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Hostile Takeover Ch. 01

Story Info
Kimberley submits to her new boss to save her family.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 11/17/2011
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The Swain family were an extremely rich and powerful family whose wealth and power had come from a fruit factory which had been in their family for generations.

Kevin Swain was the current chairman of the fruit factory. He was the fifth in a long line of business canny Swain men to be the chairman of Swain's Wood.

He lived in a small village called Porton with his wife Debra and their only daughter Kimberley. They lived in a huge country house. The house had seven bedrooms, five reception rooms, walled gardens, a swimming pool, a tennis court, two staple yards and woodlands.

His daughter Kimberley was eighteen years old and was stunningly beautiful. Her hair was dirty blonde, long and wavy. She had almond shaped, hazel coloured eyes, the most gorgeous full lips that you had ever seen and when she smiled a pair of sexy dimples appeared in her cheeks.

Kimberley was five feet nine inches tall, her long legs were tanned and athletic. Her stomach was slim and nicely toned. Her bra size was thirty two d.

Kimberley was privately schooled and always tried really hard to make her parents proud, which she when she recieved her G.C.S.E. results which were straight A's. With such good grades Kimberley had the choice of whichever university she wanted. She opted not to go to university and instead go work for her Father at Swain's Fruit.

Her Dad insisted that she would have to learn the trade and work her way up the company ladder, which she did. Kimberley was now a sales excutive. Kevin had always hoped that his cherished daughter would one day takeover from him as head of the company and become the first chairwoman of the factory.

Kimberley was a Daddy's girl which wasn't really a surprise as Kevin had always given her everything that she had ever wanted.

The thing that Kimberley loved the most was the power that she had, with Porton being such a small village she and her family were treated like royalty, the employees at the factory were to scared of her Father to look at her let alone speak to her, but most of all Kimberley loved the power that she had over men. Kimberley knew that she was an attractive girl and would love nothing than to cock tease men, knowing that most men would give anything to fuck her.

Despite her beauty Kimberley had only ever slept with one lucky lad, her current boyfriend Teddy. She had let a couple of her ex boyfriends grope her but she was never ready to lose her virginity until she met Teddy and she made him wait four months before she slept with him.

In recent times with the recession hitting everybody hard there had been a few redundancies at Swain's Fruit, nothing major just a handful of workers. As always this was enough to get everyone gossiping that the company must be struggling. Kimberley had often heard these rumours and would often ask her Father, who would always assure her that the factory wasn't struggling at all. Kimberley as always believed her beloved Father.

Just recently though Kimberley had noticed that her Father had been doing more hours than usual and had become very snappy, even with her which was very strange as he never yelled at her.

Kimberley decided to confront her Father about what was wrong with him. With everyone else from the factory gone home Kimberley decided now would be the best time to ask her Father what was wrong. As she entered his large office she saw that he had his head in his hands.

"What's wrong Dad?" She asked.

"Nothing princess." He replied as he took his head out of his hands.

"Come on Dad, I'm not stupid I know something isn't right. Just tell me it can't possibly be that bad." Said Kimberley.

"Okay take a seat and I'll explain everything." He instructed.

Kimberley walked over to his desk and sat opposite her Father.

"It's like this Kimberley we've been made a generous offer from Maccy Fresh Fruits to merge the two companies together and I think as a company it would be best to accept the offer." He explained.

Kimberley was very shocked at her Father's revelation, she really wasn't expecting anything like this.

"But Dad you always said that you would never merge or sell the company. You promised Granddad that you wouldn't." Kimberley said.

"I know sweetheart but times have moved on." He began to explain before Kimberley interupted him.

"Are we losing money?"

"Kimberley please let me finish. No we are not losing money but we are in a recession and you never know what's around the corner. By joining up with Maccy Fresh Fruits it would make us a super power and there for giving us much better financial security if things get any worse." He told her.

"Well if you're sure that it's for the best. I know you wouldn't do anything that wouldn't be best for us." Said Kimberley.

As soon as Kimberley left his office Kevin picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hello Nigel it's Kevin Swain. I've decided to accept your generous offer." He said.

"Well Kevin I decided to drop my offer by twenty five million." Explained Nigel.

"B..but you can't do that." Stuttered Kevin.

Kevin heard Nigel let out a large laugh over the other end of the phone.

"I really can. I know that you're desperate for the money as you have driven your company into the ground. Everybody knows that you've been operating at a loss for years." Nigel said.

Kevin knew that everything that Nigel was saying was completely true, he didn't have any choice but to sell to his long term rival. He had been borrowing money from the banks for the last couple of years and now they where refusing to lend him anymore cash.

"Okay I accept." Kevin said with tears in his eyes.

"Good me and my solicitor will be at your office tomorrow morning." Said Nigel before he hung up the phone abruptly.

Kevin couldn't believe that he had ruined what four generations before him had worked so hard to build up. He was heartbroken he had no idea how he was going to tell his Father what he had done. His Father was so proud of the factory and what the Swain family had achieved with it, Kevin knew that when he told him he would be incredibly disappointed.

That night Kevin didn't get any sleep what so ever, how had he let his finances get so bad, he wondered all night as he tossed and turned.

The following morning he was sat at the kitchen table fiddling about with his breakfast. Kimberley came into the kitchen and gave her Dad a kiss on the cheek like she did every morning.

"Are you okay Dad? You don't look so good." She asked.

Kimberley was correct he did look awful, normally he looked a picture of health but his restless night last night had given him big dark circles under his eyes. His usually shaven face had three days of dark stubble growing on it.

"I'm fine princess just thinking about the merger that's all." He replied.

"Well if you're sure." Said Kimberley as she left the house and headed off to work.

At ten o'clock Kimberley noticed a couple of men she had never seen before enter her Dad's office. She knew immediately that they must be here for the merger.

All of her co workers were asking who the men were but Kimberley just denied knowing anything about them, she knew that her Dad would want everybody to hear it from him.

When Kimberley saw the men leave she headed directly for her Dad's office and entered.

"I saw those men, were they here for the merger?" She asked.

"Yeah they were. I'll make an annoucement about it later. Could you leave please princess, I've got a stack load of paper work to do for this merger." Asked Kevin who sounded pretty fed up.

Kimberley knew that there was more to this merger than her Dad was letting on, she could tell by his body language he just wasn't his usual self.

At four o'clock that afternoon Kevin called all of his workers together and announced that his company had merged with Maccy Fresh Fruit. Kimberley looked around at all of her co workers and she could see how worried they all were about their jobs despite the fact that her Dad had explained that nobody would lose their job.

Once the meeting was over and everyone returned to work Kimberley found herself surrounded by her work collogues demanding answers. Kimberley just told them that as far as she knew nobody would be losing their job.

Two weeks had now passed and today was the first offical day of the two companies merging. As Kimberley entered her office that she shared with thirty other people she could feel the atmosphere immediately.

Kimberley headed to her Dad's office as she hadn't seen him this morning, he must of been up for work early. She entered her Dad's office without knocking like she always did she was stunned to hear a stern voice say.

"Next time you come in here make sure you knock girl."

Kimberley had never been spoken to like this before as everyone was to scared of her Dad to dare to.

"Who might you be, and where is my Father?" Asked Kimberley.

"So you're Kimberley. Take a seat I'd like to meet you as I've heard alot about you." Instructed the man.

As Kimberley walked over to take a seat she took a good look at the man. He had short brown hair which had receded a little, his brown eyes looked tired with big bags underneath them, he looked like he was a little chubby and he appeared about fifty years old. Kimberley couldn't really tell much more about him as he was sat down.

As Kimberley sat down she asked.

"Who are you and why are you sat in my my Dad's office?"

"I'm Nigel McDonald and this is my office now. You'll find your Dad in a smaller office just down the corridor." He responded.

Kimberley couldn't believe the arrogance of the man, he really did seem to have a chip on his shoulders. Kimberley was also shocked that her Dad had moved to a smaller office.

"I don't understand why my Dad's moved to a smaller office, surely you should be in the smaller office." Said Kimberley.

This brought an arrogant smile from Nigel. Even though Kimberley had been brought up to never judged people when she had just met them, she already knew that she didn't like this man.

"Let me show you why." He smiled as he picked up his phone and put it on loud speaker so that Kimberley could hear what was being said.

"Hello sir." Kimberley heard her Dad speak.

"Go and fetch me a newspaper from the local news agents now." He ordered.

"But I've got." Kevin started to say before Nigel interupted him.

"Look you worthless piece of shit get me a fucking newspaper now or get the fuck off my premises." Nigel yelled.

"Sorry sir. I'll go immediately." Kevin said.

Nigel didn't say another word to him he just put the phone down on him.

Kimberley couldn't believe what she had just heard, nobody had ever spoken to her Dad like that before, and her Dad never called anybody sir. She now knew definately there was more to this merger than her Dad was telling her.

"Are you beginning to understand now girl?" He asked.

Kimberley felt really intimidated by this man, it was a feeling she had never felt before and she didn't like it. At the same time though she couldn't deny that the power and arrogance this bloke had was a strange turn on to her.

"Yeah I think I understand." Kimberley answered.

She got up to leave the office when she heard Nigel say.

"Where do you think you're going girl I haven't said you could leave."

Kimberley had had enough of Nigel talking to her like she was worthless. So she turned around and snapped.

"Who do you think you are?"

Nigel stood up and put walked over to Kimberley who was surprised to see that he was only about the same height as her.

"I'm the fucking man who saved your worthless family from poverty. Take a seat now girl." He bawled at her.

Kimberley sat back down on her chair, her heart was racing partly with fear and partly with anger. Nigel also sat back down on his chair and adjusted his tie.

"Let me tell you a thing or two about your Dad. If it wasn't for me buying his company for a knocked down price you and your family would be homeless right now. So I would appreciate a little gratitude from you." He snarled.

"But my Dad said it was a merger." A confused Kimberley said.

"If it was a merger do you really think your Dad would be going to get me a newspaper and calling me sir?" He boasted.

It finally dawned on Kimberley why her Dad had been acting so shifty lately and why he had been so snappy.

"No I guess he wouldn't be would he." She replied still in shock.

"Now get back to work girl." He smiled.

The fact that Nigel kept on calling her girl was seriously beginning to annoy Kimberley but rather than say anything she decided to just leave his office and return to work.

When Kimberley's dinner hour arrived she headed straight for her Dad's new office. She walked in and was surprised by the size of the office, it was tiny just enough room for three chairs and a desk.

"Hi princess." He said.

"Don't you princess me. I've spoken to the new boss and he's told me everything, I was even in his office when he ordered you to get him a newspaper. How could you lie to me?" She barked.

Kevin couldn't even bring himself to look at his daughter who had worshipped him her whole life.

"I'm so sorry Kimberley. I'll make it up to you I promise." He sobbed.

"Does Mum know?" Kimberley asked.

"No please don't tell her she'd only worry." he pleaded.

After thinking about it for a moment Kimberley agreed to keep the secret from her Mum. She hated to keep things from her Mum as they were very close but she knew that telling her would only worry her and would achieve very little.

"How bad is it Dad? And please tell me the truth." Asked Kimberley.

"I'm afraid to say that it's imperative that we keep Nigel on side, without him we are finished." Kevin explained.

"But he paid a fortune for this place." Said Kimberley.

"Yes he did but by the time that the other shareholders got their money and I paid the banks back what they had lent me down the years it didn't leave a lot I'm afraid." Her Dad explained.

Kimberley was now beginning to realise just how bad her Dad's financial crisis was. He was practically penniless.

Kimberley gave her Dad a loving hug and assured him that everything would be okay in the end.

Later that day Nigel called a meeting with all the workers and formally introduced himself. He came across like a charming gentleman. This made Kimberley dispise him even more. Nigel ended the meeting by inviting everybody to a party he was organising at a five star hotel called The Northern Lodge Country House Hotel. There would also a free bar there.

After the meeting Kimberley could hear everyone saying what a nice and generous bloke Nigel was, this was making Kimberley's blood boil. If only they knew the real Nigel McDonald, she thought to herself.

Kimberley got a message to go to Nigel's office immediately. What does he want now, she thought to herself as she headed down the corridor towards her new bosses office.

Kimberley very nearly walked straight into the office but she managed to stop herself at the last moment and knocked on the door.

"Enter." She heard Nigel say. Kimberley slowly opened the door and softly said.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes I did take a seat girl." He responded.

Kimberley walked a chair and sat in it. Nigel put the newspaper that her Dad had been to get him earlier in front of Kimberley and smirked.

"Would you like to read the newspaper that your worthless Dad fetched for me?"

Kimberley really wanted to slap the cocky smile off Nigel's face but instead she decided to give him a sarcastic smile.

"I'll take that as a no then." He smiled.

"What did you call me here for? I'm sure it wasn't to offer me a newspaper." Snapped Kimberley.

"You think you're something special don't you, but let me tell you girl you are just a spoilt little bitch who I don't like." Nigel told her.

Kimberley wasn't sure what to do, she wasn't used to people treating her with such little respect.

"No I don't think I'm something special actually." She answered.

"I've met your sort millions of times before. Flirting and teasing every man that you meet." He said.

Kimberley didn't answer she just sat there playing with her hair feeling increasingly nervous everytime that Nigel spoke to her.

"Your silence speaks volumes. Anyway back to the reason why I called you into my office. How far would you go to protect your family girl?" He asked.

"I..I would do anything to protect my family, just like anybody else would do." She stuttered.

"Good now tell me what bra size are you girl?" He ordered.

This question infuriated Kimberley who could feel her face begin to redden.

"I don't see how that's any of your business." She snapped at him.

"If you want to keep a roof over your families head you'll answer my questions without hesistation." He growled.

"Just because you own my families company it doesn't mean you own everything that my Dad owns so go to hell." Kimberley seethed.

"Is that what you really think girl?" Nigel smirked.

"That's what I know." Hissed Kimberley.

"Listen to me girl I own just about everything that your Dads ever owned. If you carry on with your back chat I'll put your Dads rent up that high that he'll have no choice but to leave your pretty house. I might even move in myself." He sniggered.

"I don't believe you." Snapped KImberley.

Nigel put his phone on loud speaker and dialled her Dads number.

"Hello sir." Kevin answered.

"Hello weasel. I'll get right to the point I've decided to put the rent up on your house by twenty per cent." Said Nigel.

"B...but you can't do that we've got a contract." Kevin stammered.

"You're right, I can't but I'm giving you six months notice which I can do." Bragged Nigel.

"Please sir I'm begging you don't make my family homeless. I'll do anything I swear. Take my cars off me. Please I swear I'll let you have anything that I own just let us stay in our home sir." Kevin begged.

"I'll think about weasel. Now get back to work." Nigel laughed.

Kimberley now knew beyond any doubt that Nigel had her family exactly where he wanted them. There was no way her proud Dad would ever beg unless things were that bad. So she relucantly answered his question.

"Thity two d."

"That wasn't so hard was it girl. Now tell me how far you'll go to stop me tormenting your Father."

"I'll do anything." Replied Kimberley.

"Anything you say?" He smiled.

Kimberley knew exactly what Nigel was asking of her. As much as she didn't want to obey him she had witnessed her Dad begging already and there was no way she could listen to that again.

"Yes I promise I'll do anything you want me to do." She submitted.

"Good lets begin then, what colour knickers are you wearing?" He smirked.

Kimberley really didn't want to answer the question but she knew that he would make her tell him eventually.

"Pink." She responded while looking down at the floor.

"Very nice. Now stand up and show me them." He asked.

Slowly Kimberley rose from her chair and lifted the bottom of her short denim skirt up slightly to expose the bottom of her pink thong.

"Lift the skirt higher." He demanded.

Kimberley pulled the skirt up all the way to her hips so the her thong was now fully on display. Her thong was pink satin with a dainty white mesh over the pink satin and a wide pink bow on the right hand side.

"Very nice indeed. Does your bra match your thong?" Nigel asked.

Kimberley just nodded her head.

"Remove your blouse and show me girl." He ordered.

Kimberley let go of denim skirt but it stayed hitched up on her hips. She then slowly unbuttoned her light yellow blouse and removed it before dropping the blouse onto the floor.

Kimberley stood there with her hands by her side, Nigel couldn't believe how sexy she looked. Her bra was an exact match of her thong, pink satin with a dainty white mesh over the pink satin and a wide pink bow in between the bra cups.


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