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Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 19


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"Great!? Baby that's horrifying."

She gave me a dirty look. I hated that expression.

"Baby, look, I'm sorry, but I've been stewing on this stuff all day." I put my foot down. "I'm mad at you."

"Look," she raised an eyebrow "if you want to track down the professor so badly, I'm sure it won't be that hard."

"No, it's not about that. Okay, well, it's a little about that. It's just, you keep swapping me around."

"Wh-what do you mean?" She seemed surprised. Had she not seen this coming?

"Like, yesterday, at the mall. You swapped my gender around. You tried to... fix me. But I wasn't - I'm not broken, Elizabeth." I glanced down. "I thought you of all people knew that."

"Oh my god, is that what this is all about? If you want me to swap you back you know you just have to ask, right?"

"No! Maybe. Look, I don't know - that's part of the problem. That's the worst part of the problem. These changes you've made... they're changing if I want these things or not. The guy I am now hates the idea of being feminine, but that's who I was, baby, and that's... that's eating me up inside. I'm disgusted with myself at how much I hate the idea of going back. This isn't how I'm supposed to feel. I mean, for gods sake, Elizabeth, I'm a man with tits," I grabbed my jiggling boobs for emphasis, "and you've made me love that. I wouldn't trade these for the world."

Elizabeth grinned a bit as she stared at my heaving melons.

"I just..." I sighed "I just want to go back to the way things were before that stupid device. We were happy then, weren't we?"

"I..." she took a step back, her hands grabbing the bag with the device in it and clutching it defensively to her chest. "No Evan, no we weren't. Things were awful before. For once in my life I'm in control, do you understand? For once in my life I don't have to worry about doing something stupid or fucking everything up. I can do anything I want, and anything that goes wrong I can fix."

"What about all the people who get hurt along the way?"

"No one is going to get hurt, Evan."

"I'm hurt!" I hadn't meant to say it so loudly.

"Then tell me how and I'll fix it." She put a tender hand on my shoulder. "I'll swap away your pain. I'll make everything better."

"That's just it, I don't want you to fix it. I don't... I don't want you swapping away my heart." I blinked back a tear and looked away. This was so embarrassing. I hated feeling this vulnerable.

"Then what do you want Evan?"

"Right now?" I looked into her eyes. She seemed so far away. "A hug? I want the girl I love to tell me that it's okay to be upset and that it's okay to be me, and that its okay to feel however I feel and that you'll love and support me no matter what and that we'll get through this. What I want, Elizabeth, is you.

Elizabeth blushed.

"Evan, That's..."

"I know, I know, it's corny."

"That's the sweetest thing a guy has ever told me"

"I tell you this kind of stuff all the time."

"Uhg," she frowned "yeah, you would, wouldn't you?"


"Look... I don't want to have to choose between you and the device."

"I didn't want to have to make you!"

"But I'm not done with it yet. I have plans I need to put in motion, things I still need to do."

"Is this about your stupid revenge list?"

"It's not stupid! And no, there's other things too. I want to be beautiful and rich and famous and popular. I want everything the world can offer."

"But what good is all that stuff if you haven't earned any of it?"

"Oh, right," she rolled her eyes, "because the people who have those things totally earned them. I just want nice things in life, Evan."

My words caught in my throat. Who was I to deny her that want?

"Then, look," she said, "then I'll be happy. Once we have that, we'll both be happy, you'll see. We can do whatever we want for the rest of our lives, and we won't even need the device ever again - though we'll keep it around for emergencies of course - but come on, doesn't that sound heavenly? Doesn't that sound perfect? Us on some beach somewhere, young and hot and rich forever?"

"Baby we could live in a shack and it would sound perfect as long as I'm with you."

"Evan, that's so sweet, but I - I need more than that."

I frowned.

"Look, once this revenge thing tonight is over, we'll get started on the real plans, okay? We'll make life perfect. And then no more device - just me and my perfect boyfriend. I'll even start cutting back okay? I'm still going through with my revenge, but I won't ruin anyone's life, and I won't swap you without talking to you about it first."



"Promise me."

"Evan," she raised a hand "I promise."

"I love you, Elizabeth."

"I-" She blushed, then laughed. "I know you do."

God help me, I just couldn't stay mad at her. I was beating myself up internally. I knew it was stupid. I felt like I was getting dragged along, like I was having my chain yanked. If this was anyone else, I'd have done something, I wouldn't have let this happen. But it was Elizabeth. It was my baby. We'd been together for years. She made my life better, didn't she?

I... I didn't want to admit that the device was changing her. I didn't want to admit that I was worried. I wanted to trust her, like I knew that I always could. I wanted to let myself believe in that happier future.

So I closed my eyes to evil. That future just sounded so nice.

We were getting ready for our date that evening, this weird sudden double date with these people we had only just met. It was exactly the sort of impulsive thing she'd do. I was determined to make this a good time, but I was still anxious about the fact that she had set the whole thing up just to get even with Sam. I couldn't seem to talk her out of it, but she had at least promised she wouldn't ruin the guys life or anything.

I was wearing this sexy little red mini-dress with a low-cut neck that really just made my tits pop. I spun around a little as I glanced in the mirror. I just loved the way it and my stiletto heels showed off my long athletic legs and my juicy muscular butt. Honestly, I'd probably have worn something a little shorter or maybe a little tighter, but I was scared that people were going to notice my dick. I know logically that they'd not find anything unusual about it, but I still didn't exactly want to show it off. I mean, what guy wouldn't be embarrassed by having a huge girly thing like that hanging between his legs?

"Are you ready yet?" came Elizabeth's voice from behind as she walked into the bathroom where I was applying my makeup. She looked stunningly handsome in her little black dress. I don't know why that surprised me, she always looked so amazing. She was dressed a little bit more conservatively than me, and yet she had somehow managed to pull off a look of absolute elegance without downplaying a single one of her features. Her petite chest was especially prominent - I don't know how she managed to make it all fit.

"Almost." I replied, deciding on a whim to maybe go for a darker shade of lipstick. Something red and sultry. I blew myself a little kiss as I finished applying it. I looked good. Confident. Manly.

"Oh my god, you look great." she said, evidently agreeing with my assessment. She pressed herself into me as she wrapped me in a hug. Her hot tits were poking into my back as one of her hands drifted up to fondle one of my boobs while the other pushed and played along the hem of my dress. A part of me just wanted to melt into her, but I managed to keep my composure.

"Elizabeth!" I let out a hot gasp. "We're late enough as is."

"I know." she whispered in my ear "Why you gotta be so sexy, huh?" I could feel her hard dick pressing against the crack of my ass. "One more round?"

We got to the restaurant a little later than planned.

The restaurant, Albert's, was a pretty nice place, all things considered. It was actually in spitting distance from the club where Elizabeth worked, putting it sort of towards the far end of what was considered walkable from campus. It was a little pricey, but it was fancy enough to warrant it, especially compared to all the other places in the area. A good date spot, all things considered.

We were the last ones to arrive. The hostess took us through the restaurant to a quiet little booth near the back where Sam and Emma were both laughing while Slut was apparently seducing the waiter.

I did my best not to check out Sam, but it was tough. She was wearing this white button up dress-shirt that hung loosely off her muscular frame in such a way as to emphasize the manly delicacy of her shoulders while drawing focus to - and barely restraining - the bulging mass of her quivering chest. I was surprised the buttons didn't pop off hulk-style at the slightest provocation. It was kind of hard to see, hidden as it was behind her collar, but she had a hickey on her neck that was not there when we'd met earlier.

Emma, who was cuddled up beside her, was wearing a tight little black skirt and a top that brought to mind a delicate corset. With the amount of skin she was showing off it was probably safe to say that It was club-wear, but she'd added a diaphanous little scarf/shall thing that hung from her shoulders and really added a touch of class.

I noticed Elizabeth looking over at Emma, then down at her self, evidently feeling competitive. She grinned. I don't know what she had been comparing, but she seemed happy she had come out on top.

Slut, for her part had simply tied a cutesy little bow into her collar. She winked and licked her lips at the waiter as he turned to depart, a very distinct tenting in his pants. I could see why she was into him, he was pretty cute, and if that bulge was any indication, he was packing.

"Sorry we're late." I chimed as we sat down.

"Its okay, we just got here ourselves." Sam said.

"These two," Slut laughed, "were so busy making out they completely missed their bus stop."

"Sam had never had a bus blowjob before," Emma shrugged "I had to fix that."

Sam blushed.

I looked over at Elizabeth. She smiled back at me knowingly, glad we hadn't been the only ones.

"I just feel bad that we had to make you wait." said Sam.

"Oh, it's fine." Slut waved a hand dismissively. "Let's just say it gave me ample time to sample the house special." She blew a kiss to the cute waiter boy, who was helping out the family two tables down.

Emma reached over and gave her a little high five. Sam laughed.

I looked around the restaurant, it was nice. Good ambience. We were sort of out of the way in the back here. The only other table that was busy looked like it was some kind of family gathering - grandparents, parents, a few kids, even a surprisingly well-behaved baby.

"Have you ordered?" I asked.

"Just some drinks." Sam said, "I'm normally not a big drinker, but there's some cocktails Emma says I've got to try."

"Really?" I asked. "I wouldn't have expected a place like this to do drinks like that."

"They've got a full bar!" Emma grinned.

"It's the price of doing business so close to campus," said Elizabeth, an authority on the subject. "If you're not willing to sling shots to drunken frat girls at two in the morning you're basically just throwing away money."

"Hey, remember that time we gave Evan those slutty cocktails?" Slut laughed.

"Oh my god, yes." Elizabeth smiled at the memory, then she remembered how the rest of that night had gone and frowned. I guess she was sort of still hurting from the argument. I put my hand on her back supportively.

Slut picked up at her discomfort and glanced down at her glass, embarrassed.

"So hey, you two are a cute couple," I said, changing the subject as I smiled up at Sam and Emma.

They looked at each other as though surprised by this news, then Sam gave a dopey grin as she realized I was correct. Elizabeth frowned.

We got to talking while looking over the menus. Small talk, mostly, just sort of getting to know everybody. It was nice. For a little while I managed to forget all about the device and just relax a little.

Elizabeth seemed especially interested in Sam. She kept asking probing questions about her history. I should have known she was up to something, but, well, I just assumed it had something to do with the fact that she was hot.

Eventually we had all had a few drinks and the food arrived. I made the mistake of once again ordering way too much. I'd sort of gotten used to the way this body reacted around food - that I'd' get absolutely famished, but then hardly be able to eat anything at all - but I kept forgetting that fact when it came time to order. Still, it was good stuff, salmon with a miso honey glaze.

Sometime after Elizabeth's third glass of wine, Sam, who must have been in a similar predicament to my own, was feeding Emma some of her steak. Elizabeth, who had been getting more and more antsy with each display of affection the couple gave, finally reached down to the bag she had kept sitting at her feet and pulled out the device, discretely holding it just below the table.

I gave her a pleading look - one last request to please be careful with the thing. She set it down between us so that it was resting on one of my legs and on one of hers. I had sort of hoped that she had forgotten about it, or, even better, that now that she had gotten to know Sam and Emma a little, she'd decided that she didn't want to go through with it. This had been me ignoring, of course, all the signs to the contrary.

"So Sam," she said, "you're on the football team?"

"Yeah!" Sam perked up. "I'm actually really lucky to be here on a football scholarship. I had to work my ass off for it, but it's great to be a part of something like that. My dad was a linebacker when he was younger but he got injured and never made it to the pro level, so I'm trying to do him proud, you know? He taught me everything I know."

"Oh, thats amazing," Elizabeth said with a cold grin. "I don't actually know all that much about football - tell me, what position do you play?"


"Oh, gosh uh," Sam fumbled for a moment as though she'd lost her train of thought. "Catcher? I think it's called? I don't really know much about the game either, to be honest. I've never even really handled a football before."

"Really?" said Elizabeth, sounding for all the world like a cat playing with a mouse. "And that hasn't been a problem, you being on the football team?"

"I don't see why it would." Sam shrugged and flashed a smile.

I glared over at Elizabeth. She gave me a look that said "Just trust me."

"Well still," Elizabeth continued, "being on the team, you must be really strong."

"Well," Sam laughed "I don't mean to brag, but I can bench press like-"


"-80 pounds. I'm in the gym like five times a week, so I'm hoping to get to 84 soon."

"Oh! That's impressive. We should arm wrestle sometime! I'd love to see that in action." Elizabeth gave my hand a gentle squeeze, demonstrating immediately where all of Sam's strength had gone to.

"Mm, isn't she great?" asked Emma, rubbing one of Sam's shoulders. Sam blushed a little at the attention.

"Baby," I whispered, "please..."

"So you say you're on a scholarship? That's super cool. What are you here studying?"

"Oh, that's actually a good question. You remember how I said that my dad was a, uh, football guy, right? Well he got injured playing and couldn't continue. So, Growing up what I've always wanted to do was become a physiotherapist. That way I could help people like my dad continue their dreams even after suffering through debilitating injuries. Honestly, as great as being on the football team is, that's my real goal here - to study physio and to be able to just, really help people, you know?"

"Aw, Sam" cooed Emma. "You never told me that. That's so noble of you."

"Well," he laughed, "it was either that or massage therapy."

"Oh my god." Elizabeth sighed in annoyance. "So what exactly does studying that actually involve? What are some things you've learned in your classes?"


"Uh." sam sat there blankly for a few seconds, his brain digging deep for something he couldn't find. "Well, I don't really know, but it's all super cool and really important."

"Elizabeth," I whispered, "what are you doing?"

"Relax," she said, "I'm just taking him down a few pegs."

"You promised you weren't going to ruin this guys life."

"I'm not!"

"You're stripping away all his accomplishments. Who are you even swapping him with?"

She glanced over at the family at the table a few booths down.

"Is everything okay?" asked Slut, giving us a concerned look.

"Everything's fine," said Elizabeth, turning back to the table sweetly.

Slut furrowed her brow in concern. I gave her an apologetic smile.

"You know Emma," said Elizabeth, drawing my focus back to that side of the table. "You're really very lucky. Sam seems like quite the catch. I'm sure lots of other girls would do anything to be where you are right now."

"Aw, isn't he? I'm still not 100% sold on him to be honest though," she said, half joking. "I still don't know if I'm ready to settle down, but we'll see how things go. Actually being in a relationship is a little strange."

"You know what?" Sam laughed. "Its been really nice. I've been avoiding a relationship for a while. Most of the girls who try to hook up with me just want sex, sex, sex, when this whole time all I've ever really wanted to do is find someone to settle down and be romantic with. Emma's been showing me that you can find a balance between the two extremes."

They looked at each other and smiled, then kissed.

"Honestly?" Sam laughed again, "I just wish someone had asked me out like this sooner, you know? God, all those wasted opportunities."

Elizabeth's grip tightened. "Okay," she leaned in to my ear and whispered. "Now I'm going to fuck him up."

"Hey wait," I said, but there was no stopping her. She was already resetting the device. I glanced over to the other booth to see who she was going to swap him with, but all I saw was the baby being fussy with its mother.


Sam suddenly sat bolt upright, a look of total embarrassment spreading across his face.

"Not that the sex isn't great, of course," Emma added, mostly to Slut. "Sam's got the juiciest - "

Her sentence petered out when she turned to look at the expression on Sam's face.

"Oh no," she said. "Now?"

He nodded in embarrassment.

"We didn't bring any of your diapers, baby."

Elizabeth let out a shrill laugh. Sam just blushed all the harder.

"Okay, okay, its fine," Emma said, standing up. "Let's go get you cleaned up, okay?"

"Do you need a hand?" asked Slut.

"No thanks, I think we got it."

The two held hands as they made their way to the washrooms. Sam's awkward steps a stark contrast to Emma's happy go lucky stride. She must practice that, I thought. No one moves that suggestively naturally.


I coughed. Elizabeth must have been thinking the same thing because now Sam, while still walking awkwardly, had a decidedly feminine and seductive flare in her step while Emma was standing up straighter and walking with a sort of manly confidence.

"Aw, they really are really cute," said Slut. "I'm so totally jealous. I wish I could meet someone who treats me right like that."

"Elizabeth," I hissed, trying to keep my volume down, "what the hell?"

"Well, it was either that or I swapped his age with the grandpa over there. I was holding back!"

"I can't believe this."

"Come on Evan! Just let me give that son of a bitch what she deserves. Those two have been rubbing their stupid little happy relationship in my face this whole damn dinner!"

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