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Grandma and I Ch. 01

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Eighteen year old cheerleader dates her sexy Gran.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/06/2022
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Seeing Grandma's car in our drive, as I stepped off the bus, my heart skipped a small beat. Quickly I smoothed down my cheerleader skirt and ran a hand over my hair to make sure my fringe was straight, before almost skipping up the path, round the back and into the kitchen.

As I suspected she and my Mom were sitting at our kitchen table, drinking coffee. They looked up as I came in, Grandma's eyes going up and down my body, clad as I was in my cheer uniform including short skirt and a tight, cropped top. "Good day?" my Mom asked.

"Yes," I grinned, I leaned in and gave her a familial peck on the cheek "Lots of prom organising". As the a popular high school cheerleader I'd been co-opted onto the organising committee -- not that I minded I'm certainly not one of those mean girls you see in the movies and was happy to help out the rest of the student body; though it also looked good on my college resume as an added bonus.

"Speaking of prom, Gabby, I got the dress you wanted upstairs" Grandma said.

I didn't reply, at least in words. Instead a slid myself astride her knees, taking her face in my hands and kissed her long and deep. She fondled my butt gently as she opened her mouth, letting my tongue grapple with hers. As you can see I don't have a normal relationship with my Gran, in fact for the last month we've been enjoying a passionate sexual relationship. My Mom looked on with obvious maternal affection, not only is she supportive of our relationship, but she'd a hand in getting us together.


It started with a conversation a few weeks before. Me and Mom have always been very open about sex, Mom being of the view that if we weren't meant to enjoy fucking God wouldn't have given us so many pleasure points and made us bodies which were so flexible. She's always been pretty kinky and happy to share it with me, whether she was talking about being the centre of a four-person gangbang or getting DP'd by her date and his brother. I'd been a late starter, not losing my virginity until my eighteenth birthday and it had been pretty disappointing. I'd been with a few guys since then, been banged in a few back seats, given half a dozen blow jobs, but they'd all been pretty underwhelming, I just wasn't that into guys at all.

What I did like was the female form -- showers after practice were a particular joy for me, I could have remained there forever casting sidelong glances at my team mate as they lathered themselves and ran their hands over their perfect bodies. I'd confirmed my attraction by watching a number of porn movies, gay were boring and I ended up stopping way before the end, straight were okay as long as there was plenty of focus on the female lead and what she looked like, I loved watching the women's face as they came, though I wasn't complaining when the camera lingered over their hot pussies, luscious tits and delectable asses. But it was lesbian movies I got off on, almost as soon as I switched the first one on and two actresses started to kiss my panties were moist and like the gay male ones, I seldom got to see the end, though in this case it was because I was too busy thrusting a dildo into my cunt whilst imagining one of the leads was me.

After deciding I was a pussy girl it was time to sit down Mom and talk to her about it. Not because she'd have any strong views on my sexuality either way. Whilst she was mainly straight she'd certainly had a number of sexual encounters with women and whilst on average she preferred guys, she'd certainly had some of the cunt-lapping experiences which had almost persuaded her to go lesbian. However, I was pretty sure I didn't know any lesbians in town if I wanted to date and if there was one thing Mom was good at (actually she's good at loads of things from cookery to spit-roasting) it was finding dates.

I quickly outlined my problem and that as college was still near half a year away, I wanted some action before then. She listened sympathetically and then said, "What about Grandma?"

"What about her?" I asked momentarily confused. It wasn't like I thought she'd be worried, she lived a few towns over and we generally saw her about once every couple of months, for Christmas Day and for birthdays [though even that had been declining as I got older]. I wouldn't have said I knew her that well, as a small child I'd been too interested in running around and exploring her large house and as a teen visits to Grandma's were not as interesting as hanging around with friends, if I could make the excuse. But she was a free-spirited as Mom, often seeming to be dating someone else, though I never met any of them.

"I bet she'd be interested," Mom grinned, "She's bisexual, but prefers women and she's single at the moment."

I blinked momentarily surprised, though there was no reason why I should be. I knew she and my Mom had been in a sexual relationship when my Mom was my age and that they still hooked up when they were both single and in the mood, which was why my excuses to not go over had sometimes been sympathetically received. But here Mom was suggesting I follow in her footsteps. I was about to reply that it didn't seem a good idea when I paused and thought. Certainly some of the porn I enjoyed involved older woman, more often in their forties, but Grandma in her early sixties was still an attractive woman who kept in shape. Mom had also raved about the sex they'd had and sometimes I wondered if Mom had been more into pussy whether she'd have stuck to something more serious with Grandma. And as said Mom was pretty open about sex, so I guess that had passed to me and the incestuous element didn't worry. Still I was much younger and more immature and inexperienced than the women Gran normally went with. "Do you think she'd be interested in dating me?" I asked.

"You're an eighteen year old senior cheerleader," Mom said dryly, "She'll be interested." She paused for a moment, "If you're worried I can talk to her and set up a date or something between the two of you. It'll give you a chance to get to know her as a potential lover not Grandma. Are you?"

I nodded, "Sure, one date can't do any harm, if she's interested in me."

Mom didn't waste much time in talking to her as a less than a couple of hours later, she knocked on my bedroom door and, once I'd quickly given permission, entered. She was smiling as she said, "I talked to Grandma, she's definitely interested -- as I thought she'd be -- anyway she was suggesting that she could pick you up after cheerleader practice tomorrow, take you shopping and for lunch..." Mom paused and smiled, "Then who knows..."

I nodded, at the very least I'd get some new clothes and a meal out of it, and hopefully, if I played my cards right and maximised my sexuality, something more. "Sounds great to me, tell Gran I'm looking forward to it."

I'm not going to deny I was excited about my date, despite being over sixty Gran (or Diane) was a good looking woman -- a Gilf it could be said. After successfully running a number of businesses, something which had been pretty impressive when she had started as a young single Mom nearly forty years ago, she was also reasonably wealthy -- enough to have a small mansion, a new and expensive car every year and to be able to take at least three or four annual vacations, and not in cheap B&Bs either. However both her and Mom were of the view that if you wanted money it needed to be earned, not passed down by your parents and so whilst me and Mom weren't poor, we didn't live in my Gran's wealth bracket either.

As she dropped me off for Saturday morning practice Mom had one final bit of advice, "You've got a good body Gabby, make sure you take the opportunity to flaunt it and make Grandma interested."

I noticed Grandma was in the stands, together with a few parents of the other cheerleaders. Though I suspected most of them were there because it was easier to hang around and not waste time travelling to and fro, rather than because they wanted to take an opportunity to ogle their granddaughter (though a few of the Dads might have a secondary motive).

I knew Mom's advice was sound, but also easier said than done. Sure, it's easy to do a split jump and let your skirt shoot up to reveal your panties, it's much harder to direct it towards your Gran in the stands without also giving the perv Dads a show and falling out of the routine. I accepted the first, even if meant that when I bent over a little too far and wiggled my ass, some of the lechs watching possibly thought it was for their benefit [I'm sure there would be a few father's heading to their bathroom for some private time once they got home]. As for the second, Ms Dillon, the coach, yelled at me for being out of sync with others and getting the routine wrong, but I think she just thought my head wasn't in the game.

Still I kept at it, make sure Gran got see my curvy busty body to its best advantage, my large tits straining at my vest as I stretched up, gaining another call-out from Ms Dillon that I was exaggerating the move. I couldn't see her face close enough to judge whether she was enjoying the show, but I was sure she was. After an hour Ms Dillon called the practice to the end with a few sharp words to me about concentrating and that as a senior I should be setting an example in getting the routine right. I took the ticking off with good grace, next week I'd be back on form and in Ms Dillon's good books, this week I had more important matters.

After changing and packing my things, I walked over to the parking lot. Grandma was waiting for me. I'd always had her down as a good looking woman, she'd have to be to fuck my Mom as Mom didn't go with anyone who was plain, but approaching her for the start of our date made me examine her more critically. She didn't come up wanting. She was tall, nearly if not quiet six foot and slender, even thin, with a small bosom, though I didn't mind that as I had rack enough for us both. Her hair was still blonde, though perhaps fading a little from the pictures I'd seen of her when Mom was small and let loose down the middle of her back. Her smile was genuine and her face whilst it had a few crinkles was much smoother than any sixty-year old who'd not gone under the knife should have. She was also looking me up and down, in a way that I knew was less than innocent, even if no-one else would recognise it. From the look on her face and the way her smile got wider, I was guessing I more than passed the test.

"Morning Grandma," I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. None of the others being picked up would have noticed a thing amiss, not even that my lips lingered a little long and Grandma's hand moved to my waist as leaned in to her. Nor would they have read anything into my next words, "I've been looking forward to our date." After all a date just means two people together having a good time and what is more normal than it being a grandmother and her loving granddaughter.

"I have as well," said Grandma, looking me up and down again with a smile as I moved back after the kiss. I gave her a smile and daringly tossed my hair back coquettishly, risking that no-one was watching that close apart from Gran.

Her smile grew wider and she unlocked the car doors with a beep. I put my kitbag in the back seat and slid into the front, making sure as I did that my skirt rode up my leg to maximum advantage. Grandma glanced down, obviously noticing the sexy thigh on display. She smiled, "Is that a tattoo?" she asked, looking down at the winged angel which went from the top of my thigh to half-way up my waist.

"I got it done a few weeks ago," I replied, "I could show it you properly later."

As the only way Grandma could see it all was for me to be wearing a lot less than I had on a moment her mouth twitched, "I'd like that," she responded dryly.

"I have another one, here" I pointed to a spot on my upper waist right next to my right bosom. "You might like it."

"You girls and your tattoos," Grandma said, but she had a smile on her face as she spoke, as if she was interested in seeing them closer up and in a more private session. She changed the subject, probably aware there were still plenty of others around and not wanting to get herself too hot and bothered to early. "I was thinking we could go over to Glenville, their Mall has some much nicer shops than here." By nicer Grandma meant more expensive, not that I was complaining, good fashion isn't cheap. "Then perhaps a spot of lunch, then we'll see..." Her voice trailed off sensually, leaving little doubt her thinking of what we'd be doing after was probably not a tour of the local museum and art gallery.

I nodded my agreement, "That sounds good."

Glenville was about half an hour away, which by my calculations would mean at least two hours shopping time, before we needed to eat. During the journey I update Gran on the latest things in my life, including the fact I was coming out as a lesbian. I made a few suggestive comments that I was interested in expanding my sexual repertoire and learning new things, preferably from someone experienced. Grandma smiled and nodded, but didn't expand on my hints, yet...

We arrived at the Mall and parked. "Where do you want to go first? What about looking for a new dress for dinner?"

I nodded my agreement and followed Grandma as she said she knew just the place. She led me into the Mall and towards a store. I'd been a little nervous she might suggest something which was aimed exclusively at middle aged housewives who were scared of showing a bit of leg, but instead it was a fashionable boutique with eye-watering prices. Immediately upon entering a sales assistant rushed over, fawning over Grandma as she noted the cost of the clothes she was wearing. Gran seemed use to the woman's obsequiousness, as she ignored it like she was the mistress of the house dealing with a slightly flustered maid. "My granddaughter is looking for a new dress, one that will impress her dinner date."

The woman turned to me, and whilst she was still simpering away, she was also professionally regarding me. "Such a beautiful figure, we have lots of garments which I think would suit you, the boy you're meeting will be so lucky," she said. I didn't correct her on the boy, it would just have complicated matters, "I think something dark, it goes with your blonde hair, shows it off, it's such a stylish cut, now how daring are you both wanting it? We can go conservative, I think that we have some long dresses which will accentuate your height as well. Or something more..."

It was Gran who answered, "Gabby's quiet an adult young lady, I think she would want something liberating."

"Risky even?" I asked, looking at Gran. The shop assistant also glanced at her, recognising that she who controls the credit card also controls the purchase decisions.

Gran nodded with a smile, "Risky, but wearable in public," she confirmed, as if there were dinner dresses that might not be (and for all I knew there were).

"Let me get you a few to try on," the woman bustled away quickly.

"Risky?" Grandma raised an eyebrow and smiled.

I gave her a smile back which I hoped got the right balance between innocence and flirtatiousness, "Wearable in public, if someone was taking me out to dinner I'd have something sexy to wear."

"I had better check that it is. In case dinner is happening in your future," Grandma teased back, "I wouldn't want you to be wearing anything too staid."

The woman came back with a number of choices and I quickly went in the changing room to try them on. I slipped out of my jeans and top, standing there in my underwear and looking in the mirror. Not bad I decided as I reached round and unclipped my bra, calling out as I did, "Grandma, I'm taking off my bra to go with the dress."

"You won't shock me Grandma," called back. All innocent to the shop worker, but there was a definite edge of sexual tension developing between me and Gran.

I went for the first dress, so navy it was almost black. Whilst it was long down the leg, there was a cut down the side, so that I could pose with my leg out. There was a cut in the cleavage, but probably not enough if I wanted to impress with my rack, and I was proud of their size I did. I sashayed out, standing in my most sexy pose, "Could you pretend you're my dinner date and see what you think?"

My face was directed at the shop assistant, but the pose was definitely for Grandma. She was just a couple of inches behind so the assistant couldn't see her expression, but I could and I could tell she was enjoying the sight of me, especially as I draped the dress over the leg to show more than a touch of calf. I remained standing still for a few moments as the assistant rattled off the praises, probably being on a commission.

"Let me try the second," I said and Grandma nodded, licking her lips in anticipation on what I was going to choose.

The next one was much more decadent and I knew what Grandma meant when she had suggested some dresses were not for public viewing, even if the shop assistant didn't. Whilst, unlike the first, it covered my arms, albeit in a see-through gauze, the front was so low cut that you could see virtually all of my bosoms with only the nipples and the outer side covered. It was definitely something I could see myself wearing, but only in a very private setting. Still, as the shop assistant had brought it in I was more than happy to give Gran an eyeful in the shop setting even if it wasn't something I would wear whilst a waiter was serving us hot soup. I sashayed out again, sticking forward my chest and asking the assistant, "What do you think?" whilst really exposing my bosom to my Grandma.

The assistant rained out a series of platitudes around how good I looked, with the obvious aim that if I didn't go for the first dress I should certainly consider this. Grandma's look was more lascivious, but at the same time she gave a small shake of her head, indicating that it was too much. I gave a small giggle and accidentally wiggled my bosom, which made her lick her lips, before going to change.

The final dress was jet black, the sales assistant being right about how it showed off my blonde hair. I pulled it on, braless again, and looked in the mirror. It was a little longer than the second dress, going down about half way down my thigh and whilst it showed a reasonable amount of cleavage it still held my bosoms firmly in without any risk of a flashing accident. It had a small cut in the waist, which fed into a wider cut on in the back, showing a decent amount of flesh without veering too far into indecency. I liked it a lot and, as I sexily walked out of the changing room, I hoped Grandma did as well.

As was expected the assistant immediately burst into a string of compliments, not that I disagreed as it did look hot on me (or I looked hot in it, to be more accurate), but it was Grandma's reaction I was looking for. It was positive as she stared me up and down, licking her lips like she was a hungry cheetah eying a positively plump gazelle. I gave a small twirl; letting her see all of it, before ending with a sensuous pose, hand on hip, body slightly turned so that she could see the shape of my rump and the curve of my rack together. Looking at her, I could see that we were both in agreement as I said, "I like this one the most."

"We'll take it," Grandma said immediately.

"It's twelve hundred," the assistant said and my heart skipped a beat. I knew the shop was expensive but I'd been expecting a dress which was three hundred, perhaps four if Grandma was feeling generous.

However before I could suggest I'd look for something cheaper Grandma said, "That will be fine. We'll need some shoes to go with it."

"Really we don't," I said, not wanting to anyone, especially Gran, to think I was gold-digging rather than just wanting some lesbian fucking later. "I've got plenty of shoes at home that will go with it."

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