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Guardian Program Ch. 05

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Jessie's concert is witnessed by several surprise guests.
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Part 6 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch 05

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel, All rights reserved.

We picked up Highway 93 and drove the nearly seventy miles south to Stevensville. Yes, a long drive for dinner, but well worth the drive. Toni had the stuffed sole, Jessie had the chicken Marsala, and I had the Osso Bucco. Toni and I shared a bottle of Perazzeta Sara Bianco, while Jessie being only eighteen was forced to settle for ice water.

After dinner, we headed back north to Missoula, and made one more stop, at Golf USA of Missoula. The owner Jon spotted me as I came in and had the clubs I ordered waiting for me as I got to the counter. I thanked him and we made Saint Margaret Mary Church for Jessie's concert within plenty of time.

It seemed that someone had donated an entire acoustical upgrade, including a Steinway B grand piano. That same person had heard Jessie perform during a high school orchestra concert and insisted that she be the first to play. I was curious to find out who her fan was, but the fact that Montana has a very high percentage of millionaires, and the church itself claimed a lack of knowledge, made my prospects very slim. Therefore, I gave Bridge Security another tax write-off, by donating a complete security system. I felt bad about the possibility of violating the sanctity of the confessional, but I programmed Hal to ignore that part of the church, and my family comes first.

Jessie and Toni however, both thought the whole situation was my doing, even though I denied it repeatedly.

We entered and were greeted along with everyone else. The greeter hadn't known us by sight which I felt was a good thing. I would have been far more suspicious if she had. The church was about half full, which was a pleasant surprise to all of us, as Jessie's performance was supposed to be an informal event, celebrating the new sound system, and had been scheduled prior to the evening Mass.

"Looks like a good turnout, Jessie. You still have about twenty minutes before you start, maybe you'll get a full house."

With eyes slightly wider than normal, she surveyed the sanctuary. She wiped her hands down the sides of her dress, then reached back and pulled her long braid over her shoulder and stuck the end into her mouth. "I'm not sure I can do this."

I glanced at Toni, who also realized that sucking on her braid wasn't a good sign, and moved in to hug her. I gently took Jessie's hand and together we pulled her braid back out, while she looked up and made eye contact with me. "You can do this Sweetheart. I know you can, you play beautifully, and you did great on your solo during the spring concert at school."

"That was with forty-six other people on stage, and I was playing for people I know."

"Who do you play for when you're alone, at home?" I asked.

"Mom. It's how I tell her how my day went, how I'm feeling." Her eyes were asking me to fix this, pleading, so I moved in and joined the hug.

"Jessie, if you look at where the piano is, you can hardly see any of it. No one will be looking at you. They came to hear you, not see you. Just go back there in the corner and pretend you're alone at home. Play for your mother, and tell her how you feel." I leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head.

She pulled out of the hug, smiled at both of us, took a deep breath, and nodded to me. "Okay, I can do that," she declared before heading off to find the sacristy.

Toni and I found a pew near the piano alcove, but around the corner where she couldn't see us and waited. About fifteen minutes later the priest came out to the altar, and greeted the crowd, which had grown to a full house, gave thanks to the anonymous donor for the new sound system, offered a short blessing, and introduced Jessie. He explained that she would be playing the piano until just before the Mass started and that the congregation should simply enjoy the music. He also reminded them not to be rude, that they were in church and should have all cell phones turned off, and not to converse while the music played. He smiled at Jessie and motioned her to her instrument, then started a subdued round of clapping.

Jessie moved to the piano and opened with the theme from 'Interstellar', then ripped into 'Fires of a Revolution'. She then osculated back and forth between searching and haunting, but the last several songs seemed sadist of all. When she concluded with 'It's hard to say goodbye', the only sound in the sanctuary was quiet weeping. The priest let us sit quietly for several minutes, then stood and moved to the front of the altar looking speechless for several moments, then said "Beautiful, simply beautiful. I believe that God has touched this young lady." With that, he led us in rousing applause.

A minute or so later he interrupted by saying, "If you'll excuse me, I must prepare for the Mass," and left for the sacristy.

There were only ten minutes before Mass started, but almost the entire congregation stood, many trying to get to the restrooms, but at least as many were trying to get to Jessie. We worked our way around the corner to find the alcove standing room only.

Everyone seemed to be telling Jessie how beautifully she had played, wanted to know if she was professional, and where could they buy her CDs.

I got a tap on the shoulder, and when I turned I found our neighbors, Bill and Debra Clemons' smiling faces.

"Wow," commented Debra, in her warm British accent. "She was simply brilliant! We knew she could play, but had no idea she was that good."

Toni gushed with quasi-parental pride. "Oh, Debra, Bill, I'm so glad you made it. Are you still coming over this weekend? Maybe we can get Jessie to play something for us."

"Yes," stated Bill. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Would we, Babe?"

"Of course not. We're heading back though. Just wanted you to know that we had made it. Please let Jessie know that she was incredible and that we loved every minute of it."

"We'll see you Saturday," said Toni, and we turned back to see Jessie trying to be gracious, but backing slowly towards the side exit.

"Go around and try to get to the door from the outside. I'll keep trying to get to her from this side, she looks like she's considering fighting her way out."

It took several minutes to get to her, and by then she was very grateful to hug me and allow me to take command of the situation. "We thank you all very much. You're all very gracious." I began, with a slightly raised voice. "We will be discussing the publication of a CD of the music you just heard. I will let Father know what Jessie has decided, as soon as a decision is made."

With that, I ushered Jessie through the side door and quickly followed, closing the door behind us and finding that Toni was waiting for us on the outside. "The door was locked. Are you okay, Jessie?"

Jessie let the breeze wash over her, looking up with her eyes closed, and smiled. "I think so. Everyone seemed to like it. Did you?"

She opened her eyes, and met mine, an expression of hope and need on her face.

I took both of her hands saying, "It was beyond expectation, beautiful and enchanting. I was forced to ride the emotions of your creation. I could not have been moved more."

"You were reading my mind," a voice behind me stated. "Those are the exact expressions I was thinking." As we all turned to the newcomer, who was closer than I realized, she stepped forward the last ten feet with her hand out. I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation. I am Sarah Gadon, and I was paid to come to your concert, Miss Smith. You see, I am a Juilliard alumnus and sit on the board that interviews candidates for our school. Someone felt I would be impressed by you."

Jessie had reached out and shaken her hand but stood gaping as if she had three heads. "Did you say Julliard, Ms. Gadon?"

"Yes, Miss Smith. I assure you that I am in no way joking." She produced some business cards and handed one to Jessie, then to Toni and me. "I can say with very little doubt, that if you apply, not only will you get in, but scholarships are a strong possibility."

Toni and I stood speechless. Jessie was now studying the business card. Then looked up and asked. "So, if I go to Julliard's website, I'll be able to find you?"

"Yes, you can either use my direct address on the card or by following the links from the home page."

"And this isn't a joke?" Jessie asked again.

"No, Miss Smith, this is not a joke."

"And you're from Julliard, like the 'real' Julliard?"

"Yes, the real Julliard," responded Ms. Gadon with a knowing smile. Jessie let out a scream and started jumping up and down, like a little kid. "Julliard! She shouted then screamed again. The rest of us stood by with bemused expressions.

"Ms. Gadon, could you tell us who paid you to come all this way on the possibility that you might be impressed with Jessie?" I asked.

"I would be happy to. However, I have no idea. I was sent a letter containing tickets for my flights and hotel reservations, pre-paid, along with the agenda for my stay. I was to listen to Miss Smith here and make my own decision as to her artistic abilities. Regardless of my opinion, I was to be paid ninety-five hundred dollars for my time, with a bonus of five hundred more, if I chose not to offer her admittance to Julliard."

"So, you're saying that you would have made more money if you simply walked away?"

"That is correct, but I feel that Miss Smith and Julliard would both benefit from her attending."

When Jessie finished squealing a few more times, she shook hands with Ms. Gadon again, then said. "Thank you so much, but can I think about it?"

"Of course, if you choose to attend, simply fill out your application and submit it. Then send me an email letting me know to watch for it. I'll give my recommendation, and use the recording of tonight's performance as your musical interview. You would have only a few verbal questions to answer, and would then, I believe be admitted."

Shaking hands again with Toni and then me, she excused herself. "Well, I'll let you get back to your evening, I have an early flight back. Miss Smith, I hope to see you in New York."

Jessie bounced around in a circle a few times then stopped and did a victory dance. After a few moments, she launched herself into my arms and hugged me.

"Dad, tell me I wasn't dreaming. She did say Julliard, right?"

"Yes, Sweetheart. She did say Julliard. You weren't dreaming. Congratulations!"

The entire time I was scanning the parking lot for something to happen. This all seemed too good to be true. "Did you need to go back inside to get your purse or anything?"

"No, I left it in the car."

"Toni, we need to leave, this whole thing seems off."

As it turned out, we were parked clear on the other side of the church and as we rounded the corner I could see a woman standing next to our car. She was looking at the front of the building anticipating our exit, so I quieted Toni and Jessie and had them hold back about ten feet as we went wide to approach her from the back. She was petite, with short blond hair, and wearing a short dress that seemed barely appropriate for church, along with heels. She didn't appear to be much of a threat, but anyone can hold a gun.

I was within about ten feet when one of the girls scrapped a shoe on the paving causing the woman to spin around, eyes wide and her hand clutching her chest. "Oh my God! Robert, you scared the crap out of me!"

She looked familiar, but something wasn't quite right about her, then as I stepped closer I saw her eyes. They were turquoise. "Sam?" I relaxed and sighed. "What are you doing here? I almost didn't recognize you." She watched as I put a pair of expandable batons back into my jacket pocket. "You look different. Better," I added after a moment of appraisal.

"Robert? Would you like to introduce your friend?" Toni asked as she and Jessie moved close to me. Jessie seemed to be enjoying Toni's annoyance and was smirking at her narrowed eyes. I knew that both of them had heard Sam call me Robert.

I gestured to each. "Samantha Thornton, this is Jessie, and my wife Toni."

"Very nice to finally meet you both in person. I feel as if I know you already." She was smiling and looking back and forth between them, then her smile slipped slightly at Toni's expression and looked up at me. "I um, I'm sorry to intrude on your night like this Robert, but I had to explain."

"You shouldn't be here Sam," I scolded.

"I figured you would be nervous about this whole thing," she said while motioning towards the church. "And after this morning, I knew I couldn't let it go without explaining."

I looked down at Toni who was now staring at me with an 'If you think you're getting sex from me in the next century, you're crazy' look, which only got worse when I couldn't help but smile. "Toni, why don't you and Jessie wait in the car?" I beeped the lock and opened the door for her.

Jessie was trying not to laugh and quickly opened the back and slid in, but Toni glared at me a while longer before getting in.

Turning back to Sam, I said, "Okay, explain."

"First of all, I didn't mean to make Toni mad at you."

"Don't worry about it, I'll explain everything on the way home. Why did you risk your disguise, couldn't you just call me?"

"Because you don't have a single untapped phone. I couldn't very well call you and let you know when half of the government would be listening in. Plus, I wanted to see if I could get past my backup if I needed to."

"You could have simply told me on the plane," I reminded her.

"I wanted to hear Jessie play again, and I wouldn't have been able to test my 'un-disguise'. Besides, to be honest, now that I've spoken to you face to face, I would rather continue communicating directly with you, instead of about you."

I smiled, "How do you think I run all those companies without talking to any of them on the phone?"

She paused for several moments thinking, then her eyes flew open at the realization. I watched as she slowly blushed and looked down, shaking her head. "I have been so stupid. We all have! You can get around your jammers!"

I chuckled lightly. "Yes. Let me see your phone," I added while holding out my hand.

She pulled out her phone without a thought and handed it over. "How? Neither the NSA nor anyone else, has found a single frequency that is usable anywhere near your jammers."

Sam watched with a slightly suspicious expression, as the phone unlocked itself as she handed it to me. "I would feed you the old line 'if I tell you, I'd have to kill you' but truthfully, if I told you, I wouldn't have to, your boss would."

I linked her phone to one of my secure sites and started downloading programs. "Don't ever hint at wanting to know how any of this works around any of your colleagues." I met her eyes to be sure she knew I was serious. "I mean that... If it gets back to the wrong person that you're seeking that knowledge they will kill you. They will very soon if not already be more than convinced that, not only am I capable of killing them any time I want but that I will. They have been strictly warned to protect my project at the cost of their own lives."

I watched as her face went through several emotions, and then settled on concern. "Robert, you wouldn't... would you?"

I continued to watch her face as her concern deepened. Several moments later I admitted, "Sam, I have gone to enormous effort to protect my family and the rest of the world from my technology. If I feel I have no choice, I most definitely would."

"But, only if you had to, right?"

Giving her a sad smile, I nodded. "Only if I felt I had no other choice." We stood looking into each other's faces for several moments. I was waiting to be judged, and she was looking for hope that I was still the same person.

Then her phone beeped, and she jumped. I turned sideways to her. "If someone examines your phone, they probably wouldn't find anything but if you go to the app screen, then the app store icon, then games, and scroll down to this chess app, and open it." I handed the phone back to her. "Once open your phone will jam any signal the NSA can monitor for approximately one-hundred-fifty feet, and call my cell directly no matter where you are."

She gaped at her phone, then up at me. What if I'm out of cell range?"

I laughed. "Sam, if you're outside the range of that signal, you have more problems than I can help you with. Just don't use it near someone, or something that would recognize that you're jamming, like on a plane, or near any agency member using their cell phone.

"Your normal phone book has my number in it now also, but that line will be monitored. Use it when you decide what to do about the hotel situation. Now, you were going to explain, remember?"

"Ah, yes. Sorry. Anyway, I was told to find out if we could manipulate you socially using your family."

I sighed and gave her a disappointed look but said nothing, letting her finish.

"The plan was conceived back in December when I heard Jessie play at her school's winter concert. I told my handler that I could probably pull it off, and after getting approval for the funds, I started the ball rolling. Please don't be mad at me, it was months ago before I met you in person."

"Then aren't we being watched?" I asked, forcing myself not to look around.

"No. When we found out that you had Bridge Security put in a complete security system, we felt that it would be too dangerous to watch you in person. We were going to use a recording of Jessie's performance as proof enough that you had come. It will be considered a successful mission. You will now be thought of as vulnerable, because of me. I'm so sorry, Robert."

I paced a few laps. "It's okay. You were just doing your job. Besides, it may be for the best. If they feel they can manipulate me, they may spend more time on that than figuring out how I do things."

I wasn't happy. She had managed to manipulate me and put my family at risk. "You owe me big, Julie!" I informed her. "But, thank you for letting me know the truth. It will save me the time of figuring it out on my own."

She had the decency to look scolded. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, not much anyway."

Her face lit up with hope. "That means a lot to me, Robert. I don't want to cause you any pain or even hassles for that matter."

"I'm glad you feel that way. Go back and report your success for tonight and this morning, as we discussed earlier. Please, just keep me informed."

"Deal," she replied too quickly with an instant smile, then moved in for a hug. I let her and hugged her back.

When we broke, she turned and walked away without a word, but stopped a few cars over and turned back. "Apologize to Toni, and Jessie for me, please."

"I will," I promised while getting into the car.

As soon as I closed the door, Toni punched me in the shoulder as hard as she could. "Did you have to stare at her ass as she walked away?"

"Oh Baby, you know you have the best rear I have ever seen."

"How come I've never heard of her before?"

"Because I met her this morning on the plane, and when I got home I wasn't thinking about her."

Toni's voice shot up at least two octaves. "You met her this morning and have seen her naked already!?! Don't you dare try to deny it, she called you Robert!"

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and glanced into the back seat. Jessie was sliding farther behind Toni to hide the fact that she was about to chew through her arm to keep from laughing out loud. This of course made me smile, and just as predictably, I got punched again.

It took the entire drive home to recount my morning and smooth things over. It was all worth it though, make up sex is always good.

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WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit2 months ago

That wife is certainly a handful. There are so many open threads that there’s no way to speculate where the story goes next. Nicely done.

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