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Healthy Skepticism


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Alex was pissed as hell when he got home Monday night, and called me a tramp for fucking Evan at the cabin. "But I didn't darling; however I have proof of you and that skank Jenny -- your High School sweetheart who you lost your virginity to -- fucking while I was gone, including in our bedroom, you ass."

"Well Evan will testify that he fucked you," Alex snarled.

"So he'll lie -- is that it?" I indignantly replied.

"People will believe him, bitch. Get that smug look off of your face or I'll smack it off!" he snarled.

That's what I was waiting for, and why I was surreptitiously recording our conversation. I pressed a button on my phone. The doorbell rang. I answered it. Two P I's were there, the female one who witnessed my tattoo activities, and a big male dude, both armed.

"Alex, I'm taking the kids to a hotel for the weekend; Monday I will get a restraining order from the Court because of your threat to physically harm me. These P Is are here to make sure that you don't follow through on your threat until I get the restraining order," I gleefully told him.

He swore viciously and actually lunged for me. The male P I hit him with a forearm shiver (a football technique that my brother loved to use and constantly was demonstrating on inanimate objects when we were growing up) knocking him backward; he stayed away when the female P I pulled her gun.


Of course with the audio recording and the P Is' testimony I easily got the restraining order on Monday (Alex didn't even show up in court) and a sheriff escorted Alex out of the house with his things that night.

Jenny compounded her problems by firing me that same day, but with my savings and the $80,000 bonus, I didn't have any immediate financial problems.

Alex did stupidly counter-sue me for divorce, alleging adultery, on Wednesday as Evan had told me. My attorney immediately noticed Evan for deposition for the following Tuesday, lightning speed in litigation but since Alex's attorney didn't object for reasons of their own it went ahead. The deposition, attended by Alex and Jenny in addition to me and the attorneys, was hysterically funny.

Alex and Jenny's attorney (I thought that was a conflict of interest, but didn't really care), John Tipton, prepped Evan for his deposition the afternoon before. I prepped Evan the night before. Since I squeezed his cock with my pc muscles and John Tipton didn't/couldn't, which prep do you think was most effective?

The following is the relevant portion of the transcript of the deposition; TW is my attorney, Trinity Watson; JT is John Tipton; "Mr. Bunsen," or "EB," is Evan:

TW: "Mr. Bunsen, did you ever have sexual relations with Melissa Carthage?"

EB: "Yes."

TW: "When?"

EB: "About two-three weeks ago in a cabin in the woods that we were sent to by our employer to work on a secret project."

TW: "Is that the only time that you had sex with her?"

EB: "Yeah, even though she tried to hit on me before."

TW: "Just answer the questions please Mr. Bunsen, don't elaborate. How many times did you have sex with her in that cabin in the woods two-three weeks ago."

EB: "I wasn't counting -- at least a dozen times."

TW: "What type of sex?"

EB: "Oral, vaginal, and some titty fucks -- am I allowed to use that word in a deposition?"

TW: "I'd prefer that you use the word 'ejaculation' or 'intercourse' instead of the 'f' word, but it's your choice."

--Witness nods.--

TW: "Did you see her naked during this time?"

EB: "Sure -- we were completely naked every time that we had sex."

TW: "Did you drug her or force her in any way to have sex with you?"

EB: "Hell no; she was all over me like a bitch in heat."

TW: "Did you see all parts of her naked body?"

EB: Witness chuckles. "Yeah, except for maybe the bottoms of her feet and under the hair on her head, I not only saw but inspected, spanked, fingered, massaged, or abused every part of her naked body."

TW: "Then you saw her bare buttocks?"

EB: "Yeah -- she has a really nice one. I massaged and spanked every part of it."

TW: "Did you see her bare breasts?"

EB: "Oh, yeah -- I sucked both of them many times and we had more than a couple of titty fu--; I'm sorry what was that word you wanted me to use?"

TW: "Ejaculation or intercourse."

EB: "Yeah, OK; we had more than a couple of titty ejaculations where I rubbed my penis in the valley between her breasts."

TW: "And of course you saw her vagina too?"

EB: "Oh yeah; I got up personal with that shaved pleasure chamber many times."

TW: "So Melissa Carthage is shaved at her pubic area?"

EB: "She was at the start, but it was hard to shave in the cabin so she got a little stubble as our fu--- intercourse, ejaculations, progressed, but the stubble was just as nice."

TW: "So how much time would you say that you carefully inspected, or handled, or rubbed body parts on, or looked at her naked body?"

EB: "Hours; at least thirty hours, maybe more."

TW: "Was this with enough light to see, or not?"

EB: "Most of it was with enough light. In the daytime it streamed through the cabin windows, and at night while we were fu--- uh that is having intercourse, ejaculations, she loved to have a light on so that she could see my penis."

TW: "In these thirty or so hours that you intimately observed her naked did you notice any distinguishing marks. They could be a tattoo, a birthmark, a mole, a bandage, anything like that?"

EB: "She has a rose tattoo on her right butt cheek, about this big," --the witness holds his fingers about two inches apart--.

TW: "Anything else? Any other tattoos, birthmarks, moles, bandages, anything?"

EB: "No, that's it except for some teeth marks or hickeys I may have given her," --witness laughs--.

TW: "Mr. Bunsen, I'd like to show you some photographs and affidavits from a tattoo artist and a private investigator dated three days before Melissa Carthage arrived at the cabin which indicate that Ms. Carthage has a dolphin tattoo on the inside of her left breast." --Witness inspects documents—

EB: "Uh -- could we take a break?"

JT: "Yes, let's take a break I want to see those documents."

TW: "I already handed you your copy, counselor, and we will not be taking a break. I will call the judge's office right now -- I have it on speed dial -- to get a ruling on whether or not you can break with your third party witness right at the crucial part of his deposition so that you can change his testimony."

JT: "I resent that!"

TW: "Resent all you like -- should I pick up the phone?"

--pause while others in the room confer, without the witness—

JT: "All right, we can proceed but it is under protest preserving my right to have the testimony that follows stricken."

--attorney Watson laughs—

TW: "Well, how do you explain the dolphin tattoo Mr. Bunsen?"

EB: "This photo must have been photo-shopped, and the affidavits full of lies."

TW: "Ms. Carthage, could you please stand up and expose your left breast?"

JT: "I object..."

EB: "What's the matter Mr. Tipton, never seen a live breast before?"

--Ms. Carthage stands up and exposes her left breast, which has a dolphin tattoo on the inside of it—

TW: "So, Mr. Bunsen, while you were sucking Ms. Melissa Carthage's left breast, and reciprocating your penis in the valley between her breasts you never saw the dolphin tattoo?"


TW: "We couldn't hear you Mr. Bunsen."

EB: "No, I did not see it."

TW: "Mr. Bunsen, here are more documents indicating that the same tattoo artist, observed by the same P. I., had a flesh colored patch adhesively secured over Melissa Carthage's rose tattoo so that it was not visible and so that the patch could only be removed by a special technique that only the tattoo artist knows and not Melissa Carthage, and that the tattoo artist's initials are on the patch. Did you see the patch covering the rose tattoo on her right buttocks?"

--witness reviews the documents—

TW: "We're waiting Mr. Bunsen."

EB: "No; I did not see the patch."

TW: "Would you like to see the patch Mr. Bunsen?"

--witness nods—

--Ms. Carthage stands up and exposes her right buttocks, where a flesh colored patch with initials on it is present, but no rose tattoo--

TW: "Since you swore to tell the truth at the start of this deposition and I made it clear to you that the truth was essential, do you know that you could be charged with perjury?"

JT: "I object, you can't threaten the witness."

TW: "I'm just advising him of the criminal proceedings that are likely to follow."

EB: "Look -- I didn't want to do this. If I come clean will you forget about the perjury charge?"

JT: "I object and demand to speak to the witness."

TW: "He's not your client -- supposedly a third party witness. You have no right to demand. Go ahead Mr. Bunsen, tell the truth."

EB: "I...I...uh...I only agreed to testify that I had sex with Melissa because Jenny Krieg offered me $30,000 to do so, including giving me a date rape drug to accomplish it, and a camera to film it."

Ms. Krieg: "You lying sack of shit..."

TW: "Ms. Krieg sit down and shut up right now or I'll have the security guard who just popped his head in here when he heard your outburst remove you."

--Ms. Krieg sits down, security guard departs—

TW: "How did you know that Melissa Carthage had a rose tattoo on her right buttocks?"

EB: "Because Jenny Krieg showed me naked photos of her that she got from Melissa's husband Alex Carthage that showed it, as well as the rest of her naked body."

TW: "Did you ever use the date rape drug or movie camera?"

EB: "I probably would have, to be sure to get the $30,000, however when I looked for it when I was about to use them they were gone. I presumed that Melissa Carthage took them, although I didn't ask her about that, nor did I ever find them when I looked around and outside of the cabin. I presume that she took them to find out what DNA and/or fingerprints were on them, especially the date rape drug vial."

TW: "Do you have proof of the $30,000 payment?"

EB: "Jenny Krieg paid me $15,000 so far, which will show up in my bank records, and there will be a Multiplex check to me signed by her in that amount in her records; and I also have a brief, vague, document signed by her promising me the $30,000."

TW: "I'd like to see those documents when you have a chance."

EB: "OK."

TW: "No more questions; Mr. Tipton, your witness."

JT: "I have no questions at this time and renew my objections to all of the shenanigans pulled here today, and will be petitioning the court to have his testimony stricken."

TW: "Good luck! Deposition adjourned."


I could not believe what a great job Evan did at the deposition. Not only did he follow our game plan to the letter, he embellished in ways that helped us, and the expressions on his face and his mannerisms lent enormous credibility. My opinion of him was increasing every day. Not only was he my best fuck ever by an order of magnitude, but he was much smarter than I ever gave him credit for and a phenomenal actor. WOW!

After the kids were sound asleep the night of the deposition I smuggled Evan into the house and let him ravage me to his heart's content and without hesitation I performed any sex act that he wanted. While I was sore and wiped out the entire next day, Jill kept asking me "Why are you smiling so much Mommy?"

After Evan's deposition, and after I had Trinity provide copies of the audio and video recordings I made of Alex and Jenny to John Tipton, and after Trinity subtly (maybe not so subtly, I wasn't there) threatened criminal action for attempted rape and fraud, and threatened to provide everything to Jenny's husband Byron -- who might grow a set of balls when he saw the evidence and withdraw his money from Multiplex -- the cases settled quickly.

The settlement provided that all causes of action by any party against another were dismissed with prejudice, I got $2,000,000 after taxes (I don't know how much of that Alex paid, but don't care), I got Evan $400,000 for wrongful termination, I got sole custody of the kids and the house and $1,000 a month child support. Since even though Alex turned out to be a cheat and a miserable person he was a good father, I gave him liberal visitation, and through in as a sweetener liberal visitation for his parents too since I liked them and since they were good grandparents. They were very grateful. However, I did provide that if I wanted to move to another State that I had every right to do so, and Alex and his parents would have to make their own arrangements to see the kids then.

Actually, Jenny didn't make out too badly in the deal as far as I could tell. Two years after the settlement Multiplex had netted $5,000,000 from the new service that I prepared the report and plan for -- which she followed to the letter -- and she and Alex are reported to still be regularly fucking. She's still married to Byron, and he apparently is clueless about everything that transpired or that she's fucking Alex a few times a week.

As for me, I get serviced four or five times a week by the best cock I have ever seen, or even dreamed of. I don't know why it is -- maybe it's my particular pc muscle contractions on Evan's big cock -- but Evan is enamored with me. I would never have thought that I could control a movie star-handsome guy, who is growing more and more on me and who is easy to live with (we've lived together the last year), with my pussy, but I can. The only thing keeping me from accepting Evan's constant proposals of marriage (usually right after he's rung my chimes about six times in a row and his cock is still in me) is my skepticism that a guy that good looking, with that cock, will someday stray.

Evan just got offered a good job in the city where my parents and brother live, and he's begging me to move there too. Of course my parents, my brother, and his family, are lobbying me too. I'm beginning to really warm to that idea, and to relieve my decreasing skepticism, Evan has just presented me with a prenup that says that he gets nothing if he cheats during marriage. With that prenup my third set of wedding bells seem to be in my near future.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
XluckyleeXluckylee3 months ago

5 stars from Xluckylee for a fun read.

desecrationdesecration3 months ago

I can't get over her wanting to end up with a dude who was okay to take money to roofie and rape someone. This is the sticking point for me. Alex is a perfect villain. I'm glad she got out of that retarded marriage.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah4 months ago

This was a fun read for me. Blackrandi’s adage proved prophetic. Fortunately, armed with sufficient prepareanoia, this Amy was able to sidestep the dooky and smell the rose.

Evan took advantage of the opportunity to bury the hog. I love that phrase. It’s reminiscent of an Ozark summertime bacchanal, an all-night festivity, where panties depart to undisclosed locations.

His lovelog provided the key to the way forward. And a good time was had by almost all. As is the case in so many scenarios in this genre, it’s all about the D.

Thank you for this, real Amy. Your creativity continues to sparkle.

WisquejacWisquejac11 months ago

Liked it. Thanks.

nogravynogravyabout 1 year ago

Really good story with one caveat: in every tale there's one likable or redeemable character; not in this one. Everyone here is either cold-hearted, sleazy, or manipulative in the extreme. And while it doesn't stop me from thinking that it was fun to read, it doesn't leave me with many good things to say. So, thanks for all the hard work and thought that it takes to write one of these. I'd really like to give it five stars, but the shitty characters force me to drop it to four.

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