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Harem House - Selene Pt. 18


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Kat stepped carefully in her heels, coming to a stop near where she judged the center, and turned to face Arthur, who stood by the coffee table watching her.

"Display." Arthur commanded.

Kat moved into the position, reaching her hands behind her head and lacing her fingers against her curls as she spread her legs to shoulder width, exposing herself to Arthur's hungry eyes as they roamed her body. She watched him bend and pick up the nipple clamps from the coffee table with the chain between them. Kat held her breath as he gently placed them on her tits and exhaled as he released the knobs to close them tighter against her erect nipples. The chain hung in an arc between her breasts a few inches away from her stomach, which she did her best not to be self-conscious about.

It wasn't that she was an overweight woman or that she had a particular round stomach. She was athletic and kept herself healthy, but she did not have the definition her sister did, or Kelly, for that matter. Her skin was smooth, her hips, butt, and breasts were round, and her curves were thicker than Selene's. Without her heels, she would have been even shorter.

As it was, she stood more than an entire foot shorter than Arthur. She looked down to see the chain hanging there, suspended away from her body by her breasts. Looking up, she saw Arthur watching her as if waiting for some reaction. When she gave none, he seemed to move on.

"And now we come to the review portion of the evening." Arthur explained. "You've already shown me Kneel, Nadu, and Display this evening. Let's see if you really did the reading...." From his tone, she guessed that he didn't actually doubt her, but it was good to know he'd be quizzing her on the assignments he gave. It would help motivate her next time beyond her curiosity and hunger for more of this.

"Table." Arthur instructed.

Kat moved to her hands and knees carefully. The chain between her breasts swung low and brushed the top of the soft carpet. She swallowed but kept her neck straight and her eyes down at the spot between her hands.

"Good girl." Arthur stroked her back either in praise or checking to see how straight and flat she kept it. "Stool."

This position was harder for Kat. She wasn't as flexible or as used to yoga as her sister was, and the clamps pressed into her when her breasts pressed against her knees, so she adjusted a few times before she realized she couldn't find a comfortable version of it.

She ended up in the correct position, more or less, sitting back on her heels bent over her thighs with her elbows on the floor beside her knees and her forearms stretched forward with her head tilted up to flatten her back. It was an awkward position, and it didn't feel good with the clamps, so she was thankful when Arthur said, "Good girl." then, "Wait."

She stood without help and spread her legs again. This time, instead of lacing her hands behind her head, she crossed her wrists behind her back and stuck her chin out proudly, presenting her breasts for his viewing pleasure.

"What are you, and who am I?" Arthur asked as he started to circle around Kat. She noticed the riding crop in his hand that he'd picked up from the table while she demonstrated the positions, but she didn't protest. She knew after the review came punishments, but it seemed they were still reviewing. Still, the question confused her for a moment, but only a moment.

"I am your submissive, and you are my Sir." She answered.

Arthur smiled, which made Kat blush for reasons she couldn't explain. "Very good." He said. "You get an A on today's quiz. You're a very good girl."

She blushed again, but she felt the heat all over her body rise when Arthur accompanied the compliment by placing his hand on the back of her head and stroking his fingers along her scalp. She swallowed, and her breathing seemed to quicken at his touch. She closed her eyes, but the feeling did not remain for very long.

"Did I earn a reward?" Kat asked. If Arthur had expected her to forget the offer of rewards or punishments for how well she did in the review, he would always be disappointed.

"You did." Arthur assured her as he stroked her again, letting his hand pet her from the back of her scalp, down her neck and back, and to the round heart-shaped cheeks of her ass, which he gently squeezed. "You have earned an orgasm." Arthur explained. "So you may cum the next time you're on the brink."

"I could do that anyway." Kat pointed out. "I'm not the same as."

"No." Arthur cut her off. "While you're in that collar, your body is mine. Your pleasure is mine." His voice was low and almost threatening. "Your orgasms are mine to give or deny tonight, as I see fit, and I have decided that you have earned one. Do you understand?"

Kat pressed her lips together as though she were contemplating defiance, but one look at his face and one glance at the riding crop in his hand told her she needed to pick a better moment. For now, she would comply. "Yes, Sir."

"What are you?" Arthur asked.

"I am your submissive, Sir." Kat answered automatically.

"Good girl." Arthur smiled down at her. He took a deep breath and then moved in front of her. "Now, do you remember what you've done to earn your punishments tonight?"

Kat shook her head. "No sir. I'm a good girl; you said so yourself."

Arthur smirked. "Very well, I will remind you." He stepped closer, so she was forced to tilt her chin up to continue looking into his eyes. She didn't back up or lose her balance, even as his body gently pressed against hers. She immediately felt it as his torso pressed against the clamps on her breasts, and she bit her lip at the feeling. It didn't hurt like she expected, but she could feel it all the same, and the stimulation it provided drew the blood to her pinched nipples, which were sensitive to the weirdly pleasant feeling of the pressure on them now coming from all directions.

"Yesterday morning, when you were upset, and I asked you if you were upset about something, what did you do?" Arthur asked rhetorically.

"I told you everything was fine." Kat admitted.

"Which was a...." Arthur prompted.

"A lie." Kat would have nodded if her head hadn't been tilted so far back to look up at Arthur.

Arthur reached over her shoulder and gripped the hair on the back of her head by its roots. She went a little weak in the knees as a response as she shuddered at the feeling, but Arthur's other hand reached around to her back and steadied her, keeping her upright and pressing her against him even more as his thigh pressed between her legs.

"So you..." Arthur prompted again.

"I lied to you." Kat admitted.

"And who am I?" Arthur asked.

"You are my Sir." Kat answered automatically.

"And should you lie to your Sir? Is that what is written in our contract?" Arthur asked.

"No, Sir." Kat tried to shake her head, but Arthur's grip restrained it to a much smaller movement as she felt the tug against her scalp tighten by the squeeze of his grip alone.

"Do you deserve to be punished for lying to your Sir?" Arthur asked.

Kat knew the answer he was looking for, of course, and for a moment, she thought about denying him the satisfaction, but she knew that would only make it worse. Beyond that, he was right. She had it coming for lying to him, and she should have known better. It was not a mistake she intended to make again. Their relationship, the entire harem, really, was founded on honesty. It had to be.

"Yes, Sir." Kat answered after a moment. "Please, punish your submissive brat for lying to you so I will learn not to do it again." She wasn't sure what prompted her to offer all that, but she felt it was the right thing to say. She was getting into it, or at least starting to feel like she could play along with the roleplay bit of this complicated game. She wondered how long that would last once the spanking began.

Kat liked spankings more than she would ever be willing to admit to Arthur. She didn't want him to only ever spank her, though. She only wanted spankings when she deserved them. They were special. Selene might be willing to bend over and take a beating on the backside whenever Master, Arthur, wanted to paddle someone, but Kat didn't want that. She wanted it to be unique, a special event between them. The idea of someone watching him punish her made her flush with heat.

Typically, she didn't mind watching Arthur with Selene or potentially with one of the other harem members. She got off on watching and being watched, for that matter. At least when it came to fucking or sucking. Knowing Selene was probably peeking through the crack in the door and getting off on watching her and her ex had been extremely hot and made her cum harder than she otherwise did. Watching Selene fuck Arthur out in the open or getting fucked by Arthur while Selene held her hand? It multiplied that feeling by a thousand.

Still, tonight, she was glad it was just her and Arthur the way it had been for their first discussion. She felt freer to get into things without her sister there goading her on, and she didn't have to worry that Selene would carry things too far or press her into doing something Kat didn't want.

As hot as watching or being watched by Selene was, the idea of doing anything to her sister sexually, fingering, kissing, etc., was a huge turn-off. To be fair, so was the idea of doing that kind of thing with one of the other girls. Kat was straight. She could appreciate female beauty and sexuality, sure, but she didn't want to fuck any of them. She was nervous Arthur or Selene might press her about it in the future, but she hoped they would respect her boundaries. Well, Arthur would, or he would lose her as a submissive.

Arthur had so far been respectful of the boundaries they discovered together. He'd lightened up on the spanks the last time she'd used her yellow light safe word once he found the limit for how hard she could take them. This was different, though. Those were playful slaps on the ass while he pounded her from behind. A hot memory that made her bite her lip subconsciously.

These spankings weren't designed for stimulation or pleasure. They were meant to hurt. Meant to punish her for lying.

"And you earned a punishment tonight as well." Arthur informed her. "For all the teasing in the car."

"Not sorry." Kat said defiantly. She figured this was the less serious offense, and thus it was much safer to play her mock defiance against his authority. "I thought you would enjoy me touching you like that."

Arthur smirked. "You should finish what you start." He informed her. "And you should listen when I tell you no."

"You didn't use a safeword." Kat informed him. "I thought it was part of the game."

That made Arthur pause momentarily, and he looked at her as if trying to gauge her sincerity. She might have tried to act that way, but she couldn't hold the expression under inspection and gave a soft giggle as she smiled.

Arthur shook his head. "Such a brat."

"Your brat. Sir." Kat reminded him. "I don't deserve a punishment for that, do I? Couldn't I just finish what I started?" She tried to glance down, but he was standing too close for her to move her head that much, the grip on her hair, didn't even need to tighten before she realized he wouldn't let her stop looking up at him just yet.

"My brat." Arthur chuckled. "Mine to punish or reward." He reminded her. "Now. I want you to tell me why you deserve punishment. Both reasons, as we've discussed them. State them clearly and plainly, then ask me, beg me, to punish you." He said as he turned the crop in his hand and pressed it between her legs, pulling up on it so that it put pressure on her lower lips.

Kat swallowed. She looked up into his eyes, and knowing that he was serious, she had to decide whether or not to push him a little. Kat decided not to. She remembered the implements on the table and the riding crop she could feel. She didn't think he'd spank her where it was nestled, but she didn't want to find out either. At least, not without some warm-up.

Kat took a deep breath, causing her breasts to rise and press against him and flooding her nipples with a sensation of pleasure mingled with pain that made her cut the breath short into a gasp as she jolted a bit, held firmly in place by Arthur.

"I deserve my punishment for lying to you, Sir." Kat said quietly. "And for teasing you." She added after a moment. "Please, Sir, punish me?" She asked. "Teach me to only ever tell you the truth." She said thoughtfully. "And teach me to finish what I start."

Arthur smiled down at her, and it took her a second to realize what he was doing as his face drew closer to hers. He kissed her, and for a moment, she went rigid in surprise, but then she melted against the kiss and started kissing back, eagerly, hungrily, suddenly realizing how turned on she was by all of it and wanting to turn that kiss into so much more.

Instead, Arthur pulled away and let her go. She immediately straightened her head again and saw him walking toward the coffee table. The riding crop he'd carried hung from a loop around his left wrist. She eyed it cautiously but watched as Arthur moved past the coffee table and returned with a chair from the kitchen.

She eyed him cautiously as he stepped forward. He placed the chair in front of her and then sat on it. He spread his legs and then patted his left thigh.

"I want this to be intimate." Arthur explained. "You're going to sit, straddling my thigh, and I'll spank you on the ass." He explained. "I'll hug you with my left arm, keeping you steady and secure. Spanking you with my right. With each spank, I want you to assure me that you will only ever tell me the truth after you hear me tell you the count. Understand?"

Kat nodded and stepped forward. It sounded complicated, but breaking it down into steps, it was only the first few that really required action on her part.

"First." Arthur stopped her. "Bring me the paddle. I want you to pick it up off the coffee table, kneel in front of me with it, and offer it to me. When you do that, I want you to tell me again why you deserve this punishment and ask me to punish you. This will be our ritual whenever you've earned a formal punishment. Got all that?" Arthur asked.

Kat nodded. "Yes, Sir." She said.

She stepped around him to the coffee table and picked up the leather paddle. It was heavier than she expected, but she made no protest as she stepped back around in front of him, his legs spread extra wide. Kat knelt before him, bowed her head, and lifted the paddle in her hands, raising it toward him as high as she could in the awkward position.

"I deserve punishment for lying to you, Sir, and for teasing you. Please punish me, Sir. Please teach me to be honest with you. Please teach me to finish what I start." She recited with a soft, coy tone that she could see affected him. She was almost smiling when she said it but did her best to keep it back.

Arthur took the paddle from her hands and laid it on his right thigh, patting his left to indicate for her to sit on it. "Very well." Arthur said. "Sit here, and receive your punishment."

Kat gulped but stood and then lowered herself over Arthur's left thigh. She was tentative about sitting on him, but Arthur adjusted her to where he wanted her.

"Hands on my shoulders." Arthur instructed as he pressed her forward so that she was straddling his thigh and leaning forward with only her toes on the ground and her knees bent like she was riding a motorcycle. Arthur pulled her a little closer, sliding her up his thigh, which felt surprisingly arousing, and forced her to bend her elbows until her lips were close to his cheek.

She kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Sir." She whispered in advance.

The thanks seemed to surprise Arthur, but judging by the press of his bulge against her thigh, he appreciated it.

"Are you ready?" Arthur asked.

Kat adjusted her position slightly, ensuring she wouldn't fly off his leg when he struck her behind. She swallowed, then nodded. "Yes, Sir." She said quietly since his ear was so close to her mouth. He must have heard her well because the first spank came almost immediately as she felt his palm strike her square on her right cheek. She blushed a little and felt the blood start to move to her backside.

"One." Arthur counted.

"I will only tell you the truth." Kat recited.

The second spank struck her left cheek, and so on. Arthur alternated which cheek he struck, the blows consistent in strength, rubbing her naked lower lips against his thigh with each impact. Each time he gave the count, and each time Kat informed him she would only tell him the truth. It became more than a recitation as they went, with each blow driving home just how important it was to tell him the truth. She knew she had to. She knew, however, deep down, that she wouldn't lie to him again about anything if she could help it.

"Twenty-five." Arthur said.

Kat swallowed. "I will only tell you the truth."

She expected another spanking, but Arthur ran his hand over her ass cheeks in a firm but gentle motion that felt amazing against the blush of heat on her backside. He rubbed her gently, soothing the pain that came with the mild sting from each spank of his hand. She was hot and wet between her legs, rubbing against him as the blows came down, and she had closed her eyes some time ago to block out the rest of the world and focus purely on what she was feeling between all of that and the still constant pressure against her nipples from the clamps.

"That was twenty-five with my hand." Arthur informed her. "Now that you're warmed up, I'm going to use the paddle."

Kat nodded. "Thank you, Sir." She kissed his cheek and leaned forward a little, pressing her breasts against his torso and flooding her body with sensation again. "I deserve to be punished for lying to you and teasing you, Sir. Please, punish your bratty submissive girl. Punish me. Teach me not to lie, not to tease you. To tell you the truth, to finish what I start."

She felt him hug her with his left arm while she said it and twitched slightly at the sensations building in her breasts and groin. She almost groaned at it but held it back, turning it into a gasp as the paddle fell straight across both cheeks and jiggled her forward, causing the sensations to rebound. She cried out in something unintelligible, but it was not a cry of pain or pleasure. It was both and neither. The pure sensation that drove everything from her mind but the feeling itself. She bit down on her lip harder than she intended to but still recited what she was supposed to say after Arthur counted out twenty-one.

"I will only tell you the truth." Kat promised him.

The other spanks with the paddle passed in the same way, with each one driving her into him and causing her to close her eyes and bite her lip tightly in pleasure with gasps, moans, and cries, pushing the tears into her eyes. Her breathing was ragged by the time he counted out "Thirty-five." And by the time he reached "Thirty-nine." She was desperate, wiggling her hips a little to drive herself toward relief.

"Stop that." Arthur instructed.

"Or what?" Kat gasped. "You'll spank me harder?"

Arthur gripped her more tightly in his left arm, restraining her only slightly since it was well above her hips. The next spank with the paddle was much harder than the last and drove her forward with a sharp cry that was accompanied by tears, yet she made no protest nor attempt to get away and had not used her safeword. Arthur seemed encouraged by this as he counted out forty, and she whimpered her response to only tell him the truth.

-SMACK- The paddle struck her across the rear and drove her into him again. The hands she'd placed on his shoulders moved around him and squeezed him close, pressing her clamped tits against him in a way that might have been uncomfortable for him but only served to increase the feelings in her body. The strike's force increased with each one, bringing her ever closer to the edge.


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