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Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 21


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"For the same reason I like to play with Aunt Amanda, your Uncle Sergeant likes to play with your Aunt Cassie, and your daddy likes to play with your mommy. You start out, not liking girls. Then you start playing childhood games with girls. When you get older, you start taking girls to movies. I'll let your parents tell you what happens after that."

"Do you mean the noises, and the squeaky springs I hear coming from their bedroom at night?"

"Callum, I'll let your parents talk to you about those noises. They could be looking for the rabbits in your roof."

"Rabbits, I love rabbits. Could I help look for them?"

"It's very dangerous looking for those kinds of rabbits. You will have to ask your parent's permission."

Alan said, "Thanks Joe, you are a big help. I'll be sure to tell your son about the sheep grazing in your attic."

"You know me Alan; I am here to help anyone in need. By the time my boy asks me about those noises, Amanda will have him on a Vegan diet. It's kind of tough to explain how a turnip or a carrot can make a house jump up and down."

Doctor Childs walked into the emergency room and saw three police officers looking to the far end of the facility. She saw Joe talking amiably, with Alan and Callum. She walked over to them, and told Joe to stay seated so she could look him in the eye.

"Joe, it is as I expected. Your son has turned laterally in Amanda's abdomen. He is too big and Amanda is too small. He is pressing on everything she has in her, and it is time for me to take him out of his humble home, and give him more room to grow. He will be with us for up to a month. He is about 5 pounds, but he is a very long baby. There is no danger to him or Amanda. She wants to know if you want to be in the OR, to witness your son's birth."

Without hesitation, Joe said, "Yes."

Doctor Childs said, "Shit, I just lost $20 to your wife, and two members of my staff."

"Why would you bet against me, Linda?"

"Joe, she told me about how you reacted when you found out she was pregnant. If you couldn't take that news, how are you going to watch me take a knife and cut open that little girl's abdomen?"

"Doctor, I have hunted most of my adult life. I have field dressed everything, from a turkey to a moose. I believe I can handle watching you open my wife's abdomen, and remove my son from her belly, without messing up your floors."

"I hate men. Go to the second floor, and get scrubbed in. It's going to be interesting to see how they fit you into 'greens'. We will be ready to start in 20 minutes. Get your ass in gear, Joseph, your son is waiting to be born."

They had no clothes that could even closely fit Joe. He was told strip. They took green surgical drapes and stapled one to each of his extremities, two for his middle, and cut one for a hole to slide his head through. When they were finished, they taped everything together. When they walked him into the operating room, everyone, including Amanda, laughed. He looked like a monster from the 1950's movie, "The Thing."

Defensively, Joe said, "I didn't do it, they did."

"Joe, honey, give me a kiss before they put me to sleep. I wish I had a camera to take your picture so I could show it to your son when he gets older."

"Amanda, do you believe he's getting out of this hospital, without 200 people taking pictures of him. Let's put you to sleep, and see what your son looks like."

18 minutes later, Doctor Linda Childs said "Holy shit, look at the size of him. Measure him exactly; he may be a record for a seven-month premmie"

The nurses cleaned him up, put him on the scale, and said, "5 pounds 10 ¾ ounces. His height is 24 inches exactly."

"Joseph, where the hell did she put him?"

"You're the Doctor, you tell me."

"Don't just stand there like a lump, go get your baby. If you drop him, I'll kill you."

A nurse handed him his son, who blew bubbles at him and Joe smiled. He said, "Hello Amando, your mother and I love you very much."

Joe strolled around the operating room until he heard his wife ask him, "Do you mind if I see my son?"

"You had him for seven months, it's my turn now."

"Joseph, don't make me smack you. Bring me our baby."

"He looks just like his mother, but he is tall, just like me."

"What did you name?"

"I named him after the only thing in this world I can't replace: you. His name is Amando."

"Joe, you are not supposed to make me cry on such a happy day."

"Then don't cry, be happy for the three of us, and when we get out of here will go for Mexican food to see if he likes it. Heaven knows he's big enough."

"Joseph, you are incorrigible, but I love you more and more each day. Did you finish the extension on the house?"

"No, I just decided to add another room, just in case we get lucky and have another one. "

"Linda, can you believe this guy? It takes him six years to knock me up the first time. Now he's talking about knocking me up again."

"You can't touch her, for two months, Joe. She has to heal both inside and out. Your son roughed her up pretty good, while he was in there."

"No problem doctor, I will go down to Prescott and visit a few of the ladies I have been told about."

Amanda smiled at her husband. "Joseph, do you know that hunting rifle, you are so proud of, the one you tried to teach me how to shoot. I may not have been able to shoot very well, but if I turn that rifle around, I am sure I could hit your head with the other end, while you were sleeping."

"Honey, I don't think you could lift that rifle."

"Joseph, I carried your son inside my stomach for seven months. I can pick up that rifle with one hand behind my back, and turn your head into cranberry sauce."

"I can't let you do that baby, half the town's workforce would go without a paycheck. No one knows your passwords, and no one is allowed to use your computer, at work. I will stay at home to watch over you, and our baby."

"I knew you could be reasonable Joseph."

"I love you too much Amanda to do anything that would harm you."

"Damn you Joseph, you are not supposed to make me cry."

89. The Morning after Night Before.

It was barely light outside, and Fred was wide-awake. The talk with Dolores had helped him, but it could not break his sleep cycle. When his body said, 'Get Up,' he got up, and there was nothing he could do about it. After years of training it, it was like a Swiss watch, it kept perfect time, and nothing could keep it from doing otherwise.

He looked at Sharon and knew in his heart that she loved him and he loved her. It had been a weird way to start a romance, but he was never surer of anything in his life. Maybe he didn't push it too far, too late in the day. They would talk about that later.

He tried to slide out of the bed quietly, when she grabbed him by the balls.

"Where do you think you're going at this hour of the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I was going to go downstairs and do a little work."

"Is this a workday or is it a Sunday?"

"It's a Sunday, which means it's an off day."

"Should I call my uncle and tell him you're exceeding your 55 hour workweek?"

"I'm not back to work, yet. How can I be exceeding 55 hours."

"I will forward all the emails from Elizabeth to you back to him, to show him how you are helping her run the office in your absence."

"You wouldn't do that to her. She is barely keeping her head above water, and that is with an assistant. If I don't help her, she'll drown."

"Then you better be nice to me, and stay in bed. I am sorry about yesterday Fred, more sorry than you will ever know. I don't know what came over me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and my girls. I don't know where we would've gone or what we would have done without you. I am not talking about indebtedness, I'm talking about love. I see the way you look at me and all I see in your eyes is love. I see the way you look at my girls, and I see the way they look back at you. It has nothing to do with sex. They love you wholeheartedly. Don't get me wrong, they love the way you make love to them how you make them feel. They don't feel used or abused; they feel cherished. Last night when Dolores told them that you might move out, I thought they would die. They knew it was my fault, and they would have hated me for the rest of my life for losing you. You are their father, Fred, more than their biological father ever was. You are their mentor. You have taught them more in this one year, than their father did in the 18 years he was with them.

Please, Fred, don't ever leave us. Don't ever leave me. Talk to me if I do something wrong. Don't run away from me, because sometimes I don't know how to react properly. I sat on the bed last night, when you went downstairs, and cried. I did not know what to do. Dolores yelled at me when I said to her I didn't go downstairs and apologize. When she asked me why I told her it reminded me of when my former husband and I had an argument, and I froze. That's when she said she was coming over. You know what happened after that happened."

"Are you going to let go of my balls now?"

"Are you in a hurry for me to do that?"

"If you squeeze any harder, two may get turned into one, and that will hurt."

"Do you remember the last time we were in bed, and I had to grab you by the balls to keep you there?"

"Yes, I remember that morning quite vividly."

"Well, you're not supposed to remember that morning, because it was before your injury. Would you like me to show you what you missed?"

"Yes, I would."

From outside their bedroom door, Sandy yelled, "Would you two stop talking and start screwing already. We are tired and want to go to sleep. All this waiting for you two to makeup has kept us up all night."

Fred yelled, "Since the four of you are awake, and disobeyed my orders to sleep until noon, we will leave for the gym at 1 o'clock. Anyone not ready to go, on time, will get an automatic two misdemeanors."

"Dad, that's not fair. We just wanted to make sure you didn't leave during the night. We worried about you and mom. We always told you that our family came first, and nothing came before our family. One argument should not will be enough to break us up."

"Babe, I think we should put off little playtime until later. I think we're going to have company in bed. You can call them in, when you are ready."

Sharon called out, "Are you dressed; because if you are you are not allowed in our bed."

It's amazing how an oversized king-size bed gets crowded with the addition of four teenage girls. Danni made the overcrowding little bit less by climbing on Fred's chest, spreading her 110 pound weight long, his frame, and 'accidentally' placing her pussy directly onto his prick.

Fred grinned. "Are you comfortable Danni?"

"Yes, dad, I'm very comfortable."

"What will happen if something comes up?"

"I'm sure I'll be able to handle it."

Sandy said, "Dad, what is she doing?"

"Right now she's resting, and trying to go to sleep. Why, what did you think she was doing?"

"I don't know, I just didn't like all that whispering."

"Next time, you climb on my chest first, and I'll whisper to you."

Within five minutes. You could hear the light breathing of four women and the whispering of one.

"Dad, that thing came up."

"Shhh, don't move, not one muscle." Fred adjusted his hips and with one hand moved ahead of his penis to her opening, and let it slide in.

Danni let out a satisfied moan, and Fred told her to stop it.

He whispered, "No moving, no talking, no moaning, or this will never happen again. Use your internal muscles and squeeze me, until you come. Don't worry about me, this is all for you little one."

Danni never realized how much she used these muscles before, while making love, but she was thrilled she was using them now. She concentrated hard on making it work, and she was producing fluids that were dripping out of her like a fountain. She was having trouble controlling her hips, but Fred had his hands firmly gripped against her ass holding it tight, so no one would notice her moving. He kept looking to his left to see if anyone was looking in his direction, but they all appeared to be soundly sleeping.

As she approached her orgasm, Danni bit his arm so hard he nearly yelled. As she went over the top, she sighed, and said, "Fuck!"

The girls in bed with her, said, "You just did, Danni. We may not have heard you, until the very end, but you can't hide your smell. What have you got to say for yourself, Dad?"

"Would you believe I was an innocent bystander. I was lying here with this young woman lying on my chest, and she took advantage of me."

Sandy said, "I would say let's take him to court on this one, but he would probably find another way to weasel his way out of it. Let's ask Danni what happened?"

"Me, what did I do? I was just lying here minding my own business. That thing of his must have popped into me accidentally, because I don't remember a thing. I plead temporary amnesia."

"Debbie, would you go down to dad's office and get that Squash racket of his. I'm going to beat her over the head with it 50 times, and then plead temporary amnesia."

Fred said, "Sandy, you just convicted yourself. Would you like to tell me why?"

"What did I do that was any different than what Danni said."

"You said you were going to hit her over the head, '50 times' and then plead temporary amnesia. If you knew how many times you hit her, you cannot plead amnesia. You are as guilty as the day is long."

"Fuck, caught by a technicality."

"That's one Sandy."


"Good correction daughter number one."

"Thank you, number one father."

"Now that all my daughters are suitably awake, get out of my room. Mommy wants to play with daddy, privately. No arguments are allowed. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3.

The girls scurried off the bed, and out of the room, but they forgot one thing, and Sharon had to call them back.

"Get back here, and closed the door, there will be no video of our romantic interlude."

"If we can't watch it, how else are we supposed to see it?"

"That's the point, you're not going to see it."

"You're not being fair mom. How else are we supposed to learn if we can learn from you?"

Fred said to her, "Your girls are getting very smart. That littlest one of yours is getting very sneaky. I don't know if she had this preplanned from another time or not, but she was on me like peanut butter on bread."

"Sometimes Fred, a 'girls' gota do, what a girls' gota do.' She didn't get any, when you ate the other girls for dessert. She needed her fix, and today she got it."

"She is as highly sexually motivated as her mother. Whoever wants to marry her, had better have instant rechargeable batteries, or he's going to die in bed."

"We will just have to make sure he is very heavily insured."

"Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

"Excuse me, Fred, I was interrupted, you got laid."

"I am sorry to inform you, Madam, I did not ejaculate; therefore I did not get laid."

"Are you playing semantics with me, Fred. If you are, I will get that little box by your shoes, stick that thing up your ass, turn it up to the number nine and see how you like it."

"According to the instructions, it is for men and women to enjoy. Do you want to give it a try?"

"How the hell would I get it out?"

"It's simple; you stick your hand up my ass, and grab it."

"Fred, that's terrible. How far would I have to stick my hand up there to get it."

"I wouldn't think any further than your elbow. After that, I believe surgery would be required to get it out, or a really good shit."

Sharon wound up and hit him with a pillow, as she said, "Fred, you are awful."

"So, you want to play rough. I seem to remember you were ticklish. Let me see if I can remember those ticklish areas."

"Fred, you promised never to tickle me again."

"When did I promise never to tickle you again? Was that before or after I was shot?"

"It was before you were shot."

"If it was before I was shot, I couldn't possibly remember that promise, could I? That means I never made it."

"Fred, please do not tickle me. I will do anything for you, if you will not tickle me."

"Miss Williams, did I hear you say the word anything? That leaves a whole world of possibilities open to me. You do know how evil my mind gets when I am allowed to ponder the vagaries of the universe, and someone tells me I can do anything I want within it; don't you Miss Williams?"

"Fred, you're killing me here. What do you want from me. Just don't tickle me, and I will do anything you ask. I go crazy when I am being tickled."

Fred knee walked to the center of the bed, took both of her hands, and asked, "Sharon Elizabeth Harmon Williams, will you marry me?"

Her mind froze, as she stared up at him, with a shocked expression on her face. She waited for the joke she was sure was coming next, but it didn't come.

He waited also. He watched as her eyes cleared, her eyes brightened, she started to rise up on her knees, and a word formed in her mouth. At that instant he hit her with a pillow, which knocked her back down onto the bed, he said, "Gotcha," and ran for the bathroom.

As she regained her senses, she yelled, "YES, and you are dead man."

He replied, "You can't marry a dead man in the state of Maryland." He got into the shower, turned the cold water, grabbed the showerhead, and waited for her arrival. As soon as she stepped in, he hit her with a pulsating stream of cold water.

She screamed. She tried to exit, but he kept the pulsating water between her and the shower exit.

"Fred, death is too good for you. I have to convince my uncle to make you run for Congress, and win. Those people will drive you crazy, in less than a two-year term. Then I can have you committed with the rest of the really crazy people."

"Dear, a few moments ago, you said, 'I could do anything,' as long as I did not tickle you. You must admit, this is something." He moderated the temperature of the water, until it became nice and steamy, and took her into his arms, and began warming her up in in every way he could imagine; and at the moment he was imagining many ways.

"You are some piece of work, Fred."

"I was only following your directions babe. Next time, make your directions a little more restrictive, and I'll tone down the results."

"Give me an example of how you would tone down your results, Fred?"

"Next time, I'll leave out the proposal."

"That's exactly what I figured you would say, Fred. You see, there is only one problem with your thinking. My aunt and uncle, your boss, and mentor, have my dress, the church, the hotel, the announcements, our vacation and all the accoutrements to go with them, paid for. If you were to back out of this arrangement, at this late date, I am sure that an arrangement could be made for you to meet a bus, just like the director of the NSA did. However, this time the bus would stop, and back over you, just to make sure it didn't miss anything important, like your balls."

"Getting a little testy are we, Sharon?"

"No, I'm like Danni, or is it Danni is just like me. I haven't gotten any recently, and I'm a little testy."

"I would consider a privilege, an honor, but most of all my duty to scratch that tiny itch of yours."

"Fred have you ever seen a bear standing next to a tree, scratching his back? That's how tiny that itch of mine is. You had better make sure your heart is up to it, otherwise, this tiny itch may kill you."

Fred got up, went to the bedroom door, and for the first time since they moved into this huge house, locked it. The girls would brood over this, but Sharon needed him, and she was going to get everything he had, while they were alone.

He walked back to the bed, wiggled his eyebrows and asked, "Is this a free-for-all, or do you want me to start in a particular area?"

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