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Hollow Pleasure Ch. 13

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An orgy ensues among Rob's captives, and he summons monsters.
12.3k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/01/2021
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*** Disclaimer ***

The following installment contains themes of hypnosis, mind control, non-consent, voyeurism, rough sex, gangbangs, cheating, group sex, incest, inanimate objects, and monsters. You've been warned.

This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Hollow Pleasure chapter 13


"You're a real piece of shit," Galloway remarked. She didn't say it with a testy snarl. Her comment was dry— stating a fact.

They had gone into their respective "cells"— storage cages for the different tenant apartments. They hadn't put up a fight, but that was Rob's doing. A few simple commands typed into his computer, and their legs had moved completely independent of their free will. Now they were locked in. Every tenant in the apartment, as well as Galloway's coworkers.

"Power corrupts, I guess," Rob said with an equally matter-of-fact tone.

"Locking us up in cages?" Ethan asked from behind his own set of bars. The girl, Danni, curled up on herself and sobbed quietly.

Rob looked momentarily guilty and ashamed. "It's not ideal, I know. You ever write a book? The less characters there are, the easier it is to juggle everyone. But now there's a lot of you. For as talented as I like to think that I am, I need to come up with a way of keeping track of everyone, otherwise mistakes will get made and things will get out of hand. Keeping on top of it is starting to feel like a full time job."

They supposed that could be true. Ethan glanced up and down the rows of storage units. Captain Graver and the college girl— the busty one with the huge boobs— were in one unit. Apparently Rob had decided to snap them out of their trance.

Both Graver and Lucy had dressed, looking at each other with embarrassment. Lucy was shocked and appalled by what she was wearing. Her Daisy Dukes and her button down barely did anything to conceal a figure that she was already self-conscious about. And to wake up, finding herself locked up, sucking on the cock of a handsome older man, had left her thoroughly embarrassed. She shrank to the back of the cage. Graver draped his jacket over her, and stood glowering at Rob.

Everyone sensed that Rob enjoyed the humiliation on their faces when they snapped back to reality and caught themselves in the midst of their heinous and debaucherous acts.

He'd also freed his spell over the next storage unit— the one where Halley woke up in mid gang bang with her fellow officers. Rob had snickered quietly as the trio of stunned authority figures discovered their cocks going in and out of their boss's mouth, pussy, and ass. They'd all quickly dressed and fled to different corners of their cages, unable to look at each other. ...All except Halley, who despite the compromising position she'd woken up into, had immediately begun to explore her cage for weapons or a way out.

Rob had been a bit more merciful to Ethan. He'd let Ethan into the cage with his mother, worried for her and wanting to check on her. Once Rob had started his humiliation tour, snapping the different captives from his spell over them, Ethan had glanced at him from behind the bars and simply requested "Please don't wake her up like this. I don't want her to know." Rob kept Meg under the spell. She was still a horny raging slut, and Rob had a momentary image of Ethan being locked in a cage with a wild animal... only this wild animal was sexy as fuck and wasn't hungry, she was horny. That could be a fun game for later...

Danni and Galloway each had their own cages. And in the last one, Rob had let Kelsey out of her cage, and woken up a frightened and shocked Tina. Kelsey he hadn't woken up, and he doubted he ever would. He didn't want to see the inevitable change in the way she looked at him once reality set it. If anything, he wanted to separate her from all of this. He sent her upstairs.

"If it's so daunting, why don't you just let us go then?" Galloway remarked, pacing her cage. Like the rest of her men, she was searching her holding cell. Each room had a lot of junk piled up. Tools, weapons, or a weak point would be ideal.

"Do you really think I'm going to dignify that with a response?" Rob said. Then changed his voice to sound like a bumbling moron (an impression oddly similar to Barney Fife). "Ohhh, that's really good idea! Why don't I just let you all go? Never mind all the hot wild steamy sex I can have now with beautiful women who'd normally never even look at me twice."

"It wasn't just about sex with them," Galloway said. "I might be more willing to understand that than what you really did. Look at what you did with Danni and her brother! Look at Ethan and his mom! You didn't have sex with me. But you made me do things I wouldn't ordinarily do. You're a fuckin' pervert."

"I'm the pervert?" Rob started to laugh. It was a deep maniacal laugh. "I'm the pervert? Did you seriously just call *me* the pervert?" His voice seemed to roar as he laughed. "I barely influenced any of you! I *never* influenced Ethan. Not even the barest hint of a testosterone jump. His mother, yes. I turned her into a raging slut. But Ethan, definitely not. I presented him with an opportunity to fuck his own mother. And what did he do? He fucked his own mother. And you know what? He liked it. So who's really the pervert?"

Ethan glanced at the floor, embarrassed.

Rob rounded on Danni. "Your brother, Bill. I had nothing to do with him. My powers don't reach beyond this building. I had you take your clothes a few times on your little video chats, and suddenly your brother is confessing his lust for you. So again, who's really the pervert here?"

Danni blushed.

"And you," he said to Galloway. "I hardly influenced you. I poked your brain a few times in the right spot while you were sleeping. I planted the seed of an idea somewhere deep down under all that dyed hair, and it grew into a redwood on its own. You were an experiment, to see how much of your actions were free will. And guess what? That little gangbang of yours with all those bad boy burglars... nearly all of it was your own free will. People are only as good and wholesome as their opportunities. I gave normal wholesome people the perfect opportunity to either go for it, or walk away. And you all went for it. So I'm going to ask this again: Who is *really* the pervert here?" He seemed to snarl those last words.

For once, Galloway's cheeks flushed bright pink and she fell silent.

"That's what I thought," Rob remarked.

"So what's your plan?" Halley commented as she paced her own cell. Her manner was calm and even, but beneath the surface, Rob could see the danger glowing like embers behind her eyes. "These cells don't exactly have food, toilets, or showers. Unless you like your women messy, smelly, and half starved?" She rested her hands on her hips and cocked her eyebrow.

"Don't get too comfy," Rob answered almost immediately, and his words chilled them deeply. "None of you. You won't be here for long..."


Rob stepped out of the basement. They weren't sure where he was going, or for how long he'd be gone. That was why the moment he left, the soldiers began to direct the others.

"Hey, college girls," Halley called down the rows of cells to Danni and Tina. Both girls were sitting by helplessly. "Start searching the junk piles in your cages. Right now. Make it fast. Anything you can use as a weapon, anything that you could restrain a man with. Any weak boards, any loose screws. You want to get the hell out of here? We need to be out of here before he comes back." Halley's words seemed to spur the girls into action.

Galloway was already on it, kicking at the chain links that surrounded her, trying to see if there was a spot that was especially wobbly.

Captain Graver was pep talking Lucy, who had bundled herself into her jacket. "It's not your fault," he told her. "None of this is. But you gotta help me." She was smiling meekly and Graver could see her true personality— not the bouncy boy-crazy brat that she'd come across as initially. The real her was shy, self-conscious, and introverted. It suited her better.

Ethan's attention was divided between the task at hand, and trying to keep his mother grounded in reality. She was still deeply under Rob's influence. But whatever personality he assigned to her still closely mirrored her normal one. She was concerned, anxious, and obsessing over Ethan. "I love you baby. I'm sorry... I just can't control myself around you."

"It's fine mom. It's fine. We'll talk more about this later," he was brushing her aside.

Halley's men watched her rummage through old boxes and rubber maid bins full of old toys and junk. They were all hesitant to move, like a children who weren't sure if they were in trouble or not, and therefore afraid to draw any attention, lest they find out.

Finally Halley grew frustrated. "What the fuck are your problems?" She glared at Alvarado, York, and Alex.

Her men were looking at her with guilty expressions. She supposed she couldn't blame them. When they had all come-to, all three of them were balls deep in Halley's body, fucking their boss like sex starved animals.

"Boss..." it was Alex who asked it. He was nervously cleaning his glasses on his shirt. "Are we in trouble... for what we were doing?"

"You're going to be in a lot more trouble if you don't start helping me," she wasn't interested in talking about this.

"Are you sure?" York's expression was concerned. "Because we literally woke up down here having sex with you..."

Halley rounded on them. "Oh my god, do we really need to talk this out now? You guys are like a bunch of needy girls." Her voice went off like a gunshot in the room. Everyone looked over. "Lets all get something straight, under the circumstances, so we don't have to talk this shit out later." Her eyes traveled around the room to all of their faces— her men, the college students, her own future husband. "I'm not holding any of this against any of you. If there was ever a time for a free pass, I'd say this is it. So enjoy the fact that we all got laid guilt-free."

She resumed her rummaging. Her men looked satisfied by this response. Graver seemed relieved and more forgiving of himself.

Halley couldn't resist though. A smile arrived on her face, late to the party. "For the record, boys, how was I?" She smirked as she came out with a bat, only to find that it was made of cheap plastic. A child's whiffle ball toy. She discarded it.

"Couldn't have been that good," Alvarado replied. "We don't remember it." And despite the situation, everyone chuckled lightly.

"You're an asshole," Halley gave him the finger. "I never was great at multi-tasking. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised at how well I could handle the three of you." She smirked playfully.

"You know, I'm right here!" Graver mock-pouted from the next cage over. He was trying to bend the bottoms of the chain links upward.

"Oh shut up," Halley called back. "You have a hot coed with natural red hair in your cell." The compliment made Lucy blush but smile gratefully. "I had to have sex with these stinky Neanderthals. You have nothing to complain about."

The banter helped to lighten the mood, stave off their panic, and insure that they were all still a team— that nobody was upset at each other. It brought them together as they rummaged, searched, and fought with their containing cells. The banter ended with a sudden abrupt shriek of fear.

Everyone stopped and looked over. Halley was bent over a dusty old trunk with a scowl on her face. "These things creep me the fuck out!" She was holding up a tattered old ventriloquist doll by the collar as though she was afraid it would come to life and snap at her.

Galloway was staring at her through the bars with an insufferable grin. "Holy shit, Hellfire is human after all."

"Fuck you," Halley said, then glanced at the dummy in front of her, scowled and said "And fuck you too." She tossed it away with a shiver. Many of the men laughed.

"I didn't think you were afraid of anything," Galloway teased. "This is a hell of an eye opener."

"I don't like dolls," Halley insisted. "And that one is an especially ugly one." Indeed, it's wooden face seemed to be frozen in a contentedly evil smile. Its eyes were sunken in and dark— the marbles astonishingly life-like— and its features expressive.

Galloway was about to suggest that there might be wires in its body that they could use, when a voice interrupted their thoughts.

"That's not a nice thing to say about Mr. Crowley." Rob had returned with some bottles of water that he passed out to his captives, and a notepad. His perpetual keyboard was still tucked beneath one arm.

"Mr. Crowley?" Galloway asked Rob.

He shrugged. "I was big into Scooby Doo back when my parents got that for me."

"It's hideous," Halley remarked. "No wonder you're so fucked up."

"Mighty strong words coming from someone who violates people's personal spaces," Rob replied. He was looking thoughtfully at the puppet.

"I feel better knowing you weren't innocent in anything," Halley shot back.

"Admit it, you're curious about what my computer can do."

"I admit it," Halley folded her arms. The collection of prisoners all regarded Rob from their cells.

"I'm curious about it too," Rob was still thoughtfully staring at the puppet on the floor. His words were more to himself than to the group that stared back. "I mean, pretty much everything I've been doing is sort of as an experiment— testing things out. I didn't plan for this. I didn't spend years trying to figure out how to mind control people. It just happened one day. Kelsey was a pretty easy test that was a total accident. I was just typing up a dirty story one day, because I was lonely, horny, and wanted to use my imagination a little. Next thing I know, she's knocking on my door and throwing herself at me."

Halley had already heard this explanation, but it was more for the benefit of the group. And the more Rob explained to them, the better he felt. Like a weight off his chest. "Everything that I type onto this computer, it just happens. Exactly the way that I imagine. It happens. So I tried another test. Would two straight girls compromise their sexuality for a lesbian romp?" Rob reiterated the night he had a threesome with Lucy and Tina in the basement laundry area. "Then I did more and more experiments. Would a mother throw herself at her son? Would the son do it willingly? Would a sister and brother connect over chat? Could I influence someone's fetishes? Could I turn a group of hardened officers into a bunch of slobbering sex fiends?"

Most of the group blushed as Rob talked about them. But Halley's expression was thoughtful.

"It was all just me testing my powers, what I was capable of and how much of an effect it could all really have."

"Don't give me that crap," Halley rolled her eyes. "You were horny and you got grabbed by the addiction. Like a drug, each new high was harder and harder to top, so you went darker and darker."

"You're right," Rob admitted. "It's hard to go back to the old basics once you realize you can orchestrate literally anything your imagination can come up with. But it was two birds with one stone. Will I enjoy it? Can it be done?" His eyes grew distant again as he stared at the ugly carved face of his old childhood toy. "But now... I'm starting to think I haven't been imaginative enough. I'm curious about something else too. Can the computer do more than control minds?"

He sat down on a nearby chair, ignoring the pleas and remarks of the prisoners. Then Rob began to do a familiar thing that made all of them inwardly shiver. He began to type.

At first, nothing happened. The prisoners smartly fell silent. None of them wanted to catch Rob's attention and become the test subject of his next "experiment".

But Rob's attention wasn't on them. It was on the ventriloquist dummy in the center of the floor. "You know... when I was a kid," Rob explained, "I didn't have many friends. I never really did. Too shy. Picked on too much. Didn't trust people. I used to talk to myself a lot. My parents worried about me. So instead of doing something drastic like sending me for therapy or putting me in the loony bin, they got me Mr. Crowley. Hmmm... kind of fitting, don't you think? Maybe the puppet was an early manifestation of what was to come— my desire to control people." Rob nodded his head at the doll. "My parents wanted me to turn a flaw like loneliness into something creative. They were smart like that. So I used to talk to the doll, and I'd make him talk back to me. We'd have conversations. My friend."

He smiled sadly at the memory. But then his expression changed. "It was hollow. It wasn't real. I gave up after a while. Because no matter how much we talked, it was still all just me. It was never really my friend. It didn't have a mind of its own."

Rob continued to type feverishly. There was a palpable sense of dread throughout the room, as his focus remained on the puppet. What was he going to do?

"I mean, I can control minds with this computer. But if whatever I type happens... maybe I can do other things. Maybe I can bend reality as we know it."

Suddenly the puppet sat up all by itself. Danni screamed. The officers locked in the cell with Halley and the dummy all leapt backward, cursing with surprise.

The frozen face of the ventriloquist doll grinned at Rob through the bars.

"It's alive!" Rob cackled in delight.

The doll's head panned slowly around the room. Its eyes flicking mechanically in their little sockets. The mouth opened with a soft clacking sound.

Halley paled considerably at the sight of the doll moving on its own. She backed uncomfortably away, visibly afraid, but trying not to show it too much just yet. She was worried that if she really made her fear obvious, Rob would seize on that. "That's great," she said, uneasy. "Wanna put it back to sleep?"

The doll twisted face locked onto Halley. His animated eyebrows waggled up and down at her suggestively.

"I think Mr. Crowley likes you," Rob commented with a laugh.

"That's great, Rob. Seriously, though, make him knock it off."

The doll clambered clumsily to its feet. It wobbled like a baby fawn learning to walk, but it stood. Halley backed up until her ass pressed against the wall of the cage. On its feet, it stood nearly three feet tall— almost up to Halley's waist.

Everyone watched in horror as the inanimate object took on an impossible life of its own.

The sight was unnerving. The dummy's smile never wavered as it toddled clumsily toward its intended target, its arms outstretched.

"Seriously, Rob. Keep this fuckin' thing away from me, before I drop kick the shit out of it," Halley threatened. Although she looked genuinely unnerved. Her eyes were big. Her chest was rising in falling. Her back was pressed to the cage.

"Think you could hurt it? Give it a try." Rob smiled. There was a darkness to his face that nobody liked, as though he was enjoying tormenting Halley.

Alvarado stepped in and gave the dummy a firm kick. He almost lost his balance and toppled backward. The dummy did not move at all. It didn't budge. It kept right on smiling at Halley as though it wasn't the least bit phased.

By now both officers Alvarado and York were trying to pick up the dummy and move it, but they found they couldn't lift it, couldn't budge it, couldn't get it to change course.

"Alright, you proved your point," Halley commented as the dummy stepped in front of her. "You brought your little Golem to life. You want to stop fucking around?"

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