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Healthy Skepticism


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"OK," he grinned. "Be sure to drink up, though." Then he put on his coat, boots, and gloves and went outside.

I knew what logs were available, and that he would be splitting for at least a half hour. So first I checked Alex's cellphone and the cameras in my house. I almost got sick, and did get enraged, when I checked the camera in the master bedroom. After making sure that the video was being copied to my hard drive I rummaged through Evan's stuff -- with gloves on. I found a video camera, tripod, and a vial with a chemical in it. I removed the top and sniffed the contents of the vial. I had a good idea of what it was. There was other stuff of interest there, but the sound of log splitting had stopped, so I couldn't inspect the rest of his little bag of goodies.

I poured out the rest of my red wine, hid one of the syringes I had gotten from my vet friend in the cot, and then lay down on the cot waiting for Evan's return. When I heard the door open a few seconds later I pretended to be babbling and oblivious. I heard him chuckle as he came over to me and turned me over. I rolled my eyes and in a voice and manner as spaced-out as I could make them said (miscellaneous sounds removed) "Hi, Evan...oh...fuck...I...feel're really cute."

I wasn't really sure what a roofied female sounded like, but since he was so good looking I was hoping that he had never used a roofie before and that he didn't know what a roofied female sounded like either. I knew that I was doing a good acting job.

Evan chuckled, squeezed one of my D cup boobs, and said "Some fun now, Melissa -- some fun now."

While still making gurgling sounds and unintelligible comments, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Evan set up the camera on the tripod pointed toward the bed. When he lifted me up and carried me to the double bed I held the syringe in my hand so that he couldn't see it. Once he removed my sweater and started on my jeans I stabbed him in the left thigh with the syringe and emptied the contents into him.

Evan screamed in pain yelling "Oh, motherfucker, what the..." before I kicked him in the chest, knocking him backward onto the floor. He pulled the syringe out of his thigh and was moaning. My vet friend told me that for a 180 pound man -- what I estimated Evan's weight to be -- it would take less than a minute for the chemical in the syringe to have an effect. I knelt on his chest as he grew progressively weaker, and it wasn't more than 90 seconds before he was limp.

Once Evan went limp I noticed a really significant bulge in his crotch. It kind of took me back. Apparently I had excited him. I shrugged my shoulders and resumed rummaging through his things.

I found a number of other interesting tidbits including two pairs of handcuffs, a document signed by Jenny indicating future payment of $30,000 "for services to be rendered in the cabin" (vague enough not to prove something positively, but I sure knew what it meant), and seemingly inexplicably two STD test result documents. One was for me, the other for Evan, both indicating "99% probability of no STDs" as the conclusion. They were dated about six weeks earlier -- when all members of the management team had in-office physicals for a new insurance program, during which blood was drawn.

The only thing that kept my anger in check was my pride in my skepticism. I checked the HD camera in the master bedroom of my house one last time -- Alex and Jenny were still going at it -- and then went over to Evan.

Even though I weigh only 136 pounds (not that I keep exact track, or anything), I am strong since I work out with weights two or three times a week in our in-home exercise room, and once a week with a trainer. After about five minutes of huffing and puffing I was able to get Evan's limp body on the bed with his head near the steel headboard, and lying on his back. I lifted his hands over his head and handcuffed both hands to the headboard.

I wanted to see what he was going to rape me with, especially since it bulged so much before he went limp. He had thankfully removed his heavy boots as soon as he came into the cabin from splitting wood, so I just needed to remove his pants and underwear.

"Holy Shit!" I gasped, putting one hand over my mouth. Even though it was only slightly hard, his cock was monstrous. It was also really nice looking without any imperfections, and had a perfect aspect ratio. His balls hung low and had real heft to them when I lifted them -- they must have weighed a pound each!

Evan's brain may have been a few fries short of a Happy Meal, and his personality not scintillating, but I was sure that he could do some real damage with the tool between his legs. Prurient thoughts flashed into my brain, and I noticed my crotch involuntarily getting wet.

Before I did what I wanted to do, I checked my computer one more time for the HD camera feed from my bedroom back home -- just in time to see bareback Alex depositing a load in Jenny's pussy and watching her try and muffle her scream into my pillow.

I got out the vial of antidote my vet friend had given me, recovered the syringe that I had used to inject the knockout drug into Evan with, filled it with the antidote, and injected Evan again. He came to about 90 seconds later, and within five minutes was completely lucid.

"Why am I handcuffed here -- and with no pants on?" he asked, sounding perturbed.

"Because you tried to roofie me, and after that I wanted to see what tool was going to rape me."

"Oh," he sighed.

"So Evan -- this can go one of two ways. You can come completely clean and I'll let you go -- and maybe even provide you with a little pleasure besides; or you can not cooperate and I'll simply leave you here for three days before I send someone to get you. You'll be lying in excrement for at least two days, and will be cold too because the fire in the wood stove will die down. Which option do you choose?"

With that I leaned over and kissed the head of his dick and lightly squeezed one of his testicles. His dick immediately started to salute -- more impressive than any military salute I ever saw.

"I might want to cooperate," he stammered.

"Good choice -- now let me tell you what I surmise and you correct me if I'm wrong about anything, OK?" I rhetorically asked.

"Uh...sure," he replied.

"My husband Alex and Jenny have been fucking for a while; in fact we moved where we did after he reconnected with that skank at his High School reunion, so that they could be together. They wanted to have leverage to get the kids when Alex divorced me so they paid you to fuck me in the cabin -- plying me with a roofie if necessary -- and get it on video. They especially wanted you to be fucking me bareback so when we had the corporate key man insurance physical we must have signed some paper allowing an STD test; right so far?"

"Shit -- you figured all that out?" Evan asked, obviously incredulous.

"Yeah. So, I assume that you haven't fucked anyone since the STD test Evan?"

"Not without a condom I haven't," he quickly replied.

"And I assume that Jenny and my husband Alex were tested at the same time and are clean?"

"Yeah -- although she didn't actually say it, Jenny thinks that I'm more stupid than I am -- just like you do -- and from what she said I assumed that she and Alex didn't want to use condoms anymore. In fact, from overheard bits of phone conversations, and one personal conversation at one of the dinners at her house between Alex and her when they thought no one was around, I surmised that she might want Alex's baby. I think that she married that milquetoast Byron just to get seed money for Multiplex, and she has every intention of jettisoning him," Evan responded, seemingly happy to show me that he was smarter than I gave him credit for.

"Why would you take the chance on raping me, though?" I mused aloud.

"I didn't think that I'd have to -- no woman has ever resisted me before, especially not when we'd be together full time in a cabin. The roofie was just a backup -- something that I've never had to use in the past. But even if I had to use it I was game because -- well -- to be honest, I really like your looks and I've wanted to fuck you ever since I met you."

I smiled -- not just inwardly, but outwardly. I stroked his cock and manipulated his balls. He groaned loudly and his member got steel hard.

"How would you like to fuck me? After now finding out for sure that the old High School lovers -- not just classmates but prom dates and a real item -- not just classmates, are fucking each other and probably since we moved to this state, I'm up for some fun."

"I'd really like that," he smiled.

I put two more logs into the wood burning stove, surreptitiously put a flesh colored bandage over my dolphin tattoo, made sure that there was only a low light on, and then slowly stripped in front of Evan. His eyes were as big as saucers and it looked like his cock was about to explode. I didn't need any foreplay. I sucked his cock and squeezed his balls for only a minute but stopped when he moaned "I'm gonna blow." Then I straddled him and slowly lowered my drizzly cunt onto his upright weapon.

It took a full three minutes -- a very pleasurable three minutes -- to lower my tight pussy onto his meaty cock. Once he was buried I started moving up and down while he bucked up as best that he could with his hands handcuffed to the steel frame of the bed. I was quickly losing control as his cock reciprocated in my pussy, so I squeezed my pc muscles. While that normally had some effect on Alex, since Evan's cock was much bigger the effect was multiplied, and he instantly came like a jet taking off. After about the third shot of cum into my quivering cunt I collapsed onto his chest; but the squirts kept coming. While I didn't actually pass out, I wasn't completely cognizant either, for at least five minutes.

When I regained almost complete awareness, after the most intense orgasm of my life by an order of magnitude, his cock was still hard inside me. He licked his lips as he stared up at me. "What was that fucking cock-squeeze thing bitch?"

Believe it or not the word "bitch" was delivered with respect -- the only time in my life I enjoyed being called a bitch.

"Something I do," I giggled.

"Yeah, well I could use some more of that," he snickered.

"Uh...why are you still hard inside me?" I chuckled.

"I guess my cock just really likes you," he chuckled back.

"Is that normal for you?" I inquired, leaning back and massaging one of his balls while he was still buried in me.

"It happened only once before to my best fuck ever," he grinned.

"I'm not your best fuck ever?"

"A really close second," he chortled. "But you can become my best ever if you fuck me again right now -- and do that cock-squeeze thing again."

I immediately started bucking again, occasionally rotating or moving back and forth, while he did his best to rotate, buck, or shimmy in contra-sync with my movements. After about five minutes of that bliss I contracted my pc muscles as hard as I could. The pulse of cum from his cock was so forceful that this time I did go comatose, although I could feel him continuing to buck up as he yelled "Fuck yeah...oh fucking hell yeah...gawddd!"

I regained cognizance a little while later. I don't know how long it was, but Evan was still grumbling "Oh mother-fucker yes," and similar phrases of pleasure. I slowly lifted off his deflating cock, a pleasurable spike going up my backbone as a "plop" sound indicated our disengagement. His cock was about half hard, and glistening with fluids. I sucked him clean, then pulled a sheet over me and lay next to him.

"Best ever yet, or do I need to try again?" I whispered into his ear.

"Best ever -- for sure -- and please don't try again soon; my spine feels like it has been removed and my cock and balls hurt."

"You know, when I start divorce proceedings against my husband I'm going to need cock on a regular basis to get me through. Would you like to apply for the job?"

"Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?" he chuckled. "Fuck yeah..."

"I have a proposition for you; one that will make both of us lots of money, and allow us to fuck regularly. Are you listening?"

"You bet," he snickered.

Since I didn't yet trust Evan completely, I undid only one of his handcuffs, and use that to handcuff one of his ankles to the bed frame after he swung one leg off it. Then -- holding my second syringe of knock-out drug where he could see it, undid his other hand, and cuffed his other ankle to the bed frame. He covered his junk up with a blanket, and looked like he was just sitting on the bed fully clothed as he talked.

I both video and audio recorded him telling me everything he knew, including the plan to drug and video me so that Alex could use it as leverage when he divorced me to be with Jenny, and Jenny's plan to divorce Byron. With gloves on he carefully held up the camera and vial of roofie that Jenny had given him "both of which will be seen to have Jenny's fingerprints and DNA on them," he flatly stated.

"Are you under any duress or compulsion to say what you are?" I asked him.

"Absolutely not; my conscience got to me, and I couldn't go through with it."

"Will you tell Jenny a different story when we first get back?"

"Yes, I will -- but only to lull her into a false sense of security. I will tell her that I had sex with you even though I couldn't video it, and once she acts on that in a court proceeding I'll tell the truth."

Once I emailed the video of Evan's statement to my attorney, still naked I went up to Evan and said "Can I trust you now?"

"You can trust me to do two things; stick to what I said in the video, and fuck you again as soon as my balls recover," he snickered.

"Good answer," I said, "but I need to take one more precaution."

I put the camera, tripod, and vial with Jenny's prints on them, as well as the STD sheets, and my remaining syringe of knock-out drug into a plastic bag, threw on some warm clothes, and went outside. I hid the bag under a pile of snow where Evan would never find it, then after stomping around for five more minutes to leave tracks in the snow to make him think that I had walked further than I had to hide the stuff, and after smoothing over the area where I actually had, I returned to the cabin.

As I uncuffed Evan I said "Shall I make something to eat; great sex has made me famished."

"Sure, as long as we prepare the food and eat naked -- I really like looking at your body."

"Put two more logs in the stove to keep it warm and you got a deal," I smiled.

I have to say that pancakes and bacon never tasted so good -- as did the red wine (not your normal drink with that meal, but I was feeling mellow). Evan and I had lots of body contact while we were preparing and eating. Outside of a work environment, and now that we had been intimate, he turned out to be humorous and charming; of course I still had the glow from the best sex of my life, so maybe that had something to do with how I viewed him.

Once we cleaned up the dinner dishes, I showed him my completed project -- at least half of it, still not trusting him 100% -- and promised to give him a cut of the $80,000 bonus I intended to receive before dropping the hammer on Alex and Jenny. He was impressed, and actually offered two minor enhancements.

"So you're not just a pretty face and a big cock after all," I giggled as I made the changes to the document.

"No, but I look on you as only a great set of boobs -- which I haven't tasted yet, by the way -- and a tight pussy," he chuckled as he picked me up and carried me toward the bed as I fake screamed and lightly hit him calling him a brute. I could no longer pretend to protest, however, when as I was on my hands and knees on the bed he thrust his monster cock into me, and proceeded to fuck my brains out doggy style -- my favorite position.

I had planned on returning home early, once the project was completed. I did really miss my kids. However, the sex with Evan was just so, so good, that I stayed until Sunday, still getting home one day early.

Evan never tried to renege on his promise or find my plastic bag of evidence.

Evan did fuck me to nirvana all Friday night, Saturday, and Saturday night. I never had so many orgasms in such a short period of time.

The first time -- of many -- that he sucked my boobs he asked about the flesh colored bandage. I told him that I had a cut on my left tit -- I still hid the dolphin tattoo from him. He never asked about the flesh colored patch on my ass -- his cock was too big for my asshole, and we had so much fun with pussy and titty fucks that there was no reason for anal.

Evan and I did refine exactly how we would proceed when we got back.


When I got home on Sunday afternoon I showered the kids with hugs and kisses. I couldn't help but be cool to Alex even though I didn't want him to catch on completely yet. I told him that I suspected a yeast infection; "Alex, I know that this is insulting and I have no reason to suspect you, but I have to ask it -- you haven't been fucking around on me, have you, because I can't figure out how I got the yeast infection."

"Of course not, how could you ask that?" he indignantly replied.

"Sorry, but I had to ask. I better sleep in the guest room."

"You don't have to -- we can titty fuck," he replied, quickly over his indignation.

Of course I was never going to fuck Alex again after what he did; I begged off. "I'm sorry, I really don't feel well; I'll go to the doctor but in case it's something else I don't want you to catch it," I replied. Of course I didn't want him to see the suck marks on my tits -- which had not yet dissipated -- and certainly not the red, gaping, condition of my pussy from being pounded mercilessly by Evan's massive cock.

I met with Jenny on Monday and gave her my complete project report, and told her that pursuant to our contract I wanted the $80,000 by Friday. She looked both surprised and pleased when she reviewed my report. "I'll look it over some more, and with the expert; but it sure looks good," she gushed.

Evan met with her too and surreptitiously recorded his conversation with her. "I wasn't able to roofie her like you suggested, or get her on video, or fuck her at all," he moaned. "However, I can still testify that I did if you pay me the $30,000 you promised."

"Not good enough," she whined. "How are you going to testify if you haven't seen her naked."

"You told me that her only distinguishing characteristic was that rose tattoo on her ass that you showed me the photo of from Alex. That knowledge, combined with what I know about from how her tits and hips and shaved pussy look from the other photos that Alex gave you, should be enough."

"OK -- but you don't get your money until after you testify," Jenny snarled.

"No -- our deal was $15,000 before, $15,000 after. You give me the $15,000 or I don't testify," Evan said.

Evan said that Jenny looked pissed, and she sure did sound like it on the recording, but she relented and wrote him a check, supposedly as a bonus for the completion of the project.

My attorney prepared all of the necessary papers during the week, and I was able to avoid sleeping with Alex through the next weekend, although he seemed to be getting suspicious. I shaved my horns by going to a hotel with Evan at lunch twice during the week as we both tried to fuck the other unconscious -- and partially succeeded.

I got my $80,000 bonus Friday and immediately cashed the check. We had a nice weekend centered around the kids -- it would be our last fun weekend together as a family, so I tried my best to act nice around Alex. The kids loved it.

Evan told me that Alex was going to sue me for divorce on Wednesday. I beat him to the punch. I sued Alex for divorce and fraud on Monday, and Jenny personally and Multiplex for fraud which -- pursuant to the "time bomb" clause in my contract related to the project, would entitle me to punitive damages. They were both served the same day.

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