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Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 21


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"I should go to him Doctor. He must be in a great deal of pain."

"He was Susan, that's why I knocked him out. I gave him a strong painkiller, and a sedative. They will work until we put him under anesthesia. He wouldn't know if Callie walked in his room, and danced naked on his bed."

Susan laughed. "Can you imagine the look on his face, if we took pictures of that? Him sleeping, and Callie doing a belly dance, inches away from his face. If you think Callie went ballistic today, it would be nothing compared to what would happen, when Alan realized what he missed."

"I'm not sure Susan. He has this sixth sense about me. He knows exactly what to do, and what to say that will set me off. If he was seconds away from deaths door, and the Doctor had his pen on the paper to sign the certificate, if I were to walk into his room, Alan would get better, just to start another argument with me."


Sergeant knocked on the window of the neonatal unit and the nurse came on the speaker and asked his name. She nodded, and she and another nurse, brought the four tiny incubators to the window.

All Sergeants' children were hooked up to IV lines, which were so tiny, you wondered how any liquid could get through them, and into the child's body. Each baby weighed between 2 and 2 ¼ pounds each, with the boy being the lightest.

"You're a daddy times four, cousin. You outdid me by three."

"Yes, but, Cassandra didn't nearly die delivering my four children. I almost lost you trying to deliver one."

"Yes you did, and what was your brilliant reaction?"

"It was so long ago, I forgot."

"Would you like me to give you a demonstration of what you did to my husband?"

"As educational as that might be, I think I'll pass."

"I think that one looks like me," a man huddled in a blanket to the right of them said in a weak voice."

"Of course, the little girls must look like their mother, because there is no woman in this group that can hold a candle to any of them."

Callaway's repentance disappeared in a flash. Who was this asshole.

"Look at God's little creatures, gorgeous dark hair, perfectly tanned skin, their minds are going to absorb generations of material as easily as any computer. Thank God they're not blondes. Blondes are like colanders, you put information in one way, and it drains out the other. They are pretty to look at, but they all belong in strip clubs."

Ted knew who it was. He grabbed Harold, before he could attempt to hold Callie back.

Callaway walked over to the man, fuming. "You son of a bitch, how dare you talk down to women, because of the color of her hair."

Without turning around, he lifted the blanket over his head and said, "Because they are all ditzy blondes." As he finished saying this, he threw the blanket over Callie's body, trapping her in it. He wrapped a bathrobe cord around her center, and tied it tightly around her.

Callie screamed a series of expletives as everyone laughed. "Let me loose, Robbins. I will kill you painlessly, if you do."

"You tried to kill me painfully earlier, Callie and you missed by inches. This way I feel safe. You can't see me, and your cold, cold hands are no threat to anyone. I can hand you over to Harold, and if he is smart, he will feed you through a straw, until your wedding day. He can let you out for a few moments to say, 'I Do,' before he ties you up again."

Callaway said, "Wait a minute, Vincennes; you had a part in this. You lied to me, about his condition. I am going to tell my sister."

"Callie, do your worst. Your sister is so happy you're getting married, she is floating on air. She is even happier that your mother is wealthy and will never have to worry about money again. To top that off, the Wednesday after you get married, she is leaving for two-months to a private cooking school, in France. You could not have picked a worse time to try to get your sister angry with me."

"Is anyone going to be on my side?"

"I'm sorry Callie, but you tried to kill my husband. I like you, and I am happy to have you as my son's godmother. However, I love my husband. If you ever try to kill him again, I will take you over my knee, and spank you."

"Don't do that Susan; every time I do it, she cums."

"Harold, that's private; keep your mouth shut."

Susan laughed. "Callie, if you are only up to the spanking stage, you have a lot of growing up to do. Wait until you get into paddles, riding crops, floggers, and buzzers that go inside you. You haven't lived until you've turned 40, and your mind finally catches up with your body."

"I am sorry, but I can't choose your side either, Callie. I nearly killed Alan, when Susan had Callum. It wasn't his fault. I went ballistic just like you did today. I carry a lot more weight and power around with me, and I fractured his skull. I am a daddy now, so I have to stay out of jail, and take care of my family."

"Harold, help me."

"For my help, you have to repeat the following words: I will never attack Alan Robbins again."

Callalily Christine Callaway stayed mute. There was no way in hell she could make that promise. Alan knew every one of her buttons, and at any moment, he could press one that would set her off.

Everyone standing there waited for her response, and when none came, they started laughing. Alan untied the sash, pulled the blanket off her body, and waited for her reaction.

When Callie saw him holding the blanket in his arms, she asked, "Why would you untie me?"

"Ditzy, you were honest to everyone, but most importantly, you were honest to yourself. There is no way on God's earth you could have kept that promise to Harold. You could have tried, you could have avoided me as much as possible. Eventually we would have come face to face, and I would say something that would cause you to lose control. You and I both know that would happen. Everyone here knows that happen, especially Harold. It was unfair of him, even to ask you to make such a pledge.

However, I am going to tell you this, and you had better obey me, or I will get my gun, and shoot you in those fake tits of yours. You are not allowed to hit me again, until my ribs have healed."

She grabbed her breasts, and said "Listen, Tiny Tim, these are mine, and you will never have the honor of touching them."

Susan boasted, "He couldn't care less 'Little C's. Mine are bigger, and they stay up by themselves."

Insulted, Callie replied, "So do mine."

As she thought about things for a moment, she looked at Alan and said, "You have been putting me through all of this shit, and your ribs aren't broken?"

"Nope, they are just badly bruised. I think we broke a chair or two, in the waiting room. It would be nice if you replaced them."

"I'll replace those cheap fucking chairs, and the next time we have an argument, Robbins, I'm going for your knees. I know a really good doctor that replaces those."

"Fuck you, Blondie."

"Really intelligent, Allan."

"I didn't want you to have to run for a dictionary. Dictionary; too big a word for you, 'Big book, Lots of words. Give meaning."

"Defend yourself Robbins, I have had enough of you for this century."

Alan threw the blanket over Callaway's head, turned and ran down the corridor towards the stairway. Callaway was about 30 feet behind and closing. The group standing in front of the neonatal unit lost sight of them, and went back to looking at the quadruplets.

Susan asked her cousin what he was going to name them.

Sergeant looked at her with a dazed expression on his face. "Cassandra and I never discussed it. It always seemed so far in the future, it wasn't important. I think we should do something about that now."

"Cousin, one day you are going to have to explain to me how you ran a police force of 30 men. You made up the work schedule for three rotating shifts, days off, sick days, and vacation days, and always got it right. However, when you and your wife know you're going to have four babies, three girls and one boy, and you know the date they are going to be born on, you can't pick out four names."

Sergeant joked, "It must have been all that pressure Susan. It's not like we were with all the other parents who didn't know anything about when their child was going to be born. We knew everything, so we froze."

"I have a freezer out at the ranch, I believe you will fit it just fine. Let's go ask your wife what she thinks, and if she wants any part of you left out of it."


Thursday, October 21, 2 PM

Amanda Halfman was sitting at her desk, at the Public Safety building, filling out the timesheets for the police officers, when she experienced a severe cramp in her lower abdomen. She disregarded it, believing it was gas, until it happened to her again, and then again. She picked up the phone, and called Doctor Childs office to see what she should do.

Linda took the call, personally, and asked Amanda if she had any other problems around her abdominal area.

"I only have a clinching by my kidneys, and I have to go pee a lot, but that's nothing unusual."

"Amanda, I want you to have someone drive you to the hospital immediately. I don't want you to drive."

"Is there something wrong with my baby?"

"I don't believe so, but you may be holding him in your arms tonight, if he has turned laterally. You are too small, and he may be pressing against your kidneys and ovaries. He is big enough to take from you now, and there is no sense in taking a chance with your health."

"Oh my God, Joe, he is not ready for this."

"I will send an ambulance to pick up Joe. They may have to fold him in half to have him fit in there, but he will be with you when you deliver. Get to the hospital, now, I will meet you there."

"Okay, I'll be on my way in a minute."

She hung up the phone, and yelled, "Elmore, get your ass out here."

"Yes boss, what can I do for you?"

"Get someone to sit at my desk and answer the phones. Don't let them touch my computer, or when I get back I will kill them. You are taking me to the hospital, I may be having the baby tonight."

"Does Joe know?"

"No, but send a car to the house and get him. If he drives, someone is going to get killed, and more than likely it will be him."

"I'll take care of it."

They arrived at the hospital 15 minutes later, and a furious Doctor Childs wanted to know wanted to know why it took them so long.

Elmore said, "I had a pregnant woman, in the car with me. I didn't want to take a chance and get into an accident on the way here."

"Elmore, you always were pussy, I'm surprised you're not pregnant too."

"If it happens, Doc, you can deliver it, and I will split the billions we will make between the books, movies, and interviews."

"Get out of here, Elmore, before I put you in the maternity ward."

"I can't Doc, two of my men are bringing Joe in. Someone is going to have to look out for him, while my men are stitched up. Someone should have a horse tranquilizer ready to inject him with when he gets here. He is going to be out of control, until he knows Amanda is okay."

Amanda said, "Give me a piece of paper and a pen. This will ensure that Joseph behaves himself."

Amanda wrote a short note, folded it into thirds, and handed it to Elmore. She said, "If you ever want to see a correct paycheck again, you will not look at the content of this note. Give it to Joseph as it is, and stand back from him."

Doctor Childs said, "If you are finished, I have to take Amanda for her sonogram, and if it is what I think, we are going to the OR directly afterwards. I will speak to Joe and see if he wants to join us. If not, you keep an eye on him out here, and everything will be fine."

A few moments after Amanda was taken for her test, two officers were being manhandled by Joe, as they walked into the emergency room.

Elmore walked over to him and said, "Joseph, stop it."

No one called him Joseph, except his wife. He looked at Elmore and saw the paper in his hand.

"Amanda said, for you to read this. Don't fuck around with my men again, or you will be in jail."

Joe was almost afraid to open Amanda's letter. He knew she was going to threaten him to within an inch of his life if he didn't calm down. How could he possibly calm down, when someone was going to cut open her body, and take out their baby. He moved to a vacant portion of the ER, sat down, and waited to read the tirade he was sure Amanda had set pen to paper for him to read.

"Dear Joseph, Love of my life; everything is going to be fine. Tonight we are going to be holding our son in our arms. Do not get upset or worry about me. You know I am as strong as you are, just in a different way. Thank you for giving me the one thing I could not give myself. Think of a name for our son. Whatever you choose, that's what we will name him. You are the only man with a heart big enough to complete me. I love you Joseph, more and more every day we are together, Amanda."

He sat in the corner, looking at the letter, and cried. She had struck him in his most vulnerable part; his heart. She always knew how to keep him calm, and she had done it again today.


Callalily was working in the telemetry area, when she got word that Amanda was going to deliver her baby. She could not leave her station, because they were very busy. She called Susan, and told her what was happening.

Susan, Alan, and Callum jumped into their truck and headed for the hospital. Alan called Sergeant, and told him what was happening, but told him to stay at home with Cassie. They would check in on the quads, while they were in the hospital, and report on their progress also.

Cassie took the phone and told Alan that this was great news. They would be able to have one large birthday party for the five kids at their new home. All the children they would go to school with will be invited, they will have a great time, and there will only be one mess to clean up.

Alan said, "Cassie just remember, when your girls turn 16, they are legal, and I can turn Callum loose on them. He will ruin them for every other man they ever meet."

"Alan that would be incest. Even you would not condone that."

"Susan and Sarge are only cousins. That makes Callum and your girls, second cousins. Therefore, according to the law that is not incest."

"You keep that boy away from my girls."

"Cassie, you will have to speak to his godfather about that. I will have no control over that situation; hormones will."

The next thing Alan heard was Sergeant screaming, "Ouch, why did you throw the phone at me?"

"Susan married that asshole, and you are Callum's godfather. Alan's going to turn him loose on our girls, when they turn of age. I can't kill Alan, and I can't kill Callum, because it would break Susan's heart. Guess who that leaves you idiot?"

"You told me you couldn't get pregnant. This is not my fault. You lied to me, you will have to live with the consequences."

From the telephone lying on the floor, they could hear Alan scream, "You tell her, Sergeant. You put her in her place."

Sergeant picked up the phone, and said, "Exactly how much trouble do you want me to be in Alan. You threatened three out of my four children, and now you want me to put my wife 'IN HER PLACE!' You are fucking out of your mind."

"No, Sergeant, I am threatening all four of your children. Your son is going to be gay, and my son is going to take care of him, also."

"You son of a bitch. I'm going to kill you when I see you."

"Sergeant, you have lost your sense of humor, since your wife gave birth. I am going to have to help you work on that. When you hit me, please do it on the right side. I'm not sure the left side of my head has healed yet."

Sergeant laughed. "Alan, it's a wonder Callalily hasn't killed you already. You should write all of this stuff down, and find a comedian who can do a standup routine for you. You are too God damn funny for your own good."

"Sarge, when you go undercover for three years, if you don't have a sense of humor, you are going to have ulcers, the size of your fist. We are at the hospital; I will talk to you later."

Cassie asked him what got his goat that he threatened to kill Alan. When he told her the story, she laughed, until her belly started to ache.

"I can't imagine the horrors he went through when he work in Chicago and then in Miami. It must've been like walking on glass every day he was there."

"Honey, I never worked undercover. I only know a few men that did, but they were all local, doing drug busts, breaking up car theft rings and stuff like that. After a while, the all burnt out, and that was just minor stuff. Alan went from school, at Quantico, and directly undercover to the mob in Chicago. He had no knowledge of street work, no police background, or anything like that. He only had school knowledge. I am not sure if it hurt him, or saved him, but he survived. The knowledge he gained was invaluable.

He disappeared just before the government took down several top members of the Chicago mob and a great number of the lieutenants, and street merchants.

He resurfaced in Miami, and did the same thing there. The Colombians had a fit, because they had to move their cocaine pipeline from Cuba and the Bahamas, to Mexico. All this happened because of one man, Alan Robbins. They put a $10 million price tag on his head; that's why the government hid him, while he worked undercover in New York.

When they got to his wife, and helped her with the divorce, it drove him into the bottle. They drove him crazy enough to tamper with evidence that set the heads of the New York family's free. That's how he wound up out here, with us. The rest of the story, you know, because you lived through it. You saw what those people are capable of doing, when they are determined to get even."


For the first time, Alan was able to walk into the hospital through the front doors. He was so used to coming in through the emergency room or. He didn't recognize anything from this vantage point. It did not last long. When he asked at the information desk where everyone for Amanda Halfman was; he was informed everyone was still in the emergency room.

He looked at Susan, and said, "It figures." He picked up Callum, and they proceeded to take the long walk to the rear of the hospital, where the ER was located. When they arrived, they saw three police officers standing at the desk, looking at a lone figure at the far end of the facility.

Susan asked Elmore, if Joe was alright.

"I handed him a letter from Amanda, he sat down, read it, and hasn't moved since. I don't know what to do."

Alan said, "I'll go talk to him, and make sure everything is okay."

Almost everyone thought he was crazy, but no one else volunteered. Alan had an ace up his sleeve, or at least in his arms, because he took Callum with him. He sat down next to Joe and did not say a word.

Callum said, "Hi Uncle Joe, will you throw me up in the air, and catch me?"

Joe turned to the three-year-old and couldn't help but smile. "Callum, we can't do that in a hospital. We would scare the nurses and the doctors. Do you know why you're here today?"

"Yes, mommy says, Aunt Amanda is going to have her baby today. Does that make me a big brother?"

"It makes you a big cousin, but you two are going to be like brothers all your life."

"Is he going to be big like you?"

"Only time will tell, Callum. I am very big, but his mommy is very small. Only time will tell us how tall he will be when he grows up."

"That's okay, as long as we can play together."

"The both of you will be playing with Sergeants little boy, for many years to come. You will also be playing with sergeants, three little girls, especially if they're like your Aunt Susan."

"Why would I want to play with girls?"

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