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Hot for Step Brother?! Ch. 01

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Roxy meets her sexy step brother Ryder.
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"Grr baby grr what's wrong?" Wyatt makes a tiger paw and pretends to claw me.

"Nothing why?" I ignore his antics and continue unloading my book bag into my locker.

"You only dress like a bad ass when you're pissed about something," he nods at my outfit.

"Please do tell how am I dressed as a bad ass?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Black stilettos, black skinny jeans, tight red t-shirt, black leather jacket, and if my eyes are correct a black lacy bra," Wyatt waggles his eyebrows at me.

"Eww you're gross," I make a face and pull my t-shirt higher.

"What don't show it if you don't want me to appreciate it," he shrugs.

"Oh come on, shouldn't you see me as like a sister or something? I'm your best friend," I bop him on the side of the head.

"If you were ugly then maybe, but sorry Rox you aren't unfortunate looking so there for I am forced to lust after you even though you're one of my best friends," he winks.

"I'm not unfortunate looking? Wow way to build up a girls self confidence," I tease.

Wyatt knows me way too well; he just laughs and rolls his eyes. "Baby you are the most confident girl I know, how else could you hang out with me and not feel self conscious," he receives another hit on the head for that one.

"So tell me what's wrong?" Wyatt prods again.

"Right now? You! You're annoying the shit out of me," I huff.

"Collin, Roxy is being a grump butt and won't tell we what's wrong," Wyatt tattles on me to our other best friend Collin as he joins our little group. I try to avoid eye contact with him, he knows exactly what's wrong... jack ass.

"Wyatt can you give us a second," Collin says never once taking his eyes from me.

"No he can't he's walking me to class, bye!" I wave with my middle finger and hook my arm with Wyatt's.

Wyatt shrugs at Collin and struts along beside me down the hall and yes when I say strut I mean strut. The kid is a damn peacock, and all the girls notice him... hell so do some of the guys. I don't blame them if I didn't know Wyatt as well as I do I'd think he was hot too. He's tall, muscular, tan, has a golden blonde hair, bright green eyes, and a killer smile that he calls 'the panty dropper smile'.

"So what's up with you and Collin, lovers' quarrel?" Wyatt smirks tugging on a strand of my hair.

"Lovers really? You know he and I are just friends just like you and I," I roll my eyes.

"Hmm so just friends like you and I? Have I forgotten having mind blowing best friend sex with you?" Wyatt smirks.

"Oh my god shut up, okay fine my relationship with each of you are different but Collin and I are really just friends... and he's being an asshole," I frown.

"You mean he got feelings on you and wants to be in a relationship and you're too scared to give him a chance?" Wyatt gives me a knowing look.

"No," I glare. I don't care if he's somewhat right I will never admit it, if the fate of the world depended on me admitting Wyatt is right then we'd be fucked.

"I knew it!" Wyatt smirks.

"You don't know shit," I roll my eyes.

"Roxy give him a damn chance I mean seriously what could go wrong? You guys already act like you are together you might as well just make it official," Wyatt gives me a very rare serious look.

"I have to go to class," I huff rushing into my class before he can say anything else.

"You love him and you know it!" Wyatt yells after me and I cringe.

I hate those two sometimes, I knew Wyatt was in cahoots with Collin... ass hole.

It's not my fault that I'm fucked up and don't believe in monogamous relationships. The guys know my parents, having them as an example of "love" in my formative years did a number on me. I honestly don't believe people can stay faithful in a relationship someone always ends up cheating. Even if you forgive and try to forget there will always be that nagging voice in the back of your head telling you it'll happen again and guess what it always does. I love Wyatt and Collin both to pieces, but I'm not going to risk a good thing just because Collin is getting all gross and relationshippy on me because once he cheated on me I could never ever be friends with him... I'd be in jail for murder. I mean seriously the kid is ridiculously attractive he could have any girl he wants so I don't understand the fixation on me. He is crazy tall like I'm talking at least 6'5'', he has full lips, perfect lightly tanned skin, honey colored eyes, and dark wavy hair. Girls throw themselves at him so I think the fact that I'm the only girl not begging for his attention makes me a challenge to him and a relationship should not be built off that. At least in my opinion.


After a long day of avoiding Collin I'm thoroughly exhausted and ready to go home and go to bed, but of course the universe hates me and I can't. My dad is in town tonight and wants me to have dinner with him and his new girlfriend, Kimmy is her name I think... sounds classy right? Not only is this stupid dinner stressing me out, but I have an urge to talk to my mom about the whole Collin thing and of course she has fled town for the next three days with her friends until my dad leaves. Collin was supposed to come with me tonight, but I have a feeling that won't be happening anymore so as I unlock the front door to my house I dial Wyatt's number.

"Hey baby cheeks," he answers cheerily. I hear Collin's voice in the background and frown.

"Hey so would you do me a huge favor?" I ask.

"Of course, what's up?"

"Come to dinner with my dad and Kimmy with me tonight?" I plead.

"Can I hit on her?" I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Sure," I laugh.

"Then yes, but just so you know Collin is hurt that he is disinvited," Wyatt says and I hear Collin trying to deny it in the background.

"Yeah whatever, anyways pick me up at seven and dress nice," I hang up.

I take my time doing my homework before attempting to get ready for dinner. I'd honestly rather have my finger nails ripped off one by one then have to endure two hours of the bimbo show.

When Wyatt comes to pick me up I'm just barely finishing getting ready and we have to hurry out the door.

"You look good Rox," Wyatt waggles his eyebrows.

I'm wearing a bodycon dress that's red with a black lace overlay, black stilettos, smoky eye shadow with perfectly applied eyeliner that brings out my ice blue eyes, and my long dark hair is in a high pony tail.

"Thanks Wyatt, you look great too," I grin.

He really does, he's wearing black dress pants with a black belt, expensive black loafers, and a grey blue button up. His hair is in a sexy slicked back style and he looks clean shaven and for once... like a grown man. Usually he prefers basketball shorts and bro tanks, or jeans and a t-shirt, but lord if the he dressed like this all the time he would have to fight girls off... well more than he already does.

We get to the restaurant and I give my name to the hostess, she leads us to my dad's table all the while checking out Wyatt and basically panting over him. He doesn't mind though, and I find it mildly amusing.

"Honey, you look fantastic," my dad greets me with a bone crushing hug. I glance at his new girlfriend over his shoulder, she isn't the trashy bimbo I'd expected to see. She's actually very classy looking and way too pretty to be with my father. She has dark curly hair, bright blue green eyes, high cheekbones... basically she looks like she just hopped off the pages of vogue.

"Hey dad," I squeeze back.

"Sweet heart this is Anna," my dad says gesturing to the beautiful brunette.

"Anna? What happened to Kimmy?" I ask before thinking better of it.

"That's been over for a while honey," my dad says looking slightly embarrassed.

"My bad, it's nice to meet you Anna," I smile politely.

"You too Roxanne," she smiles sweetly.

"So who is this? Your boyfriend?" my dad grins at me as we take our seats.

"Eww no," I laugh.

"Wow thanks, way to boost my ego," Wyatt shakes his head at me.

"Sorry, but no dad this is Wyatt, Wyatt Evans my best friend since like forever," I say and my dad again looks slightly embarrassed.

"Wow I didn't recognize you kid, you've changed so much," my dad studies Wyatt, recognition flashing in his eyes.

"Must be your eyesight old man," Wyatt teases making all of us laugh.

"You really do need glasses," Anna chuckles.

"And soon after that probably some adult diapers and a walker," I tease.

"Why is everyone ganging up on me?" my dad laughs, "Where is Ryder he'd be my ally!"

"Apparently you're going senile as well," the most beautiful boy I've ever seen says joining our table and sitting in the seat between Anna and I.

"There you are sweet heart," Anna grins, "Roxanne this is my son Ryder."

"Nice to meet you," he says studying me.

I nod and study him right back, he's gorgeous. He has his mother's dark hair but his is more wavy than curly, he has her blue green eyes, but somehow his are even more vibrant. His jaw is very well defined, and when he shoots me a devilish grin I notice two perfect dimples. I am so glad Collin didn't come with me tonight, he'd probably start a fight because I can't stop looking at Ryder. Wyatt seems slightly uncomfortable, but he doesn't say anything.

Dinner seems to go smoothly, we order food and drinks, talk about random subjects, and Ryder accidentally touches my arm or my thigh every five seconds which I don't really mind. Wyatt and Ryder talk about football and cars and I add a comment here and there, but mostly I concentrate on not blushing fiercely.

"So I have some news sweet heart," my dad grabs our attention.

"Okay," I say slightly confused. Besides having a new girlfriend with an extremely hot son there is nothing new in his life that I don't know about.

"Anna and I have decided," he pauses to hold her hand, "to move back here to Mountain View!"

"What?" I blanch and stare dumbly at my dad.

"The three of us," he gestures to Ryder, Anna, and himself, "are going to be living here as of tomorrow, everything comes in the next couples days."

"Does mom know? Does Gage know?" I blurt. I'm honestly more worried about my mother than I am my brother, but still this is a huge bomb to drop on us.

"Well your brother knows but your mother well no not yet... I thought you could tell her maybe," my dad gives me a pleading smile.

"Umm I guess," I gulp.

My mother always leaves when my dad is in town, I can't imagine what she's going to do when she finds out he will be here permanently. My brother is so lucky he is away at college and doesn't have to deal with this shit storm.

"Ryder will be attending Mountain View Prep with you guys too," my dad grins glad to have dodged a bullet.

"Oh sweet man, you going to try out for the football team?" Wyatt says excitedly.

They already seem like the best of friends... Collin is not going to like Ryder, I can already foresee the shit show that'll hit the fan.

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet," Ryder shrugs.

"Ryder is a fantastic player, very versatile," Anna compliments.

I stay silent the rest of dinner, no one seems to mind much Anna and my dad chat away about their new house and Wyatt and Ryder joke around about random crap. I feel like I might explode from all of this, I hate change I really do and I have a feeling everything in my life is about to be turned upside down. I link my pinky with Wyatt's under the table, just for support, and he squeezes back making me feel a little less frazzled. By some act of god I somehow make it through the rest of dinner without freaking out.

"So what are your plans for the night?" my dad asks as we all exit the restaurant.

"Nothing too major, probably just hang out," Wyatt answers for me.

We're supposed to go to a party tonight at Collin's, but Wyatt knows better than to be honest with my dad, he still sees me as his little angel.

"Well us old fogies will be turning in early tonight, but Ryder if you want to go out we don't have to check out of the hotel until noon tomorrow when the moving trucks get here," Anna smiles at her son.

"Yeah man, you're welcome to hang with us if you want," Wyatt grins.

"Sounds good to me," Ryder says never taking his eyes from me.

"Alrighty then, see you tomorrow, love you sweet heart," my dad kisses me on the cheek and hugs me before taking Anna by the hand and leading her towards their car.

"Have fun!" Anna calls back to the three of us.

The three of us pile in Wyatt's car and head towards my neighborhood where Collin also lives.

"Do you need to change?" Wyatt asks me as we come close to my house.

"Well my feet are killing me, but I do look hot as fuck so I don't know," I smirk.

"You do look pretty damn good," Wyatt nods.

"I second that," Ryder winks at me, I blush a little and try to hide it.

"Alright well I'll deal with the pain, but the minute a blister starts to form we are coming back here, I am changing into horrible ugly sweats, and we are watching movies the rest of the night."

I secretly hope that I get blisters on me feet as soon as we get to Collin's just so we can leave without seeing him. There's a shit ton of cars in the drive way when we pull up in front of Collin's, it takes a moment to find a parking spot. As we walk towards the front door I can feel my mood souring, I really don't want to see Collin tonight. He's going to act all jealous and boyfriendy and I'm really not in the mood. The bass of the music rattles my teeth as we enter the house, there are so many people that we have to elbow and push our way through the crowd. We swing by the kitchen and grab some drinks before heading upstairs to where the real party is. Wyatt produces a key from his pocket and unlocks the door to the game room which is basically a pool table, comfy couches, big ass flat screen, and every game console a teenage boy could dream of. A cloud of smoke greets us as we enter and I cough, if I don't get contact high from this room I'll be extremely surprised.

"Dude crack a window!" Wyatt yells at Collin who is sitting on the couch with a bong in his lap. There's a girl glued to his side, when she sees me she smirks and I roll my eyes.

"No man, I like it hazy," Collin gives us a lazy stoner smile. He looks at me and then glances at the girl next to him who's hands are now not so subtly sliding up his thighs. He shoves her away making bong water slosh around nearly spilling. "Come sit," he says patting the now empty spot next to him.

"Don't mind if I do," Wyatt saves the day and plops down next to Collin who frowns.

I take a seat next to Wyatt and Ryder sits closely next to me which I don't mind.

"Give me your feet Princess," Wyatt grins at me grabbing my ankles and putting my feet in his lap.

This new position has me pressed firmly up against Ryder, I mean I'm basically in his lap. He adjusts himself so my back rests against his shoulder and his hand rests on my hip giving me extreme butterflies. Wyatt takes off my heels and starts massaging my feet and I swear to god I'm in heaven.

"This is why you are my best friend," I smile at Wyatt.

"Love you too kid," Wyatt winks.

"Who are you?" Collin glares at Ryder.

"Ryder," he says politely, sensing the anger Collin is putting off in waves.

"Chill out Collin, he's cool," Wyatt shoots Collin a "calm the fuck down" look.

I know Collin though and he's not just going to let it go.

"Why are your hands all over my girl?" Collin almost growls.

"Sorry man I didn't realize," Ryder starts to move away but I stop him by placing my hand on his.

"I'm not your girl Collin, you and I are just friends," I sigh.

I move my feet from Wyatt's lap and he puts my shoes back on my feet; I give him a small thank you smile.

"Do you fuck all your friends?" Collin says seeming even more angry, "that why Wyatt is rubbing your feet? You fucking him too?"

"Collin I would shut the fuck up right now before you say something you can't take back," I warn.

"That's why you won't be with me isn't it? You're so fucked up, you're a fucking ice queen," he slurs slightly.

So he's not just high as a kite, he's also drunker than fuck. Everyone in the room has their eyes glued to us and the spectacle Collin is making.

"Man you're an idiot," Wyatt grabs my hand and stands up pulling me with him.

Ryder stands with us and we move to leave but Collin grabs my other hand and rips me away from Wyatt.

"I'm not done talking to you," he pulls me to his side.

I rub my shoulder, my arm stings a little from having it nearly ripped from the socket, but I think I'll live.

"Well I'm done, you are drunk and acting like an ass hole, when you sober up and want to apologize don't call me," I rip my arm from his grasp and hurry out of the room before he can hurt me anymore.

"I love the guy but he's a dumb ass," Wyatt shakes his head as we head back down stairs.

"Yeah oh well, he'll be crying begging me to forgive him tomorrow so it's whatever, do you guys want to party down here for a bit and then head to my house?" I ask, I don't want to leave quite yet, but I do want to get into my frumpy sweats.

"I'm good with that," Wyatt says his eyes following a busty blonde that giggles as she walks by him.

"Yeah I'm good with whatever you guys want to do," Ryder shrugs.

"Okay well we can chill here for an hour and then head to my place, and yes Wyatt you can bring Boobs Magee if you want, but please no sex on my bed," I tease.

"This is why I love you," Wyatt grins, kisses me on the forehead, and then races after his target.

"So Roxanne do you want to dance?" Ryder offers me his hand.

"You mean grind my ass against your dick... yeah no," I laugh and grab his drink from his hand and take a sip. In the commotion with Collin I left mine upstairs.

"That's not what I meant, but if you change your mind I'm definitely willing," he winks grabbing the drink from my hand and handing it to a random passerby.

"Fine, lead the way," I make a big dramatic waving gesture towards the living room where people are basically dry humping to the beat of the music so they can call it "dancing."

Ryder grabs my hand and leads me to the living room, he spins me around before bringing me close, putting my arms around his neck and his hands on my hips. He keeps perfect time to the music, occasionally spinning me around and making me slightly dizzy in the process. He does a sexy hip shimmy thing that draws attention from every girl around us. The hour is almost up by the time either one of us speaks a word.

"I'm impressed," I grin up at him. Even in heels I'm still way shorter than him.

"Good you should be," he smirks.

"Cocky much," I laugh.

"Honey you have no idea," he slightly grinds his hips into mine and I blush a little.

"You're horrible," I shake my head amused.

"But you are having fun, correct?"

"Yes I am, I can't deny that."

He smiles widely at my response and dips me back.

"Show off," I laugh when I'm back on my feet.

"So why are you flirting so hard core with me, I am your step sister technically," I say catching him off guard.

"They aren't married, so for now you are just my mom's boyfriends really hot, really sexy daughter," he corrects.

"Ah so this is about getting in my pants," I nod.

"No, I mean yes a little, but you're pretty cool so far, and you have good friends so hanging with you seems like a good idea... for a lot of reasons," he grins down at me.

"Oh I'm pretty cool huh? So you like me?" I smirk.

He shrugs and gives me a dimpled grin; I spot Wyatt over Ryder's shoulder heading our way with Tits Magee in tow.

"Hey you guys ready to go?" Wyatt asks when he reaches us.

"Yeah sure," I answer removing my arms from around Ryder's neck. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers giving my hand a light squeeze. I'm a little uncomfortable with this but I just shrug it off.


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