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Renea travels abroad and does more than research.
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It was late in the evening and Renea was having a hard time focusing on her book, despite the fact that she hadn't been able to keep her nose out of it all day. During the past week she'd met up with professionals in the field of her study abroad subject and had visited a number of different sites to do her research. Running around so much had been both mentally and physically exhausting so she'd taken the day to lounge around the hostel and indulge in some light reading. It had been adequate until this moment.

The cause of her current distraction were two men. One of her roommates, Damian had just walked into the room of bunk beds followed by Matan. She'd talked with them both over the course of the past couple days, and would even consider them friends in the manner of most people you met at the hostels. Both men were of dark coloring and hot. Damian, over six feet somewhere, was built thinner then Renea was usually attracted to, but had a killer smile that showed what would someday be irresistible crow's-feet. He was in his late twenties, older than Renea by a number of years. Normally, the French accent didn't appeal to her, but Damian's was so slight that all it did was add music to his words.

Matan, on the other hand was shorter and of a build that would have worked well in a blacksmith's shop in centuries gone by. His body was naturally strong and watching his muscles play under his shirt had soon become one of Renea's favorite pass times. His middle-eastern ancestry gave him a dark complexion with a duskier skin tone then that of Damian. He features weren't as striking as Damian's, but a clean jawline was all that was needed to stick him solidly in the "hot" category as well.

So, it would have been no surprise to anyone that when these two walked into the room, Renea's concentration left the room.

Glancing around the twelve-sleeping room upon entering, Damian spotted Renea sitting on her overflowing bed, which occupied a top bunk. "Our roommates went out for the night," he said in an offhand voice, directing it at the other man.

Matan, entering just behind him, did not miss the significance of the statement especially once he too saw Renea. "And they'll be back when?" he looked over at the taller man.

Damian sent him a grin that told Matan exactly what he was thinking. "Maybe three, most likely four." He said this softly so to not draw Renea's attention to them. In a normal voice he asked, "Are you going out tonight, Matan?"

Matan looked over at Renea sitting up in her top bunk, her nose in the same book he'd seen her reading earlier that day in the common room. Her eyes tracked across the page, but upon closer inspection he noticed they weren't making any progress down it. Seems he and Daemon were distracting her from her story. Matan closed the door behind him self and tested the handle to be sure it was locked. "No. I believe I can find enough entertainment here," he answered and the two of them shared a grin.

The way the two men approached the bunk bed was closer to stalking then any of their ancestors had managed in the last number of generations. Each took a side of the bed and standing on the lower bunk brought themselves up to Renea's level. Renea stopped pretending to read and glanced at each.

"Uh, hey, guys," she said, her tone unsure.

Damian sent her his signature devilish grin. "Are you planning on going out tonight, Ren?" He had started calling her by the shortened version of her name as soon as she'd introduced herself two days ago.

Feeling flustered from the predatory aura the two men were radiating, Renea's usually quick tongue failed her. "Uh, no. I mean..I didn't make any plans."

On her other side, Matan reached over and plucked the book from her hands. He closed it and tossed it to the foot of her bed where the rest of her luggage lay in a sprawled mess. "How do you manage to sleep with all that on your bed?" he asked.

Interjecting before she could respond, Damian said, "She manages it by not moving around much in her sleep and almost every time she does move she wakes up enough to avoid knocking anything off."

As he spoke Renea drew her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The posturing of the two men was making her feel threatened, but at the same time the increased beating of her heart wasn't exactly unpleasant.

"She's a quiet sleeper, too," Damian added as he continued to direct his speech to Matan across her. "I've never heard her so much as breathe not to mention snore or talk."

Renea let out a laughed, "That's because males are more prone to snoring than females." She relaxed her grip on her legs slightly as her mind started working full-throttle again. "You on the other hand..." she trailed off with a grin at Damian.

Damian reached up and snatched the front of her shirt. He pulled her close causing her to let go of her legs to brace her hands on the railing of the bunk. "Are you accusing me of snoring?" he growled. Despite the playfulness in his eyes the low tones sent buzz through her that started at her temples and rushed down her body to end at her toes. Said toes curled involuntarily, catching Mata's eyes on the other side of the bed.

"This morning at 3:40ish, in fact," Renea managed to retort. "Luckily you rolled back over to your side within minutes, otherwise I was going to go and get a cup of water from the front desk to douse you with." She grinned, baring her teeth, "They put ice in it."

"Waking me up in the middle of the night is probably not a good idea," Damian warned.

"Why? Do you have the ingrained reflexes of a Navy-seal able to chop off an enemies head with the knife from under you pillow before you're even half awake?" Her mocking tone and run-on sentence, accompanied with the still present fearless grin, left Damian dumb.

"Hey, do you really sleep with a knife under your pillow, Damian?" Matan asked from the other side. He, unlike Damian, was aware of the tell-tale continued curling and uncurling of Renea's toes. Renea was one of two things: scared, or excited, and he knew there was no fear in her voice at the moment.

"Go look for yourself," Renea said twisting around to face him. This was difficult as Damian still had a tight grip on the front of her shirt. "It's a small switch blade. About three-inches. Oh, wait metric, right. About eight centimeters," she corrected.

"How'd you know?" Damian asked. His surprise was fully exposed as he relaxed his mock-threatening hold on her shirt. Matan hopped down to go check out the pillow in question.

Sitting up strait again, Renea shrugged, "Because your larger blade is stuck on the inside of the waist band of your pants." From across the room Matan let out a bark of laughter and then produced the claimed knife from under the pillow.

Giving up with a grin Damian said, "I bow to your freaky-stalker-like observational powers."

Renea scoffed and leaned back against the wall at the head of the bed as she had been when they'd entered. "This coming from the guy who was watching me in my sleep."

"She's got a point," Matan said returning to Renea's bunk. He had stowed the knife back under the pillow. "I think her observations aren't stalker-like as much as simple observations." Without requesting an invitation he climbed up the ladder and settled himself beside her, forcing Renea to scoot over closer to the railed edge. "So what have you observed about me?" As he asked the question, Damian followed him up and sat sideways in front of them both, pulling Renea's legs over his lap.

"What is this? A sleep over?" she asked sarcastically.

"Hopefully," Matan said off-handedly at the same time slipping his arm around her back. "Now I ask again, what have you observed about me? Mind you, I'll be hurt if Damian is the only one you've noticed."

Renea rolled her eyes. "Honestly, anyone watching you two would think you were life-long pals, not recent acquaintances with your 'playfully-competing' act."

Matan caught Damian's eye and they shared a very brief look. "Me," Matan reminded her pulling her thoughts from that line of pursuit. He wary of what truths it might lead her to.

Renea sent him an arch look, but shrugged. "You spend your time trying to look nonthreatening, because your obvious strength intimidates or challenges people and you end up playing the clown even though it really isn't your personality."

Both men were left speechless. They didn't say anything for such a long time that Renea shifted uncomfortably under their combined stares.

"And we wondered why we were attracted to her," Damian shook his head on a soft laugh and started to play with the hem of her shorts.

"It's hard not to be drawn to someone who so fully understands you without actually knowing you," Matan agreed and molded her tighter to his side.

Warning bells went off in Renea's head. "Wait a second," she said trying to wiggle free of the two men, but Matan's strength that she had just so thoughtlessly referenced prevented her from moving. It was like being caught in the proverbial steel trap. She looked up at Damian seeking help. The predatory grin he gave her sent a shiver down her spine as much as the feel of his fingers trailing up her calf to the back of her knee. "Oh, shit," she breathed as her sharp tongue once again left the scene. Matan's lips found the base of her neck and said neck muscles jumped. "Uh, guys...I didn't mean to...I mean," her breath hitched when Damian reached up and undid the snap on her gene shorts. "If...if I encouraged you in anyway," she continued testing their grips, trying to pull away again, "it wasn't intentional."

"We know," Matan murmured. The buzz of the words against her neck caused Renea to bite her lip.

Damian, watching her reactions, laughed as he pulled down the zipper of her shorts. "I can't tell if she's afraid or aroused, Matan."

"Both!" she blurted out.

He laughed again, "No need to be afraid. We don't want to hurt you," his tone was gentle.

"Perhaps," Renea acknowledged, "but I don't-" she clamped her mouth shut to bite her lip again.

"Don't what?" Matan asked. His fingers had slipped up her shirt and were teasing the flesh above her bra.

"Don't want-," Renea tried to struggle again, but her head fell back against the wall and her eyes closed on their own accord.

Two husky laughs came to her ears. "On the contrary," Damian said as Matan's mouth explored her exposed throat, "you do want."

"Aww, shit." This time it came out on a whisper. "You guys are despicable," she said without malice but rather resignation.

"Get rid of your knife, Damian," Matan said keeping her head pinned back with his mouth at her throat.

"Hmmm?," Damian sounded slightly distracted, which was understandable since he was working on pulling the un-giving gene material down her hips. "Why?"

With a half-irritated sigh, Matan worked his fingers into Renea's hair and closed them. Then he lifted his mouth from her throat to skewer his friend with an irate gaze. "Do you really think this girl wont try to get it and use it?" An irritated growl escaped Renea's mouth and she tried to struggle again. Matan gave her a pleased smile as he captured one of her hands and pulled it up to her head so he could hold it and her hair at the same time. Then he caught her other as it gave a halfhearted swing towards Damian. "See?" he said pointedly, "She's only the type to give in until the she's presented with an opportunity to resist."

"I see your point," Damian said. He reached to his lower back, pulled out an open-bladed, sheath-knife and tossed it across the room to his own bed. "Are we ready now?" he asked. At a nod from his accomplice, Damian slid from under her legs and straddled her shins. Then he took hold of her hips and pulled. Renea slid down to her back with a yelp and the aided pressure from Matan's grip on the back of her head and hands. Her feet struck the pile of clothes, cosmetics, and books at the foot of her bed pushing it all off with a loud crash.

"Hey!" Renea objected.

"Sorry, Ren," Damian said in an off-hand way as he pulled her shorts down her thighs. "It was going to have to go eventually. There isn't room for three people and luggage up here. Oh, my." This last comment was for the surprising sight of a tattoo located on Renea's hip as her shirt had hiked up from the friction. The Venetian mask it depicted was not colored but the complexity of the designs on it made it more beautiful than color ever could have. The ribbons disappeared under the denim shorts and then reappeared winding down her thigh, ending above her knee. Damian locked eyes with Matan. "I was not expecting that."

Matan shook his head in disbelief. "Me neither. Guess I'm not as good at reading people as I thought." The both looked down at the flushed face of their victim. With her head and hands pinned by Matan and the rest of her body held down by Damian's weight on her thighs, she shouldn't have been able to look as defiant as she did. Her jaws muscles jumped once indicating clenching, a resistance to opening and saying anything and her eyes were narrowed, spearing each of them in turn.

Damian shrugged off her accusing stare, tracing the lines of the mask with one fingertip. "I suppose a girl with out any surprises wouldn't be fun." He locked gazes with her. "We'll let you keep this story to yourself for now." Then he tugged her shorts down her thighs and nudged the edge of her underwear down so they could get a better look at it. "It's well done. Both the artistry and the inking." His finger continued to follow the ribbon as it wrapped over the top of her thigh to circle down between them. "What do you think of it, Matan?" In answer the muscular man leaned over and placed a kiss centered on the eye-hole. Renea's body jerked slightly and Matan grinned up at Damian. "It's intriguing, and she's extremely responsive, but," he leaned back again, "we're getting ahead of our selves." Nudging the bottom of her t-shirt with his nose he said, "I'm curious to see if she has any surprises up here. My hands are occupied at the moment, Damian. Would you do the honors?"

Matan leaned back out of the way as Damian obligingly pushed the shirt up her torso and over her head. Matan's grip on her hands and hair prevented him from removing it from her arms. Instead it ended up aiding in her binding.

"Sorry, Fellas," Renea had found her voice again, though it was admittedly a little breathless. "Nothing interesting up there."

"That's what you think," Damian said just before he buried his face between her breasts. Kissing and suckling around them and her bra, he trailed his fingertips lightly up and down her sides and over her stomach.

Matan, letting go of her hair, managed to twist the t-shirt around her fore arms. Holding it down against the bed so she couldn't pull out of it, he was able to free one of his own hands. His fingers joined Damian's at first in teasing her skin. Then they slipped under her back, lifting her torso with more ease then any man had the right to. Renea's breathing picked up speed as the dark-haired devil straddling her reached under and undid the clasp on her bra. He pushed it up over her head to follow her shirt and trailed kisses and touches in its wake. Renea bit hard on her lip to keep from whimpering as his lips finally arrived at her breast's hard peaks.

"Tisk," Matan scolded. "You're going to hurt yourself if you keep trying to resist like that." He leaned back down. "Try this instead," he said and kissed her. Renea's lips parted instantly and she moaned into his mouth. A skillful tongue teased hers as another played with a nipple. Her back arched and she squirmed, but this time it was not in an attempt to escape. Matan's unoccupied hand went to her other breast as Damian's hands traveled and explored the length of her torso, hips and thighs. They worked her like this for what seemed like hours to Renea. Occasionally Matan's hand would join Damian's mouth on the one breast, or Danian's hands would join Matan's on the other. The two had obviously worked together before and were not afraid of coming in contact. But their administrations had the added effect of preventing Renea's brain from following that train of thought too far. It wasn't too long before she was writhing beneath them, gasping into Matan's mouth as she fiercely returned his kisses, her head rising off of the bed to delve further into his mouth.

Finally, on a gasp of his own, Matan pulled back. "Damn, this girl can kiss! Who'd have guessed?"

Damian pulled himself up her body. "Still full of surprises, Ren?" he asked before taking over her mouth.

"That doesn't leave me much access to her, Damian," Matan grumbled as he continued to pin Renea's arms above her head.

Damian said something that sounded like, "Just a minute," as he and Renea continued to mutually devour each other's mouths. His hands tangled themselves in her hair trying to get control of the kiss, but failing completely as Renea's tongue danced with his between nipping lightly at his bottom lip. Rising up on his elbows, Damian grinned down at her. "Now who taught a cute thing like yourself to kiss like that?" he asked catching his breath.

Her eyes narrowed. "No one taught me," she stated indignantly. Both men blinked down at her for a moment before meeting each other's eyes.

"Hell, if she does that instinctively what else can she do?" Matan asked.

"My thoughts as well," Damian said. "Do you think she'd let us both try and..." he trailed off raising a questioning eyebrow at his friend.

Matan shrugged. "She's on the feisty side. It would probably take a little while to work up to that."

"Well we do have hours available to us," Damain pointed out.

"Hey, moron's!" Renea said sharply. "She's lying right here, need I remind you and cooling down by the second."

"Are you now?" Matan asked as Damian dropped his head strait onto her right nipple biting it sharply before sucking. Renea gasped at the momentary pain then closed her eyes to arch her back up to the warm, wet mouth. "We can't have that happening, Renea, but you seem to warm up just as fast as you claim to cool down." Renea cracked one eye open to glare at him before squeezing them shut as Damian switched sides and applied the same treatment. Matan laughed and gave the newly vacated breast his attention. He hummed lightly as he took the nipple between his lips and she renewed her squirming. A slight moan escaped her lips and each of the men murmured encouragingly against a nipple causing her to gasp more as her breathing increased. Her head tipped back and her chest rose off of the bed begging for more.

Then, simultaneously, cuing each other with a look she couldn't see, Matan and Damian went south.

"Hey!" Renea said in alarm and surprise. But both men ignored her as they kissed, licked and sucked their way down to her hips. Renea raised her head to see what was happening just as the two men each took a side of her panties in their teeth and pulled them down past her hips. "Ah, shit," she said again and flopped her head back to the bed.

"I must say: I do like this tattoo," Damian said on a chuckle as he finished pulling the underwear and shorts off their victim by dismounting her legs. "The ribbons simply beg to be followed." And he did so. With his mouth. As the ribbon went between her legs, Damian encouraged her to bend her knee giving him access to the inside of her thigh. Then, as it wrapped around the back he guided her leg up into the air and trailed kisses across the sensitive skin at the back of her thigh it was ingrained into. Then he followed the other. It wrapped around the backside of her hip to flow down over one butt cheek before continuing. Damian urged her leg to bend up to her chest as he nibbled and sucked his way following it.


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