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Young man and older woman.
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The road to total degradation started for Ginger five months ago. It was a rainy day, when she had an accident as she entered her SUV. She slipped on the step, fell to the ground and scraped up her both knees and one thigh.

Ginger is a stunning woman in her late Fifties. With salt and pepper hair to her shoulders and modest sized breasts, she has been married to the same man for thirty-five years. They have two grown children living on their own. He is a consultant in Albany NY, so she doesn't have to work. Ginger was in Springfield MA coming from a second hand Music thrift store; it sells or trades classical music disks when the accident happened.

Marcel was the young man who witnessed her fall and helped her up. He lived across the street. He wanted to bring her to his apartment to clean and bandage her wounds.

When she saw where he wanted to take her she said, "I will be all right, let me go back to the car. My knees have almost stopped bleeding and my thigh has just a few scrapes."

"My name is Marcel. I will not harm you Madam. If you want, I will go up to my apartment to acquire the medical supplies and come back down to take care of your wounds here at your car, but you will be more comfortable in my apartment to dress your wounds." Said the young man, with a French accent, who appeared to be twenty-nine years old.

She looked into his eyes, adored his accent and felt a calm come over her. Ginger knew he wouldn't harm her. She followed him to his Apartment; it was filled with old classical music on CDs he downloaded from records. He told her this as he dressed her wounds.

Ginger sat on his couch while he retrieved the medical supplies needed to tend to her wounds. She had to remove her pantyhose, she stood up, reached up under her skirt and pulled them down as far as she could right in front of Marcel. She removed them while Marcel held her arm to balance her. She could not remove them all the way, while he held her arm without falling, so Marcel reached under her skirt, grasped the side of them to help her with one side. In her mind it was the most natural thing to have this young man who looked to be her sons' ages help her.

It didn't occur to Ginger she didn't have any panties on, until she had the pantyhose to her feet and was stepping out of them. Lifting her leg with Marcel's help brought a cool sensation to her moist labia. Ginger came to the startling realization she was erotically excited by this situation. To her dismay the type of pantyhose Ginger put on today didn't require to be worn with panties, they were panty top nylons, if she knew she would be in this situation she would have donned panties, to protect her modesty.

Sitting back on the couch Ginger tried to keep her knees together, as Marcel was sitting on a low stool in front of her. He took one leg at a time. He administered first aid to the knee of the leg, taking care to clean the wound thoroughly. The scrapes on her knees were so large a gauze pad had to be held in place with surgical tape. Ginger had to pull her skirt up to mid high to the bottom of her pussy lips to get it out of the way for Marcel. When he finished administering first aid to her right leg he helped her put her leg on the floor. Catching the scent of a woman in the first stages of sexual excitement, Marcel glanced between her legs; he caught sight of her moist pubic hair. Ginger could tell by the look of embarrassment on his face, he noticed she was without panties, when he looked up at her.

Marcel was not finished binding Ginger's wounds; she had a deep scrap on her left thigh which had to be dealt with, as it was still bleeding. He had her lie on her side and raises her dress above her waist to get it out of the way, so he could clean the wound. Marcel then had her stand with her skirt to her waist and legs spread, so he could wrap a tape around her thigh to hold the bandage in place. Marcel had his face in the mature woman's flower of life as he took care of her wounds. He tried to hide his excitement from the older woman.

Marcel had the older woman sit down. It was a little awkward for Marcel presently. Ginger had to spread her legs wider this exposed her femininity to the younger man, as he was between them and turned to his right. Cleaning the wound and bandaging it, the first aid didn't take long, but for some reason Ginger left her leg on his lap and her skirt at mid-thigh, as they talked about music her pussy was exposed to the young man the entire time.

Marcel loved older women and was rubbing her leg. He couldn't keep from glancing at her exposed pubic area as they talked. Ginger was getting a thrill out of his kneading of her thigh as they talked. Marcel could see her getting very moist as he was massaging her. Ginger's heady aroma was overtaking the small sitting room. Marcel was becoming more aware of this beautiful older women's sexuality with every passing minute.

After about an hour and Ginger minutes away from a very powerful orgasm he stopped, not having the willpower to control his lust for her if he continued any longer massaging her legs. He walked over to his CD library and gave her some CD's with music by Mozart on them. He found out Mozart was her favorite composer during their conversation the past hour.

"Take these CD's with you, when you get done with them you can either bring them back and get other CD's or call me and I will send you others and you can mail these back." said Marcel as he handed her 2 CDs in cases.

Ginger's head was spinning she was so close to an orgasm, but didn't want to ask Marcel to finish her off. Shuddering she said. "Oh, Ok thank you I will bring the CDs back next week. I usually come here once a week."

She arose on unsteady legs and walked to the door. Her head was swimming. There is a magnetic attraction between the two of them. She didn't put her pantyhose back on, because they were ripped at the knees and one thigh. Ginger was going to her car without any panties on; this mature mother of grown children, a very modest woman was going out in public naked under her short skirt. Marcel escorted her to her car. As she entered the car she had no choice, but to spread her legs wide to get in giving Marcel a very good view of her most intimate self and the wonderful scent of her overheated sex. Ginger knew she did this and it made her blush, she couldn't understand what was coming over her. She wouldn't think of doing anything like this before today.

The hour and ten-minute drive yielded her three orgasms, while she drove home. The fingers of her left hand in her vagina, while she drove the car on the turn pike with the other hand. The first two were mini orgasms, but her last orgasm scared her it was so powerful she almost went off the road. By the time she exited the Turnpike the scent of the interior of her car reminded her of the days before she was married parking with her future husband.

When she arrived home her husband was home already something that usually doesn't happen. She came in the door with a few packages. Her husband saw the large bandages on her knees and immediately knelt down in front of her to look at them. Ginger had no time to react. There was moisture running down her thighs between her legs, she was wet from her excitement. Roger smelled her womanly scent and pulled her skirt up to find her without panties. He never knew she went out with out panties and he became angry with her.

Roger was a very religious man who lacked imagination in bed. Actually he lost interest in sex after their last child was born many years ago. Ginger had to beg to get attention from him. He was always too preoccupied with his work to spend much time with her although he made sure she had all the money she wanted. She could cope with the lack of his attention when the children were young and her time was filled with taking care of them.

For the last few years Roger has not paid much attention to her needs other than financially. When he felt she did something wrong, he would reprimand her and not speak to her for the night. They were living in the same house, but had different lives for the last few years.

The following week Ginger called Marcel. "I will bring the CD back to you this afternoon," She said.

"Drop it in the mail." said Marcel.

"That is OK I can bring them to you. I want to talk to you again." said Ginger.

"That will be fine as long as you're dressed as you were when I took care of your wounds last week." Marcel said without any emotion.

Her heart skipped a beat. Did she understand him properly? She would have to go to his apartment without any panties on?

"What do you mean by that Marcel? You want me to come to your place without any panties on?" She said confused by her feeling of sexual excitement at the thought.

"If that is your perception of my request, then it is the way you should come to my apartment?" said Marcel he wanted Ginger to make the decision as to how he wanted her.

Feeling guilty for her sexual thoughts Ginger considered sending the CD back by mail. "I won't go to his apartment pantieless for a man who is young enough to be my son and a stranger besides", she though.

The next day she wrapped the CD and put Marcel's Name and address on it, so it will be ready to mail. Ginger is arguing with herself all the way to Springfield. In the end she parked in front of his building gazing up at the window to his apartment for over twenty minutes. She sighed, reached under her skirt and removed her pantyhose and panties. Blushing she exited the car and headed for the door to the apartment house. She rang the bell and was immediately buzzed in. She walked up the stairs she knew better than to be here, but she couldn't help herself. Marcel seemed to draw her to him.

The door opened, as she reached his apartment and Marcel grabbed her to hug her. She didn't resist in the least she loves to be hugged something she lacked in her marriage these days. He ushered her into the apartment he took the CD from her and her coat. He motioned for her to sit on the couch and he sat on the stool, as he did the week before in front of her. He looked at her knees and thigh he noted they were almost healed.

They had a discussion on history and how it relates to the present day. Marcel rubbed her legs as he talked with her, before too long she put her leg on his knees and continued to talk with him, as he rubbed the inside of her thighs almost to her pubic hair. She spread her legs open for him to have easier access to her moist most intimate area without a thought, but he only went to the point he felt her pubic hair on the back of his hand. He didn't touch her pussy. Marcel was driving Ginger crazy she needed to have her vaginal lips massaged by this young man, but she couldn't bring herself to ask him to stimulate her pussy. She became very aroused, her nipples were hard, her pussy had gotten engorged, and it opened and became moist.

Ginger couldn't understand what Marcel did to make her remove her panties to come to his apartment; she was the one to perceive he wanted her pantie less. He never looked to see if she was commando. She was so naïve' to think he didn't know she was naked under her skirt. He could feel her pubic hair as he massaged her legs. Marcel wanted her to be the one to ask him to do what she wanted to have done to her body by him. She was very shy, but very horny at this time.

Marcel looked at his watch and told her he had to go somewhere, but said for her. " Take a few more CD's to listen to for the next week, and then mail them back to me when you're done with them."

Marcel didn't walk her to her car today he left her at the door to the street. She entered her car very frustrated again. Ginger massaged her pussy while she drove home. She had two orgasms on the road. She arrived home before her husband. She took a shower and put on a very shear Rose colored gown.

Roger got home without even noticing her attire, he asked, "What's for supper?"

"Me", she said as she walked over and wrapped her arms around him.

He got up and went to the home office saying with irritation in his voice, "Ginger, go put some clothes on! What has gotten into you?"

With tears in her eyes Ginger went to the master bed room in tears. There was very little conversation in the house between Ginger and her husband for the rest of the week.

The following week Ginger called Marcel, "I will be in town tomorrow. I wall drop off the CDs I am finished with them.

To her surprise he said. "Why don't you mail them back you don't have to come all the way out here?"

Before she realized what she was saying she said. "IF you let me come to your place I can wear the same thing I did last week?"

"NO, just mail the CD's. I really don't have time for you tomorrow and besides you have to do something more for us to meet again, like maybe being naked while your here." said Marcel throwing all caution to the wind.

"OK, I will come up to your apartment naked if you agree to meet with me tomorrow." She told him feeling her pulse quicken and her face turn red at the thought of this near stranger seeing her completely naked.

"That would work as long as you leave all your clothes home and only wear the long London fog coat you have." Said Marcel suddenly interested in what Ginger has to say.

After they said good-by "That is a little too much." She thought, "What possessed me to agree I would be naked in his apartment. I will mail the CD's back." Getting an envelope and writing Marcel's name and address on an envelope as she did last week.

The next day Ginger stopped at a mail box on her way to the city. Just before she went to drop the package in the mailbox she decided she had to see Marcel again. Ginger drove into the city; she stopped in front of Marcel's apartment. She looked around before she started to wiggle out of her slacks and panties. As soon as her panties were off the SUV started to smell of her excitement. Looking at the crotch of her panties she realized how excited she was as it was soaking wet. Removing the garments which concealed her lower body was the easy part, now she had to remove her blouse and bra. A few curious men stopped by her SUV to watch her undress. They noticed the SUV bounced around as she tried to undress. They were surprised she just took off her coat and removed her blouse and bra; she gave them a great show. She blushed at the thought of what she had just done and what she will do in a few minutes. She put her coat back on she could feel her nipples get hard while they brushed against the rough interior lining of her long coat. She went to the door of the apartment house and rang the bell. Marcel buzzed her in after she identified herself.

She walked up the stairs she couldn't believe she will be naked in just a few minutes. A shiver of anticipation went through her body as she knocked on the door. Marcel opened it before she could knock a second time.

He let her in the apartment then said. "May I take your coat?"

Blushing she started to unbutton her coat exposing more flesh with each button when she had all the buttons undone which exposed between her breasts and her black pubic hair she turned her back to Marcel to let him remove her coat. She was totally embarrassed, but also totally turned on, as she could feel her pussy become engorged and open. The cold air hit her vaginal opening to confirm she was very wet, she will drip her excitement on the floor before long, if she doesn't get control of her emotions.

Her coat was hung in the hall closet by Marcel as Ginger stood with her arms crossed over her 34c breasts and a blush on her body to her pubic hair. He walked to her put her hands to her sides and proceeded to touch her as to inspect her body, rather than admire her body. He took each breast in his hand he rubbed her nipple until it became harder than they have been in a long while. Marcel massaged her breasts; he reached under them and lifted them as if he tried to Gage their weight. Marcel had her turn around and he put a hand under each butt cheek and lifted them. Ginger didn't know why she submitted herself to this humiliation she came to this young man naked as she was born of her own free will.

"Walk over to the table and put your hands on it, bend a little at the waist and spread your feet apart about shoulder width." said Marcel.

Ginger walked slowly over to the table and put her hands on it, she spread her legs as instructed, which made her feel more humiliated and embarrassed, as she bent down on her elbows as instructed. Marcel bent down and spread her buttocks to inspect her rectum. Ginger had tears in her eyes she was so humiliated. Going lower Marcel spread her vaginal lips open to inspect her pussy. He noticed she was very wet. She was very excited presently, her humiliation and embarrassment has subsided, it has been replaced with raw lust. Marcel pumped two fingers into her pussy as Ginger pushed back against his fingers. She was on the verge of an orgasm when Marcel stopped his ministrations of her most intimate being.

"Go over to the couch and sit down please." said Marcel.

Walking over to the couch she sat down with her knees tight and her arms over her breasts, suddenly she felt very shy. Ginger wanted to get her coat and run out of the apartment she felt so humiliated.

Seeing how Ginger was sitting Marcel said, "You are too beautiful to sit there as you are presently. When you're in my apartment you should never cover your breasts and sit with your legs together. I will not allow your beauty to be covered in my presence."

"It embarrasses me to be the only one naked." said Ginger blushing.

"I will not allow you to be covered in my presences that is the rule, if you don't want to be completely exposed at all times, then you should retrieve you coat and leave here." Said Marcel with more conviction than he felt.

Ginger dropped her hands to her sides and spread her legs as soon, as Marcel mentioned the rules. This relieved her of responsibility for her actions; she did this because she was told to. Ginger doesn't know why she put up with this abuse, but she can't say no to Marcel's requests.

They talked for the next hour, with Ginger sat with her legs spread and Marcel seated on a stool in front of her, he softly rubbed her moist vaginal opening constantly to the point of her on the verge of orgasm and stopped until she cooled down, the older woman was frustrated.

He looked at his watch and said to Ginger, "You will have to leave as I have another appointment in a few minutes."

He retrieved her coat from the closet. She put it on, but didn't button it when she left the apartment. Ginger couldn't believe she went to her car with most of her body exposed. She didn't close the coat, even when there were people on the street who looked at her nakedness. She jumped in the car, started it and sped off. She vowed not to go to Marcel's apartment again Marcel frustrated the older woman so.

Will Ginger be able to keep her word about not seeing Marcel? She drove home with her coat opened as her fingers rubbed her clit. She had three orgasms on the way home, but was still horny.

Ginger giggled as she thought, "It is a three orgasm trip home from Springfield."

She started supper, and then she took a shower she rubbed her pussy to another orgasm in the shower by hand; dressed in a very shear dress she set the table to wait for her husband. When he arrived home she served him a five-course meal.

He said to her, "You're a great cook." He gave her a peck on the cheek and went to his office.

Ginger was practically naked and her husband didn't even give her a second look. She went to her bedroom and cried. She went to the master bath; she closed the door, took off the dress, her only garment and looked in the full-length mirror. Her nipples were hard; she could smell her excitement and her vaginal lips were engorged and glistened with moisture.


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