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Her Ghosts Pt. 03

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Chloe's dream & release. Cynthia takes John's place?
5.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/10/2018
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Chapter 5

I was still sitting in Starbucks an hour later when I saw Pat and Cynthia passing by the window I was seated by, enjoying the sunshine coming through. I recalled what Pat told me Cynthia said, 'See you two after the session'. I thought no way they know I'm here.

Cynthia stopped short, turned to her mother and signed. It looked like Pat said no. Cynthia put her hands to gather in a begging manner and Pat said no again. Cynthia begged again like a child bending slightly with her hands under her chin. I could tell Pat wasn't real happy, but conceded. Cynthia clapped her hands and they came in the coffee shop.

I didn't turn to acknowledge them, but I could see their reflection in a mirror on the wall. Pat spoke to Cynthia about what she wanted and turned to place the order. I watched Cynthia turn and I thought seeking out a place to sit so it seemed, but how would a blind person know where.

Her mother finished and turned also. Cynthia signed and Pat spoke back to her, but I couldn't hear what was said.

Cynthia extended her cane and headed towards me and the window. It appeared she was almost leading her mother.

There was a open table right behind me, when they reached it Cynthia took her cane and tapped my chair. I ignored it, so she tapped harder to get my attention. I turned to face them. It was like she knew I was there. 'Strong, is the Force, in this young Jedi' I mused my thoughts.

"Oh, Hi Cynthia, Pat. What a pleasant surprise." I said beaming a smile trying to act surprised.

"Well fancy meeting you here, Ms. Anderson." Pat said.

"Chloe, please, we're friends. Please come sit with me if you wish." I offered.

Cynthia found a seat across from me, rather quickly and Pat sat in between us. It amazed me the perception Cynthia has of her surroundings.

"I have to freshen up Cynthia dear, need to join me?" Pat asked.

Cynthia shook her head while rummaging in her over sized purse, more like a satchel pulling out what looked like a laptop. I was a bit shocked to say the least.

The barista brought their lattes to the table as Cynthia fired up her laptop. It beeped and Cynthia sighed, she had planned something I could tell. I was trying to figure out how she was going to use a laptop being blind.

"Is she blind?" The young man whispered to me, questioning the laptop he was seeing.

I started to answer, but Cynthia tapped the table and nodded her head yes. Then touched her eyes and gave a broke signal, then her mouth. She touched her ears and gave him a, okay, sign.

I told the young man, Jason, we quickly found out, I think the battery was down in her device.

"I can fix that, you have a charger with you pretty lady." Jason said cheerily laying the flirtation on thick. I giggled, but I think Cynthia swooned. She is quite pretty, with the right attire, a head turner for sure.

She collected her self and rummaged for the charger and handed it to Jason. He promptly went to her side and knelt down to a outlet along side Cynthia. She leaned to him and took a good smell. I had to smile, she was smitten by him. He smiled when he rose and asked where the port was to plug it in the device.

"Okay where is your port and I will insert this for you..." Jason innocently spoke, waiting for a name. I quickly said, 'Cynthia', and he repeated it.

I truly thought Cynthia was going to point some where indecent because she smirked. Knowing what little I knew of her I chuckled. Jason just glanced at me with a twinkle in his eye. She blushed and spun the laptop around and pointed to the port and he inserted it in the laptop.

As he was doing this I took quick stock of him. Nice looking young maybe about the same age as Cynthia. He was slim, like you would expect in a athletic runner. Blondish hair and hazel eyes. He was well shouldered but not what you say real broad. He had the well defined body triangle though.

"There ya go lovely ladies. Anything else I can do for you?" Jason asked. I said I didn't think so at the moment.

Cynthia held her finger up, while the computer booted. Then flipped the screen up which was reversed, to mine and Jason's surprise, then typed.

'Jason, you smell divine.. Thank you for your help'

I was as shocked as much as Jason was, about the machine and what Cynthia could text out. Then something else appeared on the screen.

'Now about that other port'

"Cynthia!" Pat scolded, as Pat returned to the table. The screen went blank and Cynthia went totally red in the face. I began laughing like a hyena cackling. Poor Jason got embarrassed as he turned and left.

While he walked away I just had to take a quick look. Nice ass, the man was put together nicely. My interest peaked suddenly as a lustful thought entered my mind.

"I am sorry, Chloe some times I can't leave for few minutes without her acting out."

That set Cynthia off. She popped the screen back on and texted.

'I'm a grown woman mother! I am twenty two years old and I have the right to a life unhindered, and from being overprotected.'

'I would like to meet a man and maybe even get married.'

I saw Pat starting to tear up, then straighten up, just as Jason was walking back over. Another text appeared.

'I am sorry, mother, I do love you so very much and would be lost with out you, truly.'

The screen went blank, as she reached for Pat's hand squeezing it tenderly.

"You beautiful ladies intrigue me, especially your daughter, Cynthia. Your lattes are on me." Jason spoke like a smoothed tongue devil as he laid the cash on the table.

'Thank you, Jason, you're so sweet' popped up on the screen, before Pat or I could say anything. Then another line started but Jason cut her off.

'Are you...'

"Yes and maybe, come back again and we will talk some more." Jason said smiling at Cynthia. Cynthia was on cloud nine now just hearing that, I giggled and Pat frowned.

"Let, it, go, Pat, it is fine." I said to Pat soothingly rubbing her arm. Then more text appeared.

'That is what that man you were with said isn't it'. Cynthia texted. I was needless to say very puzzled, there was no man with me.

"There was no one with me, Cynthia, I'm here by myself." I said.

'Oh, I thought there was. Thought I heard him say 'Let it, or him go, it is okay' to you. 'The force is with you', which I thought was weird, mom all..ways tells me that. lol lol. 'The Force is with you.' The text came back.

"Oh my god!" I gasped out, feeling tears forming in my eyes. Sudden memories flooding in.

"I have to go!" I said in a panic, feeling my emotions rushing over me.

'Wait, Can I have your number Chloe', the text appeared.

"Yes, Yes." I stammered.

Not knowing why I did, I scribbled it down on a napkin with a pen as quick as I could passing it to Pat. I had to get home, now! I hardly even see the last text.

"Chloe, what's wrong dear?" I heard Pat say.

'I'm sorry! I'm sorry Chloe! I didn't mean to upset you'. flashed on the screen.

"Please, I have to go...have to go." I spoke as, tears started sliding down my cheeks.

I literally ran out of the shop, I grabbed a cab and made it home just barely, my face streaked with tears.

I fell into the sofa and cried, heart throbbing, sobbing cries. My thoughts and emotions ran away.

'Why! why today, it was being such a wonderful day for me'.

After an hour or so of emotional despair I dragged myself off the couch and took my meds, with a glass wine. I turned on the audio system and played my depression playlist. 'I Want To Know What Love Is' started playing first. Then 'Waiting For A Girl Like You' was coming up next as I swayed to the music and sipped my wine. I sipped my wine and swayed around the room, turning of lights has I did.

I shut off my phone and headed for the bed stripping off everything until I was naked as I went. I needed a good nights sleep, deep sleep to rest my brain.

I knew the medication would kick in soon and I wanted to be in bed all comfy. I downed the last swallow in the wine glass and settled in for the night, listening to my playlist. It played softly in my bedroom from the speakers that Bobbie had installed long ago.

Bobbie and I would have passionate love and sex listening to these songs. Sometimes until the playlist ended, four hours later.

Soon I was in dream land.

Chapter 6

They were at the house in thirty minutes. They literally jumped from the car and rushed the door. It was locked up tight. John began fumbling with the key code, he missed the right code, as Dr. Stone rang the door bell.

"Calm yourself John." Dr. Stone said to him sternly and soothingly, even though she was was also scared to death of what they might find.

"Take a couple breaths. I am sure Chloe is fine, her phone is probably off or discharged."

John took a couple deep breaths then tried the code again. The door clicked open and they were inside quickly.

John went to the living room then the den. They good hear the music playing.

"Fuck!" John exclaimed


"What is it?" Liz said, more worried now.

"That is her depression playlist!"

They both started calling out Chloe's name.

"John, where does she keep her medication?" Liz asked.

"In the kitchen." John said.

"Go check and tell what me you find." Liz told him.

"I will check the bathrooms she may have not heard us." she added.

Dr. Stone wanted him somewhere else right then as she checked out the bathrooms fearing the worst.

John went to the kitchen as Liz scurried off to the first bathroom. John came running back to Liz holding an empty medication bottle. The first bathroom was empty.

"John... John!.. how many were in this?" Liz asked him urgently.

"I don't know." John moaned out feeling desperate. "Half full maybe, almost a week ago. I don't remember, and there was an empty bottle of wine on the counter also next to that."

Liz was trying to remain calm but she was getting a dreadful feeling.

"John, call 911." Liz said as calmly as she could. "Report a possible overdose."

She didn't add the last part.

"Her bedroom John, where?"

"All the way Down the hall on the left." His shaky voice called out as he made the call.

Liz hurried down the dark hall and into the dark bedroom, searching for a light switch. She felt a hand brush hers and then the lights were on. They both gasped at the sight.

Chloe was lying there completely naked arms wrapped over her bare breasts and stomach. Her legs were drawn up, splayed out, feet flat on the bed. Her pelvis rocking ever so slightly. The perfect fuck position, then they just fell to the bed, legs straightening out and still spread wide.

John rushed to the bed as did Liz. They both stopped suddenly hearing Chloe.

"Bobbie, Bobbie, stay." Chloe said in a dreamy voice.

Liz grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse, has John tried to wake Chloe by calling her name and shaking her shoulder. Liz checked her pupils and eyes, they looked normal.

They both noticed the large wet spot in the bed between Chloe's legs at her ass cheeks. Liz noticed the odor of sexual release.

Chloe awakened a bit from her deep sleep.

" Wah.. John le. me sleep." She tried to pull covers back over herself as she curled into a ball, seeming frustrated at the intrusion.

John covered her and asked her, shaking her a bit.

"How many pills did you take Chloe? How many?"

"One." Chloe said, as she opened her eyes lazily, looking at Liz trying to hold up one finger, smiling weakly. Then barley pointing a finger.

"She said I could ... Two if..." then she snored and was deep asleep again.

The EMTs had just come in the room and started their questioning. Liz told who she was and it appeared she was okay everything was fine. They insisted they should check her and Liz told them by all means.

"I think she is in a really deep sleep state, but I am going to check her meds in the kitchen to make sure. John come with me show me where they are at, let the EMTs do their job."

Before John and Liz could leave the EMTs had started hooking the monitors up.

"No, no gotta go back." Chloe pouted, sleepily, resisting a bit.

"Go back where sweetie." the female EMT asked.

"To Bobbie." Chloe said in a hushed dream state voice, her eyes closed smiling.

"You can, in just a few minutes sweetie, okay." She said to Chloe.

"K." Chloe's answer came then light snoring.

The Emts began to chuckle saying that must be one hell of a dream.

John stiffened suddenly and his demeanor changed, John and Liz left the room.

Liz returned quickly with the medications, showing she had one full and the one empty that was ready to expire and Chloe had just gotten the full one recently. It seemed there was no life threatening danger here, and the EMTS concluded the same thing.

As the EMTs packed up to go a voice spoke from the hallway.

"Is she going to be ok, Dr. Stone?" Pat asked with Cynthia in tow. Every one turned to them.

"Yes, Yes she is just fine just a little scare that is all." Liz said.

The EMTs looked on in a bit of amazement at the young woman sobbing but making no sounds, tears streaking her face. They could see the white cane she carried and her companion next to her.

Cynthia stood still and held her arms out and Liz walked over and held in arms hugging her endearingly.

"It is ok, Cynthia she is fine, You and your mother did the right thing calling me. Thank you for calling me"

"Cynthia got really upset when we got home doctor, she wanted me to call Ms. Anderson right then. I didn't and she started throwing things at me. Then I tried for two hours. That's when I called you." Pat said.

Then Cynthia broke the embrace, wiping tears, and signed, then pointed at John who was in the hallway.

"Is this her friend, she wants know." Pat said.

"Uh..Uh.. yes it is, his name is John." Liz stated, startled some what.

Thinking how would she be able to know or guess that?

Cynthia pointed to the corner and signed slowly and Pat with out thinking began to translate. Everyone turned to look in the corner of the bedroom as Pat spoke.

"Then who is..." Pat started.

Cynthia stopped abruptly and put her hands down and fidgeted. Then signed again and appeared to be almost happy, smiling.

That man she thought she heard at the coffee shop was there, then he wasn't. She could feel him, feel his love.

"I am just seeing things again momma, in my head. I am sorry, I do that sometimes when I get too upset." Pat translated with out hesitation.

The EMTs left, a bit puzzled and things settled down. The bedroom light was turned off and Chloe slept on as they shut the bedroom door.

Dr.Stone and John said they were spending the rest of the night. Pat said they were going back home, but Cynthia had other ideas.

'I want to stay here with Chloeie tonight, mother.' Cynthia signed.

"I don't think that is a good idea Cynthia." Pat said.

Cynthia did the begging motion.

"What is it she wants, Ms.Johnson?" Liz asked.

"She wants to spend the night here too" Pat said.

"If John agrees It sounds fine to me." Liz said.

"That is fine with me." John spoke up a bit sharp. "You also if you want."

Liz took notice of that.

"No, no I need to go home, Cynthia will be fine here." Pat said. Remembering some thing Cynthia had said, it was time to start letting go.

Cynthia clapped her hands and sought out her device which her mother had, then kissed her and signed 'I love you momma'.

They made their sleep arrangements with Liz and John taking the two spare bedrooms and Cynthia sharing the bed with Chloe. They figured that might be the best arrangement for some reason.

Liz and John stayed up awhile longer talking. Cynthia, guided by Liz, went off to bed with Chloe after every one had calmed down.

Cynthia found her way around to the bed side an undressed all the way down to her panties. Almost naked she climbed in to the bed and snuggled up tight to Chloe's back reaching over Chloe's body. They were alone now, just the two of them.

Cynthia heard Chloe's sleepy whisper "My sweet love." as Chloe clutched Cynthia's hand. Cynthia smiled knowing Chloe was still dreaming, maybe of that man.

Cynthia was thinking how much she would like to love on Chloe. But Mistress and her had already done that today, so she kept her desire to herself, for now.

Chapter 8

Morning came in with a bright sun. Cynthia was wake now. She got out of the bed gingerly so as not to wake up Chloe. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her naked body.

Cynthia relished the warmth, running her hands across her breasts and down her flat stomach. Her hands drifted down her slim hips then back up her sides to her breasts. She tweaked her nipples then raised her hands above her head, doing a good stretch, smiling to herself. Thinking to herself, 'Now I know how pretty she is'.

She made her way to the window carefully and pulled the drapes closed to darken the room for Chloe. She then found her clothes and dressed.

Cynthia quietly left the room and closed the door. She made her way down the hall gingerly not having her cane with her. She headed toward the voices of Liz and John. When she got to the den she paused unsure of what the space contained. She managed to get to near center when they spotted her.

"I gotcha." John spoke and, rose quickly moving to her taking her hand. John guided her to the kitchen table. He placed her hand on the back of chair.

"Let me locate you cane Cynthia, be right back." John said.

Cynthia placed her hand to her lips and gestured like blowing a kiss.

"You're welcome Cynthia." John said, hoping she said 'Thank You'.

"I will find your laptop dear." Liz spoke up, scooting her chair out. "Would you like a cup of coffee, Cyn?"

The laptop part truly bewildered John just then. 'What does a blind girl do with a laptop?' John was thinking as he located the cane.

Cynthia nodded her head.

John stepped to the counter and poured the coffee, then asked Cynthia.

"Creamer?" John looked to her. She nodded and held up one finger.

"Sugar?" a nod and two fingers.

"Okay, we can get this conversation going now." Liz chuckled as she set the laptop down in front of Cynthia.

"What the heck are you talking about?" a still bewildered John asked.

Cynthia giggled, flipped open the device and booted it up, a minute later the text appeared facing John.

'Can I have my coffee please.'

"Sure, sure, here ya go." John said surprised, placing it next to Cynthia's hand.

"I will be damned, I haven't seen a device like that." he chuckled. "Ingenious, you will have to tell me how it works."

Just then the Chloe came down the hall. They could her talking.

"Fuck Chloe, those were some really great dreams, but some were weird ass dreams. True, but we haven't slept like that in ages,and that dream about Jason. We need a cup of"

Chloe rounded the corner with her hands in her hair. In the kitchen, Chloe saw three figures at her table. She stared wide eyed. She was stark naked and three people were staring at her. She recognized them almost instantly, she looked down at herself and immediately try to cover her nudity.

"Oh my god!" she screeched and ran back towards the bedroom.

"I will go get her." John said almost laughing.

Cynthia rapped the table and texted.

'Let me, I am blind and she won't feel so embarrassed maybe'.

"True" John said along with Liz.

Cynthia closed her laptop and took her cane, heading for the bedroom. She wrapped on the door gently, no answer, she wrapped harder.

"Go away. Give me a few minutes." Chloe called through the door.

Cynthia didn't wait, she entered the room and closed the door setting on the floor, opening her device.

'Don't feel embarrassed or angry. We love you. But, I bet that was a sight. I am guessing you were naked. LOL LOL The way you ran off. lol lol'.


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