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Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 22


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"When I finish bandaging Stephano's wounds, I will show you what they cost online."

Patty was not going to let her pay for the place settings, but it was fun tormenting Rita.

It was 8:50 AM, when they emerged from their bedroom. Stephano had bandages on both of his ears, and one on his face. He warned both Paul and Rita not to laugh, because he was in no mood to hear it."

Paul said, "Steph, I thought you were in charge of everything."

Softly, Stephano replied, "So did I, until last night. She nearly killed me."

Paul smiled, "You lucky dog, you got a virgin, and turned her into a nymphomaniac."

"I did nothing of the sort. She memorized a book, all 597 pages of sexual material. She knows more than I do, and some of the positions she was in last night, blew me away. I have never cum so hard, and so often, I thought my balls were going to wind up near my prostate."

"Stephano, all newly married men should be tormented, like you were. You have a wildcat on your hands, and all you have to do is tame her."

"Tame Patty, are you nuts? An army with tanks, and artillery could not do it. You want me to do it on my own?"

"Yes, sex is a weapon when it is used properly."

"I know, and she is using it against me."

"You can't turn the tables on her?"

"I told you, she knows more about sex, than I do."

"Man, you are in big trouble.

"Tell me something I don't know, Paul. I have scratches an inch deep on my back, and I don't think my dick will come up for a week."

Patty walked into the kitchen, wearing an ankle length dress; and a look on her face that could freeze Lake Erie. "If that area of your body that belongs to me doesn't function properly, you are going to be black and blue by the time we get to Toronto. When we get to our real destination, you will wish that your entire body were dead. The pain you gave me last night when you took my virginity will be nothing compared to what you go through today."

She turned, smiled, and said, "Good morning Paul. What is the weather like for our flight?"

"The weather is just great, Patty, but I think we are going to have a very rough flight."

Rita coughed, and dropped another coffee cup, smashing it on the floor.

Patty laughed at her. "Rita it is cheaper if you buy a service for eight."

"If I don't get out of here soon, I'm going to be an indentured servant, like Brad."

"Is Bonnie out there with him this morning?"

"She's sitting on the hood of his Corvette in a pair of short shorts and a halter top. Brad is walking around with an erection so big, all the workers are laughing at him. If you think the men are crude with their jokes, the women are absolutely outrageous."

"You know he doesn't have to be here, don't you?"

"No I didn't, Patty. He is the architect; I thought he had to be here all the time."

"Nope, after all the plans are drawn up and approved, all he has to do is come around every once and again to make sure they're being followed. The engineer has to be out here more often than that; but the true leader is the construction boss. He plans everything down to the last nut and bolt. The only reason Brad is here is to get away from his mother and grandmother. He is getting dirty to show he was at the jobsite, and then he Bonnie will probably disappear to the barn, his house, or her apartment. Don't make any plans for April, there's going to be a wedding."

Stephano said, "Patty, you specifically told him not to get married in April. You told him not to follow in his mother's footsteps, and to defy what their tradition has been. If they are in love, and having sex, what is the difference if they live together, or get married in December like you suggested?"

"Stephano, sometimes I think you went to school, and didn't learn anything. Who controls their family business?"

"His mother does."

"Who controls the family money?"

"His grandmother does."

"Stephano his mother and grandmother got married in April. In what month should Brad and Bonnie get married; April or December?"

"Sometimes I am a little short on street sense, but I think it might be better and more logical for Brad and Bonnie to get married in April."

"Guys, I have married a genius. Rita, don't drop that cup."

"Stop making me laugh, Patty"

As they boarded the helicopter, for the 1 ½ hour trip to Toronto, Patty said, "Paul, I want you to fly us there. I don't want Rita to try to get even with me for the cost of the china."

"Patty, that's not fair. This was my turn to fly."

"You can fly back to Glens Falls. I'm not taking a chance on breaking my neck, because of rough air, or pilot error."

"I would never do that to you, not ever."

"Can we leave now please; I don't want to miss our connection."

Stephano asked, "What connection?"

"If I wanted you to know that, I would have told you. This is my wedding gift to you."

"We said we were not giving each other wedding gifts."

"I know, but I got you one anyway. I love you, even though you are imperfect. I will work on that until you die; regardless of how short or long that is."

"Very funny Patricia; you get funnier by the minute."

"Thank you Steph, I guess you've noticed I got my sense of humor back."


"You will regret that remark. Get in the helicopter, before I throw you in."

Rita said, "I wouldn't mind seeing that."

"Get in the flight deck, Rita, before I fire you again."

Patty moved menacingly towards Stephano, and he jumped into the luxurious helicopter quickly. She climbed up the three steps, and sat down opposite him.

"I love it Steph, when you listen to me, especially when it is for your own good."

Paul got on the intercom, as the blades of the helicopters began to turn. "Are you ready back there?"

Patty lifted her ankle length skirt up to her hips, and showed her husband she was naked underneath. Her pussy was already moist, and her clit was protruding through the lips of her vulva. She smiled, and asked him, "Are we ready back here?"

Stephano hit the intercom button and said to Paul, "Yes Paul, we are both ready."

The takeoff was not a smooth as it normally was. Stephano's face attacked Patty's pussy like an animal that had not eaten in a month, and forced her into the back of her chair. He pulled her hips off the seat to give his tongue and teeth a better angle. He bit the lips surrounding her clit to drive her crazy. He had to remove his shirt because she was soaking it with her discharge. He discarded everything else, because he knew neither one of them would be satisfied after she came.

She was riding high on a cloud, when he inserted two fingers into her pussy, and began to stroke them in and out. The double pleasure of his teeth on her clit and his fingers in her cunt, were driving her towards her orgasm.

He began moving his thumb up and down her taint, while his fingers were busy fucking her, and his tongue was tormenting her clit.

Her hips moved in a concerted effort to reach the mind- blowing orgasms of yesterday, but she held off cuming, until she was sure she would get there.

He knew he could help her. When his thumb was sufficiently lubricated, and her mind was totally absorbed in an effort to hold off her orgasm, he moved his mouth over her left nipple and began to suck on it, like a baby. Her hand caressed his head pulling him closer to her. He felt her relax for a second, and when she did, he bit her nipple, as he slid his thumb deep into her rectum.

She didn't know what to do first. Scream at him for biting her nipple, or sticking his thumb up her behind. She hadn't made a decision, when a massive orgasm overtook her. She went blank.

Patricia woke up looking at a glass of orange juice, with a wet towel on her head and a warm towel covering her pussy. Stephano said, "You made quite a mess my dear."

"You stuck your thumb up my ass, my dear. I think I will break it."

"If you recall, you did not scream in pain, or yell at me. At the time, I believe you liked it, because you came like Niagara Falls."

"I came because you bit my nipple, you bastard. That hurt, and you know it."

"Can I kiss it and make it better?"

"Yes, but if you do anything else to it, your balls belong to me."

"My balls already belong to you. You have to come up with another threat to scare me."

"You haven't seen them nailed to a wall."

"You are right, of course; that would scare me. How about your ass? Can I kiss it, and make that feel better?"


"I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No you didn't, but it does not mean you're getting free access there."

"It excited you, and put you over the top, didn't it?"

"Oh look, there's a bird flying along with us."

"I don't care if there is a flight of geese flying along with us. Did your orgasm intensify because I shoved my thumb up your ass?"

"You are real prick Steph, when you want to be. Yes it did, but it also felt demeaning, because that's an exit not an entrance."

"Where in the sex manual you memorized, does it say that? On what page will I find that information?"

"You will not live to get that far into the book."

"Patricia, I thought you never lied. You are lying to me now, aren't you?"

"Dammit Stephano, this is what I get for giving you a little pleasure, instead of sitting here doing nothing on our way to Toronto."

"Patty, you know I love you above all other things. You know I will never pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. I just want an honest answer from you. Did it excite you enough to intensify your orgasm?"

"Yes Stephano, it did. I was ashamed of myself, and excited by it at the same time. You didn't hurt me, you didn't even surprise me. When I felt you rubbing the area below my vagina, I knew what you were doing. I was sure you were going to put a finger in me. I could have stopped you, but I didn't. For the life of me, I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was curious, and wanted to know what it felt like."

"Patty, we don't have to go any further, if you don't want to, or we can proceed at any pace you want. I never want to hurt like I did when I took your virginity. There was nothing I could do about that, but there is when it is time to take your anal cherry. There are anesthetic lubricants that can deaden the pain of entry, and I can enter you as slowly as you want. There is no rush. We have an awful lot of tomorrows in our lives."

Patty smiled at him, and said, "I believe you said I could wait until I was 64. That sounds like a good number to me."

Stephano reached across the cabin and grabbed Patty's arm. She screeched as he pulled her across his lap, lifted her dress over her naked behind and began spanking her.

"Patricia, how many years did you say you were going to make me wait?"

"40 years Stephano."

His hand came crashing down on her behind and he asked her the same question.

Patricia said, "What if we split it evenly and say 20 years."

Stephano replied, "Whatever conveyance we are meeting in Toronto, unless I get a very good answer, you are going to be standing until our destination." His hand came crashing down on her naked bottom again, and she screeched in pain.

"Steph you are not being fair. How about five years?"

"You are getting closer, but still too far away for my tastes, dear."

"What would you like me to say?"

"I know this is going to sound open ended, but it's not. I want you to say, 'As soon as I am ready.' I know you will not lie to me, because when you are ready you will tell me so."

Patty scrambled up off his knees, and climbed onto his lap. She kissed him tenderly, and put her head on his shoulder. "I can do that Steph. ' As soon as I am ready I will tell you.' I promise."

"That's good enough for me."

A voice came over the intercom and said, "The next time you two want to play around back there, would you please turn the intercom button off. I'm trying to fly and my wife has her pants down by her ankles playing with herself. It is very distracting."

Stephano laughed and said, "You could have put the helicopter on auto cruise, drop your pants and had her sit on your lap. It's not like it would have been the first time you two have done that, would it?"

Paul replied, "We can't do that with passengers in the back. It wouldn't look good if we crashed and the NTSB said the cause of the accident was the pilots were screwing, instead of flying the aircraft. They may take our licenses away, permanently. The press would have a field day with it, but our parents would die of shame."

They heard a loud groan come over the intercom and Paul said, "Thank goodness, she just came. She will have to clean up the seats and floors when we land, but at least she can put her pants back on, and I can concentrate on what I am supposed to do."

"Fuck off Paul, if I was flying there would be cum all over the windscreen. You two people are hazardous to fly with. Now that you're married, are you going to fuck everywhere you go?"

Patty looked at Stephano, and he looked at her. Simultaneously they said, "YES!"

Rita replied, "Oh my God, I'm going to have to wear a pad every time we are ready to depart."

"How do you think I felt every time you two ran off to a hotel to screw your brains out?"

"We were already married."

"We are married now. We have a lot of catching up to do."

Rita said, "Stephano is right, she has turned into a nymphomaniac. He will not live to see 30."

Patty responded, "He may have gray hair, but he will be in such good shape, women will fawn all over him. He is mine, for the rest of his natural life. If he screws around on me, he knows what the consequences will be."

Stephano said, "Patty, why would I settle for popcorn, when I have caviar in front of me."

"Stephano, I hope you love caviar, because you are going to be eating a lot of it."

Paul and Rita started laughing in the flight deck and the helicopter started jerking up and down.

The air traffic controller asked if they had a problem.

Paul responded, "No sir, we just hit a patch of clear air turbulence at 9500 feet. It shook us up pretty good."

The air traffic controller came back and said, "You are 65 miles southeast of the Toronto airport, contact Toronto approach control at 135.27. Have a good day."

"135.27; going to Toronto approach control, thank you for your help."

20 minutes later they landed by a hangar at the Toronto airport. Patty's hair was a mess, so she took a little time to straighten it out. Customs agents came out to check the helicopter; check their passports and welcomed them to Canada. They asked the purpose of them visit, and Patty took one of their arms and asked them to come with her.

Stephano looked at the other officer, shrugged his shoulders, and tagged along. Rita and Paul were also in the dark, so they went along also.

As they approached the hangar door, it started to open. Inside was a gleaming new Challenger 850 Jet Aircraft.

Stephano stopped dead in his tracks, but Rita and Paul charged at the aircraft yelling, "Can we have it, please?"

They climbed up the staircase, like children opening presents at Christmas.

Stephano looked at his wife and said, "What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Dycke said you were going to have to make a lot of trips down to Charleston. I checked and there are no direct flights from any of the New York area airports to Charleston. You would have to fly into Dulles and change planes or into Atlanta and change there. That's too much time wasted, and away from me and your children. It is much cheaper than a Gulfstream and it is just as fast. It has trans-Atlantic range and it seats 11 people. I could have gotten you a smaller one, but the previous buyer reneged on, so I got it at a steal."

"Patty, what do you consider a steal?"

"I got it $2 million below list price."

"Patricia, you did not answer my question."

"$19 million, but it has every available option on it, and they will even teach you to fly it if you want."

"If you tell Paul that, he will kill me."

"In that case, we will have them train all three of you. My dad is going after the estate of the former director of the NSA, and he is sure we will get at least half of it, if not more. Would you like to go into your aircraft now?"

"Do you think Paul and Rita will allow us in?"

"If you tell them we are going to train them to fly it, they will kiss your feet, and your ass; but I'm not sure in what order."

"I think I'll take my pants off, because either way, I will enjoy it when Paul kisses my ass."

Patty smacked him on the back of his head, and said, "I am glad you said Paul, because if you said Rita, I would have put you under the front wheel of that aircraft and run over you with it."

"Honey, I knew better than to say that to you. Let's go onboard our aircraft, and see what damage they've done to it already. We can use it to fly out to Harold's wedding next weekend."

"Stephano, I swear I'm going to have to do something about your memory. They are not getting married next weekend. They are getting married in two weeks."

"Patty that's what I meant, one week from Saturday."

She turned at the top of the stairs to the aircraft, and looked at him with evil intent in her eyes. She said, "If you lie to me one more time today, you will sleep on the floor for the rest of our honeymoon."

"Yes dear."

The laughter from the flight deck was uproarious. Rita called out to Patty, "Do you want a gold or platinum nose ring for him?"

Stephano yelled out, "That remark just cost you flight training on this aircraft Rita. Paul if you say one word you're not getting trained on it either."

Rita cried out in pain, "Patty, do something. Please help me. I'll be good, I promise. I won't laugh at him anymore. It will be hard, because he is so easy, but I will try, honest, I will try."

"Will you break any more of my dishes?"

"If I have to, I will buy you a service for eight."

"Do you see Stephano; she did not lie to me. She knows she will probably break more of my dishes trying not to laugh at you. I love you my husband, but you cannot control your temper. It flares up, and in the next second, you are as calm as a lamb. Rita, you can have your flight training back. There is only that one provision, you have to be nice to my husband."

"Nice! I have to be nice to him. I thought our deal was I cannot laugh at him."

"Rita, do you want to learn how to fly this airplane?"

"Oh Patricia, you are breaking my heart."

"Okay, get out of the flight deck. This is the last time you will see it from that seat."

Rita grabbed a yoke that controlled the aircraft's movements, and started to cry.

In an angry voice, Patricia said, "Rita, get out of their now."

"I can't, it won't let me go. I promise to be nice to Stephano from now on. If I have to, I will cut my tongue out."

Paul said, "No you won't; you give the best blow jobs I have ever had. Without your tongue, I would suffer for the rest of my life."

"I don't care; I want to fly this airplane."

Paul looked at Patricia and said, "There has to be a happy medium. I won't let her lo see her tongue."

"Paul, maybe they should work it out by themselves. If he gets too high and mighty, I will smack him, with his paddle. If she gets out of hand, you can borrow Stephano's paddle, and use it on her. Agreed?"

"Absolutely; it will be easier on my hand. Her ass is like a rock. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but a paddle would be wonderful."

Stephano said, "What did I do wrong?"

Patty looked at him and said, "Do you want the entire list, or do you want me to give you a synopsis?"

"No, don't bother; I don't think I want to hear any of it. Where did you say we were going on our honeymoon, and who is going to fly us there?"

"We are going to Fairbanks, Alaska to see the northern lights. Then we are going to Vancouver to do some whale watching. They are heading northbound at this time of year. Then we are flying south, to have dinner with Bill and Melinda. I am going to show him how my programs work. I promised him I would do it at our wedding. Then we are going to Vail, Colorado, so you can learn how to ski. After that we will fly into Sedona for Callie and Harold's wedding."

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