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Helping Out at Church

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Young married woman gets infatuated with the new Vicar.
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A couple of years after we were married, Alan and I moved to a house on the Newland Hall Estate near Worcester.

As part of the settling in process, we started going to the local church.

Neighbours and people that we knew went there and it was just a short walking distance from our house. It was a new building and shared between the Anglicans and the Methodists. We went just about every Sunday. Later on, when Alan lost interest, it was just me.

Anyway, to cut this story short, I will tell you that after 6 months or so, we got a new Methodist minister, a Dr. Jeremiah Hemmings.

We heard from news sent ahead of him that Dr. Hemmings had an ailing wife, and, obviously, without her help his task in Newland Hall would be that much greater. So, in order to help him, the senior ladies of the Church decided to form a special group to give him whatever assistance he would need to carry out his duties. At least, until his wife recovered or another Minister was allocated to the parish.

He introduced himself from the pulpit the next Sunday morning, as he took his first service. Afterwards, we all got to meet him as we lined up to greet him and say a few words. I had on my best short blue dress and even standing there with my husband, I felt myself go weak at the knees and blush, as our eyes met and locked for several seconds. Those piercing blue eyes made my tummy do somersault's. He squeezed my hand, as I struggled to even mumble my name. He smiled and said something else which I immediately forgot as I saw him glance down and take in my leggy display. Afterwards, I saw him look at me a couple of times from across the room. I wondered then: Did he think my dress inappropriate for a visit to Church?

After that first congregation with the new minister, it was quite a boost when the senior ladies of the church asked me to join them in their project. I was proud and flattered to be honoured in this way. I was the youngest in the new group by quite a margin. I think there were about 7 or 8 such ladies who had promised to give their time on the project.

We met him again on the next Sunday at church, when the ladies of the new group were introduced to him, individually, after the service. He was a very distinguished looking gentleman in his mid-fifties with a well-educated voice of authority. He was a well-qualified academic with a doctorate and could also be called Dr. Hemmings. As I met him again, I felt my heart flutter. I also stumbled on my words when I gushed my short little piece, offering to help in any way I could. I was positively in awe of the man and I think he could see that. But, I have to say, he had a charming way of easing past such embarrassments and made a point of repeating my name when he shook my hand. Even this slight contact with him got my heart beating fast.

At our first meeting of the ladies group, we were all sworn to contribute and play our part. It was pointed out that we all had different abilities and talents and it was from this pool that we would be able to effectively help the new Minister. Duties were allocated roughly in accordance with seniority and just about everything had gone, before it came to my turn. In the end, I got something quite insignificant. So much so, that I can't even remember what it was. I would have been quite down about it, but, for a confidential aside whispered to me by the oldest lady there, Mrs Harcourt-Smythe.

"Dr. Hemmings mentioned to me that he has a special task in mind for you, my dear. He's going to talk to you about it. After all, he did insist that you be added to our group"

That one little piece of information changed things round for me. Instead of being down at being overlooked and undervalued, here I was feeling special and important. "A special task for me," I mused, on the way home. I was on cloud nine.

It was about a week later that I got to talk to him on a one to one basis. He had left a message for me to meet him in the church rooms, the Monday after the Sunday service. I opened the door and walked inside calling his name. There was nobody there and it was very quiet.

Suddenly, he appeared and greeted me. I nearly swooned there and then, as nervously, I stumbled over my words again. What must he think of me? I thought. But, taking control, he took my hand and guided me through to what passed as his office. A room with a chair and desk and also a small informal area with two easy chairs and a small table in between. We sat down and after a minute or two of putting me at my ease with pleasantries, he began to tell me about his wife.

I got a potted history of her illness and their domestic arrangements, the gist of it being that Mrs Hemmings was a long term care patient at a special hospice and would probably be there for some time. He explained that he got to see her at least once a week, but, they had both decided his work was too important to give up and that he was soldiering on as best he could.

"I am taking you into my confidence now, Marion," he went on. "It's much more difficult here without by wife at my side. I am sure you realise how much your own husband needs and depends on you, so you will appreciate what I am saying."

I nodded, not really knowing where he was going with all this. But, I knew, if I listened carefully, he would get round to the special task he wanted me to do.

"When I met you," he went on, "I felt a certain connection between us. And it came to me that you could be a real help to me in a certain delicate area. There's a kindness and understanding in your eyes that gave me hope."

"Now, I am about to tell you something in absolute confidence which you must promise not to repeat, not even to your husband, Do I have your word?"

I gulped at the seriousness of his manner. I, out of all the women in the group, was to be entrusted with a secret. It made me feel slightly dizzy, but I managed to nod a yes.

"I know that you are an experienced married lady, but, young enough to be broad minded in the ways of the world. In other words, if I talk about sex you are not going to be offended, or be prudish and run out of the room."

"No, of course not," I said trying hard to look and sound like a woman of the world used to discussing the intricacies of sex. My green eyes were wide with attention.

"You see, Marion, the fact of the matter is that I have not had sexual relations with my wife for some time. And, I think it's making me ill, certainly my doctor thinks so."

"Oh," I managed to utter. What a shame, I thought.

"I mean any normal man deprived of such an important part of marriage is bound to suffer. Don't you agree? Anyway for me...it's having a bad effect."

"Well yes..." I stuttered. "I suppose it would be..."

"And for a man in my position...to start an affair...or to go out seeking a certain kind of company...is unacceptable. You can see that can't you, Marion?"

"Oh yes," I agreed readily, "that would be quite...erm..."

"So that brings me to you, Marion and the important task I have for you. Because, without your contribution, I feel I would struggle badly. The church and everything and everyone who depends on it would suffer."

He was watching me carefully now, trying to gauge my reactions, but my brain was just numb.

"Even Catholic priests have problems of this nature. You do understand that. It's widely known that certain ladies of the diocese provide...well services, for want of a better word...and apparently are honoured to do so...because, after all, it's all very well saying that priests can't take a wife, but that causes practical problems for a man. Do you see what I'm saying?"

I sat there like a rabbit caught in the headlights; my eyes open wide and, nodding, like a toy dog on the back windowsill of a car, knowing exactly what was coming, but, quite incapable of getting out of the way.

"So, Marion, I am asking you, in all good faith, as a Christian woman, to take on the sexual duties of my wife that she, because of her serious illness is sadly unable to perform. Take my word for it, you are the only one of the ladies group who I could make this request of. The others are...well, unsuitable. And my demands would not be great, not interfere with your normal sex life with your husband. Just a couple of times a month would suffice?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but, found no sound coming out. I was gobsmacked.

"I might tell you that my wife knows about what I am asking and it has her full approval."

I felt my head start to spin. I felt slightly dizzy.

"So what do you say, Marion? Would you be prepared to take on this task for the sake of the church and the wellbeing of my ministry here?"

It took a small glass of brandy to get me to say anything at all, and, when I did, it was to ask for more time to think about it.

I could see that he was disappointed, but, he wasn't about to give up. So he organised an impromptu prayer session right there and then, with a bible on the table and a hand on my head in blessing.

"Dear God, bless this woman, Marion and give her strength to make sacrifices in her life to help thy Minister and the Church of Newland Hall. Help her to make the right decision, knowing that there will be no sin at all in what she may agree to do..."

He walked me to the door, and then kissed my hand. "My fate is in your hands, dear lady," he told me. "Maybe we can talk again soon. Meanwhile, not a word about this to any other living soul, not even your husband. Do I have your word? Because, any hint of this would cause a terrible scandal."

I had to put my hand on the bible and promise. When it came to the legalities of the matter, the Reverend Jeremiah Hemmings didn't mess about.

All the way home, my mind was in a whirl and I could hardly sleep for thinking about it. I needed to confide in somebody about the position I was in, but, of course, I couldn't, not having sworn on the bible. In any case, I had a great deal of respect for Dr. Hemmings and the difficulties he was in. He had a very good and proper reason for making the request of me that he had. And, of course, he was asking me to do my duty as a devout Christian. Not that I was, a devout Christian, I mean. But, he didn't know that and neither did the other ladies of the group. Maybe, that was something that I could eventually aspire to despite sins I had committed in the past. And, agreeing to do what he asked might be a good start in that direction. Besides, I argued to myself, it couldn't be a sin or classed as cheating on my spouse if it was done for the benefit of the church and it's Minister. And, also, it might cancel out my previous sins.

Well, after mentally wrestling with thoughts such as these, I eventually came round to my decision. It took another 3 days of tormented thought, but, I was ready to give our spiritual leader the answer. I had rang ahead to say I wanted to see him and got an appointment in his office at 2.00 p.m. the same day.

It took me a long time to get ready for my meeting with him. I tried on and discarded a lot of clothes before I settled on what to wear. In the end, I selected a short summer dress, the shortest one I had. Why not show off my long shapely legs, I thought. Deep down, I suppose I didn't want him to change his mind about selecting me. At one stage, I was naked and examining myself in the full length mirror. Was I good enough for such an eminent and important man? Then, lying back on the floor, I spread my long legs to expose a perfect view of my vagina. Almost immediately, I felt it moisten and my nipples harden into little pebbles. That's when, daydreaming, I imagined HIS hands and mouth all over my naked body.

Feeling a thrill of sexual anticipation ripple through my body, I knew then that I would have to give myself to him. Give myself completely. I had finally made up my mind.

Getting up, I put on some make-up and brushed my auburn hair. Then I put on the dress and found some matching high heels. Now, I was ready to face him and let him know my decision.

He was busy writing when I entered the room and he kept me waiting briefly while he finished what he was doing. I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs as I waited. My throat was dry and my heart was beating hard in my chest. Then he looked up as though he was surprised to see me.

"Ahh, Marion, thank you for coming. Now I'm wondering if you have an answer for me on what we discussed last week."

"Yes, Reverend Hemmings I have", I said boldly. "I have decided to help you in the way that you wanted me to."

He leaned back in his chair and slowly looked me up and down. I'll never forget the look on his face. That sly smirk of lust and triumph.

It was what I had decided to say. I so wanted to make a good impression. I still had no idea what his needs would be or exactly what would be required of me. I mean I guessed that sex and fucking would be involved, that was fairly obvious, but, the exact nature of what he had in mind was not clear. I was a little nervous and apprehensive about that, but, nevertheless, I felt it was my Christian duty to help.

Also, another compelling factor was that I had the hots for Reverend Hemmings. He just beguiled me. That was right from our very first meeting when he shook my hand and I went red in the face and weak at the knees. He must have suspected, even then, that I would be a likely prospect for the carnal purposes that he had in mind. Every time our eyes met, I got a tingle running up and down my spine. The truth was that walking down to the Church in that sexy little dress, I couldn't wait to blurt out my acquiescence to whatever he had in mind.

He was clearly taken aback by the positive nature of my answer. But then his face lit up with pleasure. "Oh my dear, you have no idea how happy you have made me. You are a light at the end of the tunnel. You will not regret this I'm sure."

Despite it being just after two in the afternoon, he insisted on a toast to our future "special friendship" by pouring us each a small glass of wine.

"So Marion," he said, putting down his empty glass. "When is it that I can expect our new arrangement to begin?"

"Well...whenever you want, I suppose," I said meekly. I felt my face redden, knowing that I had just offered myself to him.

He looked at his watch. "Well I am so pleased and heartened with your decision I rather think I should like to begin at once, if that is alright with you?"

"Very well," I said.

"Splendid!" He boomed. "Then let us start with a very simple thing to get this rolling. Then we can make further arrangements for something more...satisfying."

He walked across the room and turned the key in the door. My eyes widened at the prospect of what would happen next. Clearly, he didn't want anyone to disturb us or see whatever he had in mind for me.

"I was just thinking," he went on "that I've not had the privilege of having a good look at your legs. I'm sure they are excellent, but, it would be nice to see more of them. My wife, poor thing, does not shine in that particular ...department."

"So...let's see, why don't you stand on that coffee table and pull your dress up for me. That's a good girl. Yes...just leave your high heels on."

It was a chance for me to please him, so I stood up straightaway and stepped up onto the low table. Then, I eased my cotton dress up my thighs, while he stared at me from not more than a few feet away.

"Higher, my dear," he growled, gesturing with his hand in a lifting motion. I obeyed him instantly and this took the hem of my dress past my stocking tops.

Still, he indicated higher and straightaway I pulled my skirt up to the waist, letting him see my best white lace panties and all my bare thighs past my stocking tops.

I clutched my skirt firmly, keeping it up to where he had wanted. This seemed to please him. I felt confident now, because, I knew I had a pretty face, a good body and a very nice pair of legs. I had never been very clever at school or achieved much academically, but, I was on my own territory now and knew I was an attractive young lady...

"Excellent," he purred, obviously very pleased. "Your legs are...well...just perfect."

Then, he got up and walked around so that he was directly behind me. "Bend over for me, Marion," he requested. So, immediately, I bent forward and pushed my bum up and out. I figured he wanted a good look at the shape of my bum, but, had been a little shy to say so. So, I wriggled it sexily in front of his face and giggled as I did so. That kind of broke the ice and he put his hands on my hips and dragged my dress up and over my bum.

"Oh, Marion, you're so delightful," he groaned softly, letting his hands roam over my panty clad bum and the tops of my thighs. "I'm going to enjoy you ever so much."

Then, disappointingly, he helped me stand down off the low table, just as I was getting in the mood for a more thorough exploration of my womanly assets.

However, at that moment, he bent his head down and kissed me on the lips. In doing so I felt his solid erection press up against me. I nearly swooned.

That was the start of it.

It wasn't long before our first assignation. He had access to rooms down beside the riverside and the following Tuesday afternoon I was to visit him there. I was keen to meet him again and got there in plenty of time, walking slowly down the path under the trees, conscious of the view of the Cathedral on the other side of the water. It was such a romantic setting. However, despite trying to be so adult about what I was about to do, I felt as nervous as a schoolgirl.

I had spent a lot of time getting ready; my make-up was perfect and I was wearing a flowery summer dress and sexy blue lace lingerie underneath that I had bought for that very visit. Two days ago, I had sat in the Church service and looked around at all the ladies present, I felt honoured and privileged that he had chosen me out of all the congregation. I thought it was quite an honour. So, I was in a happy mood, as I found the address he had given me and knocked on the door.

He was obviously pleased to see me and that made me feel even better.

There was a glass of white wine waiting for me, and, after a few pleasantries, he took me on a little tour of his new apartment. It was full of antique furniture and flowers. Very soon afterwards, he was sampling my new red lipstick, as we kissed in the kitchen. Gradually, the kisses got more passionate - French kissing I think they call it; open mouthed and sexy with tongues flicking against each other. That always got me going and that afternoon was no exception. I felt his hands go possessively to my bum as he pulled me into him. I could feel his erection press into me. I blushed, realising that we had got around to the question of sex already. That's when he indicated that we should go upstairs. Taking a deep breath, I moved towards the staircase.

He made me go up first and I was pretty sure he wanted to have a look up my short dress as I slowly climbed up to the landing.

As soon as we entered the bedroom, he had the zip down at the back of my dress. More kissing and disrobing followed until, before I knew it, I was fully stripped and naked for him next to his bed.

I caught my breath as his hands reached out and held me around my narrow waist.

"You have a marvellous figure, Marion," he complemented me as I stood there, "and one that I intend to enjoy to the utmost."

I giggled at this, not knowing quite what to say.

Anyway, it dispelled the rather intense atmosphere in the room and paved the way for the sexual frolicking that was to follow.

I stood there, posing as sexily as I could. Then he knelt in front of me staring for what seemed ages at my newly shaven vagina.

"Did you shave down there for me," he asked.

"Yes Sir," I confessed, blushing red again.

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