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His Butler, Cunning

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Sebastian is bound to Ciel but Ciel pays the price.
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This story is an original work of fiction based on characters from the Japanese animated show Black Butler. Please note that the story refers back to the show and as such contains spoilers. If you don't want to be spoiled, skip this story. You do not need to have seen the show to follow the story.


Years had passed since that night. The night that he had become something else, something more than human. The night that Sebastian had tried to kill him. He had expected Sebastian to be angry when he failed; their contract now binding them together for an eternity in immortality. Until the end of time... But he had smiled, just slightly.

At the time Ciel had wondered why on earth he would smile, knowing he would be spending an eternity in bondage. It didn't take long for him to figure it out. Years passed but his body stayed the same, forever trapped in that time, that night. Sebastian had known this of course. His mind aged with each passing year, gaining more and more wisdom but his body would forever remain as it was meaning that as much as Sebastian was bound to him, so did Ciel rely on Sebastian and would forever rely on him, forever -- he hated to even think it -- need him.

He wondered if Alois had known what he was doing. Had he meant to curse Ciel or did he truly think he was fooling a demon, a pair of demons, and somehow doing Ciel a favour. In his child's mind, that tortured mind, he probably thought he was giving him something he wanted. Ciel wished he could go back in time and kill Alois when he had the chance. Erase all of this. But wasn't that a foolish childhood daydream too?

"My Lord?"

Ciel snapped back to reality, to the broken, bleeding bodies before him. To the leather straps that bound him painfully. It was painful. Demons can feel pain... Well he wasn't really a demon, he was only half demon and so he felt pain and he did not possess the supernatural strength that Sebastian did. Here he was, thin, a frail looking boy, captured again. Needing Sebastian's rescue again. And there was Sebastian, impossibly tall, eyes blazing red boring a hole into Ciel with their intensity. And there was that smile that Ciel had grown to detest.

Sebastian's lips curled slightly, full of contempt.

The blood of his captors was pooling out from their bodies. The blood oozed slowly towards Ciel. He found it revolting. It may have been centuries since he was a nobleman in England but his pride remained and his disgust at the thought of being soiled by the blood of such human garbage. It was dangerously close and still Sebastian stood there, smiling. Waiting.

Anger filled every part of Ciel. "Don't just stand there," he hissed.

"After all this time, I shouldn't have to remind you of what you need to do. You must still remember how to beg." The corner of Sebastian's mouth twitched. "My Lord," he added as an afterthought.

With a growl of rage, Ciel shouted, "I command you to get me out of here!" His eye burned white hot, the searing pain temporarily erasing everything.

And he was in Sebastian's arms. Tall and lanky, he didn't much look like a bodyguard. That was what Ciel called him now. A butler was so outdated. But his physique belied the strength and Ciel felt like he was caught in a vice. Surely Sebastian knew he was hurting him. But this is how it was with demons. He followed Ciel's orders as they were given, no more and no less. He shouldn't have been surprised then when moments later he found himself safely in his room his arms still bound painfully tight behind his back.

"Why haven't you unbound me," he demanded.

Sebastian flashed a grin, his eyes blazing scarlet, "Why my Lord, I simply did as you asked."

Ciel gaped at him a moment. His fury left him momentarily speechless. As he opened his mouth to speak, Sebastian's hand slapped down over it, hard, the iron grip could easily crush the bones in his face. He was unable to speak the order. His own eyes, wide and blue like the ocean flashed their own demon red as his rage deepened. Stupid, he had been so stupid not to order Sebastian to undo his binds right away. He had been so revolted by the blood his thoughts had simply been to get away from that place as quickly as possible and now, unable to speak a command, the demon who served him had all the power.

"Hush, my young master." Sebastian's velvet voice made him shudder. He was behind Ciel, one arm wrapped around his chest, much too tight, his other hand still firm against his mouth. There would be bruises but those bruises would be healed by morning and there would be no sign of any damage done tonight.

"Such trouble, even after all this time and as you are, little Halfling. Always needing to be rescued. Poor little puppy." It had been a very long time since he had been referred to as the Queen's Guard Dog. Victoria was long gone. The monarchy was barely a shadow of what it once was. The nobility meant nothing anymore. Now it was all celebrities who made fools of themselves in public. No one has any honour these days. No one any pride. It was Ciel's pride that had gotten him into this mess. What a foolish child he had once been.

Sebastian's hand crept over his chest. Ciel wondered where this game was going. When Sebastian finally did release him, he planned to make him pay for this humiliation.

The hand over his mouth did not move. Sebastian's free hand, however, had slowly stroked its way downward. Ciel's body tensed. "You're not injured, are you, young master," Sebastian whispered.

Ciel tried to speak but the words were muffled and incomprehensible.

"I thought I told you to hush." Sebastian's voice was hard and cold. Ciel felt a prickle of fear in spite of himself. But Sebastian couldn't kill him, not now, not in this form. There were other things he could do though, Ciel knew this and unless he could speak the command to stop him, this demon would exert his will.

"It is such a shame, my Lord... Our deal will never come to a close, I will forever be your butler... your bodyguard... and never taste your sweet soul. There are other things I can taste, I suppose. You owe me that at least."

Owe him? Ciel struggled to free himself. Sebastian's grip tightened and Ciel groaned in pain.

"That isn't going to work." Of course, Ciel knew it wouldn't. He knew there was no use struggling against Sebastian. The demon's body was hot against his own, hotter than usual. Had he still been human he'd likely have been burned. He had never felt Sebastian get so hot before though this certainly was not the first power struggle they had had in these last couple of hundred years. Even when he was still human, still alive, the demon's will clashed against his own. Demon's will. But I'm a demon now, Ciel thought. Half demon.

Ciel was startled as Sebastian's free hand now landed firmly between his legs, caressing, squeezing. Shame and humiliation made his own skin burn hot as his body began to betray him. Though useless, the invasion of Sebastian's hand caused him to struggle again but when Sebastian began to squeeze painfully Ciel was still.

"I'm surprised you learned that lesson so quickly," Sebastian breathed into his ear, "it usually takes so much longer for me to teach you anything."

Sebastian's hand moved quickly, unfastening Ciel's pants and slipping inside the thin fabric of his underwear, gripping his now rock hard cock firmly.

"Sebastian," he tried to speak. The words were muffled. His eyes, one blue, the other carrying the cursed demon seal, had grown wide. Fear and panic rushed through him but he was helpless. Forever helpless in Sebastian's arms. Until the end of time...

Sebastian continued to stroke his cock. Ciel back slumped against the demon's chest. There was no way out of this. He felt an orgasm building as Sebastian stroked his dick harder, felt it almost there and then Sebastian stopped, abruptly. His dick ached painfully. His arms had nearly gone numb from being bound behind him for so long. He groaned.

Sebastian's soft, mocking laugh was enough to fire the rage in him again and he bucked back, catching Sebastian off guard, a rare thing. His grip loosened but only momentarily and not once did his hand slip from Ciel's mouth.

"Naughty, naught boy," Sebastian whispered.

I'm not a boy, Ciel thought. I'm not a boy and you serve me, you soulless bastard. Damn you.

Sebastian yanked hard and the fabric of Ciel's pants and underwear gave way, ripping from his body and leaving him exposed. Sebastian turned him slightly and Ciel realized he was now facing a mirror. He could see Sebastian, hunched over him. So tall, so very tall. His eyes were like flames. He barely looked like Sebastian. He was closer to his true form now. Ciel could also see himself. His thin aristocratic body looked even smaller against Sebastian. He had come to loathe this body he was now trapped in forever. His cock stood up large and at attention. For someone so small he had been well endowed and now his cock was fully hard and the demon heat coursed through his own body.

He felt hot tears sting his eyes. No please not that. He couldn't let himself cry, not now. He couldn't give Sebastian that satisfaction.

Sebastian was staring at him in the mirror. Their eyes met and Sebastian chuckled. He reached between them and began unfastening his own pants. Ciel tried to shake his head and found he couldn't even do that. He wondered what Sebastian's cock looked like and his face flamed.

As if reading his thoughts Sebastian laughed and turning slightly, moved so his body was now in view in the mirror. Sebastian was also hard. His cock was big and thick. Ciel stared at it. It had to be close to 12 inches. He wasn't naïve. He knew what Sebastian intended to and he wondered if he would be ripped in two. Was it possible the demon could kill him after all? Would he be fucked to death? What a stupid thought.

Sebastian ran a long finger across Ciel's ass. Then, as Ciel watched, Sebastian drew his hand back and slapped him hard. An angry red handprint shone on his lily white ass cheek. His cry had been muffled by Sebastian's hand. Still the sound of his pain seemed to fuel the demon and he brought his hand down again. The sound of the slap echoed in the quiet room. Ciel gasped. He watched his cock go limp and noticed that Sebastian's hard-on was still going strong. Another slap. He whimpered. Another. Hot tears slid down his cheeks. And so, now he was crying in front of Sebastian. His humiliation deepened.

Sebastian's hand groped his ass now, rubbing the raw burning skin. His finger traced the line between Ciel's ass cheeks. Sebastian kicked at Ciel's feet, lightly, not to hurt him, no, he was spreading his legs apart. Ciel drew a sharp intake of breath. "Yes, my Lord." Sebastian answered his silent question. Sebastian used his own body weight to bend Ciel forward slightly. His eyes locked on Ciel's in the mirror. Ciel knew Sebastian wanted him to watch. He also knew that if he looked away he would be showing more weakness. Showing Sebastian he was weak seemed like a far worse humiliation.

Then Sebastian's finger was pressing against his asshole. The fire in Sebastian's eyes was simply wild. Ciel felt his cock begin to stiffen and he knew Sebastian had won him completely. The finger that probed at his asshole was suddenly shoved inside and Ciel cried out against Sebastian's hand. Still he did not look away. Sebastian began to move his finger in and out, fast and hard. The pain sent shivers up Ciel's spine and the demon showed no mercy or tenderness. No he would never be able to eat Ciel's soul but he could certainly take his virginity, possess his body even in servitude to him. And that's really what this was, wasn't it? Not revenge but a lesson. Sebastian was teaching Ciel a lesson. He must have been waiting a very long time for this moment, after all they had been together more for over a century.

Sebastian's finger probed deeper, he flicked it upward and suddenly Ciel was rock hard and moaning in spite of himself. Sebastian's breath was hot and ragged against him. His eyes never wavered, never blinked.

He slid his finger out from inside Ciel and grabbed his massive cock. He stared at Ciel in the mirror. Ciel lowered his eyes and stared at Sebastian's cock. He knew that was what the demon wanted. Sebastian pivoted their bodies, moving Ciel's head to the side with the hand that covered his mouth. Now they were in profile, both still facing the mirror. Sebastian watching Ciel's face and Ciel's eyes transfixed on the massive cock in Sebastian's hand.

Sebastian moved his body, forcing Ciel to bend over further. The pose in itself was humiliating. His servant forcing him to bend before him and bare himself to him. His cheeks burned red once again but his cock remained hard, aching. Why did his body have to betray him like this? Why did it have to show that part of him was enjoying the humiliation?

As if reading his mind he caught Sebastian smile and then with a sound that was not at all human he thrust himself inside of Ciel. At first all Ciel felt was the sharp pain and he was almost certain he was ripping in two though the mirror told him he was still in one piece. The heat of Sebastian's body, of his cock, was overwhelming. He realized he was screaming into Sebastian's hand. Still he continued to thrust in disregard for the agony he was causing.

Fast and hard, he pounded his cock into Ciel's ass. Ciel watched in a mixture of horror and pain (and yes pleasure too) as Sebastian repeatedly drove his cock into Ciel's asshole, his thrusts lifting him off his feet so he was he impaled on the cock. He wasn't surprised when he saw the red trickle of blood running down his legs.

Sebastian saw it too. The sight of Ciel's blood seemed to make him wild. He forced him onto the bed, his weight coming down on Ciel so hard he felt all of the air leave his body. He wondered if he might pass out. He could still see them in the mirror. Sebastian's body so much larger than his own he almost disappeared from sight.

The violent thrusts continued. Then hand over his mouth gripped tighter and Ciel's tears flowed freely. A low growl seemed to be coming from somewhere distant. The sound was coming from Sebastian but somehow it seemed to be coming from somewhere much further away than the man who was on top of him.

His cock rubbed painfully against the woolen bedspread. He watched Sebastian stab his cock into him over and over. To his surprise an orgasm began to build inside of him. His body stiffened, his asshole clenching Sebastian's cock greedily as his orgasm tore through his body shooting cum onto his belly and the prickly bedspread. He was being raped, his body being used, possessed, and yet he had cum, hard.

Sebastian met his eyes once more in the mirror. He had never seen such a fire. Sebastian thrust painfully hard as he came inside him. His cum shot up inside his asshole like a searing fire. Had he been human he surely would have been burned to death, even in this inhuman state the pain was overwhelming and he watched Sebastian as he came to the sound of Ciel's muffled screams.

(to be continued?)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I think it's interesting it's juicy and long and very intense I want to read more

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Oo i loved this! Its so good. It made me cum so hard, id love it if you made a fanfic about Sebastian and Grell. Thankss! (;

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

never been one for bdsm or dom/sub stuff.

slightly hoping this would be different, but badly disappointed.

oh well, i'm sure it was good for people that actually enjoy nonconsent.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Good job! That was a very good and well written story

monviebohememonviebohemealmost 13 years agoAuthor

Thank you for the comments.

I expect there will be more to come! ;)

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