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Girl Seven

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I am offered a new life in Paradise. Can I afford the price?
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Just Another Day in Paradise

I should have known the whole thing was a set-up from the start. If a thing seems too good to be true it probably is. My friend Debs and I were bumming around the Caribbean for a couple of months. She had just divorced and felt the need to celebrate and I had some long-overdue leave coming. I had also recently disentangled myself from a long-term relationship that was going nowhere fast, so we decided to relive our mad gap-year when we took a road-trip across Australia and for a blissful time forgot we had off-buttons.

There was only one big difference - this time we were thirty-two years old, not eighteen, going on nineteen.

One thing was certain - we were still getting laid, getting stoned and generally just having the time of our lives. Since that gap year, I'd occasionally taped over the off-button but this was the first time in years I had totally disabled it and it felt utterly wonderful. We were on our sixth island when Debs decided it was time to go home.

I wasn't ready yet and stayed.

It was the third week when it all went wrong. Or should that be when it all went right? At the time it seemed like the former, but eventually I came to realise it may well be the latter. Until then I had been a regular down at the little rum shacks near the harbour and had made a couple of acquaintances that meant I was very nicely taken care of in the naughty department. When I managed to persuade them both to have me at the same time, it was a very fine evening indeed. I would certainly miss Antonio and Wesley when I went home.

The night it happened, I was all by myself sipping a rum fizz hoping that one or both would turn up. I had the means to get high in my shoulder bag and looked forward to a pleasant evening. I gazed out at the moonlight on the still water, the sun now long gone. A gentle clink of rigging from the smaller boats in the harbour drifted up the hill and the mast of a beautiful luxury yacht moored a hundred or so yards away stood out. I was just beginning to think that my evening would involve a solo flight when I heard a voice from behind me. It was definitely English and had a distinct London edge to the accent.

"Hiya, all by yourself, then?"

I turned to see a younger girl staring at me. She wore a red bandana from which short dreadlocks protruded at all angles. A bit of a boob-tube took care of her modesty and striped blue and white pirate-style trousers and espadrilles completed a rag-tag outfit. There were various tattoos and piercings and her face was split into a huge, warm grin. It was obvious from her pale grey eyes she had indulged in the fine local plant life.

I nodded at her. "Yeah, looks like it for the moment."

"Join ya?" She didn't give me a chance to respond and popped herself up on a stool next to mine. She nodded at the view. "Hard to get sick o' that, eh?" She had a wide, expressive face dotted with freckles.

I agreed with her and we fell into an amiable conversation. It was nice to have some company even if it was just small talk. After a few minutes, the waitress Shak came over, a pretty local lass I had struck up a good relationship with.

"Hey Jade, irie?" She looked at the other girl. "Hey, Boo - long time, huh? Been at sea, me suppose?"

The girl nodded. "Yeah, just got back. Fuckin' 'ard work as usual but we'll make up fer it tonight!" She nodded at my drink. "Refill?"

I was in no mood to disagree and Shak went to get our order as the girl pulled a joint from her bag. It was a small island and no-one seemed too worried about it. She took a hit and handed it to me. I felt a nice tingle and thanked her. Shak returned with our drinks and got a little bonus toot as a tip.

As she left, the girl looked at me. "Jade, eh? I'm Boo." She held her slim hand out to me and I shook it.

"Hi Boo. So what's that short for?"

She shrugged and blew out a cloud of smoke before handing the joint back to me. "Anyfink you want! Hated me real name - which you ain't gonna get to know - so I shortened it. Damned sight easier, but people still can't spell it!"

The weed was working and we both got the giggles. We chatted about nothing in particular for ten, maybe fifteen minutes until she looked at her watch. "Shit, time I was offski. Look, the reason I came over in the first place, Jade - like I said to Shak, we've been crewin' that yacht down there for a rich local couple for the last month or so. We just got back and they're off island."

She sucked the last from the joint and smiled. "Cat's away - the mice have worked their bollocks off. Party time!" She chugged back the last of her drink and pointed to the mast I had seen earlier. "It's a beaut of a boat and we make sure we 'ave a right old send-off. You seem at a loose end so I thought I'd extend a little invite. It'll be fun, I promise. Hopefully see ya later - tell 'em Boo sent ya!"

I made to respond, but she was gone. I was aware of Shak hovering behind me and ordered another drink. A couple of minutes later, she put it down in front of me. "So, goin' down the Arcadia then?"

I looked at her, puzzled. "The Arcadia?"

She nodded to the harbour and her voice was wistful. "Dat lovely boat. Tings they say go on dere! Been anglin' for an invite for ages. Boo says not till I eighteen." She pouted. "Not for another t'ree month. You goin', yeah?"

I shook my head. "Don't think so Shak."

She put her hands on her hips and her voice was incredulous. "You wha'?" She jabbed a finger at me. "See, English lady - me thought you was cool, but no - turns out you fuckin' mad!"

She turned on her heel and walked away, sashaying like a catwalk model. She suddenly stopped and turned back to me. "Me no serve you no more. Drink up and get down to that boat, hear me?" She flapped her hands at me in a dismissive motion. "Go... shoo!"

I began to giggle at her antics and when I didn't move, she ran back to my table and picked up my untouched drink. "Sorry madam, we close. Been drug bust or sumfin'. Me thinks you likely carryin', so best clear out; best make it somewhere offshore to be safe." She pointed again. "Like that big fuckin' boat down dere."

Laughing, I grabbed the drink back from her. "Ok, Shakira - you win." I gulped it down and gave her a ten-dollar tip. "I'm off to 'that big fuckin' boat down there' right now!"

She fist-bumped me. "Yeah, the lady see sense! Look out for Sven - he adorable!" She turned and walked away slowly, clicking her teeth. "T'ree month. Shit, that a looooong time..."

I walked down the cliff path in a bit of a daze and skipped down the gangplank, barely able to take in the size of the yacht. It looked incredible from a distance and now I was up close it seemed to go on forever. A muscular local in a bandana, shorts and little else moved from the shadows and held up a hand. "Hey lady, you got invite?"

"Erm, yeah. Boo said to say she sent me."

I heard a throaty chuckle from the half-light. "Dey all say Boo sent dem, lady."

Feeling very foolish, I was about to turn tail and head back up the cliff path when another voice carried from the darkness. "S'ok Reuben - Jade's a mate, in't ya girl?"

The man stood back and I moved forward. Boo emerged from the shadows and held out a hand. I noticed her pirate trousers had been replaced by a sarong and it was definitely hard to miss that she was now topless. "Glad you could make it. Come on, let's get you a drink and get this party started!"

I made for the stairs up onto the deck when she towed me into the shadows. "Entrance fee, please madam. Oh and there's a small box down there next to Reuben for your inhibitions if you need to lose any for the duration."

I felt I had just been hit by an octopus in heat. Her arms went around me, one leg slid up over my bikini bottoms and her tongue probed. I stiffened in shock then gave into her. I reciprocated every move she made and came up panting for air.

If it was going to be one of those parties, I decided I was up for anything. "Inhibitions? Never heard of them! Do you kiss all the girls like that?"

She put her hands on my shoulders. "Good lass - knew I was on a winner up at the rum shack! And I only kiss the girls I like, so I must like you. Christ, you're fucking hot. Love bloody redheads, I do. And those green eyes - fuck, don't get me started!"

She dragged me up the stairs, still tingling from her wild embrace. It had been a long time since I had kissed a woman, and I realised how much I missed it. A brief vision of my first time flashed into my mind unbidden. A wild party in the hotel after a long-haul flight to Dubai. I was deep into my work, practising my oral skills on a German co-pilot when gentle hands parted my legs even wider than they were. It took me a moment to realise that the face now nestling between my thighs was devoid of stubble; that the hair I had involuntarily taken in my left hand was soft and silky.

I broke off from my ministrations and shouted her name in shock.


She looked up at me wide-eyed. "Oh, sorry Jade - not into it?"

The brief sensation had felt nice. I glanced at the erection in my left hand and gently put my right hand on the back of her head once more. "Looks like I am now!"

After that, the dynamics of our parties changed and I often found myself entwined with one of the other stewardesses in between seeing to the male members of the crew. It went on for a blissful few months until Helga was transferred to another route and around the same time I embarked on a long-term relationship. My wild time as a bi-sexual became a slightly blurred, if very cherished, memory.

I was brought back to the present as we reached the top of the gangway and the sounds and sights of the top deck in full cry assailed me. It was time to go wild again and I couldn't wait to get started.

Boo's grin was infectious as she stopped at a trestle table at the top of the stairs and picked up two mugs. She dipped them both into a huge vat of fluorescent orange liquid with bits of fruit and ice floating in it.

She handed me one. "S'ok - looks electric but it ain't spiked, honest!"

I took a drink and almost gagged.

She laughed. "Fuckin' strong though, eh?"

I had to agree, but it was rather moreish. I looked around at the amazing surroundings. "Impressive. So what does Boo do to earn her keep on this little floating palace?"

"Everyfink! No real job title, but I make sure we stay afloat, have enough provisions to make it all fun." She gestured to the throng on-deck. "Enough nice people to make it convivial!"

"Sort of First Mate then?"

She pondered for a moment. "Not really thought about it, but yeah - I like that!" She gave me a sweeping bow. "First Mate Boo at yer service, milady. Come on, let's get you acquainted with this lovely lady of the seas!"

She led me around the deck introducing me to a few people. A sound system blasted out reggae and soca and the twenty or so guests were in various stages of copping off with each other. One girl was dancing with her partner, her hand stroking his erection in time to the music. In one corner I could see a dread-locked head bobbing - bandanas and dreads seemed to be the go-to look around these parts.

One thing that was certainly hard to miss was the sight of a naked girl tied to the mast, her arms wrapped around it, legs wide apart. Long blonde hair hung down over her face.

Boo walked up to her and ran her hand around her buttocks. The girl whimpered. "Please Boo, let somebody fuck me!" Her accent was American.

Boo leaned in and kissed her. "Sorry Chels - how long you been up there? Only forty minutes I reckon. Another twenty to go..." She slipped a finger between the girl's legs and she whimpered again. Boo held the finger to my lips and I sucked it. The first time in almost ten years and the girl tasted good.

"Jade, this is Chelsee from Seattle. She's our little newbie and the baby of the crew at nineteen. We always have fun with the newbies!" She slipped her hands around the girl's hips and slid them up to grasp her breasts.

She squeezed them and pulled on her nipples. The girl moaned. "Please, Boo - I'm going fucking nuts here." Her voice got louder and more desperate. "Will someone please fucking fuck me!"

Boo slapped her hard on the bottom making her squeal and glanced at her watch. "Eighteen minutes, darlin'."

The screamed curses she directed at Boo were loud, but nothing like the sound she made eighteen minutes later when a very large black cock slid into her. By then there was a cheering crowd around her and she shook and trembled as the guy slammed into her. Boo released her cuffs from around the mast and within seconds the guy was lying on the deck with her impaled upon him and yelling for someone to get one in her mouth.

By then, I was on my hands and knees being spit-roasted. The guy in my mouth was the hunk Sven that Shak had told me about, and in the region of nine inches of black cock were working their magic behind me. I looked up into Sven's ice-blue eyes, his long blonde hair tossing as I gave him my best attention. Shak was right - he was a dream and he had his hands on his hips as he thrust into me. As he came, Boo dived in and helped me with the mess. When I came a few minutes later I had my mouth clamped to Chelsee's svelte pussy.

It was one of those parties, and I was up for anything.

After that it all became a bit of a blur and there were no holds or holes barred. At one stage, I lay in Boo's arms and we shared a joint. I looked up at her. "Fucking hell, Boo - I could get used to this lifestyle. What a blast!"

"Can be arranged, my dear!" She took a long hit on the joint and I moved in for a blowback. Our kiss went on for a long time. Then she grinned at me. "Fer a price o'course!"

I laughed. "Yeah, right - I wish."

"Careful what you wish for!"

"I usually am. So who owns this little rust-bucket?

"Local rich lady and her French husband. Fuckin' loaded. Got their fingers in so many pies, they have to use their toes as well."

I sighed and looked around. "Must be expensive pies."

She nodded her head, her face deadly serious. "Sure are - I mean come on; you musta seen the Pie Rates of the Caribbean?"

Maybe it was the ganja or the general atmosphere, but it set us off and for the next ten minutes we were a hysterical, giggling little ball of laughter. When we finally subsided, my sides ached. Boo reached out a hand. There was just something about her that was getting to me. "Come on, one last tour of the deck."

"Aww, only one?"

"Yeah, but it's gonna take an hour!"

In the end it was nearer two, but I didn't mind. It had been a wild old holiday and it just kept on giving. It was getting on for three in the morning when I crashed down onto a huge bed next to Boo, the pair of us once again in a laughing, giggling heap. She was an absolute force of nature and somehow it just seemed natural for me to be lying with her and not some hunky guy. I barely took in the opulence of the stateroom before my shutters came down and I fell asleep in her arms.

When I woke, it was a different story. Sunlight streamed in through the portholes of the stateroom, but once again I didn't really have the chance to take in my surroundings.

I was more concerned with being gagged and chained to the bed.

Given the state I was in the previous night, it took a few moments for everything to fall into place. My brief euphoria at recalling one of the nights of my life soon turned to abject terror as I took in my situation. Apart from the gag, there was a thick, black leather band around my left wrist that ran almost up to my elbow. There were all sorts of rings and loops on it, and my heart sank as I saw a very solid looking handcuff attached to one of them, the other end firmly secured to a brass rail on the bedhead.

With my free hand I pulled back the black satin sheet that covered me and whimpered as I saw a similar arrangement around my right ankle. I gave both my wrist and ankle a futile little shake and tears welled up. I was going nowhere.

I was about to cry out for help when a small figure appeared in the doorway. She held a mobile phone to her ear and had a canvas bag over her shoulder. She was naked apart from the sarong around her waist. As I made an inarticulate noise into my gag, she smiled at me and put a finger to her lips, shaking her head.

She spoke into the phone. "Yeah, dead cert as I told you, Amelie." She nodded in my direction. "All nicely secured and almost ready for incarceration!" As my blood ran cold, she was silent for a moment. "Yeah, see you in an hour then. Leave her in the usual place? Ok, great - yeah 'course I'm sure, babe. Never failed you before have I?"

Smiling, she closed the call and leaned on the door post. "Look at you, all tied and tethered there. See, the fing is, Jade, I did say you should be careful what you wish for." She straightened up. "Ok, I'm gonna come over and take that gag off you and tell you a little bit about what's goin' on here, coz to be honest, you look like you're about to shit Amelie's big brass bed. And if you do that, it's gonna be First Mate Boo gettin' it in the neck. So can I trust you not to scream or poo on the sheets?"

Despite wanting to do both, I nodded my head.

"Good girl." She walked over and sat on the bed next to me. The touch on my cheek was a tender gesture at odds with my predicament. "See, the fing is, Jade - I passed on your application to my boss. I told 'er you'd passed your audition - your first interview if you like - and she's keen on takin' you forward to the next stage."

As I tried to process what she had just said, she removed the gag. I flexed my jaw and swallowed saliva. "What the fuck? What application, Boo? What the fuck is going on here?"

She leaned forward and kissed me on the nose. "Someone said somefink to me last night about enjoying this lifestyle. Apart from all me uvver First Mate duties, I'm a bit of a talent scout. I saw some potential in ya, so I passed on your CV."

Now I was completely confused. "My CV?"

She picked up her mobile phone and tapped a few keys. She held it up to me and flicked through a dozen or so images that turned my blood to ice. I was in each and every image, and in all of them, I was engaged in some sexual act. I grinned around Sven's erection, lapped at Chelsee's pussy, kissed a tall black girl I barely remembered and bounced on a large black cock as someone held a joint to my lips. On they went as Boo flicked.

"Quite a compellin' CV, eh? Too good not to submit to my employer."

I swallowed hard. "What's happening, Boo. I'm scared and I just want to go home."

She shook her head. "Sorry, Jade. Too late for that. You made a wish and Fairy Godmother Boo is gonna grant you that wish. At least, she's gonna grant you the chance to make it come true. You see, my employer was very taken with your CV. She thinks you show great promise and has chosen to... well, let's say, she's chosen to conduct the rest of your interview herself." She closed her eyes. "I wish I didn't 'ave to do this next bit, but she insists."

I didn't know how to respond, so I just watched her in abject fear as she opened her shoulder bag. She took out a bottle and a cloth and I bit my lip as I realised what she was going to do. I shook my head, tears now streaming down my face. "No Boo, please..."

"Sorry again Jade. I fuckin' hate this bit."

She covered the neck of the now open bottle with the cloth and tilted it. Satisfied she had enough to put me under, she held it towards my face. I realised that it was going to happen whatever I did, so I took a deep breath, wanting it to be all over as soon as possible.

An acrid stench assailed my nostrils and as I slid down a long, narrow tunnel into the unknown, a soft hand stroked my forehead and a gentle voice echoed around me before blackness descended.


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