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Grim Fairy Tales Ch. 02

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Cinderella and her Three Stepsisters.
14.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/04/2013
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Author's Note: This story is a bit different than some of my others, hopefully not having any long-winded plot. It started off as a short (for me at least) spank story. Some may like it, some may not. It is a hot wife type story and a cuckold, so if you do not enjoy such things, move on... The Prologue is pretty much the same as previous chapters, so if you have read the previous submissions of this story, you can safely move to the main chapter section.

Grim Fairy Tales


My wife is extremely beautiful and sexy. I know every story here starts off that way, but imagine Ashley Benson with a 35C-23-32 athletic figure—and not afraid to show it off.

When she was in college, Jessica was a wild child, the word 'promiscuous' not even coming close to how she describes herself, but I did not know her then. I never pried into her past, merely happy a girl as gorgeous as her could fall for a guy like me. I knew she had slept with other men—she had even hinted the numbers being more than I could possibly guess—but again, although my curiosity was piqued, I decided to let the past be the past, happy she ended up with somebody like myself.

It is not that I was not a good catch. Professionally I am currently in my mid-forties and the youngest senior partner at a prestigious law firm dealing in corporate law, making an almost seven figure salary. Our practice primarily specializes in mergers and acquisitions—our lawyers and legal representatives being the intermediaries to verify both sides are treated equitably.

Due to the time involved in such actions, I have spent more than my share of time at the office and travelling, having to leave my wife alone. Work has obviously impacted our lives, particularly our sex life, although my wife Jessica has never complained, stating she is happy with the attention she receives. Little did I know it was not necessarily attention I was giving her!

I state this not to condone her actions, but to admit I may have had a role in what has happened through the years.

I am an average looking guy, though not necessarily in the best of shape—being stocky with a minor beer belly and slightly premature grey hair—but I am not ugly either. I could get a more svelte figure by spending spare time working out like some of the other partners; however, I spend enough time at the job, I do not need to neglect my gorgeous wife any more than she already has been.

I had originally gotten into the firm with the help of knowing a couple of buddies I had gone to law school with. At the time of my application and interviewing process I did not know they had gone to undergraduate school with Jess, so had no knowledge of them knowing her, but I learned over the years they and several other of the partners had gone to the same college and had crossed paths with her, and I now know that had played a big part in me being hired, but I get ahead of myself.

I met most of my buddies during law school at Columbia, and it was during that time I met Jessica and we fell in love. As I look back, even had I known any of my friends had gone to the same school as her, Northwestern University was a large school, and the chances of them meeting or crossing paths was low. Having gone to the local Community College where I did not know many people, It was unlikely for them to have been acquainted at a university over five times that size, so I had no awareness of anybody knowing my wife—socially or physically.

That they did know her shows what a small world it is, as our practice in New York is a far cry from Illinois, even though the firm employs lawyers from all over the world.

But I digress. In as brief terms as possible I have found out my wife is a slut, that I am a cuckold. Now all that being said, she is not a slut in the sense of 'hangs out in bars and picks up strange men' or even the homebody who fucks the neighbor or delivery man. She has not had a steady affair with anybody. In fact, my wife remains faithful for years between her transgressions, but like a recurring alcoholic, goes on binges once in a rare moon where she completely lets down her hair—or panties as the case may be.

Jessica has always had an insatiable libido and is very open with her sexuality. I mentioned how she was quite the deviant in undergraduate school, but again, never pried into her past. I knew she had gotten around a bit, but had never thought it would ever cross over into our marriage.

The stories I am relating I have learned over several years. In some cases I found out purely by accident, in others I was told directly. My wife is not aware of my knowledge of her affairs, and as I am a bit in turmoil as to what to do. In some ways I am excited at other men find her so irresistible and sexy, while in other ways I feel betrayed. I am very well some men would have kicked her out long ago, and if you are one of those, you probably should not bother reading this story. I am still in love with my wife and she is in love with me. I have come to grips with the knowledge that for her these dalliances are purely physical, and once they occur she is content and does not stray for a considerable time. Judge me how you will, I hope you at least understand my view as I relate these happenings.

This second incident occurred around the same time as discovering the first—although technically the first incident happened over a dozen years ago. As you will see, this is not similar to the first incident, so I again I am uncertain what to do after learning about it, somewhat shrugging it off as being irrelevant.

At the time of this writing Jessica and I had been married for over fifteen years, her having gone out of town to visit some friends for a bachelorette party...


Chapter 02 -- Cinderella and her Three Step-Sisters

Jessica came home Memorial Day evening from her visit with her girlfriends and their bachelorette party. While she had been gone over the weekend I cleaned out our garage of stuff accumulated over the years, as well as completing several 'honey do' items Jess had given me before she left.

While cleaning out our junk in the garage I discovered a DVD containing a video of my beautiful wife having sex with all seven Junior Partners of my law firm around the time I had gotten a promotion about fifteen years ago!

How does one handle finding out his wife is a slut; has cheated on you; that you are a cuckold? The incident occurred many years ago when I was up for a Junior Partner position at our law firm, so by the time I found the tape, I had been a Junior Partner for over a decade. At the time of writing this memoire I am now a Senior Partner, so it has been quite a few years.

And to answer the inevitable question, yes, Jessica and I are still together.

I basically had to ask myself the question 'Had I been happy for the last fifteen years?'

Some men would have kicked her out. Some would have accosted her with the evidence, asking for a reason, an excuse—a simple 'Why?'

Me? As my wife came through the door in a short skirt and tank top, I took her hand and led her up to the bedroom where we made love and fucked non-stop for several hours. I came five times with her having waves upon waves of multiple orgasms.

I made love to her, I fucked her, and I relished every moment we were together.

Each time I thought I was finished, the image of her being gangbanged by my co-workers caused be to get hard again and I had to have her.

As we lay in bed together, sweat covering our bodies and soaking the sheets—along with other fluids—both of us panting and attempting to catch our breaths, my wife looked over to me.

"Wow, what was THAT about?" she asked with a grin.

I looked at her, the woman of my life, with full knowledge of her infidelity those many years ago and simply said, "I missed you."

Jess laughed as she stretched her body, her breasts taut as she arched her back, working out the kinks from me bending her in a variety of positions.

Without hesitation I leaned over and took a nipple into my mouth, her groan of pleasure filling the bedroom as I teased her even more.

After a few minutes of torturing her nipples she pushed me away, looking at me accusingly.

"Wait a minute. Is this some ruse to butter me up before you tell me you didn't do anything on the list?" she asked.

I smiled, answering, "Actually, I finished over half of the list," I told her proudly.

Jess looked at me quizzically.

"Even the garage?" she asked with obvious doubt.

I smiled, telling her "Especially the garage."

Jess smiled and leaned into me, giving me a deep longing kiss as I once again felt my body respond, wondering if I could manage number six.

Over the long weekend many feelings had flown through me. At first there was the usual sadness, anger, and betrayal, as well as humiliation, dishonesty, and so forth at finding out my wife had been unfaithful. But later on, as I began to think about the almost twenty years we had spent together, I knew Jessica had not been unfaithful the entire time—or even any length of time. To my knowledge such a thing had only happened once, and although there might have been a possibility of it having happened again, I had no evidence. I knew deep in my heart Jess was not involved in any ongoing affair.

If I had to blame anybody, it was my co-workers, the men who had set Jess up. If it had not been for them and the fact they were the ones promoting me, I was pretty certain Jess would never have strayed. In a sense she had felt it an obligation to assist my promotion in any way possible—even at the cost of her fidelity.

In a perverted line of reasoning Jess' infidelity was not due to loving somebody else, but instead, it was for her love for me. I had done a lot of soul searching and finally had to admit our marriage has always been a good one. We rarely fought and I myself had been away from her more than with her as I had placed my career over even my marriage, so I knew some small measure of blame was my own, leaving her alone and abandoning her to my job had to have impacted our lives.

In the end, I loved my wife, and based upon her day-to-day actions—not counting the video—Jessica loved me.

I finally convinced myself she had slept with the partners of the firm for my advancement.

I had to look at things in a 'glass is half full' attitude because doing anything less would be short-changing all the years and happy moments we had together.

So our lives went on, and if tonight was any indication, our sex life was even better off because of what happened.

Tuesday morning I went to work as usual. I did not know how to handle being around some of the men I had thought for years as being my friends, only to have found out they had all gangbanged Jess, treating her like nothing more than a whore at a bachelor party.

Our company was in the midst of merging with another firm—and yes, we all saw the humor in a law firm that handled mergers merging with another firm that handled mergers. As such, there were going to be six Senior Partners.

As such, most of us Junior Partners knew there would not be any elevations to Senior Partner for several years. There was still a chance of advancement, as although the merger shared the same corporate name, profits, and whatnot, the two planned to remain fairly autonomous, and our three Senior Partners had already mentioned considering a fourth or even fifth member; however, even though the other firm remained on the west coast managed by their original three Senior Partners, the sudden elevation from three to six did not bode well for any immediate promotions.

My plan with my co-workers was similar to how I was treating Jessica, to move on and attempt the 'nothing happened' attitude. That being said, when lunchtime came and I was sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria with Jason, Greg, and a few of the other Junior Partners, I did not partake any conversation, remaining quiet as they all laughed and kidded normally.

Every time I looked at one of them, I saw them in a fake white beard, fucking my wife, or being sucked off by her. And to my embarrassment, it made me rock hard all through lunch as I listened to them talking.

The current topic of discussion, as with any 'Monday'—although this was Tuesday it had been a three-day weekend—was what everybody had done over the weekend.

Apparently two of the guys—both single—had gone out of town, hitting every strip club between here and Pittsburg. They were currently discussing each girl they saw dance or—in the case of four of the girls—received blowjobs or hand jobs.

"I'm telling you, this was the hottest stripper I had ever seen," Thomas Donovan, a newer Junior Partner to the firm was saying. "And holy Christ did she give the most amazing hand job," he said.

Tom may have been single, but he was now engaged, his wedding planned in a couple more months. This trip was going to be one of his last flings in his single life.

Mostly ignoring them, I continued to eat, not interested as each buy at the table discussed the hottest stripper they each had ever seen over the years.

Because his voice was the loudest, I heard Jason state, "I bet she wasn't half as good or hot as that piece of ass we knew at Northwestern."

The table got suddenly quiet, unusual enough that I finally looked up from my salad, seeing several of the guys attempting to be indiscrete as they look at me out of the corners of their eyes.

At first I wondered what the hell they were looking at, until it suddenly dawned upon me he had stated 'at Northwestern,' a slight suspicion coming to me as I wondered with a certain amount of probability that he was talking about Jess.

"Shit, she had a body to kill for—and could suck the paint off the wall," he said with a laugh, resuming the conversation to break the silence.

"I don't know," Tom was saying. "This girl was the probably best I had ever been with," he laughed. "Except Julie of course," he finished after a moment with a blush, mentioning his fiancée's name as everybody laughed.

"I doubt she was as good as the bitch Jason is taking about," Greg Johnson spoke up. "Hell, I remember this one fraternity party where we hired her and she ended up fucking the whole house!" he laughed as I once again noticed him and Jason glancing at me.

Where they talking about Jessica, I wondered? They obviously had some inside joke at my expense, but I was uncertain if they were only attempting to goad me into saying Jessica went to Northwestern or they actually were talking about my wife.

I knew Jess had been a wild and willing girl during undergraduate school, but had never pried into her it. I was content with letting the past stay in the past, not caring if she had been the school slut—which the guys could have been hinting at—or the most innocent girl around.

Yet hearing them talk after seeing the video of my wife acting like a complete whore for them, I began to wonder. Jessica had never said anything about stripping during school, although again, I did not inquire. Even at my own school I knew of several girls who had danced to pay their way through school, and stripping did not necessarily indicate a slut—the few girls I knew had actually been quite religious, yet still had stripped for tuition.

The conversation moved on as a few other guys talked about their weekend when I once again noted silence.

Looking up, I saw everybody's face turned to me as I asked, "What?"

Paul Fleming laughed, repeating himself, "I said, what did you do over the weekend?"

"Ah, he probably spent the entire time in the sack with that beautiful wife of his," Jason laughed.

I shook my head, again trying to push out the thought that this man, who I had called best friend, had also been 'in the sack' with my beautiful wife as I answered, "Actually, Jess went out of town to visit some girlfriends," I told them, "so I stayed home and fixed up the house."

Greg made a whipping noise as his hand jerked forward and back in the imitation of a whip, saying, "Damn, if we knew you were bacheloring it for the weekend we would have planned to go out one night!" he said.

"Bah," Jason said in response. "Jim is so devoted to that wife of his he would have stayed home anyways. Let me guess," he asked looking at me, "she gave you a List?" he said with intent.

I smiled sheepishly as they all laughed.

The rest of the day, as well as the next several weeks, went on as usual. I never doubted Jess' love for me, and slowly began to accept and act normal being around men who had slept with my wife. It was obviously difficult to keep such thoughts out of my mind, but once again I had to remember it had been almost fifteen years ago, and there was nothing to be done about it now. What happened had happened, and we all had to live with it.

Several weeks later I was home a few hours early while Jess was at an aerobics class. I was watching the news while reviewing some papers on an up-and-coming merger between two oil companies in Saudi Arabia when I was momentarily startled at the sudden ringing of the doorbell.

Answering the door, there was a young delivery man holding a small package.

"I have a package for a Mrs. Jessica Thomas?" the man asked me, reading the label.

"I'll take it," I told him, "I'm her husband."

The man pulled back from my extended hand saying, "I'm sorry sir, the package is addressed to Mrs. Thomas so she has to sign for it as the authorized signature," he told me.

Any other time I would have said the heck with it and told the man to come back tomorrow; however, it had been 'one of those days' and my inner lawyer was out in force.

I looked at the man slightly exasperated saying, "Look, I'm her husband, so I can sign for the package," I repeated.

"Husband or not sir, it is not our policy to allow alternate signatures when specifically stated," he told me, as if reciting a manual; which was probably true, looking like he was new to his position.

I smiled at the man as I asked, "Let me guess, you're new?" seeing his affirmative nod. "Well, I am a lawyer, and a husband has the legal right to sign any document in place of their spouse and vice versa. In fact, it is a breach of jurisprudence to deny such a request," I bullshitted to him.

The idea of Jess getting a package was not unusual, as she often ordered clothes and shoes online; however, a package requesting only her signature and not simply somebody at the resident was unusual enough to pique my curiosity. That the sender specifically requested only Jessica's signature stirred my inner lawyer sense and my curiosity got the best of me.

"I don't know," the young kid said, and hearing the doubt in his voice, I knew I had him.

"I'll tell you what," I told him good naturedly. "You can give me the package and simply move on. If anybody asks, you can just say it got lost and nobody is the wiser, that way you won't get in trouble for accepting somebody else's signature," I smiled at him. "And I'm sure you do not want to go to court over this," I told him, raising my right eyebrow, "since it is my legal right to sign for my own wife. I'm sure the package is insured, and things like this get lost all the time, so you won't get into any trouble, particularly since you are new," I again smiled amicably at him.

I had no basis for my comments or threats, but the guy was starting to piss me off, and the idea of my wife getting a package specifically for her was again, unusual.

Visibly contemplating his job as a delivery person, the kid reluctantly handed me the package, before turning around and walking back to his truck as I closed the door.

The package was from Mary Johnson, Jess' girlfriend she had visited a few weeks ago for a bachelorette party and whose wedding we had attended the following week after Memorial Day. Jess had been the maid-of-honor, so I assumed the package was her bridesmaid's gift, which explained why it had been sent specifically to my wife.

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