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Her Secret Admirer Ch. 03

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She finally finds out who he is.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/11/2007
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It had now been five days since she had last encountered her secret admirer. Every bone in her body was telling her this was all wrong...but every bone was craving the touch and the attention he gave her just as badly. She sat each day by the computer, waiting for him to log on, but he never did. She would stare at the phone beside the table, willing it to ring, but it never rang. She wondered what she had done wrong. Was it over? Was he finished with her now that he had seen her vulnerability exposed? She would think about all the possibilities, trying to remain strong, but tears would soon swell up in her eyes. She cried for a mixture of what she wanted and what she had given. Her husband would come home and try to talk to her, but she could not look him in the face without a feeling of guilt - the guilt that she still craved this man and what he had stirred in her body.

Day six dawned and she was beginning to realize that he was not going to call. She never even bothered to turn the computer on. She sat with her head in her hands, whispering to herself, mad at herself for being used, for giving herself to a complete stranger. She took a long hot shower, as if trying to wash away all that had happened. By the time she stepped out of the shower, she had vowed to never get caught up like that again. She took her time getting changed, even put on a bit of make up to cheer herself up. Going back downstairs, she walked past the room where she kept the computer. She stopped in the open doorway like a deer caught in headlights. She looked at the machine that had started all this. It was silent, cold, and dark without a flicker of life. She decided to leave it in that state - her heart still yearning, but her brain was at last taking control.

She went outside for some fresh air. They'd said on the news that morning that it was to be a fantastic sunny day and for once, something in her life had not lied to her. She looked at the pool that her husband's hard work had just paid for and the hot tub at the side that they had bought the summer before. She realized in that moment how lucky she was and she swore to herself that this was the start of a new life for her.

She walked back into the house and switched on the computer. As it sprang into life, she placed her hands on the keyboard. Within a few minutes, she found the files containing all the emails she and her secret lover had exchanged. With one click, they were gone, banished to the void of cyber space. She pulled up her instant messenger; her eyes went straight to his handle. She stared at his screen name. Just as thoughts of his touch, of his body started to send that tingle she craved so much down through her body, though, she clicked delete and he was gone forever. It was strange, but in the world of the internet, things can be over as quickly as a click of a button. She looked at the other friends she had on her list - did she need any of them? Could she live without the daily interaction, the false promises, the flirting that she encountered with almost every male she had ever chatted to? For now getting rid of him was enough, she decided. She'd removed him from her computer and in her eyes, that made him out of her life for good.

Grabbing a cold can of soda, she went back outside and sat in the garden chair. She leaned back to enjoy the rays beating down on her body. Her mind was starting to clear, starting to think of things in a more realistic way instead of the dream world she had been caught up in recently. Just then, the phone rang. Her eyes opened quickly as she turned her head to look at the phone. Did she dare pick it up? Nervously her hand reached out to take it. "Hello?" She breathed in deeply as she waited for a reply.

"Hi hun it's me. What are you cooking for dinner?"

The breath she was holding in came out as a mixture of relief and sadness swept through her body. "Not sure yet - what do you fancy?"

"Well, I have a little surprise for you, so how about we grill out tonight?"

"OK, hun, I will run to the store and get a few things."

"Great, we will be home at seven."


"Yes, get enough for four...you are going to get the shock of your life!"

The phone went dead and for the first time in weeks, her mind was thinking of something other than "him". Who was her husband bringing home?

At the market, she wondered what to get. Is it a couple we know that he is bringing home? But then if it was, why would it be a shock to her? Did he get promoted? Is he bringing his boss and his boss' wife home? That's it! That's the shock! Oh my god! I have to make this nice tonight!, she decided to herself. She went from stall to stall, picking out the best steaks she could find, the freshest fruit and vegetables, and then she went for the wine. Red or white? Both, let's play it safe...and beer...what if they like beer? By the time she got home, she was weighed down with shopping bags. It had better be a good promotion, she thought to herself, because I've just spent all the money we had left on this party!

She looked at the clock - ten to five - two hours to clean, get the food prepared, and make the place look great. This was just what she needed, something to focus on. Besides, this was her chance to show Alan what a good wife she really was. For the next two hours, she worked hard and it showed - the place looked great. The beer was outside on ice, the steaks were marinating, and the only thing left was to decide what to wear. She looked through her wardrobe...no, no, no, no, no...she grabbed her cell phone.

"Alan, it's me...everything is all finished except I just don't have anything to wear!"

"Well, it's hot and they are looking forward to trying out the pool, so I guess your bathing suit would be good."

"Well, if you say so. I am so proud of you, dear...this will make a big difference to our lives."

Before he could ask her what she meant by that, she hung up the phone. Alan turned to the couple in the back seat of the car. "I'm so glad you found a place to stay so quickly down here."

"Yes, me too! When he flew back last week and told me we would be moving so soon, I couldn't believe it!"

"Yes, I drove him all over looking at places."

"Well, with what he told me, he did a lot more than just look at apartments!"

"Come on baby, what about the guy you took home while I was down here?"

"Never mind him! What about the man I am going to have tonight?" With that, she leaned over and kissed Alan on the cheek.

She heard the car pull up to the house. Outside, she opened the white wine and added it to the beer in the ice bucket. The front door opened, and she peeked through the backdoor to see three people walking into the room. She shouted to her husband that she was outside. Standing there in a red bathing suit, wrapped in a multi colored sarong around her waist, she hoped his boss would not think her too forward. As they walked out to meet her, she smiled like the perfect hostess and held out her hand.

"Leann, this is my wife Linda."

The two girls shook hands.

As Leann moved to the side, Linda offered her hand out again to the man stood before her. "And you must be Alan's new boss."

Then she saw his face. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. "No it can't be! Brian?"

"Yes it can be... I told you we would meet one day!" Linda threw her arms around him.

"I can't believe this! How did you get here? When did you get here? Are you staying long?"

"All in good time. Let's have a drink and we can tell you everything."

The four of them grabbed a beer and sat around the table.

"That's why I never told you where I was moving to...I wanted it to be a surprise."

"What about Alan...how did he know?"

"Well, after he got the pictures of Leann, they have been talking as well."

Linda's face was a picture as we all assured her that we never wanted to deceive her, just surprise her. We sat and drank for a while, chatting away like long lost friends.

"OK, I need a swim! I am going to change," Alan declared.

With that, Alan left to go and get ready for the pool. Leann decided it was a good idea and removed her dress right there to reveal her white bathing suit. She walked over and slowly lowered herself into the water.

"I can't believe you are really here."

"Well, believe it...and tonight we can be together just like we talked about," Brian told her.

"But what about your wife? And my husband?"

"Don't worry about them...they have their own plans."

Alan came running through the door and dived straight into the pool. The water splashed us both as we sat there, together at last.

"Are you two coming in?"

"In a minute hun."

"The hot tub looks good...should we try that first?"

She watched as he stood before her and slowly removed his clothes. She had seen pictures of him, but this was different, this was real. Her mind flashed back to the hotel, to the theater. Why had she done that? Why had she not believed him when he told her they would meet? They had been talking for so much longer than she had with the rat who used her. He took her hands and pulled her to her feet. Slowly and while looking deep into her eyes, he untied the sarong and it dropped to the ground. She wanted so much for him to kiss her, take her in his arms...she wanted to remove his bathing suit and drop to her knees right then and there. They climbed into the hot tub and sat across from each other. They could hear their respective spouses laughing and splashing around in the pool, but they did not care. This was the moment they had shared so many times online.

"I still can't believe you are here."

"Do you still want me?"

"Oh yes, even more so, but I have to be honest with you. I need to tell you something since you've always been there for me."

"Then tell me."

She looked over to make sure her husband could not hear her. He was having fun in pool, trying to dunk Leann, who was trying to do the same to him.

"Looks like they are having fun."

"Well, I have seen some of their emails. Are you ok with it?"

"Yes...I'm glad we can all be friends, but it's not that that bothers me."

"Ok then, what is it that bothers you?"

For the next thirty minutes, she tried to explain what drove her to meet this man. How she obeyed his instructions even though she knew it to be wrong and to be unsafe. He listened without saying a word or passing any judgment on her. "I don't even know if this bastard has given me something." She started to sob.

"Don't cry! Look, I know how you must feel and I am glad you told me about him. I am sorry to say this, but I think he did give you something."

"WHAT?! How can you say that?"

He leaned out of the tub and reached down to his jacket. Taking something out of the inside pocket, he handed it to her. She held the white bag in her hand looking from him to the bag and back again with a look of bewilderment on her face. Nervously, she put her hand inside. For the second time today, her jaw dropped. In her hand, she held a single red rose and a card. She quickly looked up at him as he sat there with a smile on his face. She opened the card. It read: "I love you. You are so very special to me. Miss me until we meet again. Love, Your Secret Admirer."

He leaned forward to hold her and to stop her falling face first into the water as well, then in a much deeper voice, he tells her, "Tonight there will be no blindfold."

She is speechless, but knows the voice straight away. A few seconds later, his lips are on hers and she remembers the kiss. She is mad, happy, disgusted, confused all at the same time. His tongue moves into her mouth and she now has only one feeling flowing through her body...desire. She slides onto his body as his arms wrap around her. Suddenly, there is loud clapping and cheering from the pool. They stop momentarily and see two smiling faces looking back at them.

"So, did you tell her?"

Leann starts to get out of the pool with Alan close behind. "I think it was a rotten thing to do to you, but it just shows you what a pair of guys we have here! I think the four of us are going to become really good friends."

With that, Leann pulls Alan to her and kisses him deeply. We watch as they hold each other close, kissing and running their hands up and down each other's bodies. Alan looks over at the two of us.

"Room for two more in there?"

They walk over as Linda moves to his side. As they start to get in, Leann takes off her bathing suit. Naked, she steps in and sits next to Alan, leaning over to kiss her husband quickly on the lips. Everyone looks at each other and quickly the bathing suits are off and thrown out of the water. They sit there and chat for a while, swapping stories of their online chats, the pictures they sent one another, and the things they said they wanted to do. As the sun went down, they now had their arms around the person next to them, but it was not their wife or husband they were holding. It was now a moment of decision...who would make the first move? They all knew what was going to happen, but still there was this uneasy feeling. Do they split up? Do they go inside? Do they all go to bed together? Leann decided it was time to act. She pushed her hand beneath the water and took hold of Alan's cock. "I see your pictures were real."

She leaned into him and they started to kiss. This was the cue they were all looking for and soon both couples were holding each other tightly and kissing deeply. Linda had followed Leann's lead and had her fingers wrapped around Brian's cock. Slowly, she was working the shaft as they kissed. The night air was filled with the sounds of gentle moans as each couple explored each others bodies.

"So, you are ok with the fact that I tricked you?"

"I am not sure yet, but I am so glad you are here."

Brian moved his head to kiss and nibble on her shoulder. He looked over to see his wife still in the tub, but now Alan sat on the side of it, legs dangling in the water. His wife's head was between his legs bobbing up and down on his cock. He caught Alan's eyes and both men smiled at each other. Linda looked around to see what had caught his attention.

"Mmmmm that looks good, would you like some of that?"

Brian jumped from the tub and sat there; she moved between his thighs and slowly started to lick beneath his balls. Her hand grasped his shaft and soon her tongue started to slide up its length. She delicately pulled the foreskin back on his cock to reveal the swollen head. She lovingly kissed the tip, then slowly started to take him into her mouth. He threw his head back and sighed deeply as she took him all the way to the back of her throat. Linda knew every move in the art of sucking cock. She would vary the pressure, use her tongue to lick every part of him...she knew all the sensitive spots of a man and would make sure that every one of them received the same treatment. Both men were now in total bliss as the two women went to work on their cocks. Brian looked down at Linda.

"Time to change places baby," he told her.

With that, he jumped into the water and helped her get out, taking his place on the side of the tub. He started to kiss his way up her thighs, staring at the neatly trimmed pussy that awaited him. Just as he was about to reach it, he heard a loud moaning sound from across the tub. He turned to see Leann with her head still down on Alan's cock. Alan had his hands on her head and it was clear that he was pumping his hot cum into her eager mouth. He turned around once more to continue kissing between her thighs. Soon, his mouth was up against her pussy and he started to plant little kisses along both the outer lips. She held her head back as she felt his hot breath on her and moaned deeply at the first touch of his tongue on her. His tongue slid between her lips, tasting her sweetness. He moved his fingers inside her lips and pulled them apart exposing her to him. She clenched her fists as she felt him press his tongue against her and start to slide it upwards. As he reached her clit, it was like a bolt of lightning ran through her body. Just as he was about to take the hard bud in his mouth to suck on it, he felt someone at his side...it was his wife.

"Let me show you how it's done."

Linda opened her eyes and looked down to see Leann take over from her husband. Soon she felt her mouth, lips, and tongue teasing and licking at her clit and lips. Brian gave way to his wife and started to cast his attention to her breasts. The nipple was already hard as he closed his lips around it and sucked it into his eager mouth. Alan came to the other side and started to do the same to the other nipple. She was in heaven as the sensations of having three people using their mouths and hands on her drove her towards the bliss of the orgasm she was about to experience. She could now feel fingers inside of her, probing deep within her pussy. She was so close and as she once again she felt Leann sucking her clit deep into her mouth, she exploded...her whole body trembling with the force of her orgasm. She clasped her hands over the two men's heads pulling them harder against her breasts. As her breathing calmed down, she slid back into the pool and into the waiting arms of Leann who quickly embraced her and planted her lips on hers. The two women kissed, their tongues exploring each others mouths. They held each other close as their nipples touched. As they broke, they each found a hard cock waiting for them. All four got out of the tub. "Let's go inside," Alan suggested.

They all walked hand in hand into the living room, Leann and Alan claimed the sofa as Linda and Brian got comfortable on the floor. Soon both couples were oblivious to one another as they kissed and caressed till they could wait no longer. At just about the same time Brian moved on top of Linda as Alan moved Leann onto all fours and stood behind her. Both men soon had their hard cocks in their hands and moved to insert them into the wet hot pussies waiting to claim them. The room was filled with the expressions of lust and desires that all were now feeling.

"Oh yes that feels so good!" Leann screamed.

"Fuck me...fuck me harder!" Linda yelled.

"Don't stop!"

"Oh god...yes baby...yes!"

It was hard to tell who was saying what to whom, but it drove them all on to new heights of ecstasy. There was moaning and talking coming from both sides of the room as the two couples fucked each other. Leann was the first to cum, shouting it out loud for everyone to hear. The passion in her voice as she came soon had the others wanting the same and the two men started to thrust their cocks harder and deeper into their partner's pussies. Soon Linda screamed she was cumming and the force of her pussy contracting around his cock had Brian filling her with his cum as Alan started to shoot his seed deep into Leann. The four of them slumped down onto the floor, exhausted but very satisfied. They all looked at each other and smiled. This would be the start of a great long term friendship.

The following day, Linda sat there looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. She thought back to the hotel and the theater and smiled to herself. She ran to the bedroom and got her phone. She dialed number 3 on her speed dial.

"Hello there! How is you?"

"I am great...how you are this morning?"

"Well, we are just getting things sorted here, but we are looking forward to seeing you both tonight."

"So I hope you never told Brian."

"No, I told you it would be our secret. Let the men think that they put one over on you and you never knew it was Brian who was your secret admirer...that way they think they're in charge and we get fucked like sluts," she giggled. Both woman laughed together.

"I can't believe that they could think I would ever meet a complete stranger that way!"


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