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Honey Ko

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Playboy grows up.
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"Honey ko" is a commonly used term of endearment among Tagalog speakers.


Angeles City, Philippines, in the sixties was kind of like a Mexican border town. Most of the suburbs were given over to bars and in the bars were lots of women. Those of us employed in the Far East at that time considered Clark AB to be a plum assignment because the cost of living was next to nothing and there were plenty of girls.

I had been to Clark several times when I was in the Air Force and had wangled a job as a tech rep as soon as I got out. My first assignment was at Clark. My shift was from seven in the morning until five in the evening. As luck would have it, that was also about the time that the bars were opening. On a typical work day I would be hung over until at least noon. I would swear earnestly that tonight I would go straight home. As the headaches and fog cleared, I would go to lunch, usually the only real meal I would get. As the afternoon wore on, the four o'clock miracle would happen. Suddenly I would feel great, forgetting yesterdays debacle, I would decide to stop off at the nearest bar outside the gate for 'just one' beer. I was almost always accompanied by one or more fellow tech reps.

As I let the icy cold San Miguel trickle down my throat, I noticed that several of the bar girls were looking pretty good. Experience told me they would look even better if I had just one more beer. Three or four beers later, I staggered out of the first bar fully intent on going home. The sounds of a live band emanating from one of the better bars attracted me. Maybe I'll stop and have just one more beer in there and listen to the band.

I sat at a table and in less than three minutes, two or three pretty young ladies were sitting down with me.

"Hi, handsome, buy me ladies drink?"

Being half drunk and a class "A" sucker, I picked one of them out and shooed the rest away. The girl wanted to dance, so we stumbled around the floor together. I lost interest in the first one. I left the first bar.

Sometime between ten o'clock and one o'clock, I selected one of the sweeties and she accompanied me to my hotel and fucked my brains out. Occasionally, I would pick up one early, take her to the hotel, fuck her and then go get another one. Lest you think I was Lothario of the month, all my buddies were doing exactly what I was doing. It was a twenty four, seven sexual free for all.

At that time of the century you could get anything you thought you were man enough to take in Angeles for twenty pesos or five bucks. It took a few months for the hotel to get boring, so I moved into a house. There were many housing areas around the city that catered mostly to military personnel assigned to Clark.

I settled into a four bedroom bungalow surrounded by papaya trees and a big yard. I hired a full time maid. She cleaned the entire house every morning, cooked the meals I ate at home, did all the shopping and the laundry. I paid her one hundred pesos a month. She was four foot eight and probably weighed eighty pounds, but she was a human dynamo.

I quickly learned from my pals that the biggest mistake you could make if you had a good maid was to fuck her. If you did, she would upgrade herself to girlfriend and stop working. I was lucky to find this out the day before I was going to fuck mine. Eventually, she earned whatever amount of money her goal was and she quit and went back to her province.

I went to the base employment office and checked the roster for likely help. They called in five girls for me to look over and like and idiot I picked a really good looking one. I should have gotten an ugly one. The one I picked was four foot ten inches tall and weighed eighty five pounds. I took her and her baggage home. Her name was Teresa. Sweet!

She turned out to be a dynamo too. I seldom got to talk with her because I was always at work or running the bars. Finally one day I ran completely out of energy. Drinking and pussy had taken a definite toll on me. I got off work and went straight home. Teresa was really surprised to see me at home on time and sober.

"Are you sick, Mr. Ronnie?"

"No, I'm just really, really tired."

"I will cook something for you." She swooped into the kitchen.

I sat in the papa san chair in the living room and listened to my reel to reel tape machine. I must have dozed off because the next thing I remembered was Teresa calling me to come and eat. She had a big spread of food on the table, much more than I could eat.

"Why don't you join me?" I asked.

"I don't think that is proper," she replied.

"Oh, come on. I won't tell anyone."

"Okay Mr. Ronnie."

She sat down at the table and took a small portion of the meal she had prepared. It was then that I noticed what a pretty girl she was. She was slim and delicate. She had next to no breasts. Her teeth were pearly white. Her hair was waist length and coal black. I felt that old feeling deep in my nuts.

Don't do it stupid, I told myself. If you lay her, she will be your girl friend and quit working.

All through dinner I snuck surreptitious looks at her. I'm sure, though, that she noticed. By the end of the meal she was smiling demurely. I went back to my chair while she washed and dried the dishes.

She floated through the living room with a dust rag. I watched her closely. My number one head was no longer in charge. My cock head was now driving.

"Why don't you come and sit with me?"

"Oh, no sir. I have work to do and it wouldn't be proper."

"Well, when you finish, come and sit. I want to talk to you."

"Yes sir."

The sumptuous meal caused me to drift off again. I awoke around midnight, the time I was usually getting home. She was snoring softly beside me in the papa san chair. I put my arm around her and she jumped like a kangaroo.

"You wanted to talk to me sir?"

"It's getting late. Go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I got out of the chair and headed for my bedroom.

I slept fitfully all night. When I woke up, breakfast was waiting for me. I wolfed it down.

Teresa was waiting for me in the living room.

"Talk now?" she inquired.

"No, I have to go to work. We'll talk tonight."

All day long I thought about Teresa, how small she was, how pretty and energetic. She had a soft, smooth voice. The fact that she had no tits didn't turn me off at all. I had already seen lots of big tits, felt them too. Many oriental women are flat chested until they have their first child. I wondered how hers felt.

Again, I went straight home. This time, I didn't really know why. She was waiting in the living room.

"Talk now, Mr. Ronnie?'

"Come sit with me after I get a shower."

I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me and headed for my chair. She curled up beside me.

"Teresa, I think you are a very pretty girl and I would like to date you."

She gave me a shocked look and then smiled. "That wouldn't be proper. You are my master. I am only a maid. What would people think?"

"They would think I'm dating a very nice young lady."

"I have a lower station in life than you. How could I aspire to go with you as your girlfriend?"

"You are dealing with an American now. We don't harbor those kinds of class distinctions. I don't give a damn what anybody thinks."

"I could still clean and cook for you?"

"If you want to."

"Okay. Where would we go?"

"I can take you to the NCO club and have dinner and watch a movie."

"I have nothing to wear for such a date."

I handed her a hundred pesos. "Buy something tomorrow and we'll go Saturday night."

Her eyes got big. For a minute, I thought she was going to kiss me, but no such luck. She jumped out of the chair and went to her room.

She had bought a very sexy little cocktail dress and matching shoes. She handed me forty pesos change.

"I don't want the change. You keep it as a bonus."

She nodded shyly and went to her room to squirrel it away. She was smiling when she came back.

I summoned a jeepney and it took us to the main gate. I hailed a base taxi and we sped away to the NCO club. The NCO club at Clark was a huge facility with a banquet room, several dining rooms, a barber shop, slot machines and live bands playing all the time. The food was excellent and the service was the best. I took her to one of the small dining rooms and we ordered our meal.

She had never been to the NCO club and she couldn't believe the opulence of the place compared to the bars downtown. Duly impressed, she stared at me all through dinner.

When the meal was finished, I took her to the main banquet room where a good local band was playing.

"Dance with me," I said.

She blushed and took my hand as I led her onto the floor. She turned out to be a good dancer, as most Filipinos are. I held her tightly to me. She struggled a little to start but soon was holding me tight too. I knew she didn't have money for perfume, but her natural aroma was very pleasant and very intense.

The movie was going to be shown outside on the football field so we left the club and headed for the movies. She sat next to me in the bleachers and I put my arm around her and held her hand. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I leaned into her and gently kissed her lips. She didn't struggle. She didn't do much of anything.

I looked down into her coal black eyes and smiled at her. She smiled back. I kissed her again and this time she returned my kiss. About half way through the movie she slid her hand behind my head and pulled my lips down to hers. I felt her tongue seeking my mouth so I opened my lips and let her slide into me. The kiss was extremely erotic. I had not done anything like that since high school. When she broke the kiss she was panting into my mouth.

"Take me home Mr. Ronnie," she requested.

We left the football field and I hailed another cab which took us to the main gate. We walked through the gate and got into a jeepney headed for home.

We walked into the house together. I spun her around and kissed her again. She kissed me back.

"I don't know what I'm feeling Mr. Ronnie. It scares me. I want to go to bed now. Thank you for a very good time."

She whirled out of my arms and disappeared into her room.

I wanted her really, really badly. But I didn't want to scare her. It was strange for me to give a damn about female feelings. Usually it had been a pure business transaction. I find them, I pay them, I fuck them, and they go away. But this was completely different.

I was aware that this girl had aroused some unknown feelings in me. I was under the impression that she felt them too. I wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. It was a strange thing. If I pressed her, she would probably let me fuck her, but she wouldn't enjoy it and for once, that made a difference to me.

She smiled at me as she served breakfast the next morning and I could hear her giggling in the kitchen.

I went to work sober for the first time in many months. It was amazing how much my productivity increased when I wasn't fighting a hangover.

When the shift was over, I headed for home. I stopped at one of my old hangouts. I had a beer and the girls surrounded me. Suddenly I felt like I didn't belong. I had an urge to go on home. I left the bar, intent on going into the next bar, but I didn't. Instead I got in a jeepney and went home.

With only one beer under my belt I was totally sober. I walked through the door and Teresa was waiting for me. I sat in the papa san chair and she brought me a beer. For some reason, this one went down a lot easier than the one I had in the bar. I could smell dinner cooking. Teresa returned to the kitchen to attend to her cooking.

"Dinner is ready Mr. Ronnie," she called from the dining room.

I walked into the dining room. There was only one place setting.

"You must eat the evening meal with me every night from now on," I told her.

She blushed and got another plate. We ate together. I felt so much better when she was near me.

After dinner I took a shower. When I got out, she was waiting for me.

"I want to give you a massage," she said.


"You come lay down on the coffee table."

I saw that she had arranged several towels on the table. I lay down on them. She started the massage at my feet and worked her way up my legs. Her fingers dug into my shoulders. My muscles started to relax. She rubbed some kind of oil into my skin. It was warm and smelled really good.

"Turn over," she ordered.

I rolled over on the table and she rubbed the oil into my chest and arms. Her hands drifted to the tops of my legs and for a hopeful minute I thought she might rub some of that oil into my cock which was gaining strength and length. She looked at me and grinned.

"No, no, you be a good boy!"

I whimpered pitifully and crawled back into my papa san chair. "Please join me," I offered.

She crawled in beside me and curled up like a puppy. I lifted her chin and kissed her. She smiled ad closed her eyes. My hand was on her rump and I slowly massaged it. She started to purr. I kissed her again. Clearly, if there was to be a seduction, it wouldn't be a very fast one. I dozed off with her snuggled up next to me.

She was still there when I woke up some time later. I climbed out of the chair and picked her up. After a moment's hesitation, I carried her to her bedroom and laid her gently on her bed. She woke up as I was tucking her in. "You are good to me, Mr. Ronnie. I like you a lot."

"You could come and sleep with me," I offered.

"Maybe sometime. Not now."

I went back to my bed. Damn! Another night with no pussy. This was getting serious.

After work the next day I didn't even stop for one beer. I just went home. Teresa was waiting for me again. I picked her up and kissed her hard. Her tongue found my mouth. I carried her to the chair and deposited her in it. My hands felt her tiny body. She shivered and helped me by removing her dress. She didn't have on a bra. She didn't need one. Her tits were small humps on her chest. I picked her up and carried her to my bedroom. Her days as a maid were over.

She lay on the bed as I removed her panties. I laid a big wet kiss right on her pussy. Her whole body shuddered. "Take off your clothes, Mr. Ronnie."

She helped me strip down. I lay beside her little body and for the first time felt her tiny tits. They were small, but they were nice and soft. I popped one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked hard on it. It erected on her chest like a little brown pecker, so I did the same to the other one. I kissed my way down her body. My tongue found her belly button and I reamed it. She moaned.

I left a wet tongue print all the way down to her hairless pussy. It was small and cute and waiting to be devoured. She had a distinctive aroma. It was delicious. Small droplets of juice had accumulated on her slit. I licked them off. My tongue traced up and down her pussy lips as she started to writhe and wriggle on my bed. I plunged my tongue into her. Her body stiffened at the new invasion. I licked all the dampness off of her labia. My lips sucked her clit into my mouth and my tongue rubbed the end of it. Her hands pulled my head as far into her as I could go. I rubbed her clit more rapidly and she screamed as she came in my mouth.

She was really juicy now. I crawled up her body and looked into her beautiful eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Yes but go easy. I am a cherry girl."

I almost aborted the whole mission. I definitely hesitated.

"I am anxious to do it. Come on Mr. Ronnie. Do it to me."

What could I say? I slowly sank my shaft into her tiny pussy. She was so wet that it was easy going until I got to her cherry. "This is gonna hurt you," I told her.

"I know. I don't care. Everything worthwhile brings a little pain. Stick it into me!"

I pushed forward into her and felt her barrier break. She grunted a little but she didn't cry. I slid all the way into her and stopped. After a little wait, she started to move under me so I stroked her slowly knowing that she would still hurt. I didn't want to hurt her. I loved her. What? What did I just think? It couldn't be true! Could it?

She was shaking on my cock. I was driving into her with more and more force, pushing, pumping, demanding. I wanted all of her. I felt her cum again. She screamed. I pumped into her faster and faster, awaiting my own climax. Soon I felt my seed gathering in my nuts. I slammed my cock into her as far as it would go and squirted her full. She screamed something in Tagalog and came again. Her little body was quivering in my arms. I squeezed her and kissed her again. She had a death grip on me.

When we broke the kiss, she was smiling at me. "I love you Mr. Ronnie."

I was scared as hell but I managed to mumble, "I love you too."

I had never said that to a woman before. As I thought things over, I realized that I really did love her. "You are my girlfriend," I stated flatly.

She stared at me with a wounded puppy look on her face.

"Why are you sad?" I asked.

"Does this mean I can't clean and cook for you anymore?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"But I like doing things for you. I don't want to quit. What will happen to me when you leave?"

Suddenly, I saw the future. I was twenty five years old and had nothing to show for my efforts and my travels. Every dollar I had ever made, I shot right out the head of my dick. Even though I was in a place where pussy abounded, I was lonely. In a matter of a few minutes, I grew up. It was time to shoulder some responsibility. "When I leave, you'll be going with me. I want to marry you. And don't call me Mr. Ronnie any more. Ron will do nicely. Will you marry me?"

Her eyes filled with tears. "Yes Mr. Ronnie, oops I mean Ron. I will be your wife."

I kissed her again. "Move your stuff into this bedroom. I'll start the paper work tomorrow. Your assignment for tomorrow is to hire another maid. You're fired."

"Yes sir." She snuggled next to me and I petted her body. She was so soft and smooth. I just wanted to eat her all up. So, I did.

Three months later we were married in Manila. My buddies thought I was nuts, but then one by one they began to succumb to the charms of the Filipino girls and in six months most of them were also married. They blamed me. I didn't care then and I don't care now.

Fifteen years later, and I'm still married to Teresa. We have two little boys and a little girl. We still make love like a pair of bunnies. I can't keep my grimy paws off of her.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
what is it

with all the chicken shits afraid to be a virgins first on this web site?

YornHYornHover 14 years ago
too short again

It is hard to critisize a wonderful romantic story but - once again, I wish it would have been longer and with more background and build-up - I may just be a male chauvinist but I just love Bassbelly's stories and wish they could come thru.

Whatever happened to a man being a man and a woman exactly that, a WOMAN - guess that all belongs in that past :-(

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Loved it

I wish I had a good lover like the gut in your story.

Baba8Baba8over 16 years ago
PI series

you need to write a PI series. this is a good read. i remember that you worked hard every day. but i can't remember the mornings, well, except for leaning against the hangar and spitting up yellow puke generated by brown bottled manila. i was lucky and drank with a fine gentleman named Ed who warned me of the evil nature of manila vs PI. your stories are laced with a good potion of local lore. readers that lived thru this era love it new reads can learn about it. my first "ex" the WOP used to say "you never had it so good" "wrong PI 69"

the first time i came home sober the 17 year old maid i had was not fast enough. she quit working the next day. i hired one big and ugly with 10 kids. but she could carry two cases of beer under her one arm while luging around her lastest kid under the other.

every day was Jimmy buffet thursday, hoping and knowing you would live to roar again each night.---hetz

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I spent 3 years in the at Clark from 77-80 loved every minute of it. Your story brought back many old memorys. I am writing this sitting in a papa-san chair.


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