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Future Sex


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Pleasant sighs almost disappointedly, "You know the legal age is 25 to drink. How did you get away with being served?"

Colette answers coolly, "I didn't get served."

Pleasant smirks, "Colour me impressed. Did you use protection?"

Colette answers back, "Did you?"

Pleasant immediately responds, "I did when I partied with Rajesh in my youth; that is in those rarest of instances when I would indulge in a sweet young thing, otherwise, it was all pussy for me. Of course, I consented to make you, so..."

Colette feels hot and defeated, turning to lower the temperature of the water slightly as she huffs, "Are you mad at me for getting filled full of cum?"

Pleasant concernedly asks, "Filled? How do you mean?"

Colette shyly replies, "I, um, had a, uh, gangbang... with a lot of guys... from the bar... at someone's apartment; I don't know who... That's where I am now."

Pleasant contains her rage poorly, swinging her arms around, trying to contain herself as she slowly settles back into her seat, trying hard to politely tell her daughter, "That is not smart, or clever, and is not big of you, even though you are tall for your age. I completely understand that you feel grown up, and it's extremely exciting to be doing this, but, don't risk your body and your health like that."

Colette spits, "That seems hypocritical of you, because I've heard about a lot of what you and Mom got up to, Mother, and you certainly didn't seem to mind doing this at my age."

Pleasant reasons, "It was our choice."

Colette raises her voice, "It's my choice. I can go get checked up at the clinic, and make sure nothing bad comes of this, but," calming down slightly, she promises, "I will be more careful in the future."

Pleasant nods, "Yes, you should go to the clinic straight away, and see a robot when you do."

Colette confusedly asks, "Why?"

Pleasant remarks, "Because, when you inevitably get turned on during the exam with that sex drive of yours, you won't be there all day waiting for a follow-up appointment from fucking a machine instead of a human."

Colette laughs, "Good one," seeing the seriousness on her mother's face, "Fine! Robot it is."

Pleasant waves, "Have fun, but not too much fun. I'll see you at home."

The teen's mother ends the call, leaving Colette standing in the shower, feeling the rushing of the water on her head, shoulders, and back, lifting the shame of having to face her mother after her night out, albeit on a video call, but she didn't like that feeling. She knows her parents put themselves out there, having all sorts of good times, so she wants the same, and she's determined to get it.

Later that day at the Cam Studio, a few of the performers are taking a break in the break room, and Joy approaches Frankie Reid-Cummings, 42, to quietly ask, "Can I ask you something, Auntie Frankie?"

Frankie says, "Sure," to her niece, noticing the urge to ask something in confidence, so she suggests, "Shall we talk over there?"

Joy follows Frankie to a quiet corner of the break room, away from the other performers, to quietly converse as the teen asks, "Did you ever have any... strong feelings... for Uncle Craig?"

With a slight smirk, but trying to appear respectful, Frankie replies, "I've had many strong feelings for my brother... Would these feelings be of a sexual nature?"

Joy wrinkles her nose, snorting, "I'm asking about you here," beginning to fidget with her fingers and her lingerie.

Frankie fingers the teen's hair, picking a few strands to pull through her grasp, watching how they fall against her face, admitting, "I've had sexual feelings for him, yeah... I still do..."

Joy awkwardly asks, "Is that... normal?"

Frankie shrugs, "I don't profess to be normal; that sounds like the most fucking boring thing in the world. What I feel is what I feel, and who I am is who I am, and I love my brother; isn't that natural? I'm not going to make excuses, and I certainly don't have to apologise to anyone."

Joy shakes her head, understanding her aunt completely as she tells her, "Of course, I agree with you, yeah. I didn't mean to make an accusation, or anything, just..."

Frankie finishes her nieces sentence, "You have feelings for Hope."

Joy almost blushes, laughing through the awkwardness as she struggles to regulate her breathing, nodding as she whispers, "Yeah, I have been feeling so... I don't know... around him for a long time. I've been pushing him away from me so I don't feel that way..."

Frankie interrupts, "It doesn't work."

Joy's eyes widen, feeling understood like never before, "Yes, and I feel so bad because it's straining our friendship, with each other, and with Colette and Kisha. I feel bad, I really do, but, what else do I do?"

Frankie rests her hand on her niece's shoulder, advising her to, "Talk to him. He has to know how you feel. He has to know why things are the way they are. He has to know you love him, instead of him growing apart from you, or coming to resent you."

Joy whines, "I do love him. I don't want us to be bad to each other, but, it's eating me up inside."

Frankie tells the teen, "You need to talk with Hope; that's the only way things get better."

Joy asks, "You're going to tell Mom about this? You tell each other everything."

Frankie puts her niece at ease, "I don't have to."

Joy falls into her aunt's arms, cradled caringly as she says, "Thanks!"

Frankie offers, "You come to me about anything you need, yeah? Me and your mom are close like sisters, but, even though I got the MILF thing going on, I'm a cougar who doesn't accept how old she really is, so, I'm giving you sisterly privileges. Nothing has to be any different, except that you know you can trust me."

Joy looks her aunt in the eyes, saying, "Yes, that sounds awesome!"

Pleasant comes up to them, enquiring, "What's awesome?"

Frankie jests, "I'm trading you in for a younger model. Joy here, and me, are going to be the best of friends."

Pleasant sighs, "That sounds exhausting," remarking to the teen, "You can have her," before going over to the kettle to make herself a cup of tea.

Joy asks her aunt, "Things seem tense with you two. Is everything alright?"

Frankie quashes any concerns, "It's just the way we are with each other. This is perfect. This is paradise. We understand each other, and love each other extremely deeply. Nothing for you to wrinkle that pretty head of yours over," sharing a laugh with her niece as they relax for a while in good company.

Later that afternoon, when Joy is at home in the penthouse, she sits in the lounge area scrolling through social media, snapping cute selfies, and commenting on posts from mutual friends on the platform. She hears the elevator doors open, revealing the return of Hope, greeting him, "Hey!"

Hope feels welcomed enough to swing by the rear of the sofa his sister sits on, leaning his elbows on the back of it as he returns the, "Hey?"

Showing interest, Joy asks, "What did you do today?"

Hope answers almost excitedly, but attempting to bottle up the fizzing feelings inside as he says, "Auditioning for modelling with an agency that works with the top fashion brands. I had all sorts of clothes and make-up on, and I felt silly doing some of the poses they asked for, but I think I made it work."

Joy giggles, "Great! I'm pleased for you. I hope it works out," biting her lip as her heart races, almost making her feel faint, swaying her head lightly as she says, "There's, um... something I wanna say, uh... I, um... I, I... Ugh, Hope? I've been having these feelings for a long time now, and, it's made me feel like, um... What I'm trying to say is, that, uh... I love you, Hope, and, uh, I've never stopped loving you, even when I'm less than kind to you, pushing you away when our friends are around, and, uh, that's also why I do that, because I can't control how I'm feeling, and, uh... Oh, I don't know..."

Hope listens to his sister, politely asking, "What are you talking about?"

Joy's breathing becomes much shorter as she tries to say, "I, um... I, I, ah... Just that, uh," clutching her brother's head in her hands, smearing her lips against his.

Hope resists, wrenching himself away from his sister, wanting to know, "What was that? What is this, Joy?"

Joy's voice stutters at a slightly higher pitch as she says, "I, I, uh-uh, ju-just... I love you, and, I, uh, w-wanna sh-show I love you..."

Silence punctuates the moment in the penthouse between the siblings, with Hope not processing what his sister is so desperately trying to tell him, "It's difficult to love you sometimes, Joy, because you've become more and more of a bitch the older you get. We used to go everywhere and do everything together, then I'm forced out to play on my own, or have Kisha or Colette coming after me to join me like it's an act of charity, feeling bad that I might be feeling left out. I was feeling left out, and I did nothing to deserve that. You barely even look at me most of the time. You do whatever you want, when you want, like you own the place, with no consideration of anything else; this morning being a prime example.

"What is it, Joy? Is this some sick game you're playing with me? Wanting to get some sympathy from your brother to fuck with my feelings? I'm so sick and tired of how you treat me. I do think about moving out, you know, and, the first thing I would do would be to drop you, because I deserve better than being left to feel cold by you. You're a bad friend, and shit sister."

Hearing her brother's words, Joy's eyes stream, and she barely makes a noise over than the warble of her breathing as she exhales heavily, just staring in her brother's direction, seeming to stare distantly with glossy eyes.

Hope huffs as his posture slips, "What's this, then? Fake tears trying to get a reaction from me?," but he sees the heartbreak clear as day in his sister's eyes, thinking aloud, "Joy? You're genuinely upset?"

Joy mutters so quietly without moving her lips that Hope can hardly hear her, "I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do. The problem is, I love you, I really do, and, I never wanted to hurt you, or make you feel unwanted, but the way I feel about you is something I just couldn't process. You're always in my mind when I'm on my own; the brother I've been wanting, but too afraid to come to you with."

Joy's words infiltrate deep into Hope's head as he tries to make sense of it all, asking, "What is this, Joy? I'm not in the mood to be fucked around."

Finding her voice, the upset sister speaks-up, "I want to be more than brother and sister with you. I want to have sex with you, and it's driving me mad in my head because I know it's wrong, and I didn't know how you'd react... I've been thinking about how I kissed you all day, and, I really liked it, and it's the best and worst thing I've done because it was so good, but it's left me wanting more, and I blame Mom for being so open with you, making me feel like I could do that. I'm so hot for you, and I don't know what to do."

Without a word, Hope rolls his eyes and heads to his bedroom, closing the door behind him before collapsing on the bed, headbutting his sheets repeatedly before rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling; a patch of light printed on the ceiling coming through the gap around the blinds captivates the teen's attention.

Knocking on the door gently before she enters, Joy edges her way softly into the room, asking, "Hope, please? I'm not playing. This is real. This is why I've been the way I've been. This is everything. This is the whole story. This is reason. This has been so difficult for me, because I've never stopped loving you, or being your friend, but, I thought it's what I had to do."

Hope hears his sister, letting her know, "I'm listening."

Joy sweetly confesses, "You are my first love; my first crush. What got me hot when puberty started was the way you smiled, and that cute giggle I haven't heard in years, and the way you sweep the hair off your forehead. To top it off, you are so kind and thoughtful, and you always make me happy. Fuck, Hope, you are the ultimate boyfriend material, and I love being close to you, but, I'm in too close, and, the girl who will always love you the most... she can't have you..."

Hope continues to stare at the patch of light on the ceiling as he listens, simply saying, "Okay."

Joy feels a slight relief, and a pinch of anxiety, asking, "Okay? No-one has to know..."

Hope feels his sister's weight pressing into the mattress around him, gently floating as if on the surface of a body of water, shifting with the ebb and flow. Slowly, her face comes up into view, and he can't help but look at her. She has never looked so sorry, and she has never looked so sincere, and, she has rarely looked so beautiful.

Joy feels Hope's erection bulging in his skinny jeans, purring, "Hmmm, hard for me?"

Hope scoffs, "I already told you this morning: you are hot, so, it's going to happen."

Joy jests, "It is going to happen," pressing her lips to her brother's tasting the slightly sweet softness of his lips, then feeling him kissing her back.

Hope's hands find their way up his sister's waist, pushing her blouse up as he holds her sides. He watches as she sits up, pulling it off, and hastily removing her bra to allow her breasts to breathe with a slight bounce. Laying still, he allows his sister to unbutton his shirt, opening it off his sides to expose the skin of his sculpted physique.

Joy leans in close, taking a big sniff of his chest, feeling a suppleness to the skin as her fingers explore, noting, "This smells so good."

Hope informs her, "I had some oil rubbed in earlier at the shoot."

Joy comments, "I've never noticed your muscles before. There's a lot going on here when you really get in close, huh?"

Hope doesn't know whether to take this as an insult or a compliment, opting not to answer back either way. He instead finds joy in the attention he is getting from his sister, and a sense of relaxation from her touch.

Joy undoes her brother's jeans, pulling them off with tight tugs, loving how he's not sporting any underwear beneath them, "Wasn't expecting that."

Hope explains, "Hmm? Oh, well, skinny jeans are so tight, so, I thought, 'why not?'"

Joy leans in to get a close-up look at her brother's cock, and upon initial inspection, she spies, "Is that lipstick?"

Hope reveals, "I got some extra attention at the audition. Well, it was when he was measuring me up, and, things happened."

Joy probes, "He? Things?"

Hope annoyedly sighs, "It was just a blowjob, alright?"

Joy smirks, "Lucky you," sitting up, and shoving her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings, peeling them down her legs, leaving them discarded like shed skin as she straddles her brother beneath her, seducing him, "but, I want more than a blowjob. When I'm finished with you, I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I've gone further with you than Mom dared to. What do you think?"

Hope admires his sister's body, so well looked-after and sexy, admitting, "That is hot."

Joy holds her brother's cock as she settles her pussy around the tip, saying with hot breath, "I love you, Hope. I want to hear you say it."

Hope teases, "I'm not saying it that easily. Work for it. Show me how much you love me."

Joy moans, "Mmm, happy to," plunging herself onto her brother's long cock, forcing herself down to the base with a shock, expunging all the air from her lungs. She takes a moment to reset her breathing, feeling her heart racing rapidly, and sweating from places she's never sweat before.

In a moment of concern, Hope hurries to ask, "Are you okay?"

Joy smiles brightly, nodding, unable to express through words, but wanting to show she's fine with this. She starts to move, gently and slowly, really feeling how her brother feels inside; much better than any dildo she's used, that's for sure. She's compelled to massage her breasts, taking Hope's hands in hers to do so.

Hope feels the skin so warm and firm, squeezing them to the point of tight hardness, moulding to the shape of his hands. The nipples are met by his thumb, slipping over, up and down, like flicking a switch.

Joy finds it within herself to ask, "Have you ever watched me work?"

Hope's lips part with a soft gasp, replying, "I've never thought about it. Never even been to the site."

Joy asks with a giggle, "Why?"

Hope heatedly responds, "Because, I don't want to see you and my aunties doing whatever you do, mmm."

Joy cheekily points out, "You can watch me after this, surely?"

Hope shyly tucks his head to his shoulder, looking into the corner of the room, clearly hot with embarrassment. After a moment of thought, he huffs, "Suppose."

Joy dismounts her brother, going to settle up between his pillows, lying in wait as her hands explore the soft sheets. Her eyes watch her brother hotly, inviting him in, breathing gently, "Show me what you got."

Hope rolls onto his side, curling around onto all fours, crawling onto his sister. She grabs a pillow, holding it to her nose to take a big sniff, all the while making eye-contact, until she shuts her eyes, inhaling deeper and deeper until her lungs are full. Hope watches her lids peel open, surprised as the pillow is thrust at his head, playfully batting him. The soft giggles get him rigidly hard, and desperately in heat, thrusting to find her pussy, as if a dog, finding the purchase to press in to the waiting wetness.

Joy seems to be dissolving her entire being into the bed beneath her, delving deeper and deeper into an ocean of ecstasy, consuming all thought and feeling with overwhelming washes of bliss. Looking up at her younger brother, she's never felt so vulnerable with him.

Hope concentrates on his sister's face, catching her attention with intense eye-contact. He gently rolls his hips as his body stretches into the strides of his release, pumping his sister full of his semen with long strokes. He winces with a sharp groan as he is squeezed with crushing force by his sister, growling, "Hmmm, fuck!" Joy's pussy relaxes, and he swiftly pulls out.

Joy pants as she catches her breath to tell her brother, "I'm sorry. I had to cum in that moment."

Hope drops down onto the pillow next to his sister, draping his arm idly across her abdomen as he whines, "That really fucking hurt. You're so tight!"

Joy giggles, "I'm really sorry. I'm sure I'll loosen up for you at some point."

From the door, Tiffany announces, "Having fun, I see!" With horror and realisation taking over their faces, and their hearts clenching tighter than Joy's pussy during orgasm, the teen's turn to face their mother as she giggles, "I watched enough to know what you were doing. I'm not mad, or anything. It's good to see you getting along," cheekily biting the tip of her finger.

Hope shouts, "Why are you watching, and why are you in my room?"

Tiffany raises her voice slightly, "Uh, it's my room, in my penthouse, and if you want to continue living here, you should be nicer to me."

Joy blurts out, "He's been thinking about leaving!"

The mother's eyes widen with surprise at this revelation, squaring on Hope as he quietly explains, "I didn't think I was wanted around here anymore, so I thought about doing my own thing, but, now I'm not so sure," fidgeting with his fingers.

Joy feels a pinch of upset in her heart, opening up to her brother, "Don't say things like that. Don't think things like that. I want you around. I love you," watching and waiting to see how he responds, but he still focusses on his fidgeting fingers, so she says, "You know how you said you'd get me something really nice for my birthday next week? Well, I got something really special just now, and, it would mean everything if you stuck around until then, at least. I hope you would decide to stay at that point."

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