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Getting Involved

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Accidental porn shoot.
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Rachel Williams married into money. No surprise there. She came from money, was born into money. She went to the finest prep school in the east, then Yale. Her focus was on Social Engineering and an MRS degree. What was surprising was that it took so long.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She was Mrs. David Wallace Johnson...scratch that, Ms. Rachel Williams Johnson. Perhaps her plans had been delayed a year or ten, but she is exactly where she always thought she'd be. She turned one way then the other nodding in approval. Long straight blonde hair, no fat, no sag, tight firm buttocks, perfectly shaped blonde triangle. 'David brings rugged good looks, class, culture, and money to the marriage and I bring this,' she sighed at the naked image in the full-length mirror, 'Ok. I have money of my own also.' She thought about the cause of the delay in her life-plan as she ran a finger across her slit, 'and I bring five years' experience that few of David's past partners can come close to matching,' she smiled to herself.

Rachel thought she'd found the man in her senior year in New Haven. She fell in love on her first date with Jack Jackson when he held to door on his Gold Aston Martin DB11. She worried she'd stain the velvety plush tan leather seats as she felt her panties dampen with her visceral arousal both to the man and the car. She had a rule, one that her mother hammered into her. No man wants to marry a whore so not even a kiss on the first date then tempt, tease on subsequent dates. When she finally gave in with her previous boyfriends it was as if she were giving them a rare gift.

All that went out the window along with her Spero Villioti cocktail dress. She spent the next five years traveling the world, seeing...fucking in every corner of the globe. When they got back Jack kissed her hard on the lips before boarding his plane with the daughter of a large shipping magnate they'd picked up in Singapore. "It's not personal," Jack told her kindly, "We've done everything, I need something new, that's all. I might be looking you up in the future, however."

It took her a year with her mother to get back on track and when she met David she was instantly taken by his confidence, his penetrating blue eyes, his Mercedes Maybach. She was going back to plan A, she thought when he picked her up for dinner and a play. Six months into their exclusive relationship, David took a chance slipping a hand between her thighs. He whispered how much he loved her and she opened her legs to more than just his fingers. She was treated to an incredible breakfast in the bed the next morning.

David proposed a month later and after the wedding of the year in their town, they spent a month traveling the world. Rachel gasped in amazement at La Louvre, the Great Pyramids, Macchu Pichu, and other exquisite sights she was reintroduced to for the first time. She never hinted she'd been there, done that. As to their nights, she again acted sweetly interested when David suggested variants to their love-making, always curious, always happy to oblige. David was more than satisfied when they finally made it back to his estate in the Hamptons.

Rachel happily put on her latest summer dress when it was time to get to know David's family and friends in a less formal atmosphere than the wedding attended by over 300 guests. She checked herself in the mirror, outwardly demure, modest. She nodded anticipating how pleased David will be with the stockings, garter belt, and, crotchless panties hiding underneath. She overheard comments about how she was a prude, an ice queen from men she'd briefly dated or their new girlfriends but that was fine. She was none of that when she was alone with David.

After getting to know David's family and they were finally alone, she gleefully allowed her husband to do what he wanted after she demurely let her dress puddle to the floor. He'd grinned seeing the exposed pussy before pushing her back on the bed.

The next morning, Rachel's mother-in-law whispered to her, "three times? Perhaps you can tell me what you are putting into David's drinks," she'd smiled. "It's a large house, but a lot of sound goes through the ventilation shafts."

The rest of the week was frustrating for both of them feeling watched...heard by David's family...but Rachel learned to stifle her moans so they were able to get some satisfaction.


Over the next year, she'd expanded her involvement in all David's holdings. Rachel was shown the various enterprises they owned and was increasingly brought in as she had not only a keen business sense but a surprising worldview. Davis leaned on her more and more when discussing expansion, potential mergers, acquisitions, and in some cases hiring.

It was a Thursday, over a year after her introduction into David's society that she came across a business venture she missed before. 'This has a huge profit margin for such a small enterprise. Glamour Shoots?' she thought. 'This makes little sense. Eight digit income from a photography studio?' It was by all standards a minor asset, which is how it managed to fly under the radar but something piqued her curiosity. What caught her attention were the depreciable assets. How much do cameras cost?

She changed into a casual but stylish dress David had purchased for her in Hawaii, her blonde hair pulled back into a bun, comfortable flats as this was not the best part of town. As she stepped out of the front door, Their chauffeur looked over from the Silver Cloud he was polishing.

"Mrs, Johnson, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going out." He walked quickly over to the rear passenger door."

"Dammit, Jerome, Rachel. Please call me Rachel, but relax. I'm taking the Benz. I rarely get to drive anymore," she went over and kissed the older man on the cheek.

The man blushed, "Sorry, Mrs. Johnson, we've been over this. Wait here, I'll get the Mercedes. I just finished waxing it and the tank is full," he smiled at the woman before trotting back towards the garages.

She climbed into her Mercedes E-Class Convertable, her pussy tingling as she felt the engine roar to life. She test drove over a dozen cars and never told David why this one was the best, but the engine vibrations coming through the firm seats sold her. As she pulled out, she turned her thoughts to the studio. How would she be received as David's wife? She wanted to get a clear picture of what is going on there and going in as...she needed to think of something...potential client! That would work.

She looked around the parking lot. The healthy payroll did not translate to anything more than basic transportation, she mused. The area was rundown and tired-looking. She looked in the mirror realizing she was a bit over-dressed, over made up. She pulled the pins out of her perfectly coifed hair, brushed it onto her shoulders, then pulled off her rings, one of which had a diamond large enough to have covered the cost of all the cars in the lot. Her makeup had to go so she removed all but the Dior Rouge lipstick. She looked like the girl next door. No way was she going is as the wife of David Johnson, but as a suburban housewife looking for...what? she thought. She giggled to herself thinking this was just like the TV show except it would be it would be Boss's Undercover Wife. She locked her purse and rings in the glove box and got out.

The waiting room was filled with photos of beautiful men and women in various poses and attire. From dresses appropriate for the opera to lingerie at home in the bedrooms of the better estates. She was about to innocently inquire about their services when a hand grabbed her upper arm.

"There you are! Christ, it's," the tall man looked at his watch, "11:33! What part of 11 AM...shit, come on, what the fuck are you wearing? You're supposed to be a geeky coed, not a spoiled rich girl, for God's sake. Time is money!"

"She was in the parking lot in her daddy's car preening herself," the otherwise bored-looking receptionist volunteered.

"I'm sorry..." Rachel was taken aback but managed a few words.

"Got it, yes. You're sorry you're late." He turned to look behind him. "Christ! These fucking entitled girls these days. Do you have an ID? We need to make sure you're at least 18," he snapped.

"Um," Rachel looked back at her car.

"I got it here. Billy sent it over," the receptionist held up a piece of paper, "She's 22."

He looked at the girl, "Really? She looks too young to be a college girl but you never know. Julie, get the girl back and get her into the shorts, and shirt...you know what." He glared at the girl, looking her up and down, "Very pretty. The agency said a plain face but a great body," he whistled, "I need to find out what they've been smoking. Great body, great face. You'll do fine," he smiled at Rachel for the first time. "Julia, she's here. Can you make her less beautiful, you know, nerdier?"

A short, plump brunette came out, "Ok. Come with me. We have to be fast...time is money."

"But I..." she protested.

"Shhhh. Just shut up and keep moving," Julie ordered. "You've put us way behind schedule."

Rachel was in a daze as she was ordered to take off the dress, and her underwear, and given blue jean cutoffs and a thin tee. Hesitating and opening her mouth got her a stinging slap on her ass as she was handed the daisy dukes. She wondered how she knew that was what they were called as she'd never worn anything like this before. She was barely able to button them up and could do nothing about the camel toe as she was ordered to put on the thin tee shirt without a bra. She never went anywhere without a bra, especially wearing a tee that had been through a hundred wash cycles. She flinched as the girl shoved ugly black-framed glasses onto her face.

"I-I-I'm... she stammered.

"Yes, I get it. You're being rushed, but you have only yourself to blame. Let's go. Carl has a full day today." Julia shoved the blonde out to the studio, "Ok, Carl She's ready, but you need to talk to Billy. She's not clean down there."

"What? I'm clean!" she sputtered. "Who the hell...?"

"Dammit! Look, no talking, you got us a late start and we have a lot to get through before...ok, get on the couch and pick up the school book, that's it," Carl ordered. "Didn't Billy go over this with you? You're a total nerd, bookworm, nose in the books, but a sexy, desirable woman under all that. Julie, get the lights...that's it. Perfect."

Rachel was in a daze. She found it was easier to comply as every time she opened her mouth both Carl and Julie snapped at her. Soon she quietly assumed more and more relaxed poses, and when Carl ordered her to take off her top, she stopped, her mouth agape.

"What? Your fucking shy now? What did you think this was? Christ!" Carl spat. "Get your top off, then lie back and pick up the book again. Ok, sorry to snap at you. Nice, you're a natural at this. Now open your legs, you're alone and no need to be modest," he ordered. "Beautiful, that's it, Brittney." He looked over at Julia, "Wow! Are those real?" he asked.

"I'm not..." Rachel started to correct the man.

"I hope they are, feel them, Julia," Carl interrupted, "Are they? If they're fake we can't use her. What nerd chick would have fake tits?"

Rachel felt humiliation as the short girl came over and hefted her breasts, "Damn! Yes. I love these young girls with their gravity-defying tits."

"Whew! Nice, this is going to be a great afternoon. Ok, Brittney, I'd like some shots of you on the floor, you know, maybe stretching...great, you're perfect...ok, can you do a downward dog, facing me?" he asked as he lay on the floor, his camera pressed against his face. "Ok, great, tap into your inner slut, crawl towards me."

"I'm not..." she stammered again.

"Ssssshhhh, crawl," Carl ordered, "You're doing great. Damn! You're so fucking hot." He rapidly snapped pictures as the woman crawled towards him, her breasts swaying enticingly. "Great, great. I'll bet every guy you sleep with loves spending time on those tits of yours. Now take off the shorts and lie back on the couch." He sighed loudly, "Seriously? We're past you acting all coy and innocent. We need to keep moving. That's it, now you're getting it. Damn! Ok, open those legs, let's see some pink," he said firmly, "Grab those pretty lips...you got it."

Rachel blushed furiously as she opened her legs wide while she spread her pussy wide. 'Mom never covered this when she told me what boys would want,' she chuckled to herself. 'If she could see me now.'

Carl smiled at the girl, "When we started, I assumed you were new at this, but this is not the first time you've been showing off your incredible assets. Why haven't we seen you before?"

Rachel thought back to her time with Jack and the dozens of boudoir shots and videos they'd made together. The man loved getting with the locals and would engage girls from every country, every culture to join them...or just with Rachel while he filled up SD cards. She opened her legs wider hearing the man's praise with an unusual feeling of cool air on the inner lips of her vagina.

"Perfect, I love it when you sweet young things let your inner slut come out to play," he praised her. "Ok, turn around, kneel...yes, that's it, oh wow! Beautiful ass. Arch your back so your ass...yes! Now finger yourself, nice, nice," he murmured as he snapped pictures.

Rachel no longer had any resistance and whatever degrading thing he had her do, she complied. At last, she heard a beep and the clicking of the camera stop. She relaxed and stood naked as the man told her the get ready for the next session.

As Julie led Rachel back to the dressing room, Carl stopped her.

"Get Brittney clean. We're not going for retro shots...you know what to do. You have 20 minutes," he said dismissing the two.

Julie pushed the blonde into a chair then went over to get shaving cream and a razer.

"What! Wait, I don't..."

"Christ! Do you have to argue about everything?" the woman spat, "You're being paid more for a few hours' work than I make in a week, so just shut up and let me do my job," she said angrily. "Didn't Billy tell you to fucking shave? It was clearly stated. Fuck! You entitled girls make so fucking much doing basically what just comes naturally to you...I hate this part of my job," she sighed. "Carol would love this since she likes young girls, especially blondes." She took a trimmer and took off most of the girl's pubes then squirted a glob of shaving cream onto her hand, "Ok, shut up and don't move. I would hate to nick you. Can't have you bleeding or with a bandage."

Rachel closed her eyes wondering what she'd gotten herself into. There was a part of her that wanted to stand up and yell at everyone here, tell them who she was but there was another part that desperately wanted to hide and never let anyone know who she is. If this ever got out, she'd be ruined. She felt the cool air on her pussy as the woman took a damp rag and wiped all the foam off.

"There. You'll be all set for the video. Oh wait!" she stood up quickly. She grabbed a tube of something and sighed, "Ok, turn around and kneel on the chair. I thought I hated the other part of my job, but this is worse."

Rachel had given up protesting and whatever initial humiliation she'd had earlier now felt like she had been showing a bit too much leg. She closed her eyes feeling the cool gel shoved roughly into her ass. She knew what the video was going to be but it was too late to reveal who she was with hundreds of demeaning pictures. She just hoped no one who sees this checks the society pages.

Julie slapped the girl's ass. "Let's get you dressed. Same outfit, shorts...yes. You know the drill." she sighed. Seeing the girl looking cute in her tight clothes she sighed, "Go out there and earn it. I wish I had your body. I wouldn't be driving a Geo, that's for sure."

Rachel stepped back into the studio, the set was the same, cheap couch, posters of bands on the wall, a pennant saying "STATE," and various school books on the desk. She had been dimly aware of these before but now she noticed them. She shook her head, this was nothing like her apartment in New Haven but perhaps this is how the normal people lived.

"Ok, Brittney, your brother is coming over with his roommate and you're going to help him with his French, Billy told me you know French?" Carl asked.

"Mais, oui. Je parle français comme un natif," she smiled for once feeling in her element.

"Whatever, I'm sure no one will be verifying what you say. So, your friend has to leave and, well you know what to do," he said. "Ok, people. Quiet and play the music," he ordered.

Rachel thought back to theatre at Yale and took deep breaths to calm and center herself. She soon felt the college atmosphere and went over, plopped on the couch, then picked up a book. She'd had this same textbook. It even had the same publication date. She barely had time to open to a chapter when the door opened and two great-looking guys came in. She stood as the dark-haired boy gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Danielle, this is John...he's, well he needs help. I'm so glad you have time."

Rachel laughed, "Yeah. My social calendar is just packed right now," she laughed as she pushed her think-framed glasses up her nose. She was trying to look as plain as possible and had no clue how to do that.

"Christ! You said she's...never mind. Merci beaucoup pour votre..." he stammered.

"Man! I'm not sure the hour will be enough?" her 'brother' laughed. "I have to get uptown. I'll be back in an hour or so."

Rachel sat, patted the couch, and looked at the boy as he sat down. She had this strange feeling knowing she'll be fucking a boy she'd just seen 30 seconds ago, a good feeling. A boy she'd had her pussy shaved clean for, her ass lubed. She decided she needed to start so she asked him in French where he was having the most trouble.

Carl moved around, the camera capturing the couple as they sat closer to each other. John had done this before. Within a few minutes, he was hip to hip with the pretty blonde girl, his arm around her.

Rachel felt the boy's hand slide down to cup her breast and looked at the boy questioningly. She was about to say something when his mouth pressed against hers. She broke it off and glared.

"You're hitting on me? I thought you were here to get your French grades up," she said harshly.

"Sure. The French are a lot more open. Spoken French is not the only oral aspect I'd like to explore," he smiled, "and I'm guessing you could expand your French oral skills also."

Rachel was about to push him away and say something but his lips were back on hers and his weight pushing her back stopped any protest.

Carl smiled, 'This is perfect,' he thought. "That's it, Brittney, stroke his back, get under his shirt, you have no desire to resist anymore."

Rachel sighed, "Ok, but how about I suck you off so we can get back to studying?" she asked.

"Whatever," the boy panted as he planted his lips back on hers.

He was a terrific kisser and Rachel felt herself going with it. She made no move to stop him as he pulled off her shirt, then his before pressing their bodies together. Conflicting thoughts ran through her head, 'If mom could see me now,' and 'I sure hope David never sees or hears about this,' and 'Holy shit! How fucking fat is this boy's cock?'

John was happily surprised how hot the actress was as he was told he'd be seducing a nerdy, homely girl, but he'd never been with a woman or girl even remotely as hot as this Brittney girl was. He better be invited when the agency sends over one of the hot babes. His large hand couldn't cover her breast, her legs were spread wide as they dry-humped each other. He couldn't wait to fuck this girl.

Rachel moaned feeling the hard shaft against her pussy, her pelvis grinding back against him. Hearing Carl's instructions, she reached between them and undid his shorts, gripping his cock as the boy took over and pushed them down his legs.

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