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Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 22


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"I told you I wanted to please you. It was the only way I could think of to do it. I have the technical knowledge; now all I need is the practical application, and I will be set to go."

"I am not talking to you anymore."

"You do not have to talk to me, just lie back, and enjoy what happens to your body. I believe you said that to me a short time ago."

"I hate you Patricia, I really do."

She pushed him down on to their bed, straddled his hips, and said, "I know you do, darling, but this guy seems interested in my proposition."

"Dammit, why isn't he asleep, when I want him to be asleep?"

"Because he now belongs to me, Steph, no one else will ever use him. You opened me with him, and he likes his new home. Nothing you can say or do will ever keep him from wanting to go back home as often as he can. He may only give me two children, but it does not mean he cannot practice the art of making love like you promised me from day one, in Central Park."

"Do you ever forget anything I said or did?"

"Steph, give me a day, and a time, and I'll tell you where we were, and what you said to me."

"Now I know you're lying to me. No one is that good."

"After I am finished fucking you, we will continue this discussion. Now I am interested in my next orgasm. I want to see if I can raise your IQ, a little, so you can be as smart as our children."

She grabbed his distended cock, slowly pushed it into position, and when she felt it at her opening, she descended slowly. Her eyes unfocused because all her sensory organs centered on her vagina. They felt his helmet pass through her opening and pasts the point he stopped the first time. She continued her trek past the remnants of her virginity, down to where he first touched her cervix. There she stopped. She was not ready to go through that pain again. She started moving up and down, and circling her hips as her readings told her to do. As she became more accustomed to these heady feelings, and her fluids flowed more rapidly, she moved faster and harder. She looked down at her husband's face, and asked, "Are you going to lie there and pout, or are you going to join me?"

No woman had ever challenged his manhood before, but this was no ordinary woman. This was Patricia, his wife, and if anyone could, she could turn the earth onto a different axis.

"I am going to join you. I am going to make you cum and let you see the entire universe at a glance. However, when we are finished, I am going to pick up the paddle, and spank you with it."

Patty continued her movements on his dick, as if she was disinterested in his threat. However, she answered him in a way that made the fire in his eyes turned from red to blue.


"Fuck you, Patty."

"Wrong Stephano, I am fucking you."

She steeled nerves, and forced the last few inches of his organ into her body.

'Shit, she thought, why did he have to be so big?' It hurt like hell getting past her cervix and into her womb. She refused to scream. She did not want to give him any hint that he hurt her again. She would get past this, and eventually get used to it. Other women had, and so would she, because she was the Dragon, and she had never seen a dragon cry before.

Stephano realized she was now fully seated on his organ. He grabbed her by her hips, and began pistoning in and out, using only the area inside the cervix. Every time his helmet hit the cervix, he would rotate his hips, so she could feel it, and drive back in, until their hips met.

Patty wanted more, but he was in control, and she could not pull out any further than he would allow.

"Steph, I want to turn around to do the 'Reverse Cowgirl.' Let go of my hips, please."

"I am going to have the doctors give you electro shock therapy. Our first day together, your first day as a sexual being, and you want to do the reverse cowgirl. I have to remove that book from your memory."

"Steph, you are talking again, while I am fucking you. Take your hands off my hips so I can turn around."

He did what he was told to do, and she started to turn. However, she did not go 180°; she stopped at 90°, grabbed his left leg, by his knee, and brought it up to her chest. She used it to balance herself, and continued jamming herself down on that monster of his. Her new sidesaddle position made it impossible for him to control her hips. She smiled at him, because she was in total control, and he was not happy about it. She was the smartest person he had ever known, or would ever know.

Patty felt him grow larger inside her. She said, "Steph, are you ready to cum already? This monster of yours is set on a hair trigger. I am going to have to fuck you, six or seven times a day, to make him perform longer."

As he was about to answer her, he fired four large shots of life-giving sperm into her womb. "You bitch, you cheated. On what page was that position? No one has ever had sex with me like that before. The pressure you put on the sides of my dick was so new and exciting, I could not control myself."

"You had better find another way to satisfy me. That position was only on page 5. What is going to happen, when I get to a page that starts with a double-digit?"

"Can I read the book, so I know what I'm in for?"

"No, what fun would that be. You thought you were going to teach me about sex. It turns out I am going to have to teach you about sex, sexual techniques, and how to control your orgasms. You poor man, lost in the dark ages, even with all your screwing around."

"You said it before, Patty. You have all the book knowledge. I have all the practical knowledge. We will make a perfect pair."

"So far, Steph, it is two to one in my favor. What would you like to bet this time?"

"You said you were pregnant. I bet you that you are not. It can't happen that quickly. Even I am not that good."

"Oh Stephano, you are such a fool. What do you want to bet? Remember, turnabout is fair play."

"Patricia, I want to fuck you in the ass. I want to teach you a lesson in humility. I want to show you, you are not right all the time. What do you want?"

"I guess you didn't listen to me, again. I said, "Turnabout is fair play. When I tell you I am pregnant, and I can prove it to you, I am going to fuck you in the ass."

"Patty, you don't have the equipment to fuck me in the ass."

"Steph, I can buy it online, or at the local sex shop."

"Oh Shit, I forgot about that. Can I change that bet?"

"No way Stephano, you want my ass so badly, I am going to show you what it feels like, before you get a chance to take it."

"You are mean, Patricia."

"Why do you say that, Steph? Homosexual men do it all the time."

"I am not homosexual."

"I don't know what you're worried about. According to you, I could not possibly be pregnant."

"I am going to use condoms from now on, to prove you are not pregnant. With those early pregnancy tests, you should be able to tell in two weeks or less. I want to watch you, while you do the tests. I want to make sure you don't cheat."

"I told you that you were pervert. You just want to watch me pee, so you can get your rocks off. Do you want to hold the test strips while I'm doing it?"

"I think I will. I will make sure you don't contaminate them with chlorinated water."

"Why don't you let me pee in your mouth, and you can put the test strips in there? You will be absolutely sure they were not tampered with."

"Very funny Patricia, but I think I will pass."

"I knew you would not do it. It was on a page, with double digits."

"I am going to hate that book forever."

"You just found out about that book today. How do you know you will hate it? According to you, the blowjob I gave you was the best you ever had. The sidesaddle made you cum like a teenage boy. I do not know what you are complaining about?"

"I am complaining because you made me wait for a year and a half to do this with you. I am complaining because I have never cum like a teenage boy, since I was a teenager. I am complaining, because I have never had a woman give me oral sex like you did in all my life. I now know what I was missing. I must have had sex 3000 times, before I met you, and now all of that means nothing to me, because of you. All those memories, all those beautiful women, all those days, and nights of pleasure, have just gone out the window, because of you."

"Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? You fall in love, and are you are having sex because you are in love, not because you are having fun. Unless you promised those women something more, or they expected something more from you, all you were expecting were nights of pleasure."

"I never led any of those women on. They knew I was not on the market. Whether it was in high school or graduate school, they knew, in advance, that it was a short-term assignation."

"Then you should not have any problems forgetting them. You say that I am beautiful, and you say that they were beautiful. You know they were intelligent and you know that I am intelligent. You know that they were good in bed, and you are finding out that I am good in bed. I don't understand what your problem is."

"Patricia, are you ticklish?"

"I don't know no one has tried to tickle me before. I might revert to my karate training and kill them if they tried."

"You just lied to me. Your cheeks flushed when you said 'karate training.' I have just found your 'Tell.' I think I will try to tickle you, and see how you react."

"Okay, give it your best shot. Let me know what you find out."

Stephano looked at her hardened eyes, and said, "Oh shit, I have been had again. You're not ticklish, are you? I could waste the entire day, and not find a single spot on you that is ticklish."

"My mom used to try it."

"I am beginning to dislike you wife. Do you have any weaknesses at all?"

"Yes, of course I do. I love food; all kinds of food. That's why I memorize cookbooks. I love Italian, French, and Spanish food. I also like Chinese food, but I'm always hungry two hours later. However, I find it is not very good when it's reheated."

"You even lie with a straight face. What am I supposed to do with you Patricia?"

"How does 'Love me for the rest of my life sound?'"

"It sounds very reasonable to me."

"Are you hungry?"

"I could eat."

"I am not getting dressed, and neither are you. If you get frisky, I'll be in the kitchen."

"I'm not making love to you, until we find out if you're pregnant or not."

"I would suggest you buy a large supply of condoms. I have decided to wait for three months before I take the test."

"You wouldn't do that to me."

Patty smiled at him, and gave him 'Tweety Birds' favorite answer. "You don't know me very well, do you?"

Stephano threw a pillow at her as she sashayed out of the bedroom.

Patricia grinned because she knew she had dodged a bullet. She was one of the most ticklish persons she knew. If anyone wanted to distract her, all they had to do was come at her with two fingers raised in the air. They would wiggle them at her, and she would be gone in an instant. Hopefully, Stephano would never find that out.

Her mother would tickle her, also. While they were playing around the house, when she was a young teen, her mom would sneak up behind her and tickle her sides. It gave them both a great deal of pleasure, because it was the only way to get Patty away from her books, and her computer. It helped get her playtime, which Laura thought was mandatory for a young, growing, teenage girl. She would continue to tickle her, until she agreed to get on her yearling, and go riding with her. Her horses' name was 'Timeless.'

Patty made a 30-minute meal of Beef Bourgeon, with noodles. She warmed up a loaf of French bread, and opened a bottle of wine. Stephano was a pain in the ass. He snuck up behind her and hit her once with the paddle.

She said to him if he did it again, the pot with boiling water for the noodles would be on his lap, and the antiseptic she purchased would be of no help for his prick. He backed off, because of the look in her eyes. After knowing her for a year and a half, he still had a lot to learn about his new wife.

It was after midnight, before they finished their meal, cleaned up the kitchen, and retired to the bedroom. He started playing with her breasts, and then moved his hands lower, to the triangle area of her thighs. Patty reminded him of his oath.

"Steph, you said you were going to make love to me, until after you found out if I was pregnant or not. Don't get me all worked up and leave me there. It will be the shortest marriage in history."

"I had no intention of leaving you hanging, baby. When I start something, I always follow through to the end."

"If you can't make love to me, how are you going to go to the end?"

"I don't care if I get you pregnant, the last time, this time, the next time, or the time after that. I love you too much to wait any longer to make love to you. You have tempted me with your body, and your mind, since the day we met. You danced with me, put your body against mine, and I was yours. There was nothing I could do about it. I thought about things I had never done to a woman before, because I wanted you so desperately. I have you now, and nothing is going to keep me from having you."

"Steph, forget about our bet. Make love with me. We may be bleary-eyed in the morning when we get on to the helicopter, but we will be happy. I will tell you one thing I know for sure, I am pregnant. I felt, and saw it happen as part of the revelation I had. It was part of all the wonderful things I saw when you came in me. Our children are in my belly, along with my new programs, and the mathematical equations I have been working on for months. They have been cleared up in my mind. I figured all these things out when I became at peace with myself."

He didn't say anything about her dream. He said, "What page do you want to work on now?"

"Forget about the page number; make love with me, until the sun comes up. If you fall asleep, I will use the paddle on you."

He tried, but by 6:30 AM, they were both unconscious. It had been a long day, and a strenuous evening. He lay on top of her, with his semen dripping out of her vagina, and their hands interlocked. Her legs were around his thighs, and neither one of them was letting the other go.

When Rita banged on the door at 8 o'clock. A bleary-eyed Stephano answered it in his birthday suit. She looked down at his shriveled appendage, smiled, and said, "It would appear that Patricia had a very good time last night."

"Shut up; get Paul, come in here, and make coffee; lots and lots of coffee. We are going to leave a little bit later, than we thought." He held his hands over his ears, and asked, "What is all that banging over there?"

"That's your construction crew, starting on your new house. Did you forget about that?"

"Remind me to kill Brad, when we come back."

"Why, he is busting his ass to do what you wanted him to do."

"I didn't realize I'd be up until almost 6:30 a.m. trying to pacify my wife."

"So, Patty kept you busy all night?"

"I will quote her. " Steph, you have released the Dragon."

Rita laughed. "Stephano, you have stepped in a world of shit. That girl should have been sexually active, from the time she was 16. She has eight years to catch up on. You are either going to be the beneficiary of that sexual deficiency, or you are going to die with a huge smile on your face."

"Rita get Paul, and make us coffee. Strong black coffee and a lot of it. If you don't, I think I will die."

Patty arrived at the door, in a sheer gown, and wearing a big smile. "Is my poor husband complaining that he ran out of gas last night, and fell asleep in my arms? The poor man has no stamina at all. He talks a good game, but his best years are apparently behind him."

Rita burst out laughing, as Stephano turned beet red.

"A nuclear powered machine could not have kept up with you last night. I want to know the name of that book you read. I want every copy burned, and banished from the Internet. I never want you to think about it again."

Rita looked stunned. "Patty, you memorized a sex manual?"

"It wasn't as long as the cookbooks I memorized, but it was fun reading."

"I am going to have to make sure the helicopter stabilizers are functioning perfectly. I can see you two are going to be bouncing around in the back, every chance you get."

"I don't think so, Rita. He will probably want to sleep, while we are in the air. As I said, my poor husband has no stamina at all."

"Fuck You, Patty!"

Patty grabbed his arm, and started dragging him towards the bedroom. He resisted with every ounce of strength he had left in him. "Patricia, I was only joking."

"You bastard, never joke with me from now on, when it comes to sex. I am going to want it all the time."

Stephano turned to find Rita sitting on the floor, holding her sides, and laughing as hard as she could.

"Rita, if you keep doing that, I'm going to fire you."

"Stephano, I hate to tell you this, but this is the funniest thing I have ever seen. A total role reversal, where Patty is now in control of your body, and you are afraid of hers. If you fire us, we will abide by the nondisclosure agreement, but we will have memories to last us more than two lifetimes."

Patty hit Stephano on the back of his head. "You made them sign a nondisclosure agreement?"

"It's a standard business practice. Why did you hit me?"

"If you think I just hit you, wait until I really hit you. Tear up the NDA, before I break both your arms."

"Yes dear."

That was it; Rita could take no more. She left the house laughing uncontrollably. She ran to find Paul. He would not believe what had happened overnight. He would want to see and hear it firsthand. Stephano, with a ring through his nose, being controlled by Patricia. He would never believe something so radical had taken place. The Dominant had become the Submissive. A complete reversal of roles had occurred, since that poor man had said the words "I Do." As he thought about it, he started to laugh. Rita saw the change in his demeanor and joined him. They laughed all the way to the house, and continued laughing while they were making coffee.

Stephano yelled from the bedroom, "You two are fired, right after you finish making the coffee."

Shortly after Stephano finished that statement, they heard bodies hitting the floor. There was obviously a fight going on in the bedroom. Shortly afterwards Stephano yelled, "I give up already, leave me alone."

"Hirer them back right now or I will break its neck. They are our friends, not just your employees. They helped you get me out of the hospital. Did you forget that already? I swear you are going senile. You probably will not remember the names of our children. I will have to stencil their names onto their foreheads so you can remember who they are, and that they belonged to us."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Paul, Rita, you have jobs for life. Even when you can't fly anymore, you will be welcomed to stay here with us."

"You see that wasn't so hard, was it? You acted like a normal human being. It may take me another 50 years to get you to act properly, but I promise you, I will beat the shit out of you, until you get there."

Rita started laughing again, and dropped coffee cups onto the floor, while she was doing so.

Patty yelled, "You are paying for those."

"The entertainment you have provided us this morning has made it worth every penny."

"You won't think so, when you get the bill. That is Wedgewood China, and you have to buy them by the place setting. How many did you break?"

"Four cups and two saucers."

"You got lucky, at $4600 per place setting, it will come to just under $20,000, including delivery, and insurance."

"$20,000 for four place settings! You have to be kidding me. Nothing cost that much."

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