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Another story where it is about the money.
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She leafed through the photo album, stopping every once in a while to look up at me, and finally she put the book down and said, "I guess you are my husband."

I smiled and thought, "Yes I am Greta, much to your detriment."

Greta married me the week after I graduated from college and the honeymoon wasn't even into its third day before she started fucking around on me. She didn't know that I knew and quite frankly I didn't care that she was doing it. Her first (at least the first I knew about) had been one of the bellboys at the hotel. While we were there she also managed to get the afternoon manager and at least two of the room service waiters. I'm sure that there were more, but again I really didn't care. Greta gave me all I wanted and as long as she didn't fall for some asshole or bring me some nasty disease I was content.

In my own weird way I loved Greta, but her value to me went beyond the beautiful face, the superb body and nymphomanical nature - it was also her money. More specifically it was the money she would get when her parents died. They had something in the neighborhood of sixty-five million dollars that would go to their only child when they departed this vale of tears to go on to the great beyond. I could put up with a hell of a lot of infidelity for a share of that. The key to the treasure chest was to not know, at least so far as anyone else knew, that my bride was a round-heeled tramp. I had to be able to go to court and prove that my wife was unfaithful when the time came. If her parents lived another twenty years and everyone knew that I had known about Greta's behavior all that time it would look to the judge like I condoned it and that just would not do.


Three years into our marriage Greta's mother passed away and I was truly sorry because I had really liked the old girl and I was pretty sure that she liked me. With her gone Greta's father, who had never cared for me, started putting pressure on Greta to dump me and find some one more suitable. He even went so far as to say he was going to change his will in such a way that if she was still married to me when he died she wouldn't get anything but a small allowance until she divorced me. Greta's mother had some money of her own and she had left Greta about four million so it looked like time to cut my loses and get out with less than I had hoped for - a lot less. And then the gods smiled on me and Greta was involved in an auto accident.

I got the call as I was having lunch with a client. I excused myself and rushed to the hospital. Greta had all ready been moved from the emergency room to intensive care by the time I got there and it was two hours later before the doctor came out and told me that Greta had suffered a head injury, was stable, but there was some concern.

"She is out of immediate danger, but we won't know much more until she wakes up and we can run some tests."

I sat next to her bed for the next nine hours and held her hand (okay, okay - I wanted her money, but I was still pretty fond of her) as we waited for her to recover. It was three in the morning when I felt her fingers squeeze my hand and I looked over to see her looking at me, "Who are you?"

The doctors said she had amnesia and that they had no way of knowing whether it was temporary or permanent. After three days I took her home to begin the chore of teaching her the things that she had forgotten and re-introducing her to the people she should know. We were driving up to the house when she pointed out the car window, "Who is that?"

I looked to where she was pointing and saw that it was Amos, the old black man that took care of the lawn and flower garden. The idea hit me like a ton of bricks. Greta's father was a racist asshole and he had passed on his dislike of the 'lower orders' to Greta. She wasn't near as bad as he was, but she was still bad enough. And she didn't remember it! A plan began to form in my mind.

It took a couple of weeks to set it up and during that time I worked with Greta to help her try to regain some of the knowledge that she had lost. I wasn't trying real hard to help her get her memory back because my plan needed her not to be aware of some things from her past. Finally everything was ready and I told Greta that we were going to have a Welcome Home Greta party for her.

"Who will be there?"

"Most of your friends from the swingers club?"

"What on earth is that?"

"Don't you remember last year when you said you were tired of having sex with only me and asked me to let you see other men?"

"No, I don't remember. Is that really something that I would do?"

"Three, sometimes four nights a week. I'm hoping that seeing some of your favorites will jog your memory. If we can just get you started remembering things maybe it will all come back to you."

"I don't know dear. Won't it be awkward with me not knowing who they are?"

"Maybe at first my sweet, but once you get started it won't matter one little bit."

I had the affair catered of course. There was cake, champagne and caviar and I made sure that Greta had a few glasses of the bubbly before the guest started arriving. I dressed her in a black, mid-thigh cocktail dress, high heels and a string of pearls and she looked good enough to fuck, but that of course was the whole idea.

The guests began to arrive and Greta whispered in my ear, "I don't recognize any of them."

Not really surprising of course since she had never seen any one of them before that night. I waited for her to comment on the fact that they were all black, but she never said a word. The men had all been hired from escort agencies, given a picture of Greta and told that she was a rich weirdo that liked to play sex games. Her current game was to pretend she had amnesia and that they were all former lovers who had been invited to the party to see if they couldn't help her get her memory back. She expected them to fuck her until she either regained her memory or passed out. Each had been paid a thousand dollars and promised another five hundred as long as all of them stayed in character. In addition I had hired two UCLA film students to record the affair. Once all the players were assembled I sat back and watched the show.

It started when one man walked up to her with a glass of champagne in his hand. She was sitting in a chair looking around the room and he said, "Hi babe, Chad tells me that you probably won't remember me, but maybe something that you and I liked to do when we were together will help jog your memory."

He took out his cock, stuck it in the champagne and then offered it to her mouth. Greta looked over at me and I smiled and nodded my head yes and she turned back to the young black, leaned forward and took him in her mouth. Within ten minutes the dress was gone leaving Greta in only her heels and pearls. Greta might have lost her memory, but her sexual desire was still intact and she went after that gaggle of black cocks like a shark in a feeding frenzy.

Cock after cock made its way into her in ones, two's and threes and Greta took charge and directed her supporting cast into some of the most exciting and erotic things I had ever seen and in some that I could never have imagined. Four seemed to be her favorite number and she spent a good deal of time with three cocks in her at once. The scene that will be burned into my memory forever was when she sat down on one cock taking it in her ass, leaned back so that her back was on the chest of the man who was in her while another man took her cunt. Once the two men had a rhythm going a third man moved in from the side and she sucked his cock.

Then they began to play games. On man bet her that she couldn't get two cocks in her mouth at once and Greta had laughed at him and then proved him wrong. Granted, they were not large cocks, and she could only get the cockheads by her lips, but technically she did do it. Then someone asked her if she could get two cocks in her pussy at once and she didn't even hesitate - a piece of cake. One rather confident black man bet her a thousand dollars that she couldn't get him off just using her feet. She kicked off her heels, made a 'come here' gesture and went to work. He worked for nothing that night, but some how I don't think he came out a loser on the deal.

I'd known from the beginning that Greta had cuckolded me, but outside of when she and I had sex I had never seen her in action. She was, in a word, magnificent! Her white body and swirling blond hair being tossed around in a sea of black was one of the most erotic things that I could imagine. I was going to miss her.

Inevitably the men began to run out of steam and one by one they dressed and left. Three of them (including the guy that got the foot job) gave me their cards and told me that if she wanted to play again they would be more than happy to come back at no charge. As the last man was preparing to go Greta was pulling at his sleeve, "Please, just one more time, please?"

He was game, but Greta just couldn't get him up again. I looked over at the caterers who were tearing down the buffet and I motioned the man in charge over, "The lady would like to show her appreciation to you and your crew."

He gave me a big smile and hurried over to his crew to give them the good news. I turned to my young film makers and said, "When they get through its your turn."

It was another two hours before Greta and I were alone. She was lying on the floor, sweat soaked and cum covered and I thought, strangely, that she had never looked more beautiful or desirable.

"Well my love, do you remember anything?"

"The only thing I remember is that the only cock I haven't enjoyed yet tonight is my husbands."

I had gotten sloppy seconds from Greta before, but never anything approaching this extent, but I was supposed to be the loving husband so I bravely undressed, "As you wish my love, as you wish."


I woke up the next morning with Greta's lips wrapped around my cock. That was something new. Greta almost never said no to me when I wanted sex and she would fuck all night if I could, but she was not a morning person. Outside of the honeymoon she had never had sex with me in the morning - had pushed me away in fact - and yet here she was initiating it. I raised my head and looked down at her and saw her looking up at me. She took her mouth off me long enough to say, "Good morning my love" and then she went back to sucking my cock. When she was satisfied I was ready she straddled me, lined herself up with my cock and then slid down on me. She started rocking back and forth and then lifting and lowering herself as she worked herself up and then she rolled off me and onto her back, held her arms and legs open and cried, "Fuck me lover, fuck me hard." When it was over she released her grip on me and pulled me down for a long sensuous kiss and when she broke it she said, "You must love me a lot to let me do what I did last night. Thank you."

"For what."

"For being mine."

For the first time I began to feel like a shit.


Well, feelings aside, I knew that her memory might eventually return and that her father would probably succeed in his campaign to split us apart, so with the money as my goal I pressed on with my plan. I had instructed the film students to make the film look like something that a private detective would be likely to make on a surveillance and when they delivered the tape I found out that it was perfect. It showed Greta greeting her guests, champagne glass in hand and then becoming a wanton whore. The entire tape was as erotic as all get out, but there were several standout scenes: her foot job, the four-way with her leaning back on the chest of the black man in her ass and the crowning touch, her "come here" gesture to the catering crew.

The tape of course had been edited to make sure that no sign of me was in it and no one had filmed the two students so all you saw was Greta in a sea of black and then being fucked by the five Mexicans from the catering crew. It was just absolutely perfect and all that was left was to see a lawyer.

There is a mean streak in me that sometimes rears its ugly head. It is not something that happens because I am a mean person. It usually happens when some one fucks with me and since my personal motto has always been "Don't get mad, get even and then get ahead" I usually will find a way to retaliate. In Greta's case I was getting even for years of infidelity, but even then it was more business than retaliation - I was simply arranging for severance pay as it were. It was in this don't get mad, get even frame of mind that I appeared unannounced at her fathers office. I couldn't have wished for a better opening as he set the tone for the visit. In as sarcastic a tone of voice as he could muster he said, "And to what do I owe the great pleasure of seeing you today?"

"I am here to bring you joyous news beloved father in law. I have decided to grant you your fondest wish and remove my self from your life and that of your daughters."

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. I'm suing her for divorce on the grounds of adultery. Knowing that you would never believe that you could be so lucky I even brought you a copy of the tape that I'll be using in court. I'm sure that you realize that the social prominence of you and your daughter will generate great interest in the media so I have made several copies of the tape in case the Star and the National Inquirer might wish to carry the story. Who knows, maybe even Entertainment Tonight might want to carry a clip or two on TV."

I tossed him the tape and got up to leave. When I reached the door I turned to look at him, "In the movies this is where I'm supposed to say "nothing personal", but we both know that would be a lie, don't we?"


It was fifteen minutes later and I was on my way to see the divorce attorney when my cell phone rang. It was Greta's father, "All right, you son of a bitch, what do you want?" I hung up on him. It rang again and I answered and this time he was a little more civil. Not much, but enough that I didn't cut him off again. "What can I do to stop this?"

"Why would you want to do that? You have been after Greta for over a year now to divorce me."

"You know as well as I do that I can't allow that tape to become public."

"Sorry daddy dear, the die is cast. I'm meeting with my lawyers in about five minutes. If you don't want the tape to become public make sure that Greta gives in gracefully and then pray that neither one of you ever does something to piss me off."

"I'll make it worth more to you to stay married to her than you could possibly get out of a divorce."

That was something that I hadn't foreseen. My only reason for giving him a copy of the tape was so the racist bastard could have a heart attack when he watched his daughter being joyfully gangbanged by a herd of black men and Mexicans.

"That might be difficult. You have been after her for so long to get rid of me that she will probably get around to doing it eventually and I would much rather the divorce be on my terms than hers."

"I'll handle Greta if it becomes necessary."

When all the papers had been signed I was set for life. An irrevocable trust would pay me enough each year to keep me happy for the rest of my life and all I had to do in return was stay married to Greta, destroy all copies of the tape, agree that in the event Greta did decide to divorce me that I would not contest it, and finally I was never to let Greta know about the arrangement. Done and done!


That night I got home to find Greta waiting for me in high heels and pearls and holding out a martini to me. "What's the occasion?"

"I've spent all day waiting for you to come home so that I can fuck your brains out and I thought that this might be the costume to get you interested."

I got a superb blow job and then Greta spent the next three hours reducing me to a quivering wreck. When she was done she looked down at me and said, "How long have you known?"

"Known what?"

"That I've been a whore?"

I figured that there was no reason to play dumb so I said, "I've known since you screwed the bellboy and the room service waiters on our honeymoon."

"And yet you've never said anything about it. Why?"

I'm nothing if not quick on my feet so I said, "It's called being in love and not wanting to lose you. A confrontation might have ended us so I decided to settle for what I could get and be happy that I got that much. How long have you had your memory back?"

"It started coming back during the second week I was home."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because I was being a bitch. I wanted to see who might take advantage of my condition."

"So you knew that the party was bogus?"

"Yes I did."

"Why didn't you say something then?"

"Because you were doing it for me to help me get my memory back. That's when I realized that you knew what I had been doing all these years and that even though you knew you still loved me enough to try and help me."

It was all I could do to keep from laughing and looking down at the floor to see how deep the bullshit was getting. Instead I just shrugged and sat there looking at her.

"What I don't understand is why you had nothing but blacks there."

"The truth of the matter my love is that you have your father's racist attitudes and I was going for shock value (I said I was quick) and I thought if I had nothing but blacks it would force your racial bias to surface and that might be just the key to unlocking the rest of your memory."

"But why did you film it?"

"To have something of you when you left me."

"Leave you? Why in God's name would you ever think I'd leave you?"

"Your dad has been after you for over a year to dump me for someone more suitable. With all the running around you did on me I didn't figure that you cared enough about me not to eventually let him have his way."

She threw herself into my arms and started crying, "Oh baby, oh Jesus baby, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I never realized that you didn't know how much I love you. I've had lovers, but only because I'm a fucking nymphomaniac and can't get enough sex, but I guess you saw that for yourself at the party. But you have my heart baby, honest to God, and as for my father - fuck him!"

I smiled an inner smile as I thought, "Oh I did my love, I most definitely did."

"I'm sorry baby, I need sex all the time and when you aren't around I just grab the first available cock and I'm never going to change. You've lived with it until now and loved me, can you still keep living with it?"

"You are mine and I never have to sweat losing you?"

"I promise baby. You are stuck with me until death do us part."

"You'll be discrete and never embarrass me, or rub my nose in it with my friends?"

"Never baby, I promise. I'll never do anything to hurt you."

"Okay, I guess I can handle it."

Greta was silent for a bit and then she said, "Can we do it again?"

"Do what again?"

"Can we have another party?"

"Well, a couple of guys did give me their cards and told me they would love to come back, but now that you have your memory back can you handle blacks?"

"You don't overcome attitudes overnight baby, but I can learn to like anybody who can do what they did to me at the party. Just one thing though, can you double the number?"

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bigurnbigurnabout 2 months ago

Just 3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐ for this one. He is a greedy asshole, with a Aids death wish... and she is a cock crazy , cheating slut...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wow... Really, really bad...

redboat7redboat710 months ago

Great Story!! Loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Total crap

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Weird as, well, fuck.

Do you write plot elements on little pieces of paper, put them into a hat, shake them up and outline your story according to the order in which you draw them out?

I know you can write, I’ve read some of your stuff that proves it. Is the attitude really just “WTF…”, or is there a method to your weirdness?

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

Don't care about skn color but everybody in story was utterly trash

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Many problems with this one, but I'll simply content myself with pointing out that this would be unenforceable because it is against public policy: "He even went so far as to say he was going to change his will in such a way that if she was still married to me when he died she wouldn't get anything but a small allowance until she divorced me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I did not like this story when I first read it.

But unfortunately I was half way through re-reading it when I realised what the story was about.

The husband should be hung drawn quartered and shot for what he did.

I know that in the long run he got what he wanted but well he is an areshole.

She is just as bad because she is a slut.

They deserve each other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Up there with biggest piles of crap I have ever read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
So she loves him

And he's got a lot of money. But will he raise a black baby? Will he live with constantly getting checked at the Docotor's office for STD's, herpes and Aids? Is the money worth his life? The old saying is that you "can't spend it if you're dead" seems to apply. He needs to kill her or force her to divorce him before she kills him. Ugly story about greed and stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

That story sucked

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
yes it did

whimp cuck faggot shit

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Well, that one sucked.

ju8streadingju8streadingalmost 7 years ago

the gold digger needed found out

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

always 1* for interacial trash aids-whores .

you should relabel this as interracial so normal people dont have to read this sickening filth . people dont want to read about monkey-on-human aids injection .

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 7 years ago

Love your punch lines. That's one of the reasons why you're one of the favorite active writers of this site. You keep the readers attention with your touch and turns, and then when closing there is the damn punch line to leave you surprised and smiling. Thanks for your extensive, prolific and very appealing erotic work. For me, the best writer of this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nasty whores are all you know dear annony!!!!

The only good woman you had left your nasty ass. I gave it a 5 for effort and content

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Another just plain nasty story

YES! I KNOW it's fiction. But Jesus H. Christ what man in his right mind would stay with a nasty whore like her? He could have just gotten the money and then divorced her. Because the real issue here is what does he do when she gets pregnant and delivers a mixed race baby? What will Daddy and his friends think then? And with all that sex how could she possibly hope to avoid picking up some nasty disease and passing it along to Hubby? Maybe he's lucky and he gets cured with a shot. But maybe he picks up herpes that's incurable or maybe he gets really lucky, gets aids and then dies. No amount of money will cure him of those things so why not get what he can and hit the road? Just horrible Bob!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
re: bob writes some sick nigger shit sometimes.

Look you bigoted asshole, I'm your father and if you call me out of my name again. I'll tell you who your sister's real dad's name. Just because you have a little dick and look white. Do blame me, it's you mom's fault you favor her dad. He was hung like a q-tip and his is twice the size of yours nubby.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Jesus that was some bad, nasty shit

What is he going to do? Wear a giant condom every time he wants to screw his own wife? Even if she's careful and she's not, she risks getting some nasty disease. And it sounds like she's risking her life and his life a lot! I'm not sure how he's going to live like that for years and years. Maybe knock her up and keep her knocked up and she won't have as much time to screw around. And how is he going to explain the money he's getting from dear old dad? Is he going to keep on working? SO many questions Bob, so many.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
bob writes some sick nigger shit sometimes.

Fuck you bob.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
believable story

see now this was a believable cuck JPB story. I dont see any guy becoming a cuckold unless he somehow benifited from it-- in this guys case, money.

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

and for how long? TK U MLJ LV NV

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Sweet Jesus!! This is so way over the top and hilarious.

JPB really got me on this one. I'm not a fan of cuck stories but this was absolutely a riot. Thanks for the entertainment! !!!

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 11 years ago
What a group of idiots!

Was there a single one of them that had any redeemable qualities? I mean the Father, the wife and the husband - not a good person with good intents between them. I guess they all deserved one another. Funny story. I wonder who will crack first when she has a black baby? That event should trigger an explosion somewhere!

ValerionValerionabout 12 years ago

No doubt about it, his pecker will end up dropping off like Quentin Tarantino's character in Planet Terror. *Drip...Splat* Gone...

michael1950michael1950about 14 years ago
Classic JPB

This has all the elements of JPB stories, LOL loved the twists and reveal's. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
let him play too

equal opportunity to play for both. would that bother her? if so , so what

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Oh come on!

Everybody needs someone to love! The Blues Brothers said it so it must be true... even a whore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Another story where the wife is little more than a whore...and somehow I just never found whores very erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

she was delusional, love? and his feelings could not be that string with her chain of lovers

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
sorry I cant identify with this in any way. Were

it some of my own I would consider mercy killings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
a better man than i

love does have its limits

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
what price money?

he puts up the behavior and attirude from her for how long, for how much?

at least he should fill the void, with a mistress(es).

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
don't know

pro or con ? He was staying for revenge and money, but knowing that she has so much sex behind his back didn't bother him too much since he continued fucking her too. So staying, now he has this financial agreement secured, in fact makes not much of a difference. G.Belgium

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 16 years ago
Made me snort and cackle more than once

I gotta admit that I loved the hubby's character. He's an absolute scumwad who lives in a world of excrement but manages to float to the top. They all get their just rewards in this LW tale. Thank you, JPB, for a walk on the "wild" side. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What a Great Piece of Fiction!!

Aside from the fact that I don't usually go for the type of story where the hub has to "allow" the wife(she's never what you could call a wife)perfect freedom or lose it all, this wasn't bad! The father in law who was behind the push to ruin the "marriage" got his, and to the satisfaction of the hub! And the "wife" "submitted"(wellll, sort of...) and alls ended well. Sort of!

shangoshangoalmost 18 years ago
Kinda reminds me of "Seinfeld"

You liked the show, eventhough you wouldn't want to hang out with any of 'em!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago


Once again the rabid meat beating self righteous trogs are on your ass. Here you tell a tale of a man who thinks with his big head for change and they are all over you. Pimple-faced wire-whippers, you can't have it both ways. You bitch when the hero's dick gets him in trouble and now you're bitching because good old greed overcomes lust and love. Well Done Bob. Thank You. Ronnie W.

jack_strawjack_strawalmost 18 years ago
I loved it!

One of Bob's best yet. I laughed out loud at the end. This guy had no illusions; he was in it for the money. The only complaint I have is that the party scene was a little short, and could have used some detail. But this was a funny story, told in an ironic tone, and the funniest part are all the trolls who actually took it seriously.

bud444bud444almost 18 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
who the biggest whore him or her

her hunger for fucking or his for money,who is the biggest whore.your true men can go for this type of woman,because the man in him want let her do it to him.this story females eat up and wimpy men.men who want to be piss on with mental problems love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
A Rerun & Like Deja Vu All Over Again

I'm Sorry but is it erotic to stay with a whore who is cuckolding you on your honeymoon???

Is it erotic to be so helpless that you know you are a cuckold many times over but don't say anything ever - well until years later when provoked by daddie in law's intend to sweep him away?

Is it arousing or basely sick to then agree to be her pimp and scheduler in waiting while she fucks anything that moves thereby helplessly cuckolding yourself for the male humiliation forevermore???

Jeez you have more of a sick following then I thought bobie.

For them you need to get back to the wife whore cunt sucking of cock cum before they lose interest in you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I dont get it

he married her for the money. he was waiting for her parents demise before devorcing half her millions. the money is good, but why stay w/ her? a couple of a million dollars isnt a bad deal. he can live well w/ that. now, the deal w/ the father, that means he has to stay w/ her for the rest of his life(shudders). she can give him AIDS before he can collect or enjoy his money. why not collect now, and enjoy life while he is still young.

the logic of this story verge on stupidity. having a couple of millions to waste as he wants is a fantasy. staying w/ her forever, that's not a fantasy, that's a nightmare. i guess, he can pray that she wont give him AIDS.

AngelCherysseAngelCheryssealmost 18 years ago
A Duplicitous Delight

Some of Bob's more recent stories have not struck the right chord with me but this one was a genuine delight, worthy of a Biblical parable about Greed, its consequences and cost. There was enough duplicity, double-dealing and treachery to keep the tabloids busy for... oh, at least a column or two.

The quality I appreciate most about this, and certain of Bob's other recent work is, the irony of the outcome is killer-funny - in a genre (marital infidelity) that is anything but. We have all read stories about betrayal and horrific revenge. They may be initially satisfying, but ultimately leave us all a little colder. If we can lighten up a little from time to time, we might all be better off.

I have seen blockbuster Hollywood comedies based on much flimsier premises.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

What else is there to say about this story but brilliant one of your finest

TLeeTLeealmost 18 years ago

The most useless piece of shit in this piss-poor story is the writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Somehow ...

I think you worked a bit of a morality tale into this story. Now if I could just figure out what it is!

I agree with a couple of the comments: this story worked surprisingly well.

Keep doing what you want, Bob!

Regards, DJ

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

There is not redeemable character in the story--not even the father. Yet it works--talk about agendas. Great Story! The end really had me laughing.

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Fool Me Once Fool him twice? He won't let that happen.in Loving Wives
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