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Gone Astray Ch. 02


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"You look thoughtful," Jennifer said, coming into the kitchen.

Sara realized she had been standing still by the sink and staring into space.

"No, nothing, honey, only thinking about what to make for dinner." The lie came easy, but Sara anyhow felt a twinge of guilt.

"I will not be at home for dinner." Jennifer said.

"Oh, really? Where will you be?" Sara asked.

"I am meeting someone, and we will eat together." Jennifer said a bit cryptic.

"Someone? Does she have a name?" Sara asked, a bit intrigued why Jennifer was cryptic.

Jennifer looked at her, hesitating. Then it was as if she made up her mind.

"Mom, it is he. I am going out with a guy."

"A boy?" Sara was completely surprised. "Are you going out with a boy?"

"Yes," Jennifer looked determined. Defiant.

Sara paused. She knew her daughter and she could tell there was more going on.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked.

"I think so," Jennifer said, "he is so messy sometimes that I don't know where I have him."

"How long have you been seeing him?"

"About six months." Jennifer replied. She seemed to relax. Like she wanted to get it off her chest she had a boyfriend.

"Why haven't you told me before?" Sara felt surprised.

"Mom, you have changed in the last six months. If I had told you in the beginning when we got together, you would have gone through the roof. You have always gone on about men being dangerous and not to be trusted. But you have stopped in the last months."

Sara paused. Has she changed? Echoes of her mother's dread about men and sex being bad and her own experiences with her husband filled her mind. She had been feeding Jennifer the same message since she started puberty. Precisely like her mother. Then Daniel had come along and showed her a completely different reality. He had shown her that her mother had been completely wrong, and that Paul was unable to satisfy a woman. It was true, she had changed. She realized she had since long stopped talking about how bad men were with Jennifer.

Jennifer saw her thinking. "It is true, mom, you seem happier lately."

"Perhaps you are right," Sara admitted. "Go on, meet your boyfriend and we talk more tomorrow."

"Thanks, mom," Jennifer beamed, looking relieved. "You are the best! But you cannot tell dad."

"I have no intention of doing that," Sara said. Paul would throw a fit if he found out about Jennifer dating someone.

Sara looked after Jennifer leaving. Jennifer's comment about her having changed made her think. She had not realized but Daniel had changed who she was. He had shown her a whole new world she had not realized existed. It is true she had heard friends talking about sex like it was great and so on. But she had always brushed it off as fantasies and exaggerations. Paul had been proof of that. Now she knew she had been wrong about it the whole time.

Paul wanted to have sex the same evening. She took off her panties and pulled up her nightgown and he got on top of her. She was dry and it was painful when he penetrated her. He pressed his face into the pillow next to her head and began moving into her. She closed her eyes and imagined Daniel's dark cock. The warmth. How smooth it was. The musky smell. How intimidating it looked when she closed her small white hand around the thick girth. The quick intake of breath Daniel often made when she kissed the tip. She began lubricating and the dry grinding pain in her pussy diminished. Eventually Paul's movements became jerky, and he came.

He rolled off her and she sat up, collecting her underwear.

"Are you OK?" Paul asked.

"Yea, I am OK." Sara replied.

"Was it painful?"

"No, no ... it was fine."

"Good." He looked relieved.

"Go to sleep, you have work tomorrow." Sara said and got up from bed. "I'll come back in a while."

She stood looking at her own reflection in the mirror in the bathroom for a long, long time. Has she changed? Yes - she had changed. All because of Daniel.


Jennifer was busy with exams. She also had two major athletics competitions in the following week. It took a long time before Sara and Jennifer were together again and could talk about her boyfriend. Neither one of them told Paul that Jennifer had a boyfriend. He would not take it well. One day Sara and Jennifer were alone in the kitchen and could finally talk.

"Do you have sex?" Susan asked, worried.

"Maybe," Jennifer looked down.

"Jennifer!" Sara exclaimed.

Jennifer looked embarrassed.

"Mom, I am 19. It's not like it's illegal." She defended herself.

"Yes, but what happens if you get pregnant." Sara felt mortified. 19 and pregnant. Life would be over for Jennifer even before it had started. She only had to look at herself. She had married at 21 and the most exciting thing she had to do was to figure out what to cook for Sunday dinner.

"I won't, mom, I know what I am doing."

"How can you be sure? You haven't even had SexEd in school." Sara was very worried. It was true, none of the schools where they lived had SexEd for the students. They only promoted abstinence.

"Mom, it's the 21st century, you can find everything on the internet."

Sara did not feel convinced.

"Besides, our biology teacher in High School was scandalized that we did not have SexEd. She gave us links to all the information we needed. There are even online lectures we could watch."

Sara felt a bit reassured. At least it sounded like Jennifer knew what she was doing. Her thoughts turned to her husband and Daniel. They were so vastly different.

"Is he ...," Sara did not really know how to ask. "Is he good to you?"

Jennifer blushed furiously.

"God, mom, I cannot believe you asked." She put her face in her hands. After a while she added. "Yes, mom, he is good to me."

Sara could tell she blushed even more. Good, Sara thought to herself, he was more like Daniel than her father.

"I cannot believe I said that!" Jennifer gushed.

Sara did not know how to reply so she put her arms around her daughter and hugged her. She felt Jennifer relax in her arms.

"Thanks, mom," Jennifer said after some time.

"For what?"

"For being so understanding,"

"I am always here for you, honey, you know that."

"I know, mom, but I could never have talked about this before. You have changed."


She lay upside down in Daniel's bed and used his thigh as a pillow. His hard cock was in front of her face. She studied intently how small her pale hand looked holding the thick shaft. They had made love twice already, and it was hard again. She had come to understand it was one of the blessings of being a young man. With the right motivation they could stay hard forever. She bent the resisting shaft towards her and kissed the tip. She smiled when she heard Daniel's intake of breath. She had come to understand that a man's Achilles heel was not his heel but his cock. If you treated it in the right way the man was completely at your mercy. A clear drop of precum formed at his slit. She used her index finger to spread it out over the top of the large knob. She bent the shaft towards her again and kissed the top, making her lips moist with his precum. She felt so confident. She had come to accept that she has changed since meeting Daniel. She has even lost count how many times she has been coming to his place.

"Next time, you come home to me." She said to his cock. It had been a month since he asked her, but now she had made up her mind.

Daniel smiled. He knew they had no future together, but anyway he wished to know more about Sara. She has changed since they met the first time. She had been mature but at the same time so insecure and inexperienced. The combination had been so alluring. Now he knows her better after she had been telling him about herself and her husband Paul. How Paul had taken it for granted that she was managing the household and he was the provider. She had also loosened up and talked about sex with Paul and Daniel had been surprised. He had not believed someone could be so bad at it. To Daniel it sounded as her husband had real issues about sex, but he had never been man enough to deal with them. He had an extremely low opinion of her husband.

Her leg was draped over his chest and her crotch was on display in front of his face. Her pussy was a cute, small slit. Looking at it, you could not tell she was over 40 and had three children. He placed his hand on her ass-cheek and squeezed it. Testing the firmness. Besides her growing self-confidence she also had more energy. A lot of it she poured into going to the gym. On his suggestion had she tried a few classes of crossfit and some lessons with a PT so get a deeper introduction. She had discovered it was much more fun and challenging than her usual spinning or step classes. She went for it wholeheartedly and instead of about three times a week she went five or even six times a week to the gym. She has been doing it for months and it was showing. She had been looking fit the first time when he saw her in the parking lot outside the grocery store. It was one of the reasons he had approached her in the first place. Now her body was even more toned and her muscles looking more defined. He liked it. He could also tell when they had sex that she was definitely stronger than before.

He wrung apart her ass-cheeks and studied her puckering asshole up close. It was a tight pink raisin. Just as cute as her pussy. He put the flat of his thumb squarely on top of it and pressed inwards. He felt her tremble in response and her hand tightened around his cock. He smiled. She had changed. If he had touched her like that when they had first met, he would have sent her flying.

He had also changed. He had come to value her opinions and suggestions. In the beginning when they met, they mostly had sex, and lots of it. Sara was still a curious mixture of being shy but also extremely passionate. She might be reluctant and appear hesitant. But she became a smoldering volcano once she got going.

In the beginning when they met, they were having sex again and again. They did it until neither one of them had any strength left. But each time they met they got to know each other a bit better. Gradually they were talking more when they were together. Sharing thoughts and feelings. Daniel did not have any adults around him. His dad had left when he was only five. Her mother was a part time alcoholic, and he had grown up taking care of himself. For a long period, he had been living with his grandparents. But he had never been close to them emotionally. Sara's soft and gentle spirit made him open himself to her and gradually start depending on her opinions.

Often, she liked to ride him. After they had come, she would lie down on his chest. She would make sure his cock remained in her pussy and she stretched out on top of him. Putting her legs on top of his legs and snake her arms under his shoulders. She would put her head on her chest and lie still. She was so light that he could have her lying like that for hours on top of him without feeling discomfort. She was like a soft female blanket. He would remain on his back and look up into the ceiling and feel like he could tell her anything.

Other times they lay like they did now. With her upside down and talking with his cock while he was talking with her pussy.

His thoughts returned to her just having said he should come home to her place.

"I want to see where you live." He told her crotch in front of him. It was true, he wanted to know more about her.

"It is nothing special." Sara said, trying to defuse the whole thing.

"No, seriously, I want to know more about you."

"You know we can never be more than this." She shook his cock to illustrate what she was meaning.

"Yes, I know." He replied.

They were quiet for a while. Sara raised her head over his cock. She opened her mouth wide and lowered her head over his knob and sealed her lips beneath the flare. His stomach tensed and he gasped when he felt her swirl her tongue around his knob inside her mouth. She let go of his cock and giggled. Daniel felt his stomach flutter. She had become extremely good at manipulating him.

"You should get a girlfriend," Sara stated.

Daniel sighed. "Yea, I guess you are right."

Their eyes met. They were quiet, looking intently at each other.

"We have it good together." Daniel stated and Sara blushed. Maybe too good.

They were quiet again.

"Do you remember the girl I mentioned in one of my classes?" Daniel asked. "The one I was thinking felt special?"

Sara nodded.

"I got paired up with her on an assignment we have to do."

"That is good. Then you have the chance to get to know her." Sara said.

"I'll let you know how it goes. We have agreed to meet at a coffee shop the day after tomorrow." He said and then they were quiet some more.

Sara turned around in bed and stretched out on top of him. His cock stood up like a flagpole and she put her thighs on each side and squeezed it between them. Her face was inches from his.

"Enough talk about other girls now." She said and kissed him on the mouth. "I want you to think of only me now."

"Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Really," she replied. She tilted her chest forward, so her firm boobs pressed harder into his chest to get his attention. She was getting to be incredibly good at being a tease.


"Do you use condoms?" Sara asked. She and Jennifer were alone in the kitchen.

"Mom!" Jennifer exclaimed in protest.

"No, really, I want to know." Sara persisted. It was three weeks since Sara and Jennifer had last talked about her boyfriend. She had admitted they were sexually active and it worried Sara.

"No, we don't," Jennifer blushed.

"Jennifer! That is completely irresponsible." Sara was aghast. She might end up pregnant and it was a disaster.

"Mom, I know what I am doing." Jennifer defended herself. Clearly feeling accused.

"Really? How? You don't use protection." Sara was completely worried now.

"There are other ways." Jennifer exclaimed.

"What ways?"

Jennifer took a deep breath to calm down.

"Look, mom, I'll show you." She said, sounding calmer.

She took out her phone and showed her mother.

"It is easy. I have this app that helps me keep track of when it is safe."

Sara felt bewildered. She had never heard about anything like that. She looked at Jennifer's phone as she began showing her.

"Here, it is simple. Here it is like a calendar and you put in the date when your period starts. Then you put in how many days your cycle normally is and if you are regular or not. It is so simple. If you want to be more precise you can take your temperature every morning and enter that as well."

Sara felt at loss, she had never imagined there was an app like that. "How can it help you?"

"It is easy, you can use it if you want to get pregnant and it tells you which day you have to have sex. Or you can use it to avoid getting pregnant and it tells you which days you should not have sex."

"I cannot believe it works." Sara said. It sounded like magic to her.

"It does. It is science. Pure and simple."

"Are you sure?"

"Completely sure."

Sara was doubtful. "It sounds like magic to me."

"Trust me. It is science." Jennifer reassured her.


"Hi Sara" Daniel said when she answered the phone.


It became quiet.

"I thought you were going to call me." Daniel said.

"Me too," Sara replied. "But it is kind of scary for me."

"Do you want to come here instead?" Daniel asked.

"No, ... no, I want you to come here." Sara's stomach fluttered. She closed her eyes and pictured how Daniel was on his bed, talking to her. She pictured him bare chested.

"Tomorrow?" It was late afternoon.

"Tomorrow is fine." She said and felt herself blushing.


"Don't you work or have school?" She worried she was causing him problems.

"No, tomorrow is a day off," Daniel replied.

"OK, see you then."

Sara felt nervous when she closed the phone. She had an affair. She had an affair with a 21-year-old youth. There was no other name for it. She had even lost count how many times they had been together and now she was letting him into her home. She did not believe Daniel realized what a profound step it was for her. She was letting him into the inner part of her life. She intended to let him be in the most intimate private part of herself that was her bedroom. Sharing with him her most private and secure place where she rested and slept. Her most secure but at the same time vulnerable place.

She opened the app she had recently installed and checked the date even if she knew what it was going to say. It was four more days before it became unsafe to have sex. She smiled to herself. She had never imagined that her daughter would unwittingly educate her about safe sex. The thermometer they usually kept in the medicine cabinet was in her bedside drawer. It took two seconds to measure her temperature in the mornings. Then she entered the result into the app for added accuracy.

At dinner she looked at Paul and her children around the table. This was her family. This was her home. Her castle. She studied Paul. After more than 20 years together she knew him inside out. He was never going to be able to give her what she had with Daniel. She was going to let Daniel into her castle.

The day after she nervously scanned the street waiting for Daniel to arrive. She wore a thong, sports bra and matching crop top and short yoga pants. It was one of her usual gym outfits. Except she opted to be barefoot at home. Lately she had paid attention to the fact that men were discreetly checking her out. Like they thought she was good looking. It was a new experience for her. She had admitted to herself that she rather liked it and it made her feel good about herself. She wanted Daniel to see her as the men at the gym saw her.

Finally, she saw Daniel walking towards her house. Her stomach fluttered and her mouth became dry. He looked so confident. She wished she could be as confident as he. She hurried to the door and opened it when he walked up the stairs to the front porch. He came inside and she closed and locked the door behind him. He turned around and looked at her. His eyes widened when he saw how she was dressed.

"You look hot," he exclaimed, and she smiled at him.

She stepped into his arms and held him tightly. She wanted some of his confidence to rub off on her. He put his arms around her and held her. He smelled good. She could tell he had showered and smelled of soap. But beneath the soap was his own masculine smell and she liked it. She looked up into his face. She felt scared and vulnerable, and he kissed her. Soft at first but when their tongues began to play it quickly became more heated and demanding. He ran his hands over her slim body, they felt demanding and possessive. She ran her own hands over his shoulders and back. She liked feeling his strong muscles.

She felt unreal. She was standing by her front door and making out with a man. A youth really. And black. Until now it had been two separate worlds. One world was her own normal gray everyday life. The other world was the soft intimate bubble she shared with Daniel at his place. Now the two worlds collided and blended into one. She pressed herself against him and felt he was already hard.

She broke the kiss. "Let's go upstairs." She breathed.

She took his hand and led him through her house. She could tell he was curious and looking around, but she needed momentum. She was scared, more like terrified. If she stopped, she would likely lose her nerve and make him leave. There was no time to show him around and it did not feel right. Not now. Her heart was beating hard in her chest when they came to her bedroom. They paused and Daniel looked around, taking in the room. The bed was nicely made, and she had put in clean sheets the same morning.

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