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Helping the Elderly Ch. 01


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He had to remember to be as un-sexual as possible. He knew this would not take long even with her inexperience. He hadn't had any sexual contact with a woman for at least five years. And never with a woman that could have been a model for Playboy, like Tracy.

Tracy began the slow stroke as per Mr. Goodson's directions. She looked at his face, then back at the water.

"Rub the top of it real hard, it needs more circulation." He continued. After about ten minutes of constant, steady stroking, Harry began to feel the start of an orgasm churning in his cock.

"Hold your hands still and let me slide my penis in them." Tracy obliged.

Tracy had one hand on top of the other forming a hole with her two hands as Harry's cock moved its length through the tight space she created. He looked over to see her luscious tits heaving and moving around as a result of his thrusts. Her back was arched and her ample ass stuck out.

"Grip it tighter!" He said as his rock-hard cock began fucking her hands as she tried to keep them stationary to allow his motion. He bucked his hips up through the water. Tracy's body moved with his thrusts. Her tits gyrated as she tried to get the old man to cum. He was fucking her through her hands and her body shook in sync with his thrusts.

Tracy thought "He is using my hands to stimulate his penis! It looks like he is getting very worked up!" Her eyes were fixed on the gigantic cock that worked its way through the soapy water as it slid through her hands. This was not like anything she had ever done before. Touching her husband, Jim, was never like this. This was an exhilarating feeling, it was exciting. She liked helping Mr. Goodson with his medical problems. She was so glad she signed up at the Center! As he continued, she thought she saw his pee-hole open up even wider than it already was and then a loud yell emanated from Mr. Goodson:

"God damn fuck, girl!"

Tracy looked down at the penis and saw a huge, thick stream of thick, white fluid shoot up and away from the giant beast of a penis. He pushed his cock into her hands and she instinctively tightened her grip and pushed down as he pushed up. He squirted three more similar streams before he collapsed back into the water. Water had splashed over the tub and his cries echoed loudly through the bathroom. Tracy tried to keep jerking, but the water was moving in waves over the tub and getting close to Mr. Goodson's face. She was in shock. She wasn't quite sure what had just happened, but she knew one thing, she liked it. Something stirred within her that she had never felt before, and she liked it.

"Damn, girl! I have never had an orgasm like that in my life! How did that happen? I don't have orgasms anymore, remember?"

Harry played up her role in this accomplishment knowing she would consider it a compliment, a reward for her altruism and efforts in helping a "feeble" old black man with a circulation problem.

Tracy was beyond excited.

"Oh, Mr. Goodson! I can't believe it! What an accomplishment! You ejaculated!"

"Yes, indeed I did, little lady. You have temporarily made my condition much, much better. I know my old, withered body will feel a lot of relief because of your hard work. I can't believe I ca...ejaculated. You are an excellent therapist!"

Tracy beamed as she pulled her now dry blouse on over her breasts. Harry sighed as they disappeared under the material.

"Well, Mr. Goodson, I would say that our first session was a success, wouldn't you?" Tracy was getting ready to leave. She wanted to tell her husband Jim all about how she helped this old black man today.

"It definitely was. You have magic hands and a real understanding of how to get my circulation going. When is our next visit?" He asked with a more serious look on his face.

"I am scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 to around 12:00. So, I guess I will see you Thursday?" Tracy said as she looked at her cell phone.

"Yes, that should be okay." He purposely looked dejected, hopefully she will leave his home with the impression that he still needs lots of help.

"Oh, poor dear!" She reached out and rubbed his shoulder and tilted her head to one side.

"Try to hold on until Thursday. I will be here at 10:00 sharp."

With that she gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

Harry was beside himself with sexual passion for Tracy. As soon as she left he went online, found some interracial porn and masturbated.

Tracy drove the several miles home deep in thought about the nature of her visit with Mr. Goodson. She came to the conclusion that he was really in a difficult physical situation without her help. Who else cared enough to help him with his condition? The man was old and who knows how many years, or even months he has before he passes away? Her sense of duty was elevated considerably by the fact that what she did, what she touched, what she saw today excited her to the very core of her being. What caused her to misinterpret her feelings was the age and physical appearance of the man. The fact that Mr. Goodson was as old as he was helped her bury the sexual nature of her "therapy" and proceed as if it really was a medical condition that she was assisting him with. Deep down, much of her excitement had to do with having regular access to a giant, black penis. A lust was developing within her. A lust she never even knew she had.

By the time she arrived home, she had decided not to tell her husband anything other than they talked and he was a nice, old fellow.

That night, after cleaning the dishes from diner. Tracy and her husband went for a swim in their pool.

"Hey, Honey? Let's skinny dip!" Jim suggested, grinning like a school boy.

"Jimmy!" What has gotten into you? We've never done that before!" She squeaked back.

Tracy was in the pool while Jim was on the deck. With a sexy look on his face, he slowly walked over and pulled his swim suit down and tossed it on the lounge chair. He stood above her pushing his penis out toward her, with his hands on his hips. "What do you think about this?" He said, referring to his erect penis.

She began to laugh. Small giggles at first, then louder, full chuckles.

"What?!" Jim protested.

"Nothing, Honey." Tracy was staring up at a penis that was about the size of an index finger in length when fully erect. She had never thought much about his size before, except now, after spending about a half hour stroking Mr. Goodson's monster today, she realized that her husband had the penis of a small boy. Of course she couldn't tell him that. Ever.

She took off her suit and swam away from him. The two chased each other under and above the water and finally, she let Jim catch her.

"Now you are mine!" He chided.

"Oh no! What now?" She played along.

Then, for the first time in months Tracy's husband made love to her. Straddling him in the pool, she was unable to have an orgasm by the time he came. She would have to masturbate later if she wanted to cum.

What puzzled her was that she was thinking about stroking that marvelous black penis she had in her hands earlier that day. It was the first time she had ever fantasized about someone other than her husband, and she found herself doing it throughout the evening. She quickly put the thought out of her mind as she prepared herself for bed.

That night as Tracy, the good Samaritan was preparing to sleep, she thought about poor Mr. Goodson and his dreadful condition. "I wonder how I can better help him?" She pondered. "Maybe I should buy some special therapeutic oils and a massage table. Where would I go to get a massage table?" There was much she needed to do before her next visit on Thursday.

The next day, Tracy stopped by a day spa after a trip to the grocery store and picked up some massage oils to help Mr. Goodson's circulation. She asked about a massage table and discovered they were not as easy to come by as she once thought. She ordered a portable one for $200.00 that would arrive in five business days.

That night, Tracy and Jim discussed her volunteer work.

"How did it go yesterday? Do you like the work?" Jim was cutting into his steak and looked to Tracy for an answer.

"It's a wonderful experience, Jim! I feel so good about myself and I feel much better about how I use my time. I am actually needed! The poor old soul has no one in his life. I hope neither of us end up alone like he is."

Her beautiful blue eyes were wide with enthusiasm for her new found purpose. She described her visit with Mr. Goodson, where he lived, what his home was like, general information. She left out the treatment in the bathtub.

"Sounds great, Honey! I am glad you have something to do to get you out of your head during the day." Jim went back to his steak and Tracy began to prepare dessert. That night, she found herself thinking about Mr. Goodson and how he was feeling. She started to lay out her clothes for her visit.

She picked out a light blue cotton skirt that was a little shorter than the one she wore previously, a yellow, short sleeved blouse and a pretty push-up style bra. She spent more time on her bra selection probably because she found herself wearing her bra in front of Mr. Goodson on Tuesday. If an accident like that happened again, she wanted to look pretty.

Thursday morning. Tracy jumped out of bed and saw her husband off to work. She took a long shower and dressed in the clothes she set out the night before.

Her skirt was shorter than she remembered. It was too sexy for her to wear out, but for some reason thought it would be okay for her visit with Mr. Goodson. Her yellow blouse hugged her big breasts and even revealed the cleavage created by her hidden push up bra. She looked at herself from several angles and decided she looked good.

She grabbed the massage oil she purchased the day before and left for her visit. She was giddy and carefree. It surprised her how much she had been looking forward to this. Tracy barely took her finger off the bell when Mr. Goodson opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Well lookie here! If it ain't my favorite therapist! Come on in girl!"

"Hello, Mr. Goodson!" She stepped up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Oooh wee! You look mighty pretty today, little lady!" He ogled her voluptuous frame and rubbed her back as he escorted her into the living room.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Goodson? Are you needing treatment again?" Tracy was hoping he would say yes. She really liked helping him with his circulation.

"As a matter of fact, I feel awful. My legs are cramped and my uh, my...testicles are swollen and need attention." Harry sat down on his couch and looked up to see if this dumb blonde still bought the story he was selling.

"Then I am so glad that I am here! We should get started right away. Should I draw a bath again?"

"No, no, not today. I already took a bath earlier and I don't think it was the best place for the massage. How about on the floor with a bedsheet spread out?" He offered.

"I think that's a great idea!" Tracy pushed the coffee table out of the way and cleared out a wide area for the therapy to take place.

She found a white sheet in a linen closet and spread it out smooth across the carpeted floor. Harry sat slumped on the couch and pretended to be in pain. Tracy took him by the arm and guided him to the center of the sheet. She had a couple of towels folded for him to rest his head on. He laid down on his back.

"Now, where exactly are you feeling pain?" Tracy asked.

Harry pointed to his thighs, calves, testicles, and penis.

"Mr. Goodson, I really think you need to get out of those clothes and wrap this towel around you so I can get at those problem areas."

Tracy had her hands on her hips and looked so sexy, Harry wanted to fuck her right then and there.

"Alright, I'll go change." Harry limped into his bedroom on the other side of the house and came out a few minutes later with a towel around his waist. Tracy noticed the foot-long pipe that caused a ridge in the towel between his legs. She felt something stir within her. A tingle of excitement that had nothing to do with helping this old man's circulation. His saggy chest and beer belly only made the black man look all the more pathetic. She tilted her head and pouted.

"Aw, Mr. Goodson, you look like you're in pain." She offered.

"I am, Missy, I am."

He returned to the center of the sheet and lied down. Tracy got the bottles of massage oil out and explained each.

"This one is lavender and lime. She held the bottle to his nose. Then this one is cucumber and dill. And this one is a heating oil meant to warm the skin." She explained.

"You're making me hungry!" He smiled. "Let's go with the one you like most." He suggested.

She was about to open the oil when Harry warned her:

"Aren't you going to get that nice blouse and skirt dirty and oily? Shouldn't you take them off?"

Tracy looked down at her outfit. "I hadn't even thought about that. I guess you're right. Oh well, it's not like you haven't seen me in my underwear before!" She laughed.

"Oh it don't matter to me. Seen one, seen 'em all." Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Harry knew her body was a rare gem. A perfect combination of curves and soft, white flesh. Utterly irresistible.

Tracy stood up and carefully removed her blouse. Her arms pulled the shirt up over her tits revealing the massive, soft cleavage created by her white and yellow striped push up bra. Harry had lust in his eyes and was almost completely hard under his towel, which had now become a tent.

She slipped out of her skirt and revealed high-cut panties that showed off a lot of ass cheek. She carefully folded her clothing and placed it on the coffee table.

"Glad you caught that! I would have ruined that nice blouse!" She then squatted down next to him, sitting at his waist toward his face. "Let's see what we have here."

Tracy looked at the towel sticking almost straight up in the air. She had butterflies in her stomach. She was excited and wanted to start.

Taking the oil out, she poured some on her hand and backed herself up to work on his feet. She rubbed the oil on his broken-down, wrinkled feet and began working her way up his legs. She had to slow herself down and reminded herself not to rush the legs.

What she really wanted was to massage his giant, black, snake of a penis again. It really needed her special healing touch. Even while she was massaging his legs, her eyes were trained upon his crotch.

After about ten minutes of rubbing and oiling up his legs, Tracy was finally at his groin. She oiled her hands up again and slowly reached under the towel and felt for his testicles.

"Be gentle now." He reminded her. "And roll each one in your hands and spend some time with them."

Tracy followed his orders. Her hands found his stretched-out scrotum. She felt the strange skin and realized that she had never touched a scrotum like she was now doing. She had brushed up against Jim's but never purposely felt it.

Harry's testicles were huge. The size of golf balls. She had to massage one at a time. They were oval shaped and heavier than she was expecting. She rolled them around and pulled on them through the skin. She moved each one back-and-forth in her hands.

"That's enough of my balls...er, testicles. My penis is killing me. I need it rubbed too. Don't try to make me ejaculate though. The last time was a fluke." Harry once again offered his fake warning, in hopes she met it as a challenge.

Tracy thought "well, we will have to see about that, won't we?" And vowed to herself to try. As she sat up, her breasts heaved under her bra. Her patient lay partially under a towel and she poured still more oil onto her hands.

"How are we doing under here?" She reached over and removed the towel. Mr. Goodson was now completely naked and for the first time, Tracy looked upon the 12.5" monster that Harry so blatantly displayed in front of her. She lost her breath. Her mouth was watering for some reason.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She looked at the thick, black, long penis as if it were a god. She found it difficult to remain focused on the "treatment."

"Umm...It's so hard, Mr. Goodson, how does it feel?"

"It feels sore and it has been getting erect more frequently since you made it ejaculate. The doctor says that's good and that I should try to get it hard at least once every day."

Harry was breaking out into a cold sweat. The blonde angel was sitting on her knees right next to him in her underwear and a very sexy bra with her enormous tits spilling out, about to jack him off. He couldn't believe his luck.

"Would you like me to start massaging it now?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, please. Stroke it from the top all the way to the base. Make sure you get it good and coated with oil."

Tracy poured oil both on her hands and on his cock. The slick massage oil slowly dripped down the full length of his cock as it was held steady by Harry's hands.

She looked at the cock with child-like enthusiasm. Like a little girl who just received a puppy for Christmas. She was in heaven. She started a two-hand stroke at a very slow pace. Starting from the top all the way down to the base of the shaft and back up again. It took her considerable time when compared to stroking her husband. She could only use one hand on her husband anyway, and that covered his penis completely. This was a completely different experience.

"Are you feeling relief, Mr. Goodson?" Her high pitched voice increased his already steel-like hardness.

"Yes, my darling. A little faster, please." She was moving her whole body as she stroked him up and down. Her tits looked amazing as they somehow stayed in that fucking sexy bra even as she pumped his dick so vigorously.

Tracy increased her speed and found that she was getting tired pretty quickly. She was determined to have him ejaculate again. She knew that this is what the doctor ordered.

Her hands kept the increased pace and she began to sweat. After about ten minutes of constant stroking, she stopped her current method and began to use one hand on his penis and one massaging his testicles.

She looked at his face and wondered what else she could do to help him feel better. "That poor old black man. I wish there was something else I could do!"

As she was bent over examining his testicles, she felt a stiffening in his very hard member. She returned to her two-handed method and he began to breathe harder.

"That's it, pretty girl...pump me hard now...hard!" He commanded.

Tracy was going as fast as she could along the thick shaft. She noticed his body began to become very tense and then...a loud shout, "Damn!" followed by an explosion of semen erupting from the tall, black rod. Tracy watched it as it shot up about a foot into the air and landed on her arm. She continued to stroke. The next shot landed on her hand and the rest on the sheet in a small puddle.

"Oh, wow! Oh, Mr. Goodson! Twice in one week! Boy, your doctor is going to be happy about that!" She cooed. She continued stroking his cock.

"Oh that's the way to do it, girl. You are all kinds of helpful to this old man."

Harry was, once again totally spent from the orgasm this hot, white wife just gave to him. He had never come so hard from a hand job. His next project was to work on progressing the activity into her mouth and pussy...possibly, one day her ass. But he was satisfied with hand jobs for now.

She was still holding his dick. He smiled. Confident that he would one day have his way with her.

"Tracy, I need to talk to you about something." He was wiping the semen off of his penis and stomach. It's about Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"Oh no! Are these days no good for you?" She stopped cleaning herself off and gave the old man her attention.


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