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Guardian Program Ch. 28

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Surprise for Sam and family, Toni tells Bill about 20G phone.
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Part 29 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch. 28

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel, all rights reserved.

17:21 Saturday, Washington DC., The offices of the Director of the National Security Agency.

"With all due respect Sirs, I have already answered that question four times. Rewording it will not change my answer," replied Ms. Thornton, as her frustration began to get the better of her. "The fact that it's late on a Saturday, and you're all cross for having to work, doesn't give you the right to be rude to me. You seem to have forgotten today is Saturday on my calendar also.

"The way I see it, Mr. Deckard, the situation is one of three things. Either you think I'm too stupid to understand your question's wording; you're being deliberately obtuse because you think I'm compromised and are trying to catch me in a lie; or you're truly too stupid to understand my responses. Now I find it highly doubtful that you're the least bit lacking in intelligence, so do you think I'm lacking, or compromised?" She glared at the head of the CIA awaiting a response, while Deckard looked as if he'd been slapped.

General Anderton quickly responded before things escalated and they lost their only asset in Smith's operations. "Ms. Thornton, I apologize, we're all tired, and you're correct, we have been rude. Could you please sum up in your own words the current situation?"

"I have already told you all I know, Sir. My new working hypothesis of Mr. Smith's assets is that he has far more companies overseas than he has here; that we have no idea what his net worth is; that he has some big project being announced sometime in October, and I will try to find out what it is next week.

"As far as his intentions are concerned, I've given you a brief summary of his psychological profile and will continue to build on it as I spend time with him.

"However, I'd be able to be more specific if you'd simply tell me what it is I'm trying to describe his intentions for." Her statements were met with looks of frustration or 'cop face'.

Henderson finally spoke up. "Ms. Thornton, I understand you're doing the best you can, but our need to know is based on a situation that we can't give you the details of. If it were as easy as telling you what to look for, then we would. We simply cannot say what it involves, except that it is extremely important to national security. All we ask is that you contact us the moment you return from South America."

Still feeling as if a mob of militant biographers had attacked her, she stood. "Thank you Mr. Iverhouse, I will indeed be happy to do exactly what I had agreed to do, over two hours ago," she reiterated with a strained smile that was fully intended to express her displeasure.

"I assume I'm free to go." When General Anderton nodded, she left without looking back.

Henderson looked around the table at a portion of the Guardian Program members. "Gentlemen, I may be the lowest ranking member here, and I mean no disrespect to your positions, but I have to say that you were all acting so obviously desperate, that she couldn't help but see it. She's a profiler for God's sake! She was being polite when she asked if you were being deliberately obtuse.

"Now General, if you don't have anything for me, I'll be leaving also. I've been neglecting my wife and kids far too often as of late."

He waited while General Anderton stared off into space for a few moments. Finally nodding to Henderson, and waiving his hand in a dismissive gesture, Anderton apologized. "Sorry Jack, just thinking. Everyone's dismissed, that wants to be."

Deckard stood and motioned to McKinney who followed.

A few moments later James rose. "I guess I'll take my leave as well John, I still have the Bureau to run. Hopefully, Thornton will have more to tell us when she gets back. Call me tomorrow, and we'll do lunch," he offered, then exited the room as well.

Anderton stood, then walked to the end of the room where he picked up a plate. While filling it with various items, he spoke to the only other person in the room. "Varrientos, you might as well fill a plate, we need to get something from this."

"General, we need to convince Lieber, to move on Smith. If we can't, we don't have a leg to stand on. Thornton is good intel as far as it goes, but none of it answers the big question."

With that, Varrientos walked from the room without touching the buffet. Anderton had been so far inside his own head that it was almost five minutes before he realized he was alone. He ate what was on his plate and then left, not bothering to tell the catering crew to clear the remaining servings for fifteen.

Once Brennen was far enough down the corridor to feel safe to speak, he turned to McKinney. "This is getting ridiculous. We need to act. I'm not waiting for Lieber. Do you remember the action taken in India, last year?"

McKinney nodded, "You're referring to Hengora's son?"

Brennen cut him off before he could say anything else. "Don't say another word McKinney, I want action taken and that operation seemed to make just the kind of statement we need. You should look into it for me."


Jessie and I spent the next few days discussing strategies for the division of labor, except whenever Toni went next door. It would seem that I was to be with Toni in the evenings and Jessie in the morning.

When I was with Toni, it was about my need to reclaim my wife through passion and intensity. I drilled her into the mattress or bent over any available surface trying to remind her that she didn't need anyone else. Each night her screams of orgasmic bliss left no doubts that she enjoyed my attention. After ten or twelve orgasms she would start begging me for a break but I would drive her through a few more until she passed out. Regardless, that didn't keep me from waking up to an empty bed.

My decision to teach Bill Escrema now included visions of teaching blades instead of just sticks. He would be begging for death if I had my way. I convinced him that martial arts was an excellent way to stay in shape. And after checking both of our schedules he agreed to his first lesson right after my birthday.

Because of the empty bed each morning I would find myself needing Sam. With her, it's about finding my center, finding complete peace in controlling the body of another person, and finding pleasure in giving pleasure.

My thoughts of Sam would cool my anger enough that when Jessie would slide into bed with me soon after Toni's departure, I could concentrate on her. With her, the lovemaking is very tender and about the connection of souls, being united completely.

Jessie and I went to church on Sunday. We didn't even discuss it ahead of time, just somehow agreeing. We wanted to give a formal declaration of thanks. Without a word, we remained behind, well after everyone else had left. I felt very close to God and thanked him not only for the wonderful women he had placed in my life but also for being found worthy of the enormous responsibility he had placed on me.

Late Tuesday morning, Jessie drove me to the airport while Toni sat beside me quietly hugging my arm. Both women gave me a long hug and a kiss goodbye, and both told me to come home safe. I promised I would.

Sam had agreed to meet me in Denver, and I flew into DIA with plenty of time to make Sam's gate before she landed. I stood in the center of the aisle with a bouquet of two dozen long-stem roses in a mixture of colors. Most of the travelers who had disembarked before Sam stepped to the side of the aisle when they spotted me and looked back at those coming behind them. I assume they wanted to see who I was waiting for and how she would react.

Sam actually dropped her carry-on and ran to me when she spotted me at the end of the tunnel of travelers. I scooped her up and we kissed to the thunderous applause of those watching our reunion.

Several minutes later when we finally broke our kiss, I eased her to the floor and retrieved her bag from one of the ticket agents who was patiently holding it for us. After ensuring that she didn't have any other luggage, we headed to my gate.

Once on board, I told her the bad news that the flowers I had let her carry through the airport weren't for her, but for another woman.

I saw the confusion and jealousy cross her face for only a split second before she simply handed them back to me with a smile. "Oh, will I get to meet her?"

"Yes, but I want to talk to her alone before I tell her about you. We're going to stop before heading to Africa. It shouldn't take more than four or five hours, and I'm sorry it will cut into our personal time, but I promised I would do this, and I always keep my promises.

"Who is she?" was asked, accompanied by a look of concern.

"Nobody to worry about, she's married. The two of them are just relatives I didn't know I had until recently. I hope you'll like them. From what I understand, they're good people. I am sorry though, but I can't let you know what their names are, or where they live. I don't want Julie to find out, so when we begin our descent I'm going to blindfold you until I have you in their house."

I strapped Sam into the co-pilot's seat and had Hal taxi us out for takeoff, while I went aft for the blindfold. When I returned, I handed it to her and told her that I had changed my mind and had her put it on before we took off.

Forty-five minutes later we were touching down at Strother Field. I had her wait on the plane while I checked on our ride.

It took no time at all as the car was waiting for us. I enjoyed having her carry the flowers while I guided her by vocal instruction only. She didn't hesitate once to follow my direction, again proving how much she trusted me.

We drove less than ten minutes before reaching our destination and parked a few doors down so that the car wouldn't be seen. And more importantly, Sam wouldn't either.

Instructing Sam to wait once again, I got out and nodded to the driver. I headed to the front door of a modest ranch home and knocked.

Several moments later the door opened and a gentleman in his late forties looking inquisitively at me, asked how he could help.

I explained, "Well Sir. Although it's my first time in town, I've already been told that you have a rather nice trophy fish. I've been deep-sea fishing before but haven't caught anything worth mounting. Would it be okay if I had a look at it?"

Mr. Thornton's inquisitive look shifted to pride, with an instant smile. "Of course, come in, come in." He led me into his den, where Sam's famed fish hung behind his desk. "I wish I could take credit for it, but my daughter caught it. She was only eight at the time."

"Very impressive! It's hard to imagine an eight-year-old bringing that in." I smiled to myself. "I'm jealous," I added, then listened to Sam's father regale me with the story of Sam's lengthy fight with the fish. He swore that he never laid a hand on her rod until it was time to bring the fish aboard.

Mrs. Thornton interrupted about halfway through, with an invitation to stay for dinner and I almost laughed out loud. "That is incredibly generous of you. However, I have a companion waiting in the car and I'm expecting a third party to join us shortly."

I almost laughed again as her expression momentarily looked pained, but it didn't take very long for her Southern hospitality to kick back in. She insisted it was no problem and that I should have both of my companions join us. Then she ran off to rethink her menu. I waited for the fish story to come to its conclusion, explaining that the other parties had been to town before and probably had already heard it.

When I retrieved Sam from the car I had her hold the flowers in front of her face, with the excuse that if she could see past the blindfold the flowers would help prevent her from seeing. I also nodded to our driver, he let us get to the house before following.

It didn't take long for the joyful shouts to start, once Sam's dad realized who my companion was. Her mom came running back in a couple of seconds later and then her screams of joy were added to his. The noise level was just starting to return to normal when Sam's brother Cory walked in about two minutes later, and the shouting started all over again.

I could tell the family loved each other dearly, making me feel a twinge of heartache over what I had missed out on. I had always been made to feel like a freak.

While Sam's mom put her flowers in some water, Sam's dad noticed what Cory had set by the door when he came in and asked what the champagne was for. He evaded the question by saying it was to celebrate the get-together.

During dinner, I realized I had been accepted without a single question as to who I was or how I'd come to know Sam. So, I began explaining on my own. As I neared the end, I turned to Mr. Thornton saying, "Sir, I realize that my next question is traditionally asked before this point, but Sam and I would like it very much if you would give us your blessing." I nodded to Sam, and she pulled her hand out from under the table to show off her ring.

I had been surprised that she was able to hide it that long. Sam's mom started screaming again, while her Dad looked stunned. Cory didn't wait for the answer and chose that moment to pop the cork on the champagne.

I waited patiently while Mr. Thornton regained himself, then watched his daughter, wife, and son express their joy and excitement for several moments. Finally, he turned his attention to me and noted that I was still waiting for an answer.

"Robert, I really don't know you well at all, however, you seem to have a head on your shoulders and have managed well so far in the world. I also know that my daughter seems quite smitten by you, and she isn't the type to just jump into something without thinking about it.

"How you managed to arrange for Cory to get involved, was no small feat of convincing in and of itself. You bringing him was a real gift. I thank you for that.

"That being said, if you hurt my daughter, in any way, I won't care if you're in Japan or on the moon, I will hunt you down and have myself a plate of southern fried prairie oysters. Do I make myself clear?"

I smiled because even though I would never harm her, I was planning to cause her pain on a regular basis. When I indicated that he was perfectly understood, he reached over the table to shake my hand saying, "Welcome to the family, son."

Later that evening, we all piled into the Thornton's SUV and drove back to the airport. I gave them a quick tour of the plane before they watched me walk Sam through the preflight.

They were very impressed with her and equally disappointed that they couldn't go with us. About fifteen minutes later, after several rounds of hugs, we closed the hatch and headed for the sky, but not before going stealth. I didn't want McConnell Air Force Base to see me go stealth after I took off.

Shortly after takeoff, I glanced over at my co-pilot, only to find her crying. "Hey Baby, what's wrong?"

She didn't try to stop her tears, as she looked at me saying, "I don't know how you managed it. This morning, I thought I couldn't possibly get any happier, but I ... I can't put into words how much that meant to my parents. Seeing Cory again ... was beyond wonderful. You have no idea how lucky I feel. I have to be the happiest person on the planet."

I smiled. "Sweetie, I could point out that you aren't technically on the planet, but it wouldn't matter because I get joy from your happiness. The happier you are, the happier I am and you can't possibly catch up. As long as you're around, I will always be happier. Sorry, but I win."

She chuckled and wiped a few of her tears. "I can't seem to bring myself to argue with you, Sir. So, I will say only that I accept your statement as a hypothesis."

I turned the plane over to Hal, and we headed to the back, got undressed, and after piling on several extra pillows, snuggled into bed to watch a movie. I chose '9-1/2 Weeks'.

We were enjoying the first fifteen minutes when Jessie called. We paused the show and the three of us talked for about half an hour. No sooner had we disconnected Jessie's call, when Toni rang through. Her call lasted almost as long.

Both women wanted to know how everyone enjoyed the surprise and wished us a good time in Africa. They also said that they wouldn't call again until Saturday night to give us some alone time and then reminded me that I promised to be back before my birthday.

We resumed the show and Sam got hot just watching, which is a good thing considering I hadn't equipped the plane with the proper tie-downs for a good bondage session. I teased her, but only for a few minutes, it had been a rather long day for both of us.


One minute to the second after hanging up with Robert and Sam, Toni's phone started ringing. She sighed when she saw who it was. "Good evening Bill, are you ready for more pain?"

"Um, Hi Toni. No, I was hoping you could do me a favor."

"You do realize that any favor you ask will ultimately cause you pain. So, the question is how much pain do you want to be in?"

"I was hoping you could come over tomorrow and help me out with a card game. I need you to serve drinks and distract the other players."

Toni pulled the phone away from her ear so that she could stare at it for a heartbeat or two. "Are you actually suggesting that I would help you cheat at cards?"

"No, not cheat, just improve my odds. The stakes are going to be high, and I can't afford to lose ten grand."

"Bill, if you can't afford to lose that much, then don't play for that much. Besides, if you need money, why don't you just ask Robert?"

"I doubt Robert would be willing to loan me a hundred grand just because we're friends."

"You're right, he wouldn't loan you that much, but if you ask, he might give it to you."

"Toni, I'm not talking about a candy bar. I need one hundred thousand dollars. Debra and I owe some debts from back east, and the people who we owe it to ... let's just say that you could get a job convincing people like me to pay up. I think you'd enjoy it."

"Funny, Bill. I'm pretty sure you're the only person I'd enjoy beating up. Anyway, I'm not kidding about the money. Do you remember several weeks ago when Robert made a fancy dinner before we played cards?"

"Oh yeah, he said he had an announcement. Something to celebrate, but he never said what it was."

"He's about to announce to the world that he's developed a twenty-g phone, with a twenty-five-dollar unlimited everything plan, that will have global coverage, and zero dead zones. By the end of November, we'll have more than enough to share."

"You can't be serious?" Inquired Bill.

"I'm perfectly serious."

"If that's true then this year's surprise party has to be a total blowout. I'll talk to Debra. Can you and Jessie come over tomorrow, um ... somewhere around brunch time, so that we can start planning?"

"I don't see why not."

"Awesome! Talk to you tomorrow." Bill hung up without waiting for Toni to say goodbye.

End of chapter 28. I hope you enjoyed it and all of my work.

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WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit18 days ago

Bill is still a jackass, and Toni has betrayed Robert… again. Toni has to go. It sounded like Bill really thought he’d pimp out Toni. Robert needs to positively destroy him and Debra, and Toni needs to know but not be able to prove it.

SilvermireSilvermire20 days ago

The Toni, Bill storyline is getting so irritating I've actually stopped reading it when their names are mentioned.

docholliday0007docholliday000720 days ago

Bill is playing with fire messing with roberts family

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