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Henry's Mom

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Home from college Henry discovers his mother's love.
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Rebecca Crane was truly the girl next door. She was pretty, very friendly, and active in the community. In high school she had been a cheerleader, popular and a fairly good student. Her college years were much the same except that as a freshman she met the man who would be her husband. She had been so head over heels about him that she agreed to get married at the beginning of their sophomore year. Her unfortunate naiveté about sex led her to becoming pregnant not long after their marriage. Her husband, Barry Ingalls, swore that he'd always take care of her, which he did, until he was midway through an MBA program a number of years later. Unbeknownst to Becky, he'd started an affair with a classmate who he also got pregnant. Barry attempted to lead the double life but failed miserably. His girlfriend, Audrey, was a jealous woman and in a fit of anger called Becky and informed her what was going on. Worse, he had gotten Audrey pregnant around the same time she had gotten pregnant. Becky had wondered why they were also so short of money and now she knew.

Becky was crushed. She had wanted to go to law school but had given that up to support the family when Barry got into his MBA program. When Barry came home that evening Becky had found the courage to confront him. His promises to change and his claim that he loved her still were not enough. Becky had become so enraged at Barry that he fled the house out of fear before she could throw him out.

A month later Becky moved home with her parents so that she would have a support system to help her raise her son Henry who was then 4 years old. She had put her whole being into her marriage so Barry's infidelity had crushed her and after a lot of tears and questioning herself over what she'd done wrong she came to the decision that Barry had been little more than a manipulative and selfish jerk. But it also made her mistrustful of all men and although she was asked out on dates over the next few years she always turned down the offers. She told them all, truthfully, that she needed to focus her attentions on her son to see that he was brought up properly. And that is exactly what she did, and extremely well too.

Fortunately for Becky she had majored in economics in college and maintained a very good GPA. Barry had tried to talk her out of working but she had persisted and was grateful she had after her divorce. She had slowly risen through the ranks of a Fortune 500 company and 12 years after her divorce had become a vice-president. Henry had applied to, and gotten into, Yale. He had also applied and gotten into Harvard which Becky preferred as it would have kept him close to home so she was disappointed by his decision but proud of her son's accomplishments.

Now only 37-years-old, Becky was finding out what the phrase "empty nest" meant. She had so devoted herself to her son that his departure left a huge void in her life. Having no social life, and now no son to attend to, she simply put all her energies into her work. Henry had come home for Thanksgiving but quickly returned to Yale on Saturday claiming he feared getting behind in his studies. Again she was torn between disappointment and pride as he left early.

Henry next returned home about a week before Christmas. This time he'd be at home until mid-January and Becky was thrilled. She'd missed Henry greatly. He had always been such good company in the evenings when she got home from work. They always talked about their days and Becky discovered with his absence that Henry had always provided a good sounding board when she was troubled which, even though that happened infrequently, she had discovered with his being gone, had been something she'd come to rely upon.

His first night home Becky had wanted to catch up but Henry claimed he was especially tired and had gone to bed early. Because of that Becky had called into work and said she would not be in the next day, a Thursday. She wanted to give all her attentions to her son.

Thursday morning Henry had awakened to the smell of bacon cooking. He couldn't help but smile at this surprise as he had not known his mother would be home. He showered quickly and hurried down to the kitchen.

"Surprise!" Becky greeted him.

"Thank you mom!" Henry said and hugged his mother. "You are the best mom ever!" This phrase had been something Henry had repeated over and over since he was a small boy. It was also a phrase Becky never got tired of hearing.

They ate their breakfast and caught up while sitting at the kitchen's island. A 15-minute breakfast quickly turned into a 2 hour discussion of everything that had gone on while he was away. Finally Becky said, "Sweetheart, I think I'll take tomorrow off and make it a really long weekend. I've missed you so much."

"That'd be great mom! What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know but I have really missed spending time with you."

They went to lunch then went to Barnes & Noble where they puttered around for a couple of hours. They talked about Christmas presents and Christmas parties and everywhere they'd have to go and everyone they'd have to see. While sitting at the Starbucks café in the Barnes & Noble, Becky felt truly happy just listening to her son talk about his classes and various professors.

"So have you met anybody special?"

"No mom, I really don't have time. I mean, it's Yale. It's not like high school."

"I know. I know. I was just hoping. There must be some pretty girls in your classes."

"There are."

"Anyone you might like?"

"Yeah but like I said, who has the time?"

"Henry, make time! You have to have a social life." Then she said something she immediately regretted. "God knows I don't."

Henry look quizzically at his mother, not knowing how to respond.

"Oh Henry I'm sorry. I shouldn't be whining to you about my life. After all, I do have it pretty good, great job, fabulous son."

"Mom, don't you think it's time you got out too? I mean, you are still a beautiful woman. There must be tons of men who want to go out with you."

"I suppose but no one has asked recently." Becky felt extremely uncomfortable with the direction the conversation had gone and quickly changed it. She thought she had put that behind her when Henry asked her a question which shocked her.

"Mom, do you know where dad is?" After the divorce Barry had refused to do anything more for his first family than to keep up with child support payments. He had never attended any of Henry's birthday parties, graduations, or anything else. He had for all intents abandoned his family save for the monthly check. Becky had been so angry with Barry that she never told Henry that his father had remarried and that Henry had a sister somewhere. She did not know the girl's name nor did she want to. As far as she was concerned that part of her life no longer existed.

"I do. Why do you ask?"

"I just thought maybe it was time I met him."

"Why?" Becky found herself becoming annoyed with Henry's questions. She quickly chastised herself and reminded herself that her resentments should not be visited upon her son.

"I don't know. Don't you think I should know who my father is?"

"I guess but can't we talk about this another time. It's too much of a downer right now and we've been having such a good time."

"Okay mom." And that was the end of it. Becky prayed Henry would forget about it all as it was not something she cared to confront just then.


When Friday morning rolled around Becky repeated Thursday morning by cooking breakfast. But as happens in New England the forecast of a couple of inches of snow had turned into six early Friday morning with reports of an additional foot coming.

"Doesn't look like we're going anywhere today, "Becky announced as Henry entered the Kitchen. "Forecast is for another foot of snow today."

"That's okay. I didn't have anything planned anyway."

When breakfast was finished Henry excused himself saying he needed to work on a report due in one of his classes which required considerable writing and editing. He reappeared briefly for lunch before absenting himself again to his room. Becky called him for supper and he said he'd be right down as soon as he finished the paragraph he was working on. Becky found herself thinking that it must have been one long paragraph as he did not appear until an hour and a half later. She warmed up his dinner and retreated to the living room where she started a fire in the fireplace. There was something about a fire on a snowy evening that really appealed to her. After the fire was started she got herself a glass of sherry and lay down on a blanket in front of the fire soaking in its soothing heat.

"Whatcha doin' mom?" Henry asked playfully as he entered the room.

"Just enjoying the fire. Here, come sit next to me." She patted the blanket.

"Can I have a little wine too?" She had always permitted Henry a taste of wine since he was a boy. He'd taken just a sip from her wine glass in those days.

"Sure, pour yourself a glass."

Once he'd poured the wine, Henry turned off the lights and sat next to his mother. He too had always enjoyed the fireplace. "Why'd you turn off the lights?" She asked.

"I just like it better this way." He'd always found comfort in the room dimly lit by the light of the fireplace and its warmth embracing him.

"Me too."

After several minutes of silence Becky noticed that Henry was staring at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Henry's first thought was to deny what his mother had said but then changed his mind. "I was just thinking of how some guy is really missing out. When I get a girlfriend I want her to be just like you."

Becky blushed. "Oh come one Henry, not this again!" She tried to stem the conversation by sounding perturbed. It didn't work.

"Come on mom. You know you're beautiful. Cheerleaders always are and you were one in both high school and college! What guy wouldn't want to be with you?"

Becky thought to herself, "Your father obviously." But said nothing. She had to admit that she did like her son's attention. Then she thought she could end the conversation by simply agreeing with him. "You're sweet. Come, give mom a hug."

Becky held her arms out and Henry lay down so he could hug her. What Becky had intended to be brief turned into something more. She could feel her natural love for her son and her desire to hold onto him forever although that had always been a figurative thought but now felt literal. For his part not only did Henry not seem to want the hug to end, she soon felt his hand gently massaging her back. Then she was horrified by finding it appealing. Her mind raced, what to do?



"This feels good."

"Yes it does, doesn't it."

Finally Becky rationalized that the hug was innocent, nothing to concern herself with. Why not enjoy it. But after a short while longer she felt something which alarmed her. It was something she had not felt in a very long time but which was unmistakable. Henry had become aroused and she felt him pressing into her. She thought that too could be innocent but just to be safe she decided it was time to do something about it.

"Henry, we need to stop."

"Why mom?" She felt trapped by his question. How could she answer him without giving away what she had discovered? How could she keep from embarrassing herself and him too? She didn't know what to do so she decided to be honest.

"Henry, I can feel you against me."

"Well of course you can."

"Know, I mean-," then she nudged her leg into his penis.

Then it was time for Henry to blush, "Oh mom, I'm so sorry." He stumbled over those words and a bunch more before Becky decided to intervene.

"Don't worry about. It's all right." Henry said nothing. "Did you realize you had become . . ." she looked for the right words.



"Not at first but then when I noticed it seemed too late and I was afraid to move."

"Don't worry about it Henry, it's nothing."

"Mom, is there something wrong with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Because, um, I got that way with you."

Becky had no idea of how to answer him and then said, "No, I don't think so. Men are supposed to become aroused by the feel of a woman's body, especially her breasts." She immediately hated the last thing she said.

"Yeah, you sure have those!" He said sarcastically.

There was a moment of silence and then they both laughed. Becky had a small frame which supported very full C cup breasts. Her small frame made them seem larger than they actually were. It had never occurred to her that her own son would notice but then she realized that he had eyes so of course they were hard to miss.

In the moment Becky sat up and shook her breasts playfully, "Yes, I do indeed!" And with that Becky excused herself saying she needed to go to bed, that the wine was going to her head.


The next morning started as the previous two had. Only this time Henry showed up in his bathrobe not having taken a shower yet. Becky too was in her robe. When she went to pour him some coffee she noticed him staring at the small gap the bathrobe had made which revealed the slightest amount of her breast. She quickly stood up but said nothing.

That evening while Henry was in his room working on his paper Becky decided to treat herself to a long hot bath. She was luxuriating in its warmth when suddenly the bathroom door burst open and Henry came in.

"Oh shit mom! I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were in here."

Becky had quickly put her hands over her breasts to cover them but then realized he could also see through the water to the nexus of her gender. She quickly moved a hand down between her legs and desperately tried to cover her breasts with her arm. Henry stood transfixed. She could see, and was somewhat happy about this, that his stare had not moved away from her breasts.

"Aw screw it!" She said finally and pulled her arm away from her chest. "It's not like you've never seen them before."

"I haven't!" Henry protested.

"You saw the plenty of times when you were young. Don't you remember?"


"Well you did. Anyway, hand me a towel. I need to get out." She hoped, and prayed, her nonchalant manner towards her own nudity would put an end to things. But Henry did but he did not retreat from the bathroom. As Becky stood, for some reason she could not understand, she did not try to cover herself. She didn't even ask Henry to leave as she toweled herself dry. And when she was about to ask him to leave when she noticed his erection. "Oh Henry," she sighed.


"That you were aroused by me once was innocent enough but this. I just don't know what to say."

Henry started to retreat and as he did he said, "I'm really sorry mom. I know it's wrong. I'll see if I can find a therapist."

Although she was pleased by his reaction Becky found herself saying, "It's okay honey. You don't need to see a therapist."

"Sure I do. It's wrong!"

"It is in once sense but it's also normal."

"I don't understand."

"Such things have been widely reported throughout history. Hell, the Greeks wrote about it! Surely you've read Oedipus."

"No, but I know the story."

"So it's actually a very natural thing." She saw Henry look down at his feet, his discomfort suddenly very obvious. "What?"

"So imagining having sex with your mother is normal?"

"Have you had those thoughts?"


Becky didn't know how to respond but she reflexively wanted to comfort her son. She momentarily forgot herself and took her son into her arms to comfort him. "It's okay."

They hugged a moment too long because in that moment Henry had raised his hand and gently clutched her breast. Becky froze. Her instinct was to swat his hand away. But she denied her instinct and allowed his dalliance if it would comfort him. Becky quickly regretted her decision as she suddenly heard Henry moan. He just as quickly pushed away from her. Then she noticed his dilemma. There was a large wet spot on the front of his pants. All she could think was, "aw shit, what now?"

When Henry realized his mother knew what had just happened he said, "Oh mom, I'm so sorry! I couldn't help myself." Then she saw him well up with emotion, near tears. Again she took him in her arms and told him it was all right. She took him by the hand and led him to her bedroom. The whole time she had remained entirely naked except that she had become almost unaware of it. Her mind was almost entirely concerned with her son's feelings.

She had taken him to the bedroom so she could talk to him and get him to calm down. She wanted to put an end to everything by talking it out rationally and finding good reason for its happening. And she intended to do all that but when they got to the bedroom and had sat down on the side of the bed Henry had wrapped his arms around her again. He apologized for touching her breast but coupled it with telling her how much he loved her and how she was the best and most beautiful mother in the world. Henry's words had always meant a great deal to Becky and this time was no exception. To the contrary, she found herself loving him all the more. But that is also where she got herself into trouble. Her love for him was turning into desire for him as well. She knew she could ward off those thoughts except that Henry once again put a hand on her breast only this time he was gently squeezing it. She had just summoned up the strength to push his hand away when she felt his hot breath on her neck which was quickly followed by a light kiss. An electric shock streaked through her body and she felt suddenly limp and incapable of stopping her own lurid desires.

She pushed Henry away and saw the surprise in his eyes with some fear behind them. This froze her.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, it's just that," he paused, searching for the words.

"What? It's all right Henry, you can tell me anything. Don't be afraid."

"Well," Henry paused and Becky could see his struggle, "it's just, um, I've ah, had these fantasies."

When Henry didn't continue Becky prodded him gently by saying, "I have fantasies too. They are entirely normal."

"Yeah, but your fantasies don't involve having sex with your own mother."

Becky was truly surprised by his revelation but said nothing. She smiled and put her hands to his belt buckle and started removing his pants. Henry lay back. He could not believe what was happening but he knew he did not want it to stop.

Becky now saw her son as a lover. Strangely she had never seen any man in this light, not even Barry. But she had read the occasional trashy novel so she had some ideas of how it should be done. She could feel her intense, if now misguided, love for her son. She wanted him to be happy and if this made him happy, so be it.

When she pulled down his underwear and his penis came into view, Becky looked at it as if it were the first one she had ever seen. She reached out and touched it and caressed it with wonderment. He was of average size, or so she assumed, as he was about the same size as his father. Becky had become so mesmerized by his cock that she ceased undressing him. She gently stroked him for a short time before leaning over and taking his cock into her mouth. She tasted the saltiness of his precum and it brought back memories of better times. She could hear her son's breathing pick up and soft moans escape his lips. She was making him happy and was thrilled. Then she decided to do what she had promised herself only moments before she would not do. She got up, straddled her son and guided his cock into her wet and wanting pussy. She was amazed by intellectually recognizing how wrong the act was and how emotionally exhilarating it felt. She had allowed her desires to get the best of her and she simply did not care.

For 18 years the only sex Becky had enjoyed was with her hand or a vibrator she had purchased. When her own son's cock entered her pussy she lost herself in a sensation she had long forgotten. She recognized that a real cock in her pussy felt entirely different from any other sort of manipulation. It felt so good that she very slowly lowered and raised herself on his cock desiring to enjoy it as much as she possibly could. Lost was the idea that this incestuous act was wrong. All she could feel was the absolute pleasure of his cock filling her and hearing him moan beneath her. She felt a sense of power like none other humans experience. She felt desirable once again even if it was by her son. She wanted to hold onto the moment forever but then she heard him suddenly say, "Oh my god!" and that was quickly followed by his shooting his sperm deep into her womb. She surprised herself but suddenly and unexpectedly began climaxing herself, an orgasm that she felt certain like none she had ever experienced. And as he spurt up into her, she quickly pushed her pussy up and down on his cock as fast as she could hoping against hope that it could go on for a very long time.


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