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Girls Have It Easy

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My girlfriend teaches me what it's like to please boys.
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"You do too!" I pushed Caroline playfully, pulling the covers off her chest.

"Sex is not easier for girls than it is for boys! We have to do a lot of work to have a good time." She pouted at me, pulling my hand up in between her breasts and bringing me closer under the covers. We had left the window open the night before and the chilly spring air cooled the room.

"C'mon, you have to admit it. Guys can finish for anything easily. Anything you do I find sexy; you could just lie underneath me and I'd be fine. Meanwhile, I have to make sure you have a nice day, feel comfortable, spend a ton of time doing foreplay, and even then you don't cum all the time. You've even admitted that you're not sure what works all the time. For me, you can just put your lips on my cock, tell me that you want me to cum in your mouth, and I won't be able to hold it. Every girl knows exactly what to do." I toyed with the front of her panties. "I have to work to please you."

Caroline sat up and stared at me, pulling the covers to cover up her chest. "You're being serious about this, aren't you? You honestly think it's easy to please guys for girls?"

I shrugged in response, trying to pull her back down into the bed. "I mean, not totally, but some part of me definitely think its true. Sure, you have to work at it some, but guys just naturally finish easier. You take 20 minutes at least -- if I haven't hooked up with anybody in a few days, I could be done in less than a minute."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Oh, I know you can be done that quick," she mocked me by poking me in the chest.

"It's proof! Anyway, it's not like I'm not willing to do the work. I want to make you feel good and don't mind putting in the time. I like it when you cum, hearing you moan and feeling you tighten up, letting you sleep on my chest afterward." She finally relented, falling into my arms and smiling at me.

"Hmm. Well I still think you're wrong -- let me prove it to you." She leaned in for a slow kiss, barely touching my lips. I pulled back after a few seconds and grinned.

"What do you mean?" I was curious about what she meant.

"Shh, baby. Don't you trust me? I think I can change your mind. Plus, I promise you'll like it -- it involves me fucking you -- I promise I'll make it last for longer than a minute." She smiled mischievously at me.

I still wasn't quite sure, but I doubted it. Girls had it easier in bed. "Fine," I said, "but if I don't, then you owe me -- I'll make you put in some work to please me."

Caroline reached down and stroked my dick through my boxer briefs. "Okay -- I promise that I'll be a totally willing sex slave for you if I don't change your mind -- but if I do, you're going to have to prove that girls have it easier."

"How will I do that?"

She nibbled on my ear, hand slipping into my boxers and around my cock. "You'll just do what I do and lie back and enjoy what I do to you, sweetie. Don't worry, you'll like it." She slipped out of bed, headed for the shower, and I watched her ass, encased in black lace panties, as she went away. "Just be ready when you come home from work tonight to have a good time babe!"

"Will do!" I smiled as she left and kept rubbing my dick. Caroline was one of the more sexually adventurous girlfriends that I had dated. It was fantastic to have her around, and as we were only a few months into the relationship, we had been having sex at least a few times each week. She was originally a rebound from a previous break-up, so this was the perfect relationship for me. Whatever she had planned, I was looking forward to it.

Midway through the day, I received a picture message from her: "Look forward to this outfit tonight <3." It was a picture of lingerie perfectly laid out on Caroline's bed. Pale pink stockings lined up with a matching garter belt connected to what looked like a sheer pink baby doll nightie with a sheer short tulle skirt, stylized with a floral pattern. The pink and white panties were adorned with frills, flirtatious flowers dancing around the edges at fluffed out around the hips. A satin bow went around the front at the top of a slit for her pussy. A pink ribbon circled the midriff, with another shaping rounded triangles around the breasts. A larger flower lace pattern would be over each of her tits, and two frilly loops went around the arms. A lace neck wrap and matching hair bow adorned the top. She put a few make up products next to it -- what looked like red lipstick, eyeliner, blush, tweezers, and some other things I didn't recognize. High pink heels sat next to it, propped up.

Fuck. Somehow, just the sight of the lingerie got me hard, thinking about Caroline wearing it. I wanted to fuck her so badly now -- part of me wanted to leave work right away. How was I supposed to concentrate on work when Caroline was teasing me like this? She'd look so good from behind, and I couldn't wait to see her pale tits bouncing up and down while she rocked back-and-forth on my cock. Texts like this made me so hard -- girls who were willing to be so pleasing were hard to find. Caroline didn't seem to mind being submissive, and I found that I liked to be dominate in bed. It made me feel manly, I guess, seeing her struggle to take the entirety of my dick into her mouth, or raising both of her legs up above my shoulders, or spreading her ass herself to show me her tiny asshole. It was still so tight the first time I toyed with it, and after a few nights, she agreed to anal, moaning loudly around a ball gag she asked to have strapped around her mouth. Ugh -- Caroline was such a willing slut, and I was eagerly looking forward to tie her up in that cute little outfit tonight, making sure she got the pleasure of my cock everywhere she could before she got to taste my cum on her lips.

After a few hours of my cock straining against my suit pants, I finally gathered up my stuff and headed to Caroline's place with Chinese food, her favorite. I quickly checked how I looked in the car mirror, straightening my hair, and walked up to her flat.

Caroline opened the door a few seconds later. "Hey, babe! Good, you're here." She looked down at the food and frowned, taking it. "Hmm, you probably don't need the calories tonight."

I was surprised. Caroline was dressed in baggy sweats, a large sweater draped over her voluptuous frame, hair disheveled. "Hi, you." I brought her in for a kiss. "I gotta be honest, I was expecting something a bit, you know, sexier." I held her up close, inspecting her from head to foot.

Caroline smiled, poking my chest with her finger. "Well that comes later, cutie. Remember, I'm proving a point tonight -- girls don't have it easy to please you boys. This is a lesson for you. And before you get any benefits, you have to agree to a few things for me, ok?" She ran her finger down my chest and gave my dick a quick squeeze.

"One, you obey me when I tell you to do anything. Us girls will be submissive sluts to please our men, and tonight, you're returning the favor. Yes?"

I swallowed, slightly nervous. This was a more dominant side to Caroline than I've seen before. "Ok, whatever you want."

"Whatever you want, ma'am," Caroline corrected me. "Second rule: you're going to respect me tonight. When I make a joke, you laugh at it to make me feel funny. When I don't know something, you play dumb too. As a girl, I make sure you never feel inadequate -- for the next few hours, you're going to compliment me, smile at me, tell me I'm pretty, and say 'yes please, ma'am' when I ask for something. Clear?" Caroline smiled sweetly.

"Yes, ma'am." My dick was getting hard at this point -- she clearly had something big planned.

"Good. Now, go get in the bathtub." I was confused. "The bathtub?"

Caroline grabbed my face with her hand, scrunching my lips to the kissy duck face sorority girls do in selfies, and shook my head from side to side. "The bathtub, what?"

I tried to enunciate through her grip, "wa wawthub, wa'm?" Caroline giggled. "Aww, cute baby talk sweetie. Yes, the bathtub. Leave your clothes outside the bathroom, too, and I can take care of them for you. I'm going to eat some of this quickly though; I'll come join you in a few minutes."

Her joining me was something I could look forward to. As she went to the kitchen, I stripped in the hallway and stepped into the bathroom. It was already slightly steamy, and Caroline had dimmed the lights. The water smelled sweet, somehow, and a few bubbles floated across the surface. Inspecting the bottles, I added some more of the bubble bath solution to the water -- I didn't realize she had any, and it seemed more sexy than the clear water.

I settled in the tub awkwardly. I hadn't taken a bath in years, probably, but this was a nice tub, probably made in mind for girls who took baths, with a curved surface to lie against, a towel to rest your head on, and jets coming from the side. I closed my eyes and found myself enjoying the sensations, relaxing from work. I heard Caroline open the door.

"Adding more bubbles, well, we have a 'miss modesty' over here, don't we?" I looked up at her, indicating for her to come in and sit with me in the water, not letting her teasing get in the way of my satisfaction.

"Hmm, actually going to wait a little bit -- we have a few more things to add to your bathing experience. I know you trust me, but if you ever get uncomfortable, just say our safe word, ok?"

"Alright, C. -- but what exactly are the next steps here?"

"I just need lots of access for our playtime baby. Arms above your head, now." I complied with her succinct instructions. With a red silk cloth, she tied my wrists together above my head, latching them to the spout. Grabbing two more wraps, she laced one through a knob on each side of the tub, using the sides to elevate my legs and pulling them to each side of the tub. The tips of my hands and feet were now outside of the water, and I was almost in a U-shape, trussed to the tub. She pulled out her blindfold, a hot pink one with red lace edging specifically made for bondage play, and wrapped it around my eyes so I couldn't see a thing.

"And one more for in between those cute lips -- don't worry, it won't be too tight." She slid a big ball through my teeth and tied it around the back of my head. Ugh -- it was bigger than it seemed when it was in between her lips.

"Now, the next part might sting and tingle a little bit, but be a big man and don't complain, okay darling? Plus, I'll keep you distracted for the time being."

I heard her open a bottle and start squirting it onto her hands. She quickly rubbed my legs from the calf up to my thighs, then around my genitals and up to my chest. It started burning after a few seconds, but Caroline started rubbing my cock underneath the water, and I forgot about the pain for the pleasurable sensations.

As she got me hard, she started to speak softly to me. "See, girls have to be extra clean for their men, all the time. I spend so much time and money shaving and trimming and waxing, making sure I smell nice and my entire body is smooth so I look like the girls in the magazines and pornos that you love to jack your cute little cock off to every day. Now I'm trying to make this as nice and easy for you as I can, but it's not easy when you have to do it yourself. Not every girl gets pampered like you tonight, sweetie. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that things will always be comfortable."

As the burning ceased, Caroline unplugged the drain and the water lowered, leaving me naked and tied to the empty tub. I felt her reach away as the water drained. She came back quickly, though, grabbing my cock again and stroking it until it got hard again. At this point, she took one hand from my cock and slipped it to my ass, her hand rubbing in between my cheeks.

"When you get to fuck me in the ass, I always have to clean myself out for you, so it's only fair that you get to experience a little bit of this."

As she spoke to me, she slid her wet pinky finger up into my asshole. I clenched and moaned around the gag.

"Shut up, baby, don't start complaining at the first little pain you feel. My pussy and ass hurt from guys fucking me hard, thinking that I like it just because they want to feel tough and cum. I'm gonna take my time here and go nice and slow so you can get used to it. Anyway, it just needs to be stretched out a bit for later."

I squirmed around her finger; I could feel it as she wiggled it around, making a circle. She giggled.

"You'll be fine. And you'll learn to like it -- every girl knows the first time hurts a bit." Her finger withdrew and she kissed me on the forehead.

"You smell nice -- now, my favorite part -- time to play dress-up!" Caroline stood up and untied the silk on my ankles, shifting the blindfold down and motioning me to stand up. With my hands still tied above my head and gag in place, she took a fluffy hot pink towel and started drying me like a little kid. I shivered.

"Aww, sweetie, we'll get you warmed up. Now, kneel."

As I knelt down, Caroline turn on the hair dryer and began running her fingers over my head. After a few minutes, she lifted up my chin, forcing my head toward the ceiling.

"Let's get this fitted on," she mumbled, wrapping something around my neck. I cringed -- it had to be the collar I had bought for her. Like our other toys, it was bright pink. Fake diamond studs encircled the collar and served as the notches for the tightening strap. Naughty words were written in thin cursive around the collar: sexy, sweet, slut, etc., framed by little hearts. Caroline had always liked bondage to be playful, so rather than the traditional black color scheme; everything she owned was always bright and colorful. Having played with her when she was the one tied and strapped in it, I had found it extremely sexy. Now in the position of being her plaything, I was less sure. She slipped the blindfold back over my eyes.

"Umph!" I groaned as I was pulled forward by the neck -- she had clearly attached the leash.

"Let's go darling, things to do! Also, make sure to waddle along sexy like I do. Butt out, baby, and exaggerate the swing of your hips -- look up, too."

I winced as I imagine what I looked like. A naked, newly smooth gagged man with his hands tied above his head, wearing a hot pink blindfold, ball gag, and collar stumbling along on his knees being pulled by his diminutive girlfriend. I could feel my cheeks burning from the humiliation.

As she pulled me along, I could tell we had made it to her bedroom. She tugged on the leash. Tripping over my knees, I fell into the carpet face-first. I heard Caroline laugh.

"Stay like that -- it's a sexy position, the downward dog." I felt Caroline get on her knees next to me and begin to massage my cock.

"Hmm, baby, let's get you going here, show me that cute cock of yours. On your hands and knees, me jerking you off, your little butt in the air. Don't get too excited, though; this is still foreplay." Caroline pulled the leash. "Us girls take it slow, darling, so we've got a few more hours of playtime, just us. But let's get you dressed up -- did you like that picture I sent you earlier today?"

I nodded enthusiastically. Still a bit anxious, but I wanted to please her, so I played along. Despite the teasing, it also felt good to have her holding me in this position, stroking my dick. I was so exposed, entirely at her mercy.

"I thought you would -- good girls love dress up naughtily for their men -- it makes us feel so dirty. And as my newly turned good girl, I'm going to dress you up and play with you until you admit you have a little bit of a girly slut inside you."

I stiffened up. This isn't exactly what I was expecting -- her being dominant is one thing, pretending to be a girl is another. Caroline felt this and started to squeeze my cock, tightening her grip as she elaborated on her plan.

"You said girls don't have to try hard to please men," she reminded me. "Tonight you're learning just how hard it is -- and just how good it feels." She giggled again. She punctuated her last words with sharp squeezes, digging her nails into my skin.

"But I want you to ask me to. I'm going to take your gag out, and you're going to politely ask me, Caroline, can I be a sexy good girl for my man like you are?" She imitated a high pitched baby voice. "And until you do it to my satisfaction, I'll give you some encouragement."

Caroline slapped my ass. I jerked forward, then back as she grabbed the back of my collar. She undid the gag and I gasped as the ball slipped out from in between my lips.

"Caroline, I don't know-"

"No baby!" Caroline slapped my butt again, even harder, once, twice, three times. My eyes started to water. She grabbed my cheeks with a hand and scrunched my lips together.

"Be honest, you want to become a pretty girl. I know you want to. Now ask me!" She spanked me with each word she spoke.

"Caroline!" The slaps stopped.

"Yes sweetheart?" She purred seductively. I gave in.

"Can I be a girl --"

"In a girly voice, darling, convince me," she interrupted me.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for how I was willingly about to emasculate myself. I thought about how girls in porn videos always spoke and raised my voice a few octaves, lisping slightly.

"Could I pwetty pweasee be a sexy good girl for a man like you do for me?"

Caroline laughed out loud. "Aww, sweetie of course you can. Tell me what you want to do next."

I grimaced as I thought about what was coming next. "Can I pwease wear the pwetty lingerie you laid out for me earlier?"

"Well absolutely you can. And after that?"

I hesitated. "I, I don't know..."

"Aww, darling. You know, now tell me. Don't you want more of this?" She took a finger and traced my lips, then started sliding it in and out of my mouth, hinting at what my answer should be. She rolled me over, pulling me into her lap and rubbing my still-painful ass. She began toying with my asshole, reaching her arm in between my legs and rubbing a finger in between my butt cheeks and spreading them apart.

I submitted even more. "I want to suck cock, please."

Caroline kissed me on the cheek. "Every girl does, baby. Nothing to be ashamed of. Imagine a big cock hanging from my hips -- you on your knees in that pale and dainty pink lingerie -- tell me what you feel."

I tried to picture what she told me, uncertainly. I had a feeling that I would shortly be living out this fantasy, that I'd be dressed in Caroline's naughty outfit -- my sexy underwear -- looking up to the head of an engorged cock, just waiting for me to suck on it like a big lollipop and hoping for the creamy center. And I sort of felt eager to do it. Me, looking so sexy, had made this cock big, and I felt special to be the pretty girl that got to suck on it. I could feel it in my mouth. And I felt like such a submissive, dirty slut, doing this naughty thing in private to a big, strong man -- me, this sweet little girl, losing her innocence. Still though, another part of me felt in control; this boy wants to cum so bad, and I decide when he gets to, how good he is going to feel just because of me. Some part of me knew exactly what to do and how to move my body and my tongue around the head of his dick.

Caroline slapped my dick lightly. "Baby, you can't dream about cock all night!" She nuzzled my neck with her lips. "We're going to get you the real thing. But tell me -- a pretty young thing like you wants more than just cock in her mouth, doesn't she?" She kept stroking my cock. "After you've got a taste of cock, what are you hoping for next?"

I fidgeted before replying, preparing myself for the step I was going to take. "I wanna be fucked," I said in a girly pout.

She increased the intensity as she fingered me. "Tell me more. How do you want to be fucked?"


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