. "I don't think so."

The answer actually gave Misty another shot of good feels in her tummy. "No?"



Emma pushed some of Misty's hair away so she could nibble on her ear from behind. "I loved that so much."

Misty giggled. "Yeah, I got that."

"And... and I'm pretty sure I love you. Like... love, love. Like... you know."

Misty's eyes went wide. "You do?"

"I... I do. Is that ok?"

"You goof, that's more than ok." Misty squirmed, but was still trapped. All she really accomplished was rubbing their naked, somewhat sweaty bodies together more. "I love you too."

Emma nuzzled happily at Misty's shoulder. "Yeah?"


"So you're definitely not still mad at me for the hallway thing, then."

"Of course not. I mean, I'll have to get you back, but I'm not hardly mad." Misty found Emma's hand and entwined their fingers together. "There really isn't anyone else I'd run the halls naked with," she continued softly. "Maybe Saphy, if she convinced me. But with you... I want to try some scary things sometimes, if you want to. It feels right. And not so scary as it maybe should."

"Aw, me too. Except, you know, I think way more scares me than it does you."


"But it's way less already. And... and I want you to show me more stuff. Together."

"Of course together, Em."


Emma's hips gave a little back and forth movement. Both girls sighed happily at the feeling. Their bodies had adjusted to being still, and the renewal of motion had a fresh novelty to it, even just with small thrust.

"Do you think... could I go again?" Emma asked.

"Babe, you don't need to ask that. I'm all yours. Whenever you want."

"Whenever I--"

"Ok, whoa, before you get too excited, not in the middle of school or something. Not where everyone would see and we'd get in trouble and shit."

"I wasn't thinking that."

"Sure you weren't." Misty grinned. "But if we're alone... yeah, whenever. My ass is yours, Em. Or my cock. Or anything."

"Provided someone else doesn't get there first," Emma amended sagely.

"Well... yeah, you might have to fight for it sometimes." Misty shrugged. "But... you know."

"Yeah, I know."

Emma pushed herself upright and took a firm hold of Misty's ass. She spread Misty's cheeks as she pulled halfway out, then shoved her cock back in.

"Ooh, that's it, Em," Misty cooed. "Give it to me harder this time."

"Yeah? You want it harder?"


"You wanna be pounded?"

"Yes please!"

Emma gave another couple test thrusts, then a nearly full length one, slamming most of her cock back into Misty in one rough push.

"Mmm, yes, babe," Misty hissed.

Misty yelped in surprise rather than pain as Emma smacked her bottom sharply a few times, then went back to long, deep thrusts into her bum.

Misty's downward hanging erection bounced in time with Emma's increasingly hard thrusts. She felt thick strands of precum land on her own legs. She was pretty ridiculously horny and needed a release in the near future. If Emma kept going the way she was, a good butt-fucking might just do the trick.

The girls settled into a nice rhythm as Emma's hips slapped harder and harder against Misty's ass. She pistoned her firm, slippery cock in and out of Misty in a way that some of the larger dicks she'd taken just couldn't maintain without starting to hurt. Misty loved her family, but it was nice having someone her own age to fuck, for reasons of physical practicality as well as the deeper sexual and emotional bond.

The sounds of their enthusiastic fucking covered the sound of the door opening behind them, and Misty only noticed someone had entered with the follow-up sound of the door closing. She had a brief moment of odd clarity where she thought maybe she should panic, but as often happened once she got sufficiently aroused, her sense of embarrassment took a firm back seat.

Honestly, sometimes she wasn't sure why she got embarrassed at all, since it wasn't like she minded being naked or having sexy times in front of people. It was the not knowing that got her.

Whoever had intruded stayed out of Misty's line of sight long enough for her to start worrying in spite of getting her ass all nicely pounded. But, too, that slight sense of uncertainty just made her insides send more thrills up her spine, and her balls ache a little harder for release. She was such a mess of contradictions sometimes.

Misty breathed a sigh of relief when Saphira finally walked around in front of her, revealing herself not to be a stranger at all, which only made sense given her lack of immediate reaction when she entered.

"Well well," Saphira said calmly as she crouched down in front of Misty, "you two are sure having a good time in here."

"Hey, Saphy," Misty said. She grunted as Emma filled her butt particularly hard. "What are you doing here already?"

"Already? I've been waiting for you to drive you two home. No answers to my texts or nothing."

"Oh... is it that late?"



"I know. Where does the time go when you're having fun." Saphira took Misty's chin in her hand and gave her a tender, sisterly, lightly-tonguing kiss.

"Do we need to go?" Emma asked, whining slightly at the idea of having to exit Misty's butt already.

"No, Emma," Saphira said as she stood. "I wouldn't dream of interrupting what I imagine is one of your very first times fucking my sister's ass."

"Either first or second," Misty said. "Depending on how you count it."

Saphira grinned. "Well isn't that sweet. Finally got there, huh?"

Saphira walked back out of Misty's sight. There was some whispering between her and Emma, then all of a sudden Emma stopped fucking her. Misty frowned, but had no time to truly get annoyed before two sets of hands grabbed her and rolled her onto her back, pushing her farther up onto the desk, all while still attached to Emma's cock. Feeling her ass spin around it was kind of nice, actually, though usually impractical.

Emma resumed fucking Misty's butt, now gazing deep into her eyes as she did so. It was a much nicer angle for staring at each other. Emma looked so damn cute as she bit her lip and pounded away at Misty's bum.

All the precum leaking from Misty's hard cock was now splattering on her tummy and tits. Her erection was waving around in the air, and actually came between her and Emma as Emma pushed her legs back, pinning them out of the way.

If not for Saphira's influence, Misty would have assumed it was a show of dominance from Emma. Or something like that. As it was, she got all the cozy feelings of being pinned down and fucked while gazing into her lover's eyes, while still appreciating Emma's adorable innocence and lust.

Saphira watched for a moment, a bulge starting to show prominently in her pants. She casually began ditching clothes while staring at Misty with a look her sister knew so very well.

"You don't mind, do you?" Saphira asked, looking at Emma.

Emma gazed blankly at Saphira without missing a beat on her bum-pounding. Then, as Saphira got down to her panties and bra, her massive developing erection threatening to tear her underwear became a pretty obvious clue.

"Oh. Oh sure, yeah. We made you wait. It'd be only polite."

Misty giggled at the thought of her sister's big cock getting jammed in her face, and it being 'only polite'. Emma wasn't wrong, exactly, but just the way she said it, like it was all so obvious. Misty truly had been a thoroughly corrupting influence on her.

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