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Heiress Whored 03

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Miss de Witt is tested.
1.8k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/30/2023
Created 08/16/2023
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It was not without trepidation that I went into Alisha's suite. I had rather hoped that Elizabeth's bonus had been accompanied by a favourable report, but this was all new to me. Indeed, as I reflected on the previous few days, I could dimly see something like a pattern emerging. Quite what it meant was not clear. Indeed it was somewhat confusing.

I had started this with the settled conviction that I was submissive. I got a thrill from clients knowing that I was a rich entitled bitch whom they could use. That has been the case back home, and it was here. The more humiliation, the better. I had come to recognise that when I was in what I called "subspace" there was little if anything I would not do. The dangers in that I knew well. My stepmom, Amber, may have been a bitch, but she had rescued me from Kasia and my criminal friends, and this job was, we had both assumed, been designed to allow free rein to my instincts, while providing a safe infrastructure. I could be a slutty whore who got paid for sex, but only with women, and only under supervision; ideal.

Alisha gave me an appraising look, which made me feel uncomfortable. I'd dressed sexily, but not slutty. My little black dress was slit on the right thigh and showed my ass to best advantage, hiding the fact that I had little up top, and if a glimpse of stocking was something shocking, then I would be shocking the onlooker. Alisha looked me up and down.

"What have we here then, Ash?"

"What do you mean, Miss Alisha? Have I not given satisfaction?"

"I just have the Russian's report in. It makes very interesting reading. I thought we hired a kinky submissive heiress?"

Oh geeez, I thought, she's going to can me! But then some instinct kicked in, so I stopped myself from uttering the apologetic words which came so naturally to my lips.

"Nothing to say, Ash? No explanation for this?" She was pointing at the screen as she spoke.

"I take it, Miss, that Miss Elizabeth was satisfied?"

"Satisfied, she was effusive, said you were the best she ever had and wants more of you as soon as possible. What have you to say to that?"

"Well, Miss Alisha, I am happy to have kept up the reputation of the Agency."

"Are you fucking kidding me, girl?"

Oops, I thought, but I kept my nerve.

"No, Miss, I mean it."

"Standing there looking like butter would not melt in your mouth. Look at you!"

"Thank you, Miss!" I replied, still trying to align what my emotions were feeling with what my instincts were telling me.

Alisha grinned.

"Do you have any fucking idea how hard it is for us to get women who can take charge in a way that allows our clients to come away feeling happy? Do you? Tell me this," she said, clearly excited herself, "how did you know? It was not on file, and none of her previous escorts has reported anything."

I bit my lower lip. How the hell could I explain instinct?

"I just sensed it, Miss Alisha."

"Sensed it? What the fucking fuck?"

"Like I can sense your excitement, Miss Alisha."

"Mine, you cheeky bitch!"

I looked back at her, holding her gaze.

"Are you telling me, Miss Alisha, that if you were to show me your panties underneath that dress, I'd find them dry as the great Australian desert?"

That stopped her in her tracks.

"What sort of question is that?"

"The sort that elicited an evasive answer like that one. Tell me that you don't want me to make you show me, and I shall back off. But be honest with yourself, and me, Miss."

Her colour concealed any blushing, but her eyes gave her away.

"So it I told you to give instructions that we are not to be disturbed and to slip out of that dress, you'd tell me to go fuck myself instead of getting you off... Miss?"

That last "Miss," seemed to turn some key. She touched the intercom, told her secretary we were not to be disturbed and then got up and moved to the front of her desk.

"Dress?" That was all I said,

She unzipped it and began to slip it off her shoulders, revealing her jet-black skin against the pure white of her underwear; her tits were shown to great advantage in her underwired bra, but I knew they would sag a little without it.

"Bra too."

I was right, she must have been 36C at least, and the slight sag made me wet; her nipples were thick, dark, and succulent. Want, I thought, but restrained myself.

Standing there in her white silk thong and stockings, she looked a dream, her high heels accentuated her shapely legs. There was only one thing to be done.

"Lower those panties and let me examine you, girl!"

"Yes, Miss de Witt!"

A shiver ran through me. She had mentioned that her ancestors might have served mine when she turned the tables on me, so, perhaps? But if I was wrong? Go with it girl, I told myself.

"Coloured should always be open to inspection by their owner's daughter, shouldn't they, girl?"

"Yes Ma'am, of course."

The look on her face and in her eyes told me all I needed, but had I needed more, the fact that she lowered her thong to her knees and parted her legs to keep in in place, would have confirmed my instinct.

Smiling, I approached her, my breath on her nipples seemed to make them harder, and I inspected her soaked thong.

"And what, girl is this?"

"Ma'am, it is slutty juice."

"Slutty juice eh," I smiled, and spanked her cunt hard. She groaned. I felt her wetness.

"Take them off, girl!"

The jiggling of her big tits as she slipped her thong off made my own wetness more intense.

"You are to wear that as a face mask, girl, NOW!"

Alisha seemed to be in a daze, putting the sopping wetness so it ran across her nose.

"Taste and smell good, girl?"

"Yes, Miss de Witt."

"Sit on your desk."

She did as I told her.

I could almost have orgasmed at the sight, but instinct kicked in again; this was not about me.

I knelt. Her lips were thick and meaty, unlike mine, and her inner lips drooped beyond her outer ones. I tugged one with my lips, pulling at her.

"Ohhh fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Her pussy was leaking copiously. I tugged at the other lip, getting the same reaction. Peeling back her lips with my fingers, her dark pink wetness no longer concealed what had to be the largest clit I had ever seen. Want. I took it.

I sucked hard on it.

Alisha shook, bending forward, gripping my shoulders so she could hold some sort of balance. Her grunts and moans were primal. She was so wet that I chanced it, I thought she would take three of my fingers, and I was right. I curled them in, making her moan. I felt her clench. She was so eager.

My fingers twisted; I held them there while my tongue slide across her clit. I sucked her, pulse sucking, pulling her, and then plunged me fingers in hard and fast. She came, she only went and came.

I was taken aback. I'd never seen a woman come that fast. She was gripping my fingers and moaning obscenities. I felt her whole body convulse. I stilled my fingers, letting her wetness grip them. She kept on orgasming.

Eventually she stopped. Instinct said I should too, though I wanted to give her more.

I looked up at her.

"Enough, for now?"

She nodded.

"I could go on all day with you, but we have things to discuss," she sighed.

"Well, that still leaves us the night," I smiled.

She grinned.


"Yours?" I asked.

"Come at eight," she said. "Let me get dressed first."

I watched as Alisha dressed, acting as though the last hour had not happened.

"So, back to where we were Ash."

I noticed the change in her tone and manner of address.

"It is rare as hen's teeth to find someone like you. Did you make yourself orgasm after seeing to Elizabeth?"

"No, Miss Alisha," I said, slipping easily back into our familiar mode.

"Why, when you had me at your mercy didn't you use me to make yourself cum?"

"Miss Alisha, I was serving you; your orgasm was my objective; I can wait."

"What if I offered to bring you off now?"

"I had not thought of that, Miss, but my immediate answer would be that I did what I wanted to do and am not in need."

That seemed to give her pause for deep thought.

"I'm going to level with you Ash. You present as submissive, and I think you think that you are one. You have many of the characteristics of the submissive, but this instinct of yours, is that how you knew what I wanted just now?"

I explained how it had come to me, remembering her comment about our ancestors.

"I am going to make a suggestion to you, which you can feel free to reject, but which I'd like you to think about. We have a select number of powerful women who, like me just now and like Elizabeth, have a need to relax. Under pressure to make decisions all day, we like to surrender control and have the pressure relieved. But it is not easy. That instinct could leave us open to blackmail or worse in the wrong hands, and many of the professionals are dominatrixes who, shall we say, take a delight in physical punishment which, speaking for me, I don't like. Do you understand?"

"What you mean, if I have you right, is that it is psychological domination and control that you need? Someone who understands where you need to go, can take you there, but can also bring you back and forget about it - until next time."

She looked at me, stunned.

"Underneath that preppy exterior you're a smart cookie. What I'd like you to do is to think about specialising in this area. The market is not big, but it is profitable, and I think you are the woman for it. What do you say?"

I looked at her.

"We are going to meet tonight at eight at yours, yes?"

"That's what I said."

"Good. I shall send a parcel to your place by six. It will help us both to give an answer to your question."

"Now you have me on tenterhooks."

"Psychologically, of course, not physically," I smiled.

I knew precisely what I was going to do. If it worked, then I was the woman for the job, if not, well I could just go back to the original yacht girl scenario.

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SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl4 months ago

I never had an interest in switching. But after reading this I realize it’s not about what I want. It’s about giving the client what she needs.

PixiehoffPixiehoff10 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Wiz xxxxx

Wiz1002Wiz100210 months ago

You’re the master (or should that be mistress) of intrigue and psychological mind games.

Amazing how you get such depth and detail into such short chapters.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you my darling 💋💋💋

JPintrainingJPintraining11 months ago

Round 3 💋💋💋💋

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

I can't imagine, Bunny xxxxx

WishIWroteGudWishIWroteGud11 months ago

A submissive girl finds her switch...Why is that so relatable, hm...hmmm.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you, Vince xxxxx

VincepetroneVincepetrone11 months ago

Another fabulous episode. Yes, the mental angle is truly the most powerful way to make someone yours.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, darling Wolfie x As always, you get to the heart of what I am trying to do - which is indeed to ask us all to contemplate the stark binaries that bdsm seems to me to impose. I am trying to approach this from the point of view of a woman who wants to deconstruct these concepts xxxxx

amadeuseroticamadeuserotic11 months ago

Miss De Witt makes us rethink the whole concept of dominance and submission. She provides dominance as a service to her clients who become her submissives.

She makes them come, but she does not come herself. She controls the orgasms of all involved parties, including her own. By deciding not to surrender to the pleasure and vulnerability of an orgasm, she keeps her sexual energy and stays in the dominant role.

Enough mansplaining. Let's see what parcel will be there to unpack ...

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Lisa, thank you so much xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much Mama - and yes, you know from experience that dommes who have been subs make the best dommes xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you, Anonymous, and the next chapter, up tomorrow, will reveal all - well most of it for now xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you, ladylicker - you won't have to wait too long for the next chapter, it is up tomorrow xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Dr B, and I am delighted that this gave you such pleasure - more up tomorrow xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

... oh Pixie your writing skills are amazing - captivating, as always! thank you so much for this story... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ LisaR.

SerradaCSerradaC11 months ago

Dearest Pixie, you have spilled the beans. A truly great domme must have walked a mile in subbie shoes. You show that dogmatic role play is as stifling as rigid social constructs. An obvious point but one that seems to uncommonly diffis. cult to grasp. I can't wait to see where you take us. As always 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 and 💋 .

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I can only imagine what will be in the parcel. This chapter really pushed things with the racial role reversal from earlier. And now the switch to Ashley being a Dom specializing in dominating dominant women??? I have my suspicions about the potential contents the parcel, but I have no idea about how the contents will be received or employed. I trust Ashley’s intuition is steering her right in any event. I can’t wait for the next chapter to drop. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

ladylicker1ladylicker111 months ago

Your stories are always amazing. This one is no exception. Can't wait to see where this goes. Thank you for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Dr beulahthemick; Well, Pixie, I thought the previous episode was pussy drippingly hot (yes I made up that word, it seemed just perfect), but this my God, it made what went before tame. You have a great talent, not sure what it should be listed under, but I think Doctor of Pussy Wetting and Erotic Thoughts is suitable or Dr of PWET, much, much better than a PHD of History. ( Perhaps in the new year, when I've retired and have a bit of time, I'll have a go at writing dirty stories myself) Naturally five stars, deserves far more, but they only allow five. Oh by the way love the Dr B, think I'll use that in future. OXOXO.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you, Alice. The next part is up tomorrow xxxxx

AliceGeeAliceGee11 months ago

Wow! This delightful chapter has me panting in anticipation and wondering what Miss De Witt has in store for Miss Alisha. I am thoroughly enjoying this erotic tale of a young woman's journey into the world of whoredom. I believe that there will be many twists and turns and lots of new experiences for Ashley as she sinks further into a life of debauchery. Five stars is a given.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Migbird - there will be more tomorrow xxxxx

MigbirdMigbird11 months ago

Aligning emotions with instincts — intriguing thought and so much fun to witness.

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Olwen, I do my best xxxxx

HottieOlwenHottieOlwen11 months ago

As usual, Pixie, you have hit the nail on the head! It never occurred to me that Ashley was being a good submissive by giving her clients what they need. You're a bloody marvel! Sorry. A kinky, dirty-minded bloody marvel! Lol! 😘💋💋😘

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you you much darling Aoife - I am delighted that you are enjoying this so much xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you, Olwen. It's an interesting question as to whether Ashley is a switch - she sees herself as a submissive who gives her client what she needs - even domination xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much Bobbi, You will see in the next chapter where this may be heading, but you know I love a twist in the tail/tale. I am so glad you like it xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoff11 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Cleeve, so glad you like it xxxxx

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulster11 months ago

Pixie!! Oh goodness me! I needed to pause a few times, catching my breath. Miss De Witt is such a lovable, adorable, and amazing woman. One I would have wanted to spend hours and hours with in my previous life, before retirement. As is your constant, you presented a highly erotic chapter all the while throwing another twist with hinting to the future next chapter. I can not wait for it.

Simply amazing! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

HottieOlwenHottieOlwen11 months ago

I have always found switches to be an anomaly, neither one thing nor the other. I realise that such people exist, but they have never interested me. Until now. I totally agree with Arking. I'm wondering where this extraordinary story will go next. I love your writing, Pixie, and the fact that you can write yourself as both a dominatrix and a submissive with such conviction is impressive. 5 stars of course. Looking forward to chapter 4.

ArkingArking11 months ago also have an instinct, you know how to make even the most stubborn of us melt with your words, your passion. Breathing slowly, trying to collect my thoughts.

5 Stars. For a start. This story leaves me wondering where to next. Does she become a co-owner, or start her own 'special' needs agency?

I love what you are doing with this. Somehow, I feel it personally.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The story develops nicely

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