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Harvest Moon on Fe Lanmou Pt. 05

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The girls get a massage. The masseuses make a mistake.
3.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/17/2019
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This is a lot longer than I anticipated, but the characters wanted some depth. Hope you like it!


Lots of Skin

Fiona took a deep, deep, deep breath and held it in. She could taste the ocean in the air, feel the sun on her smooth, bronze skin and the light breeze play with her shiny curls. She curved her fingers around the railing of their balcony and arched her shoulders, dropping her head back and exhaling luxuriously. This was, after all, exactly what she had wanted. The perfect escape.

What she hadn't expected was this consistent burning down low behind her navel. Thinking back, she figured it started when she had boarded the plane. She could still remember that lovely smell, so vividly that she could have sworn she was still smelling it now. It made the burning better and more intense at the same time. She shook her head.

'I guess I needed this get away a lot more than I realised,' Fiona mused. Her rational side told her the fact that everything felt so much more potent was just normal holiday vibes. It had, however, no explanation for what had happened on the plane. She blamed the slightly fuzzy memories on the day drinking. She blamed the episode in the bathroom on her not having had any action for a while. She had found nothing to blame for 98 other people going completely crazy in the confined space.

The brunette sighed heavily and rested her head in her hands. She had mulled this over and over since she woke up a few hours ago. In a shared room she had no idea how she'd gotten into. Completely naked and with her hands between her legs.

'This isn't me...,' Fiona protested, 'I'm no prude, not by a long shot, but to go so completely out of control? What on earth happened?!'

She felt her chest heaving with sudden anxiety, her breasts pressing against the thin bikini top and tingling from the sensation.

'This is so fucking confusing!' Fiona growled silently. She liked being in control. She had tried telling herself to just relax, but her mind kept running in circles around the misfit puzzle pieces in her thoughts. She often did this, overthinking things. Her boyfriend had known how to pull her out of the ever deepening circles of doom her brain liked to spiral into. Her boyfriend...

"Oh my god!" Fiona shouted into the air in front of her. She was so fed up with this turmoil of feelings! Every time she thought she had gotten herself back on track, smelling the almost intoxicating air and feeling a little more relaxed, her brain threw her a curveball, slipped in a thought that had her spiralling again.

The slow burning in her belly only made it worse. She couldn't concentrate enough to break the cycle. All her sensations, feelings, emotions seemed to be amplified, competing for her attention and leaving her exhausted. Fiona took a deep, deep, deep breath and held it in. Maybe this time it would work. She explored her senses, finding things she could smell, hear, feel ... The calm ocean air washed over her, once again working the tension out her muscles with a peaceful ease.

Behind her, woken by Fiona's shouting, a blonde mass of hair appeared from under the blankets.

"Hmmmm," Charlie stretched, "what crawled across your breakfast today?"

Fiona whirled around. "Oh my word, did I wake you? I'm so sorry! I'm just... I can't... Urrgh, I can't seem to get my head straight."

A thought popped into her head right then, actually helping her to focus on something other than her spiralling. "How funny that we got a shared room. I don't even remember checking in."

Charlie sat up in bed, the blanket slipping off her slim frame and revealing a thin silk camisole that hung low over her breasts.

"Hmmm, the plane ride was a little crazy." She tilted her head and looked at Fiona. Taking in the hair, slightly wild from being run through with fingers all morning, the mildly panicked expression and the hunched shoulders, Charlie frowned.

"How are you doing with that, by the way? I know it was new for you."

She paused, giving Fiona time to think. She remembered all too well how Fiona had been on the plane, all eager on the one hand and scared on the other. But she had trusted Charlie and let go, and Charlie wanted her to remember that, and then think about how it had felt to succumb, to give up control... Charlie found herself teetering on that edge herself. As much as Fiona looked like a little deer in the headlights, she could still appreciate her tight body in the skimpy bikini she had thrown on, nipples showing through the thin fabric of the top - and it was making it difficult to stay in bed.

Fiona took a deep, deep, deep breath and held it in. She could smell Charlie again - how on earth she still smelled like strawberries was beyond her - and it whirled her mind back to the plane, the bathroom and the mind-blowing orgasm she had. The worries about the orgy, if this was what she really wanted... they seemed a little smaller now. She sighed.

"I don't regret it, I don't think - if that's what you mean," she mused, slowly gathering her thoughts.

Charlie nodded, patted the bed beside her and waited for Fiona to sit down. She started stroking the brunette's hair, the rubbed her back. Fiona relaxed some more.

"It was just so... so different from anything I've ever done. And basically in public, and with everyone else there... I don't know if I can look anyone in the eye today. I don't know how to feel about this at all! My brain's telling me what happened on the plane is super wrong but everyone was doing it, so it seems okay... and you, the way you made me feel... oh my god, there can't be anything wrong with that."

Charlie intensified her attention to Fiona's back, gently rubbing circles over it.

"You're right, you know," she said, "the plane ride was crazy. But everyone here's an adult, they all wanted this... And what we did was by far not the craziest thing there. I don't think you have to worry about anyone else at all."

She paused again, letting her words sink in as she moved her hands up to Fiona's shoulders, gently kneading the knots out of them.

"As for us... do you still trust me?"

Fiona nodded. She did, had no reason not to. She wanted to enjoy herself on this trip. She wanted to distract herself. Charlie had already proven she could help with that.

"Then I promise you this," Charlie said, dropping her voice almost to a whisper as she cupped her hands around Fiona's shoulders, letting her fingertips trail along her chest, "you stick with me for the rest of the trip, and I'll make sure you won't regret any of it. I'll help you get comfortable, get your mind off whatever it is that's bothering you, and have some fun."

Fiona leant into Charlie's hand, tilting her head back. "That sounds good. Thank you, Charlie." She breathed deeply again, and could feel the burning in her belly that had bothered her so much earlier become mellower, sink deeper and almost curl up, sending shivers down her spine. It would be okay.

Charlie reached over to her bedside cupboard and took the phone that was there.

"I'm booking us some massages," she announced. "You're still horribly tense and I'm not ready to leave the room yet."

A few minutes later, a knock on the door signalled the arrival of the promised massage. Two petite Asian ladies entered, carrying massage beds and a bag full of presumed goodies. Fiona and Charlie, who had been sharing a quiet coffee on the balcony, waited patiently while the girls set up their stations. They introduced themselves as Akemi and Meili, sporting a slight accent.

Fiona and Charlie disrobed, climbed onto the beds and stretched out.

"You have ordered the full body massage, correct?" asked Akemi as she oiled up her hands. Charlie nodded. Meili clicked her tongue as she finished oiling up and started working on Fiona.

"You are very tense, Miss," she said. "I will work out your knots, don't worry."

Fiona hummed in agreement as the Asian's skillful hands started to lightly dance across her naked back. Charlie, too, made little noise of appreciation in time with Akemi's fingers kneading her muscles.

Years of training let Akemi and Meili work in near perfect unison, their hands rubbing first the back and shoulders until they felt the girls relax. They then moved further down, paying close attention to the girls' lower backs and upper thighs. Careful not to make contact with anything inappropriate, Fiona thought that they were exceptionally good at making the hot knot (that continued to sit low in her stomach) melt into what felt like a pot of warm honey flowing through her abdomen and ass.

On the other bench, Charlie shifted her hips slightly as Akemi's fingers trailed across the inside of her thighs, massaging the glutes and thigh muscles and then continuing down her legs, turning her into a boneless mass of relaxed.

"Ooohh," she moaned when Akemi got to her feet and started pushing her thumb down the sole.

"This is fantastic, don't you think," Fiona asked her. Charlie could only nod, her eyes closed and enjoying the deceptively fragile hands on her skin.

"Please turn over," Akemi and Meili said in unison, and the girls obliged only too willingly. The short towels were pulled up, a little awkwardly, during the turn to cover the girls' fronts. Admittedly, they didn't really achieve that goal, especially with Charlie's long build. Her towel's top edge sat right on her nipples, rubbing them gently. The bottom edge barely skimmed past her most intimate places. When Akemi had worked herself up Charlie's legs and got to work on her thighs and hips, the blonde had to spread her legs somewhat, resulting in a minute breeze on her pussy. This, coupled with the towel on her nipples and the - very thorough - attention from Akemi's hands, had Charlie's skin tingling.

Fiona, on the other bench, fared slightly better with the towel but had forgotten how sensitive her legs were to touch. Meili's experienced hands pressing and rubbing and kneading her muscles had her centre aching. She breathed deeply, trying to relax and told herself, 'It's not long now, then I can sort myself out.'

But just then, Meili moved up to her neck and chest area. Her touch softened, not so much a massage anymore but a gentle rub. Her small fingers skimmed along Fiona's throat, while her thumbs drew little circles on the back of her neck. Then she pushed her fingers down Fiona's chest, just under the edge of the towel. Out towards her arms and back into the middle they went, one hand rubbing down her middle under the towel. Coming back up, Meili stretched her fingers, her short nails trailing the edge of Fiona's breasts.

Fiona's breath hitched and she opened her eyes, only to look up at Meili, who smiled in a way so friendly, Fiona couldn't help but think she imagined the touch. A quick look across told her that Charlie was getting a similar treatment, although she couldn't see what Akemi's hands were doing on her chest.

"I noticed you are continuing to tense up, Miss," Meili piped up. "I will try harder to help you relax."

Before Fiona could protest (and some part of her brain very much told her not to, anyway), Meili's hands had moved down again, starting at her feet and kneading the soles. As she worked her way up, Fiona's molten centre turned from aching to curling. Her hands clenched around the towel on the bed and she closed her eyes, thinking herself far, far away. She really didn't want to embarrass the friendly masseuse in any way.

Akemi meanwhile was focusing on Charlie's chest, her fingers more than trailing the blonde girl's breasts. Charlie rolled her eyes and moaned quietly.

Akemi leaned forward, her hands coming to rest on Charlie's collar bones, light as a feather.

"If you would like, Miss," she said quietly, "I can finish you very nicely."

The pause told Charlie exactly what she was talking about.

'Hmm,' pondered Charlie dreamily, 'I wouldn't mind cumming... Her fingers have been driving me crazy for the last hour.'

She was about to nod when a thought occurred to her. She could not pass up such an opportunity. It was time to make Fiona take another step. Making sure her voice was clearly audible, she replied, "Thank you, Akemi. I would love for you to make me cum."

Akemi smiled, nodded and took up her attentions to Charlie's front again. This time when she moved her hands down, her fingers drumming lightly over Charlie's skin, she did not move them into the middle. Instead, she ran them straight across the blonde's breasts, cupping the full, tight orbs in her tiny fingers.

Fiona stared incredulously at the scene next to her while Meili continued to press and rub her fingers along the brunette's thighs. Moving her hands up and under the towel to get to the girl's hips, Meili smiled at Fiona.

"You heard that, right?" Fiona whispered. She wasn't sure what to think. She didn't know these things really happened. She wasn't sure why she'd feel so embarrassed after the - admittedly fantastic - orgasms on the plane, but with these two strangers so close...

Meili nodded and said, her voice low, "Yes, Miss. You can cum, too. It would help you relax, I'm sure."

"Hhrmm," Charlie moaned at that exact moment. Akemi had stepped to the girls' side and was massaging her waist and hips, trailing her fingers closer to Charlie's mound every time she went up and down.

"Come on, Fi," implored Charlie, turning her head and finding Fiona's eyes. "This feels incredible! Hmmm... you can't miss out on that. Just let go."

Fiona gulped. "Ooh, I don't know..." She looked at Charlie, who continued to stare at her from under her eyelids, biting her lip and slowly flexing her hips as Akemi circled around her pussy still, rubbing her thumbs down the inside of her thighs.

"Fi," hissed Charlie, her insides turning to liquid, hot and burning... "Cum with me, Fi." She stretched her hand across the gap, curling her fingers slightly.

Fiona took another deep breath - it seemed to her that was all she was doing today - and stretched her hand to meet Charlie's. The blonde immediately intertwined their fingers and held on tight as Akemi's fingers drew little circles on the inside of her thighs, still only just flitting past her now swollen and well lubricated lips.

As Fiona nodded weakly to Meili, she became aware of the almost overpowering ocean scent in the room. It seemed to pervade every fibre of her being - which might have been only because Meili had set straight to work and expertly rubbed her hands over Fiona's stomach and thighs, circling, just like Akemi, closer to her pussy. Fiona also felt the towel, each fibre seemingly a connection point for live electricity charging her sensitive skin. Meili's fingers left trails of tingling that led to her most sensitive point, agonisingly slow and way too fast.

On the other bed, Akemi dipped her index and middle finger down Charlie's centre, skimming over her folds on the way down and separating them on the way up, just enough to gather some of the slick liquid that had been collecting, just enough to gently flick Charlie's clit. Just enough to have the blonde shiver in anticipation, tremble with sensations shooting like sparks from her love bud, and squeeze Fiona's fingers tighter. Charlie brushed her thumb across Fiona's hand, and Fiona returned the gesture, closing her eyes and succumbing to Meili's knowing touch.

The little Asian pushed her finger tip in the soft folds next to Fiona's clit and started rubbing little circles while her other hand found its way to the brunette's ample breasts. Kneading them with her mildly callused fingers, she rubbed her thumb across Fiona's nipple, occasionally pinching and twisting it. Every time she did that, Fiona's breath hitched. Her mind beginning to fog, she dug her free hand into the sheets and tilted her head back.

Meili increased the speed on Fiona's clit, stroking just to the right of it. Her fingers pushed on the girl's outer labia, in the groove just next to her thigh. The brunette bucked her hips against Meili's hand, her eyes rolling back. She moaned deeply and bit her lips as the little Asian flicked her thumb against Fiona's clit and unceremoniously shoved two fingers into her tight channel.

Slick liquid seeped against Meili's hand, her fingers pumping with a steady rhythm that had Fiona groaning with lust. Meili's thumb continued to flick over the girl's clit, sending jolts of electricity through her tight body.

Fiona was close, so close... She tilted her hips, pushing them back against Meili's hand in time with her deep, careful strokes.

"Faster," she moaned. "Uuuh... I need... more."

But Meili kept her speed, slowly building the fire in Fiona's loins to a brightly burning inferno that seemed to consume her entire body.

Just when the brunette thought she couldn't possibly take any more, Meili closed her mouth around Fiona's nipple, clinching the other one in her fingers. Her tongue circled around the sensitive bud, her teeth grazed it just enough to make Fiona's eyes fly open. At that exact moment, Meili curled her fingers still driving into Fiona's pussy and pushed her thumb directly on her clit.

Stars exploded in front of her. She threw her head back and gulped for air. Her whole body tensed, releasing little shivers of excitement that rolled out from her innermost core. She had to let go of Charlie for fear of hurting her. Feet and hands curling into the sheets, she pressed her hips against the fingers that continued to torment her with tiny strokes. Meili felt Fiona's pussy spasm around her, hot slick gushing out and coating her skin. Impaled on the Asian's hand, Fiona writhed on the bed, moaning and groaning while wave after wave rolled over her.

"Ooooh... aah, hm, oh god," Fiona mumbled, barely coherent. Her back arched as the last ripple ran over her, causing her pussy to contract again as Meili pulled out her fingers. She felt fragile, made of glass. The nipple that Meili had given such special attention to tingled and burned, feeling numb at the same time. Another touch, she could've sworn, would make her disintegrate into little fragments of pure lust.

Meili calmly wiped her fingers on a towel and covered Fiona in another one so she wouldn't get cold after the rush. They both turned their gaze to the other bed, where Akemi just pushed a fourth finger into Charlie's pussy. Her thumb, just as Meili's had, was pushing a spot just beside the blonde's clit, drawing agonisingly slow circles while she pushed her fingers deeper.

Her other hand roamed over Charlie's boobs, flicking and twisting the nipple, grabbing the whole orb and kneading it expertly. Charlie's eyes were closed, her hands wringing the sheets. Akemi drew her fingers out and slowly pressed them in again, turning slightly. She drew them out once more, waiting a moment before pushing them back. Charlie bucked her hips. Her insides were on fire.

"Deeper," she comanded, "I need to ... ooouhh... cum...!"

With a smile, Akemi obliged. She moved her thumb over the blonde's clit and curled her index and middle finger, brushing against the girl's most sensitive spot. With one smooth movement, she drew her hand out, rubbing her fingertips along Charlie's tender channel, before plunging back in. Her hand pistoned in and out. The coil in Charlie's belly wound itself tighter, making the girl spasm strongly, making her lift her hips and moan loudly.

Akemi saw she was almost over the edge and hammered her fingers in one last time, flicking the girl's clit and insides simultaneously. Charlie's belly turned into molten lava. Her whole body convulsed, gushing hot, sticky mess over Akemi's delicate hand. Her moans turned into groans while the coil wound her up and released her what felt like a few dozen times. Aftershocks let her shiver while Akemi withdrew her hand and professionally cleaned all traces of the orgasm.


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