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Hot for Teacher Ch. 02

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Elle fights with her conscience and Jay loses his control.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/01/2012
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Author's note:

These stories are based on my personal fantasies. Jay and Elle are real people, though their names and the sexual nature of their relationship is not (not that Elle's never thought about it... ;-) and I DID catch "Jay" looking me... I mean Elle... up and down).

For the record, I am a woman and I don't condone violence against women; with that said, this is simply, as I stated before, a fantasy.

I welcome feedback, ratings and comments!


I could feel their eyes boring into me as I stared steadfastly at my notes in front of me, scribbling words furiously as I heard them but scarcely paying attention to what I was writing. My tell-tale blush was creeping up my neck and into my cheeks. It was Monday... we had gotten our grades back on our first summer assignment, and I had miraculously gotten a 100, despite being too distracted, nervous and worried in light of recent events to put very much effort into it. Jay had handed it to me over my head as I sat, squeezing my shoulder firmly and telling me "good job," in his offhand way. Casual and charming as always, he had then proceeded to lecture as if nothing had happened between us. I looked up for a second and caught the eye of one of my classmates, Maria. She was watching me questioningly, her forehead wrinkled in concern.

"Are you okay?" She mouthed to me, wordlessly. I nodded, biting my lip, and re-dedicated myself to note-taking, trying to ignore her probing stare. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone found out... before both Jay's life and my own life would be ruined. After a torturous hour and twenty minutes, Jay glanced at the clock on the wall and announced that he was dismissing us ten minutes early. Relieved at least not to have to see him anymore, I packed my things and hurriedly tried to leave before my classmates could question me. As they were gathering their things and chatting animatedly amongst themselves, Jay shot me a meaningful look.

"Elle, I need to speak with you in my office..."

I nodded with as much composure as I could, dreading being in that office again. I could feel my face positively burning, and I felt like I would die of humiliation. I saw some of my classmates look at me curiously as I followed him out the door, head hung in shame. I prayed that they would attribute my mood to a bad grade, or some other seemingly trivial issue.

Once in his office, with the door slightly ajar, he sat in his chair and I sat across from him. Fleetingly, I remembered the feel of his warm, rough hands on my body, and I shivered. He didn't seem to notice. Nervously watching the slightly open door, he leaned toward me and started speaking in a calm, low voice. I looked at him curiously; he was holding my assignment in his hand.

"You're probably wondering a few things right now," he said as calmly as if he was discussing the weather. "First, I always leave my door open when I'm discussing things with female students--"

"You mean whenever you're discussing things with students?" I interrupted him. After all, it wasn't as if there were any male students.

"Yes," he conceded, smiling slightly. "I just feel that it places me above suspicion if anyone can look in and see that I'm not doing anything wrong."

I choked back a laugh and placed my hand over my mouth to hide my incredulity. He waited patiently for me to regain composure.

"...And I'm using your paper, here, so that should anyone walk by and see us talking, they'll think that I'm just discussing your grade."

I nodded slowly. It made sense, but it still all seemed like a bit of a joke to me, now. I looked up at his face, and saw that his eyes were hungrily eying my body, but he looked away when he saw that I was watching him. Another involuntary shiver trickled down my spine. I nervously tugged at the bottom of my shirt to straighten it while clearing my throat. He shook his head, straightened in his seat and loosened his striped, red tie. Leaning forward again and pretending to be looking over my assignment, he said in a slightly louder, clearer voice, "Elle, you've really got to pull it together."

Startled, I looked at him curiously. He looked at me meaningfully as he had at the end of class. It dawned on me what he was trying to do.

"I know, Dr. Williams," I said, carefully. I tried to return the same meaningful look to him, "I'm really trying my hardest."

He eyed me with those steely blue eyes for several moments, and I could not guess the thoughts beyond his expression. Finally he sighed.

"I know you're trying. but it's simply not good enough... your... grade in this class and your career, in general, are at stake. Not to mention how poorly this might reflect on me..."

I looked away from him, unsure of how I felt. I focused on a drawing of a dog that one of his children had made for him. He continued.

"Before this gets out of hand, let me suggest something. Let's pretend that... this assignment... never happened, and start over new. I think it would be best to forget this."

Taken aback, slightly, I recoiled. A strange emotion akin to grief was overwhelming me. I profoundly regretted what I had done, but I could not deny that he had a hold on me. Despite the gut-wrenching knowledge that I was now a home-wrecker, I still desperately wanted more. If nothing else, I needed some kind of closure from all of this-- I couldn't just sweep it under the rug.

"Sometimes it's hard for me to forget when... I do this badly," I said in a shaky voice. I looked up at him imploringly with my green eyes, but he did not return my gaze. He loosened his tie a bit more, clearly uncomfortable.

"Elle, all that I can say to you is that this kind of thing has to stop, or you won't be able to stay in this program any longer."

He directed one last meaningful look my way, eyebrows arched, waiting expectantly for my reply. I nodded, fighting back tears. He sat there awkwardly for a moment as I struggled with my emotions, and then turned in his seat to face his computer. Realizing that the discussion, like our brief affair, was over, I stood, turned, and mumbled a quiet goodbye before leaving. He didn't even look up.

I trudged to my next class, wishing that I could just go home, curl up into a ball, and sleep off my misery. I sunk into my seat and buried my face in my hands, trying to pull it together. I felt a gentle tap on my arm and looked up to see Maria standing there.

"What happened?" she asked me, concern etched within the lines of her face. "Was it the assignment?"

Numbly, I nodded, reflecting on the conversation I had just had with Jay. It certainly was "the assignment."

"Elle, it's really not a big deal," Naomi, a girl sitting next to me said, "it's worth like 5% of our overall grade. I didn't do so great on it, either."

"Neither did I!" Maria said. "I don't think any of us did..."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced myself to smile at them, pretending to be grateful. Little did they know, this made me feel even worse. Did he think that he could simply give me a good grade, pat me on the back, and send me on my way? How could I have deluded myself into thinking that what had happened between us was more than just sex?

The professor entered the room and soon she was lecturing. I took notes and did my best to pay attention, frequently getting lost in my thoughts, hoping that lecture would be over quickly. At least this was my last class today. After I had given up the notion that I was actually going to absorb any of the information being presented, I started to doodle on the margins of my notes. I was snapped back to reality as I noticed that everyone was standing up with their bags and changing seats. I groaned, audibly, before I could catch myself. I saw Maria, across from me, beckoning me over. Picking up my things, I crossed the room and sat down next to her.

"Um, what are we doing?" I asked her, setting my notebook on the desk.

"We're going to read some case studies and try to differentially diagnose these disorders," she explained. Then, noticing me scrambling to retrieve my book from my bag, she added, "It's on page 363."

"Oh, okay, thanks," I said. At least this would get my mind off of my troubles. I opened my notebook and fished for a pen out of my bag. When I looked at my notebook again, I saw that I had left my graded assignment from Jay's class tucked into the front. My 100%, in bright red numbers, was clearly displayed at the top. My eyes flashed to Maria as I tried to hastily flip to a blank page, but she was staring at the place where my grade had been. I could feel panic rising in my chest. I would have to think of some other excuse for my morose disposition.

Maria shook her head and plastered a smile onto her lips.

"Forgive me for looking," she said, "but I thought you said you got a bad grade on Jay's assignment."

My mind raced for a lie.

"Yeah, I know," I stammered, "I kind of lied. I'm just upset because... I was having trouble following the lecture earlier..."

It was a lame excuse, but I looked at her hopefully to see if she had bought it. She looked suspicious.

"Oh," she said simply, turning to her book and starting to write. "I don't know that I'd get all that upset over something so small."

"Yeah... maybe I'm just kind of tired, too."

She looked at me with an arched eyebrow, but graciously let the subject drop. I breathed a silent sigh of relief, and we spent the rest of the class period differentially diagnosing. I was thankful when it was over.

Forty minutes later, after standing shoved between five other people on a crowded bus, I arrived at my apartment door. I unlocked it, slipped inside, threw my things down and collapsed onto my couch. My fiance was not home, and wouldn't be for several weeks, so I was alone. I was becoming accustomed to being alone, since he had previously been traveling every week for several days. When he had called me from Denver to tell me that he would have to stay for another few weeks without coming home at all, we had gotten into a serious argument about our future together. I didn't want to be with a man who was never there... and I could hardly bare speaking with him after what had happened with Jay. Needless to say, I was not expecting any calls from him, or any human contact at all.

Stewing in my own misery, I gradually fell asleep. I awoke with a start at 11:00 pm as my cell phone buzzed and vibrated in my jacket pocket. It was pitch black in the apartment. I fumbled to get my phone and quickly flipped it open, hoping that it wasn't my fiance.

"Hello?" I groggily spoke into the phone. There was a pause.

"Elle..." My heart stopped and my breath caught in my throat... it was Jay.

"Jay?" I said, standing and running my hang along the wall in search of the light switch. I flicked it on and my eyes burned with the sudden change. How did he know my cell phone number? I was aware that I should have felt creeped out, but instead I felt elated.

"Yes, it's me. Listen, I got your number from your contact information from your application... it was on file. I hope that you don't mind..."

Confused, but suddenly feeling warmth spreading throughout my limbs and a small smile spreading across my lips I said, "No, I don't mind..."

It was then that I remembered Maria, and fear gripped my heart. Was that why he was calling me? Had she said something?

"That's great..." he said. There was a long pause while I waited with baited breath for him to explain why he had called. "I just wanted to talk to you more about what happened today. I sensed that you were not happy with the outcome."

I breathed in and out slowly, deciding that I wouldn't mention my encounter with Maria unless he asked about it.

"No, I wasn't, Jay," I said, speaking the truth plainly. "I know that what we did was wrong, but... I can't stop thinking about how good it felt, being with you."

He sighed quietly and said, "I've been thinking about you, too... mostly about your body... those perky tits and perfect ass... it made it difficult to concentrate today during lecture."

My eyes widened in shock, at his brazenly sexual remarks.

"Jay!" I exclaimed, "Isn't your wife there?!" There was a pause, and I heard some shuffling on his end. It sounded like a door clicked.

"She's sleeping," he explained in a hushed voice. We got into an argument, she took a Valium and passed out." I desperately wanted to know why they had fought, but I felt like it wasn't my place to know. I worried, though, that I had been the cause of the argument...

"What about your kids?" I asked, once again, my guilt eating away at my conscience.

"They're upstairs-- I'm in my garage." I pictured him huddled secretively in his garage, stealing furtive glances at the door to the house with every little noise. The whole situation made me feel sick.

I searched for something to say, but the words stuck in my throat. I was worried that his wife or children would wake up at any second, and then they would know about me... and what I'd done to their family.

"How about you send me something," he slowly suggested into the silence. "You know... something for me to look at..."

I gasped at the implication.

"I'm not sending an elicit picture of myself to one of my professors! What about your speech earlier today about how we could both be ruined?"

He paused before answering. "So you're saying that you want this... thing... with us to be over, for good."

My throat constricted and I found it difficult to speak or breathe. I thought of the way he had looked at me with those hungry, blue eyes, and the outpouring of emotions and sensations that he had awakened in me.

"That's not what I'm saying," I choked. "I just don't want--"

"You already slept with me, is this really any worse?" he cut me off, his words cutting me like a knife.

Disgusted and a little hurt, I replied, "I'm not doing it. That kind of thing could fall into the wrong hands."

"You're being ridiculous," he spoke with a quietly seething rage into the phone. "Will you at least tell me what you're wearing?"

I sighed, not liking the way that this phone call was going. He seemed so moody and unpredictable... He had effectively ended things with me earlier. Much as I disliked that, the rage in his tone now frightened me. The intense physical pleasure, while wonderful, was not worth the guilt and fear that I was now feeling.

"I fell asleep in my clothes. Honestly, Jay, I just want to go back to sleep."

He exhaled sharply and said coldly, "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow," then hung up the phone. My head and heart pounding, I closed my phone and set it on my desk. I changed quickly from my jeans and t-shirt into a thin, white tank top and short, cotton shorts; the heat was an oppressive 75 degrees, even this late at night. I brushed my teeth, rinsed, and walked to my bedroom, pausing in front of my mirror. I scolded myself for wondering what Jay would think if he could see my long, bare legs in these flimsy shorts, and my nipples darkly outlined through my thin, white shirt. I turned off the light and crawled into my bed, though I knew that falling back asleep would be next to impossible.


Several hours later, I was lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling, conflicting emotions raging within my mind. There was the crushing, omnipresent guilt of ruining both his family and my own relationship. There was also the dawning fear that I had stumbled into some very deep waters with this erratic, unpredictable man, and I wasn't entirely sure how to swim back to safety. Then, there was Maria and her growing suspicions about me, which threatened to destroy my future as well as Jay's career. The last, most frustrating emotion, was my unspeakable attraction to him. While I fumed, I hardly noticed that I was lightly and lazily tracing my fingers along the contours of my breasts. My nipples hardened and I sighed. I envisioned how he had slowly looked me up and down, and felt moisture in my panties. Turning on my side, I tried to push all thoughts of Jay from my mind, but it was no use. Flipping onto my back again and sighing loudly, I wiggled my shorts down my legs and kicked them to the bottom of my bed. I continued to trace circles around my tits, my hips rising involuntarily as I moaned, quietly. It had felt so amazing when his hands had been all over my body, grasping, groping and roughly bending me to his will. My fiance was the only other man that I'd ever slept with, and he was only ever gentle and tender. Sometimes I craved a rougher touch-- I wanted to feel like a woman, but I needed him to be a man. I pretended that Jay's hands were on my body, and moaned a bit louder as my fingers snaked through my lacy panties toward my dripping wet pussy. I circled my clitoris, my hips now rocking and swaying, my breasts heaving as I breathed heavily. With a loud moan of ecstasy, I shoved a finger into my pussy while rubbing my clit with my thumb. All of my worries and emotions seemed to melt away as I pretended that it was his cock deep inside of me, fucking me hard, using me. I screamed as a powerful orgasm shook me, leaving me quivering and exhausted. Bemused, I wondered if my apartment neighbors had heard me pleasuring myself, but I wasn't worried. I fell asleep almost instantly, nude and twisted in my sheets and blankets.

I dreamed of Jay that night...


The next morning as I was walking down the hall from my apartment, the property manager, whose apartment was on the other side of my bedroom wall, smiled and winked at me. More than a little embarrassed, I rushed out the door, down the steps, and to my car without a word.

Once at school, I sat at my seat and tried to make idle conversation with the other girls, mainly to appear normal. Maria was unusually quiet, but I pretended not to notice. I was relieved not to have a class taught by Jay today and hoped that I wouldn't have to see him at all. I almost wished that he really had just ended things instead of calling me in the middle of the night and demanding degrading photos of me.

Class went by quickly, and my mood was lighter since I had spent a whole hour and a half thinking about other things, so I stood talking with one classmate, Hayley, after the professor had left.

"What are you up to tonight?" I asked her while packing up my things.

"Ugh, I have clinic now," she sighed. She clutched at her stomach, and for the first time, I noticed how pale she was.

"Hayley, are you feeling okay?" I asked, worried about my friend.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said, waving her hand aside. "I mean... I was puking all last night, but I feel a little better today...I only puked once, this morning"

"Puking?" I asked incredulously. "You're NOT fine... you should go home!"

She sighed, longingly looking out the window toward her car.

"I really want to, but I have clinic and I don't have anyone to cover for me..."

She looked so sick that I seriously doubted she would be able to make it through the whole three hours she was scheduled to be in clinic for without puking again. I looked at my clothes and decided that they weren't so bad-- I had a white, cotton skirt on that reached my mid-thigh, simple black flats, and a black, short-sleeved button-up shirt.

"I'll cover for you!" I offered. Her gratitude was immediately visible on her face.

"Are you sure?" she asked, clearly wanting to leave, but feeling guilty.

"Yeah, no problem," I assured her. Maria had been quietly listening to our conversation from across the room.

"You work with Jay today, right?" she asked Hayley, piping in unexpectedly. Hayley nodded, and I froze, staring at her and feeling a bit sick myself. She was gathering her things up, getting ready to go. I couldn't really back out, now... Hayley thanked me and left. I realized that the other girls had all left except for Maria and myself. We stood awkwardly in silence for a few moments before I turned to leave.

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