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Girls' Night Out Ch. 08


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As they drove to work, Cassie held Kylie's hand. Kylie parked the car and she began to exit, Cassie spoke up. "Kylie, wait."

Kylie got back in the car. "What?"

Cassie looked Kylie in the face. "I just want to say you are the most amazing person I ever met. You have made a decision that means you are astride two worlds. You have pulled off what seems to be an impossibility and have done it so well. Last night you showed me what it means to make love but you did it before we climbed into bed. You made it a special evening with girlie nighties, ice cream, and just girl talk. I just want to say that I want to be part of your life, in any way. You have shown me so much. I also want to be there for you, no matter where your journey takes you." Tears began to run down Cassie's face.

Kylie said nothing as she began to cry also. The two leaned together and hugged each other. They didn't need to say anything else.

The day at work went incredibly fast. They straightened up a few things, pulled some new things from the backroom and generally had a productive day. Kylie contacted some new people, wanting to know if they wanted to sell anything at the shop. She was pleasantly surprised at the number of positive comments she heard about the gallery. Good things were being said around the Cape and that was good for business.

Kylie didn't tuck today as she wearing khaki loose fitting pants, ones that tied at the waist. Her top was a lighter tan that came just short of the waist of the pants and had an opening that showed her cleavage off. When she raised her arms, her pierced navel showed. She didn't want to tuck today, as her cock was a little tender after the workout Cassie gave it.

Cassie was fascinated watching Kylie get dressed. "Do you have to do this every day?"

"It all depends on what I'm wearing. Some days it is more, like padded panties to give me some hips and ass, a breast plate, even panties that appear to have the form of a vagina just to give me an outline."

"What do you do with, you know, your cock?" Cassie was embarrassed by her question.

Some days I tuck it under. Others the panties are snug enough to hold it up and tight. Today I'm just letting it hang free," Kylie said with a laugh. "I heard others tape it under."

Cassie made a face.

"Not for me. Besides I love the feel of panties against my cock. You girls get all the great underwear."

"Never thought of it that way," Cassie said with a laugh.

Cassie walked around the gallery trying to keep herself busy. It was difficult as there were no customers so her mind kept wandering back to last night. It was truly a great evening. There were so many things that made it that way. First Kylie made her feel comfortable about posing nude. The idea about that silly boa was perfect. She was telling her that she could be naked but here's something you can use to cover up what you don't want to show. Then how Kylie didn't rush into sex as soon as they got home. They took it nice and slow. Of course once it started it was crazy. Her pussy had never been used so hard before. It actually hurt a little but in a good way. She glanced over at Kylie and smiled. She knew that last night was a start to better things.

Kylie headed home after work. She wanted to invite Cassie to come with her but decided against it. Angie should have gotten back from the conference and she wanted to spend some quality time with her. When she opened the door and found Angie's bags there, she was happy she did.

Over a light dinner Angie told her about her conference. There wasn't much to say; just the usual boring realtors get together. It was when she talked about her flight home, Angie got excited.

"Guess who I sat beside on the flight home? A doctor from Boston."

"Was he good looking?" Kylie asked.

"No, silly, the doctor was a she and she did plastic surgery. Breasts enhancements. So I talked to her about them."

Kylie was now interested. "And?"

Angie continued. "First I showed her pictures of you. Some from Provincetown and some others from when we went shopping for you. Just a few. She was very impressed with you."

"Go on, I like compliments," Kylie laughed.

"Well she was a little confused. She was very candid. She thought you had a great figure and your breasts were large enough for you. Then I explained who you were."


Angie took a sip of her wine. "She got serious and looked closely at the pictures while I told her all about you. To make a long story short, she said she would love to meet you and talk about the surgery, answer any questions. Here's her card." Angie slid it across the table.

Kylie picked it up and stared at it. "Wow, thank you." She paused. "You know it's a pretty big decision."

Reaching out Angie grasped Kylie's hands. "I know, sweetie, but you have to know I'm here for you, always."

"I know that, babe, but I don't think you signed on to this in the beginning. I was Cary when we first met, started dating, and moved here to Cape. I'm not him now. I'm Kylie, somebody else. Are you sure you're happy with this?"

"Oh sweetie," Angie smiled. "You haven't changed. On the outside sure but not here." She tapped Kylie on the forehead. Angie then clasped Kylie's hands to her heart. "And certainly not here. Kylie has always been here. It just took a little to let her out." Angie let that sink in for a moment. "Look, I'm really tired. I'm going to shower and go to bed. Join me?"

"One more thing, babe," Kylie held on to Angie's hand. "Last night, well, Cassie and I, well, we," Kylie stumbled along.

"Really? That's great. Was it good?"

"You're not upset?"

Angie laughed. "Cassie's a great kid. I saw what was going on at Victoria's Secret, remember? Upset? No, just surprised it took you so long."

"I kind of feel like I went behind your back."

"Hey remember the morning you went off to work and you left Alexa and me in bed? We didn't play cards after you left. You know how I'd come home all horny after a Girls' Night Out? It was after some close dancing and a little more. Hannah is a great kisser and Susan, well, I agree with you. She is fucking hot. When she talked to me about a threesome with you and me. I couldn't say no, just maybe." Angie stepped over and gave Kylie a hug. "I know what I want and it's right here." She took Angie's hand. "And I want it right now."



"Hey sweetie," Angie called from the bedroom. "Come here."

Kylie walked to the door, carrying a hot mug of tea. She was standing there wearing her black panties, black stockings, and a black bra. "What's up?"

Angie looked Kylie over as she stood by the door. Just standing there, she looked hot. Those long reddish tresses really added to her look. Angie just smiled and shook her head.

"What?" Kylie walked to the edge of the bed and sat down.

"I just got off the phone with Alexa and she says she got a better deal."

Kylie turned and asked, "A better deal? What are you talking about?"

Angie shrugged, 'It seems Donna is going back to New Jersey so Linda asked Alexa if she wanted to move in with her in Boston. It makes sense. It is a pretty long commute from here to Boston every day. What do you think?"

"It's ok with me. It does make sense." Kylie turned back around.

Angie moved closer and began to rub her hand across Kylie's back. Kylie tipped her head back and sighed. "That feels good."

Getting up on her knees, Angie pressed her naked body up against Kylie. She pulled her hair aside and began kissing and nibbling on Kylie's neck. Kylie sighed again. "You know that drives me crazy, babe."

Angie reached around and cupped one of Kylie's breasts.

Kylie turned again and faced her. "I can't help but imagine what it will feel like to have my own breasts, not these fake ones."

"Well sweetie, we can go see that doctor if you want. I'll go with you if you need me."

Kylie fell back on the bed. "It can't hurt to make an appointment." She paused for a moment. "I'm going to do it!"

Angie moved next to her and kissed her. "Good!" she said.

Kylie was all dressed and ready to go to the gallery as Angie came down the stairs. "Hey you look good. Going to wow the customers?"

"What customers?" Kylie laughed. "It's been a little slow lately."

"Well I was thinking," Angie began.

"Oh boy." Kylie made a face towards her.

Angie ignored her. "Any way, I was thinking if we still want another roommate, you could ask Cassie. I mean it couldn't hurt."

"I didn't think of that. You're right, it couldn't hurt. I'll ask her today."

"No, wait," Angie said shaking her head. "Let's take her out for dinner, at that really fancy restaurant by the canal. We'll ask her together. Just ask her to dinner. What do you think?"

"Ok, I'll text you with the answer. Got to go. Love you." Kylie kissed Angie and then headed out.

It was another slow day but it didn't worry Kylie too much. It was the usual after Labor Day slump. In a few weeks it would pick up as fall began. The leaves changing, the air getting crisper, and people were thinking about decorating for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Cassie and she were getting the gallery ready with their decorations including some mums, Indian corn and corn stalks. Between the two of them, it was looking very festive.

"So Cassie, Angie and I were going out to dinner tonight and we were wondering if you would like to come along? Nothing special, just three good friends going out for a nice meal."

"Sure, that would be great." Kylie could tell from Cassie's tone, she was excited to be asked. "Where are we going?"

"To that restaurant by the canal," Kylie replied.

"Never been there," Cassie said, "I heard it pretty fancy. Expensive too."

"Don't worry about that. I'm thinking dress casual, not jeans. A nice dress. Not too casual though. Do you want us to pick you up or do you want to drive to my house?"

Cassie thought for a moment. "I'll drive to your house. What time?"

"Make it 6."

Sitting in the driveway, Cassie took a deep breath and thought for a moment. She looked down in her lap and sighed. She had changed so much in the last two months. For a shy, mousy girl who cared little about how she looked to a confident, well-dressed woman, she was a different person. Just what she was wearing tonight showed how much she had. Kylie picked out this dress. It was light green with spaghetti straps with a top that was tight and showed off her bosom but not too much. It was looser around her hips. Cassie smiled thinking about that as she felt her ass was a little too big but Kylie seemed to think it was all right. Even her hair and make-up, something she seldom thought about, were done right. No, she loved the new Cassie and she knew whom to thank.

"Ok," Angie said, "You and Cassie can get out here. I'll park the car and meet you inside."

Kylie took Cassie's hand. "Come on, girl." And the two walked to the entrance.

As usual Kylie looked good. She wore a multi-shaded blue dress that laced up the back and was bare on the sides near her waist. The color went really well with her hair and brought out the blue in her eyes. She turned to Cassie as they entered the restaurant. "You look really good in that dress. It flatters your figure. Might turn some heads tonight."

Cassie smiled. "Not next to you," she thought.

The restaurant was somewhat crowded but the girl took them to a table that overlooked the waterway. As the threesome walked to the table, Kylie was right. They did turn some heads. The waiter was there as they sat down.

"We'd like a pitcher of sangria, white, if you please," Angie told him.

The waiter returned with the pitcher but also three glasses already filled. "Compliments of the bar tender," he said.

They looked over towards the bar where the tender stood. She smiled and gave a little wave to the girls. Kylie waved back.

"Know her?" Angie asked.

"Never saw her in my life," Kylie replied.

The evening went by quickly. They had appetizers that were delicious, and the main course was some of the best meals they had in long time. Cassie was impressed by it all, as this was her first time here. The conversation was light and fun. As they drank the sangria, Cassie lightened up a bit as the two girls wanted to more about her. When she mentioned that she still lived at home, Kylie felt that was the opportunity to ask her the big question.

"Cassie," Kylie began, "Angie and I would like to ask you, and you don't need to answer right away, we would like to know if you would like to move in with us? You know, live together."

Angie continued, "Alexa was going to but plans changed. We thought you might like to. Again don't feel you have to answer now. Just think about it."

Cassie sat there, stunned. Not in her wildest dreams did she picture this. "Thank you so much. I'll think it over," she said. "Who was she kidding?" she thought. She reached out and took the girl's hands in hers. "I thought it over. Yes I would love too!"

"Great!" Angie exclaimed as she waved the waiter over. "Three chocolate mousse, please." She turned back to the table. "We need to celebrate!"

Kylie put her hand on top of Cassie's and looked her in the face. "I think you will like living with us. I know I will."

The girls returned to the house. As Cassie headed for her car, Kylie stopped her. "Why don't you spend the night? It's late and it's going to storm." Lightening lit up the sky to reinforce her statement. "Beside you drank too much. We all did." She took Cassie's hand and led her towards the house.

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blade_rocknutblade_rocknutover 1 year ago

Unffff... So amazing! You wrote "lightening", though! Autocorrect fail, I'm sure.. These stories have been exceedingly clean in the errors department.

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