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Helen's Online Adventure

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A pregnant wife finds fun online.
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Helen was thrilled when she found out she was pregnant. Rick, her husband and everyone else was almost as excited at the news. They had only been married for just a little over a year, but she was ready to add a new member to the family. It was still very early, but she couldn't help but broadcast the news to everyone she knew. She was ready to begin this new and exciting adventure.

Being the way that she is, she immediately signed up on several pregnancy related message boards and other related internet sites. She was so excited about what was about to happen, that she wanted to soak in as much information as possible. She quickly got into the habit of being online whenever she had free time and often for a few hours after Rick had gone off to bed.

She'd never been a big chat rooms or message boards person, but now that she had a reason to look into them, she found that they were not only helpful but a fun way to spend time.

Trying various usernames she finally found one that she was able to use on most of the sites she joined. She used her initials,HOTthen in honor of the first little person to grow inside of her,Pod1. The resulting name also amused her probably more than it really should have. Without thinking, she also included her real name and email address in each of the profiles she filled out since she didn't see any problem with communicating more personally with other pregnant women.

Searching one board, she was not able to find a recent thread dealing with staying active and physically fit during pregnancy, so she posted a general question regarding experiences for a "newbie".

Going to some other sites and checking back, she saw that she had a response to her first question. Excited, she clicked on her message link.

TKL439: "So, how hot are you? Have any pics?"

She was so thrilled with having a response, she didn't stop to think before replying.

HotPod1: "Very, my husband likes turning down the air conditioner at night. I've got some pics on other sites, but had a problem with this one. I'll try to upload them later."

After leaving and returning, she found a couple more responses:

TKL439: "I'd love to see how things develop."

SarahJ: HotPod1, I know you're new here, but please don't feed the trolls. We don't get as many cranks anymore, but occasionally some perv with a pregnancy fetish will show up.

HotPod1: I'm sorry SarahJ, I didn't realize there were guys into that."

Going back and rereading the posts, she realized that the first response did seem a bit weird. She rolled her eyes at herself and mumbled that she probably should read the posts more carefully before replying.

When she returned a while later there were a few other posts echoing SarahJ. Followed by:

SarahJ: No prob. I reported him to the mods. he'll be gone soon."


TKL439: I apologize HotPod1, that was out of line, but with your name I couldn't resist. ;)

HotPod1: Maybe I'll change my username, HOT are my initials and I didn't think about other meanings. And am I the only one who finds it interesting that some men are turned on by pregnant women?

After this last question, Helen got maybe a dozen responses and all of them in the negative and some just plain nasty. Not understanding why they this question brought out such hostility, she began to sour on the site, and message boards in general.

Noticing that she had begun yawning and was feeling quite fatigued, she logged off and joined Rick in bed. For a while before she drifted off, all she could think about was that there were guys who had a thing for women who were pregnant. She had difficulty wrapping her my mind around that.

Generally, in her mind, expectant women wouldn't really be all that sexy except to their husbands, family and some friends. Also, don't most men these days drool over almost skinny women? Wouldn't a pregnant woman deviate from that by being big and round. As she finally drifted off to sleep she had the image of an old geezer in a rain coat peaking into a maternity shop while pleasuring himself through his 'missing' pocket. Feeling rather grossed out by that image, she eventually fell into dreamland where she had to fight off the creepy bum as he tried to get too close to her.

The next morning, after seeing Rick off to work, Helen immediately went to the computer to login and see if there had been any further posts to her message before she had to go to work. She was disappointed to see that there were over 100 views, but no additional comments. She was about to close the window when she noticed at the top of the page next to 'private messages' a there was a darkened 1.

Excited and curious, clicked on the link and was taken to her message panel. Seeing the subjectSorryand underneath TKL439.

TKL439: I'm sorry about my messages last night, beer and posting don't go well together. ;)

Now the picture she had of a guy in a raincoat was replaced with a redneck wearing a wife beater T-shirt who lives in a trailer with a beer in his hand. Really unfair, but it just popped in. She considered ignoring the message at first, but since she was raised to be polite, she decided on a short acknowledgment even though secretly she wasdyingto ask him some questions about his "interest" in pregnant women.

HotPod1: No problem.

A few hours later at work, she had the time to get onto the boards and check for any new messages and saw that she had a reply to her PM:

TKL439: Thanks for writing back. Not sure why I signed up on that site and acted like I did. I really don't do things like that and hope you don't think I'm too weird or anything.

HotPod1: I must admit, I am curious. Do youreallyhave a thing for pregnant women. I would think if it was your kid, that would be understandable, but a stranger? Don't most men these days dig flat tummies and dangerously skinny women?

Several hours passed before she got a reply, but after arriving home she was able to log on. She was happy to see she had a new message.

TKL439: I don't know why I get turned on by it but I do. It's not just any preggie that does it, only women I would find the normally attractive only seem more so when they are knocked up. If she stays in shape and doesn't let herself "go", it seems to make her even more appealing. Strangely, I don't want kids of my own, but the image of being with a pregnant woman still gets me going.

HotPod1: Really? You don't want kids of your own and you find pregnant women hot?

This time the message arrived fairly quickly. They must be on at the same time for a change.

TKL439: Yeah, kinda weird isn't it?

HotPod1: Yeah. I still have a bunch of questions, but I really don't know how to ask them.

TKL439: Ask away.

HotPod1: Well, I did a quick search and there are a lot of pregnancy related porn sites. While browsing, I noticed some story sites have sections on impregnation. Is this a kink for you as well?

As Helen was about to send the message, she heard Rick walk into the house, having just gotten home from work. Quickly, she hit the send button then closed the current window and opened up a new one.

"Did you know there are guys who get turned on by pregnant women?" Helen inquired of her husband as he entered the computer room.

"I'm sure there are, There's all kinds of weirdos out there," he replied.

She looked at him with her head cocked and eyebrow raised.

"Of course, you'll be the hottest pregnant lady in the world," he said smiling as he patted her head.

Ignoring Rick, she said, "There was one site I found that I like, it showed a woman in the same pose and bikini as she went through the stages of her pregnancy." Opening the window she pulled up the page and he watched as the images went by.

"Interesting," he said. "Wanna' do that?"

"Might be kind of fun to document it."

"Well, find something you can wear, and we'll start right now," he said smiling.

She picked out an elastic thong and a comfortable white halter top. "These should do it."

"Great!" Rick replied, "put them on and we'll get started."

By the time they were finished with the shoot, they were both so turned on, they ended up in bed.

It wasn't until the next day she was able to check the boards again.

TKL439: I'm really not into the porn sites, I prefer the more "artistic" kind of pics.

HotPod1: Really, like this one?

She sent him the woman in the bikini from just finding out to right before delivery.

TKL439: Exactly!

HotPod1: We decided to do the same thing! Once a week, I'm going to take a picture to document my pregnancy!

TKL439: I am sooo trying to resist the urge to ask you to send them to me. Don't want you to go back to thinking I'm a weirdo.

She decided to deflect the question.

HotPod1: Only after I seeyouin a thong.

The next day, when she was able to log on again and saw that he had indeed sent a picture. Immediately, she regretted bringing up the topic of pictures. Clicking on the picture it showed a young, muscular boy in shorts and a T-shirt with his leg lifted in the air wearing thongs. Laughing out loud at that while she mentally and breathed a sigh of relief.

HotPod1: ya' got me! ;)

She then went back to the picture and noticed that he wasextremelyhot. With curly black hair, dark eyes and well defined muscles, he was definitely the kind of man who would get any woman's attention. After staring at his sly smirk and hypnotic eyes, she realized that her breathing had become more rapid and she was twitching around in her seat.

Shaking the image from her mind and moving her hand to the keyboard, she tried to think of something else. Deciding to log off she found some cleaning and other chores that needed to be done and tried to wipe the thoughts from my mind.

The next day when she checked for any messages and saw, as usual, that there was one from TKL439.

TKL439: You know, this waiting to see messages and all is a nuisance, would you be willing to do some real time chatting, rather than this back and forth we've been doing.

After signing up for an IM account, Helen replied:

HotPod1: I don't know, we're obviously on very different schedules, but if you want to add me, I have the same user name on Yahoo! Messenger.

The next morning, Helen noticed she had a new friend request from TKL439. Without hesitation she accepted.

For the next few weeks or so, they were never on at the same time, so they just sent messages just like before. They talked about little things like activities they enjoyed, what they had done that day, just the usual chit chat.

He never did ask her to send him the pictures Rick had taken of her which shegreatlyappreciated. As time went on, she started to feel more comfortable with their going online relationship and that he was most likely not some kind of strange pervert. She then started looking forward to his messages and began sending more personal replies.

She really enjoyed logging in and seeing a message from him in her inbox, but to be honest she was starting to get a little bored with it. Though they had much in common with similar outlooks, they had begun repeating themselves as if they had run out of topics to discuss. At the beginning of her third month they began messaging each other with less frequency, often only once a week.. It seemed only natural to Helen, I mean things get so busy with real life it's hard to maintain an online one. Then she received the following message while she was home from work with a bit of a cold. She logged into her chat window and finally saw TKL439 was currently signed in. Her heart fluttered as she looked then saw a message box pop up immediately.

TKL439: Hello!

HotPod1: Good morning! How are you doing.

TKL439: Great! I'm super excited to see you online and be able to chat in real time,finally.

HotPod1: Good thing I stayed home today then.

TKL439: Yep, but ya' know, I've been wanting to say that you're really not being fair. I sent you a picture of me a while ago, and you haveyetto return the favor...

HotPod1: You're right, I feel sooo bad. I admit, I'm nervous about it, but I'll add the pics my husband has taken of me the last few weeks.

After attaching the files, she sent them to him, but she did remove her full name from the files, forgetting she had signed up the boards and for the chat with her real name. Helen felt a zillion butterflies in fluttering in her stomach, she was so nervous.

TKL439: Man, I wish I hadn't seen those.

Stunned and unable to react, she looked at her monitor agape.

TKL439: I need more! You are indeed hot!

HotPod1: You scared me for a sec. I'm glad you like them.

A thought suddenly entered her mind, 'What if he posts them on the web or something?'

HotPod1: Just do me a fav and don't put them on the web or show them around? 'K.

TKL439: No worries, Helen, they're just for me...oh and I guess your husband ;)

HotPod1: LOL, Maybe I'll take some just for you. :)

TKL439: Really? That'd be awesome. Can't wait. Do you take requests?

HotPod1: I probably shouldn't have said that either, I'm sorry.

TKL439: I understand, but I'd still like to see some more.

HotPod1: We'll see.

For the next few weeks, they continued their chatting and emailing each other. Helen found herself spending more and more time on the computer, though it was mostly emailing back and forth with an occasional chat.

After nearly two months of this back and forth, Helen logged on to check messages just after getting home from work. She was pleasantly surprised to see TKL439 was logged into chat.

TKL439: Good evening.

HotPod1: Hello! How are you doing today?

TKL439: Great, was hoping to see you online.

HotPod1: Yeah!

TKL439: I want to ask you something and don't want you to get mad.

HotPod1: mmmm, I won't get mad, but if I decide not to give the answer you want, I hope you won't hold it against me ;).

TKL439: I really like the pictures you've been sending me, but, I was wondering if you could change them up a little.

HotPod1: What do you mean? You want me to wear different cloths or different poses.

After several minutes, a message finally popped up on Helen's computer screen.

TKL439: I want to see you without any cloths.

Taken aback, Helen wasn't sure how to respond.

HotPod1: I kind of thought this was where you were going. I'm not sure I am completely comfortable with the idea, though it's not like the outfit I've been wearing isn't getting more revealing.

TKL439: You don't seem upset! I'm glad, I really like you and want to see more of you, so to speak.

HotPod1: Let me think about it.

TKL439: 'K, no pressure.

They continued chatting for a while then Helen noticed what time it was.

HotPod1: I need to logoff, Rick will be home soon.

TKL439: He doesn't like you chatting with strange men online? Lol

HotPod1: lol, if he knew, he probably wouldn't.

TKL439: Really? You haven't told him?

Feeling her cheeks flush, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her.

HotPod1: It's not like that! He knows I've been chatting.

TKL439: But not with me?

HotPod1: No. Perhaps I will tell him, I do feel kind of bad that I haven't, but Iknowhe wouldn't like me sending you my pictures, especially nude ones.

TKL439: Does that mean you will send me some?


TKL439: I'm sorry, are you mad?

HotPod1: No, I'm not, it's just, I feel conflicted. The idea of doing something naughtyisthrilling, I just don't think I can.

HotPod1: Ooops, Rick is home, we'll talk later.

Helen and TKL439 continued chatting back and forth off and on for the next week or so. She felt at ease with their online relationship that she began sending nude photos of herself in various poses. Deep down, she knew she had crossed a line, but since they were probably separated by several states, she convinced herself there was no real harm.

Helen was midway through her eighth month and just did not feel like getting out of bed. Besides, she and Rick had a date night and were up quite late last night. Rick had left for work a couple of hours ago and TKL439 was probably waiting online for her.

Forcing herself up, she made her way to the computer turned it on and logged in. Before she was even able to position the chair correctly, an instant message popped up.

TKL439: You're late! ;(

HotPod1: Sorry, I just didn't want to get out of bed.Besides, Rick and I were up late last night

TKL439: Really?

HotPod1: Yes. We had a date night last night, where it was just the two of us.

TKL439: Hope y'all had a good time.

HotPod1: Yeah...mostly.

TKL439: Oh?

HotPod1: I shouldn't say anything but...

TKL439: What?

HotPod1: It's just that...he's just too damn nice. He won't just take me, he has to ask if I feel like it, if I'm in the mood, blah blah blah.

TKL439: That's bad?

HotPod1: No, it's just, I'd like for him just to take me like he would do before I got pregnant. No Mr. Nice guy. Only speak in monosyllabic orders and grunts.

TKL439: Have you told him how you feel?

HotPod1: Yes! Many times. He tries, but always reverts to the "nice guy". Sometimes I don't want to make love, I want to fuck, I want to be tied up, taken and slapped around and if I deserve it, spanked. Since I've been pregnant, I've made plenty of love, but I haven't had a good fuck.

TKL439: I see. Unfortunately, I really don't know what to say.

HotPod1: I just appreciate you listening and not telling me what you'd do if you were here. I do love my husband and won't go behind his back. That includes online.

TKL439: That's the furthest thing from my mind.

For some reason, seeing the last message increased the feeling growing exponentially in her loins. Reaching between her legs with one hand, and fondling her breast with the other, she imagined TKL439 was behind her attending to her needs. Bucking in her chair, it didn't take long for her to reach her climax. Loudly moaning she nearly kicked the chair backwards onto the floor.

When the starbursts disappeared from her eyes and she was able to focus on the screen again, she noticed she had missed a few messages.

TKL439: Hello?

TKL439: Is anyone out there? Helloooo?

HotPod1: Sorry, had to take care of something. I'm feeling a bit worn out, but I do appreciate you letting me vent. Because you've been so patient, I'll take some more pictures after I shower for you.

TKL439: How about pictures in the shower?

TKL439: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sent that!

HotPod1: No, no, I'll have to leave the curtain open, and water would get everywhere, but I want to.

TKL439: Good! I'd looooove to see that, then see you clean up the floor after.

Smiling and getting very horny, she couldn't wait to log off.

HotPod1: You'll get them in a little while. TTYL.

TKL439: You are driving mecrazy! I can't wait.

HotPod1: Mmmmm...I should ask what d'ya plan to do with those pics?

TKL439: mmm, admire them, of course.

HotPod1:of course.

As she typed her reply, she couldn't help but smile. Knowing she was affecting someone so strongly that she had never even met drove herwild. Another factor was that for the first time in her life, she was able to be a "bad" girl, and best of all, he only exists online so nothing will ever come of it.

They logged off shortly after, and Helen grabbed her camera set it up then entered the shower. She first set the camera up to take pictures, but none of them turned out the way she liked, so she tried video, which was somewhat better. After close to three hours, and another half an hour of cleaning the floor, she had enough footage for a good fifteen minutes.

Unfortunately, it was too late to edit it together and cut out the more explicit items because Rick would be home at any moment. But because he was so understanding during her bitch fest, she felt at ease sending him everything rather than just more discreet pics.


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