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Hot, Horny and Home Alone

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Mama Kat gets turned into a pussycat.
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The other Saturday, as I was getting dressed for my morning workout, standing by the dresser in nothing but cotton panties and sneakers, the doorbell rang causing me to I wonder who the hell it could be. My friends knew that I worked out every morning so they never even called, much less popped in for a visit. I figured it must be the Jehovah's Witnesses or somebody selling something. I decided I'd blow them off without even opening the door.

Quickly, I pulled my running shorts up, slipped a tee-shirt on over my bare breasts and walked to the front door.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's Doug, Mama Kat. It's me, Doug."

Most people call me Catherine and a few call me Cathy, but Doug tabbed me Mama Kat. He was one of those guys who often made up nicknames for people he liked—I guess it was his way of showing affection without having to be affectionate.

Anyway, I wondered what the hell he was doing there. Doug was the weight training coach at our local college and a really nice guy. In his spare time, he volunteered at the Y,working with kids, and had recently taken a special interest in my son, Jason, whom he called J-man. Jason was a wrestler and avid weight lifter. He was going away to college in a couple of weeks with hopes of making the wrestling team and eventually earning a scholarship. Doug had helped him tremendously.

I opened the door and greeted Doug, then said, "Jason isn't here, Doug. He's spending the week out of town with his dad."

"Yeah, I know, Mama Kat," he said. "Look, all the benches at the Y are full and the weight room at school is closed this morning, so I thought I'd see if maybe you'd be nice enough to let me use the

J-man's weights. I won't be but an hour or so and I'll try not to make too much noise. Okay?"

"Why sure, of course you can, Doug. I was just going to get on the treadmill myself. Come on in."

"Thanks, Mama Kat. I really appreciate it," he said, then turned and waved for someone in his Jeep to come on in also.

"Who is that?" I asked, a little irritated.

"Aw, it's just my brother Harlan. He's going to spot me. You've never met him, but you'll like him. He's a good fellow, Mama Kat."

Harlan trotted up to the door carrying two small duffel bags and Doug introduced us. Harlan seemed nice enough. He was older than Doug, although it was obvious that Doug was the leader.

Harlan was a short, thick man with thick arms and thick thighs. I couldn't help but wonder if everything about him was thick. He wore his hair in a crew cut and had a hard, pockmarked face, but his eyes were soft and kind. Brown. I love brown eyes. There was a sexy quality to him, but lately, all men seemed to have a sexy quality.

I had been separated from my husband, Tommy, for almost a year and hadn't even been on a date, much less had sex. Well, other than masturbating. Oh, I had invitations, lots of them, some of them pretty tempting, but I always turned them down. I know that sounds a little strange for a healthy woman thirty-something, but my only real sexual experience had been with Tommy and I didn't feel up to going out into the dating world just yet.

Tommy and I married young, real young, and I loved him. I never cheated. I dreamed a lot and made up wild fantasies when I masturbated, and I masturbated a lot, but I never seriously considered screwing someone else for real. I was a faithful wife.

Tommy was a good man, good father and good husband. At least he was a good husband until he had a head on collision with a mid-life crisis and started fucking some jiggly-boobed girl at work. I always figured that he was a good lover, but now that my sex life centered around smut novels and Internet porn, I was learning things that made me wonder about him.

Anyway, I still loved him and had decided to just stay horny for a while instead of venturing into the dating jungle. I may have been subconsciously saving myself in case he decided to come back, I don't know, but I had remained celibate. Doing without sex was becoming more and more difficult, I do know that, especially since all the men were becoming more and more attractive. Under the circumstances, I don't suppose it was unusual for me to find Harlan sexy and wonder about his cock.

We all went down stairs to the family room. My treadmill and Jason's free weights were on one side of the room with the TV and sitting area on the other. The whole room was carpeted. It was a nice place to workout.

Doug and Harlan got towels out of their bags and took off their shirts while I got started on the treadmill. Having two nice looking hard bodies to ogle while I worked out wasn't bad, I decided. Both men had well sculpted chests—Doug's was hairless and tan while Harlan's was a bit hairy. Both had nice legs. Nice butts too. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I caught Harlan giving my bouncing ass the once over. It was almost a leer and I caught myself once again wondering if he had a thick cock.

"Have you ever tried working with free weights, Mama Kat?" Doug asked.

"No, I just run on the treadmill. It's a pretty good workout."

"You'd be surprised what a little targeted lifting will do to tone you up to tip-top shape, eliminate those little flabby areas," Doug said. "It's the difference between looking good and looking great. I mean you look really good now, don't get me wrong, but you'd be surprised what just a little bit of extra work will do. Come here and let me show you something."

He had me sit on the bench and began pointing out spots that needed toning up by touching them with his hand and fingers as he told me how good I looked and how great I was going to look. He got behind me, raised my arms, gave a little squeezing caress to the bits of flab just below my armpits and his long fingers touched the sides of my breasts.

"We can make these firm in no time and you'll love the results," he said, moving his hands up and down, jiggling the fat and subsequently my tits. I knew he was talking about the flab beneath my armpits, but that wasn't what flashed through my mind. I'm sure I blushed.

Next, he had me lie back on the bench and he put his hand on my stomach demonstrating how I could firm up my abs without injuring my back. His touching was a normal part of coaching, I could tell, something he did all the time, but it was beginning to turn me on. Damn, I wasn't used to a man touching me like that.

"What do you think, Harlan?" Doug asked.

Stepping up to the bench, his leg touching mine, Harlan said, "Well, she has a really good start. She looks great. You have terrific legs, Kat, except for this area over your adductors."

Harlan touched the inside of my thigh with his hand, moving it up and down my leg, squeezing it as he talked, coming within inches of my crotch, while he explained how to firm up those muscles. Harlan was running his hand up and down the inside of my thigh and Doug was running his hand over my stomach and abdomen—I was getting wet. I'd never had two men touching me like that. Damn.

"I think that's about all I can absorb for right now, guys." I was hoping they didn't see that I meant it literally. I was just before leaving a puddle on the bench.

"Well, let us know if you decide to begin lifting, Mama Kat," Doug said. "We'll be glad to help. You really do have a great start."

Harlan took my hands and pulled me to my feet. He stepped to the side, looked me up and down, appraising my form like a dog show judge, and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Doug is right, Kat, you do have a really good body. Your legs and glutes have good shape, but if they were worked on a little bit, I think you'd love it."

The thought of being 'worked on a little bit' made me shiver. I hoped they hadn't noticed and quickly returned to my treadmill while Harlan resumed spotting for Doug.

After a short set of light bench presses, Doug sat up and asked, "Can two people ride that thing, Mama Kat?"

I laughed and replied, "No, I don't think it's made for two people, Doug."

"Let's see," he said, then walked over and stepped onto the tread behind me.

"Doug!" I cried out in feigned protest.

Laughing, he said, "See it works, Mama Kat. Two can ride."

He moved up against me. I could feel him bumping against my ass. "Doug, this thing isn't made for two."

"It works fine," he laughed. "It's fun. Speed it up." He reached around me and turned the speed higher.

My ass bounced against him faster and I began to giggle. "Doug, this is too fast."

"No, this is just right," he laughed and put his arms around my waist. We were bouncing against each other and I could feel his chest touching my back, his thighs against the back of mine, my breasts hitting against the top of his muscular forearm and, oh my god, his cock against my ass.

"This is nice, Kat," he said, then kissed my neck, just below my ear. He sure knew the right spot. God, his lips were soft and full. I shivered.

"Doug, please," I whined and hit the kill switch. I twisted sideways, trying desperately to get my ass away from that growing cock, but he didn't stop. Instead, he pulled my hair, forcing my head back, kissed my neck again and ran his hand down inside my pants. I started to struggle, but he held me firmly and when his finger found my clit, then slid up inside me, I gasped and froze.

He kissed my neck again, murmuring something about how good I felt, then let go of my hair and ran his hand up under my shirt to my bare breast while finger fucking me. Everything went all fuzzy.

Fingering me slowly, he kissed me passionately on the mouth with those soft, full lips and started walking me toward the weight bench.

"Harlan. Harlan's here, Doug," I managed to mumble in surrender, as I stumbled on toward the bench.

"It's okay, Mama Kat. It's okay. I've got you. Harlan's gonna go to the car," Doug whispered, rubbing my clit a little faster and kissed me again.

He sat on the end of the bench and pulled me down to sit astride his lap, facing him. When I settled onto his legs, my bare thighs against his, skin on skin, he lay back and pulled me down on top of him. I kissed him passionately while he squeezed my ass then ran his hands up to my tits, giving them a gentle pinch before wrapping his arms around me. I ground into his hard cock and was about to become noisy, when I felt my pants being pulled down.


I started to struggle, but it was futile—Doug was holding me tightly and Harlan was too quick. He yanked both my shorts and panties down to my knees in one swift motion then completely off in another. I shrieked and started to kick, but he stepped in between my legs.

His big thick thighs were positioned just above my knees holding my legs apart. Lying on my stomach, all I could do was vainly snap my heels back into his thick butt. He calmly pulled my shoes off—my kicks were completely harmless.

"No, Harlan. Don't," I protested.

He ran his hand down between my buttocks. "Well, look what I found. I keep what I find, Mama Kat. Why are you wet, baby?" he teased, sliding his big thick thumb into my pussy. I tried to twist away, but he held me tight and ran his thumb in and out a couple of times, moving it around, searching—he knew exactly what he was doing. "You don't really want me to let you go now, do you, Mama Kat?"

He had me. I made a little moaning noise and arched my back, raising my ass, helping him find the spot he was looking for.

"Yeah, I didn't think you wanted me to let you go just yet. You like that, don't you, Mama Kat?" he said as he found the spot.

I mewed like a little kitten and held still for him. Within seconds, he had me quivering and whimpering. Everything went fuzzy.

Harlan chuckled.

Doug slid back from under me and sat up, my head in his lap. His hard dick was stretching the thin fabric of his shorts and pressed against my cheek. As I moaned and moved on Harlan's thumb, Doug stood up and pulled my t-shirt off. When he sat back down, he was naked.

Doug fondled my breasts and nipples for a minute, then said, "You've been staring at my cock for two weeks, Mama Kat. Now, here it is, baby." He took hold of my head and moved forward, stopping with his dick a couple of inches from my mouth. When I reached out and began sucking on it like a newborn puppy, he snickered and said, "That a girl, Mama Kat. You wanted it bad, didn't you, baby? Reached out grabbed that dick, didn't you, baby? Suck it, Mama Kat. Suck that cock." The bastard.

Doug squeezed my tits and Harlan began to gently roll my clit with his fingers, pressing them back against his thumb inside my pussy. Harlan's fingers were thick, like his thumb, and they made me wonder even more about his cock. That's when I began to lose it. I started doing some serious squirming and moaning while trying to devour Doug's dick. I was going out of my mind when I almost choked myself and it brought me to my senses a bit. It was then that I realized they had begun talking about me.

It's weird. I remember every word they said, although, at the time, I think it's safe to say, I wasn't really listening. It's amazing what the mind can do sometimes.

I clearly remember Harlan saying, "Damn, Doug, she really likes it."

Going by his matter-of-fact tone, you might have thought he was talking about tickling his cat's ears or something when, actually, he had his big thick thumb in my pussy and was gently circling my clit with his fingers, driving me fucking bananas.

Next, I recall Doug saying, "Hell, I'll bet she hasn't been fucked in months, Harlan—probably never had a good double team, but she's ready for one now, partner. Just look at her."

I was squirming and moaning with my head in Doug's lap, sucking his dick, while he just sat there, calmly playing with my tits.

Harlan said, "Yeah, I think this Mama Kat's about to turn into a pussycat."

Doug chuckled slightly at the joke and said, "Hell, she's already turned into a pussycat, Harlan. I told you she'd heat right up, but I sure as hell didn't expect this. Damn, man, you just touch that thing and she explodes—she can't help it. It's like putting a fucking torch to gasoline. I've never seen anything like it.

Harlan said, "She's hot, real hot. She don't even know where she is."

"Hell, Harlan, she's even hotter than that big titted teacher we nailed last week and I didn't think we'd ever find one to top her. This is gonna be good, buddy, this is gonna be real good."

They were talking about me like I wasn't even there and I was too far gone to care. They hadn't been in my house twenty minutes yet they had me stripped stark naked, bent over a weight bench, moaning to their touch, ready to fuck both of them. God, they really had me going.

Doug was right, I had never had a good double team. I had never had a double team period, but lately I had fantasized about it. Ever since Tommy left, I had been fantasizing about a lot of new things—things that I had never even thought about before. I figured that Doug was right about something else, too—this was gonna be good.

Everything began to fade out and become fuzzy again. I wanted Doug to cum. I wanted to hear him groan.

I began running my tongue around the head of his dick then flicking it rapidly before going down on his shaft. I sucked hard, letting the warm, wet sides of my mouth slide over his glans as I moved my head up and down.

Suddenly, I realized that Harlan's thumb was no longer in my pussy. He had his arm around my abdomen, holding my ass up to his waist. I was suspended. I wasn't even touching the bench. My head was down in Doug's lap and my ass was up against Harlan.

Harlan ran his cock through my slit a couple of times then slid it into me. It took my breath. He was thick like I had imagined. Thicker than Tommy, thicker than anything I had ever felt. He scared me a little, but the fear was also a turn on. I was full. My insides felt full all the way up into my chest—my ass even felt full and the feeling was spreading down into my thighs.

"Damn, baby, you're tight," Harlan said. "God, you're tight. Oh, shit, that's good. Your pussy's so fucking good."

He pumped me slowly and I moaned, "Oh, god. Oh my god."

He started stroking faster and his voice became gruff. "You like that cock, Kat? Huh? You like my cock, baby?"

"Yes," I managed to mumble then I began to whimper.

My whimpering really set Doug off. I don't know whether it was merely the sounds I was making or my mouth vibrating his cock or both, but something really got to him. I mean it was instant on, like I had flipped a switch or something.

Doug began talking through clenched teeth, "Goddamn, Mama Kat, that's good, baby. Jesus fuck, you're good." He moaned, squeezed my tits and said, louder, "Oh, fuck, baby, that's good." Grabbing my head, he began to hunch, fucking my face, grunting, "Take it, baby. Take it, take that cock, take it." Then he quit talking and just groaned until he stiffened and spurted hot cum into my mouth.

And that did it for me. "Oh, fuck. Fuck me. Fuck me," I groaned between whimpers.

"I'm gonna fuck you, Pussy Kat," Harlan said. "I'm gonna fuck you good, baby. Want me to fuck you good? Huh?" He pumped me real hard a couple of strokes. "Is that what you want? Huh? Is that what you want, Pussy Kat?"

"Oh god, yes. Hard. Fuck me hard. Fuck me."

Harlan rammed into me. "I'll fuck you hard, you little pussycat. Take that cock, baby. Take it. Is that what you want? Huh? Is that what you want, Pussy Kat? Is that gonna do it?"

I couldn't answer. I was beginning to cum. And he sped up, fucking me faster and harder. My ass slapped against his stomach as he pounded me. I felt like a rag doll. Had I not been holding on to Doug while he squeezed my tits, I think my head and arms would have flopped around.

My whimpers changed to squeals that became louder with each spasm.

"Oh, shit. That cock's making you cum isn't it, baby," Harlan growled. "Making you cum and squeal. That's it, squeal. Squeal, Pussy Kat. Squeal. Fuck. Squeal, you hot little pussy. Squeal!"

Harlan drove his cock into me as far as he could then came, grunting and jerking until he was spent.

And I came a second time. Hard. I was still shivering from spasms when I felt Harlan withdraw.

The next thing I knew, Doug was sucking my tits while I lay on top of him.

I clutched Doug's head and mumbled, "Fuck me."

"No, you fuck me, Mama Kat," Doug murmured, then slid his dick into me. "You fuck me."

Doug wasn't as thick as Harlan, but he was longer—much longer. I humped his dick, moaning with each stroke as I rubbed my clit up and down the length of his shaft. I sat upright and moved farther down onto Doug's dick. When I felt the sting of it hitting my cervix, I gasped.

Harlan came over, looked me sweetly in the eye, and stroked my face gently. He ran his thumb over my lips then slid it into my mouth. When I began sucking his thumb, he lowered his head to my tits.

I bounced up and down, impaling myself on Doug's dick. Each time it hit my cervix, I yelped.

"That a girl," Doug said. "Fuck that cock, baby. Get all you can take. Fuck it good."

He gripped my ass with both hands and began humping me. I moaned and whimpered loudly.

I felt his finger slide into my ass. I jerked my head from side to side and began to squeal loudly with each stroke.

"That's it, Mama Kat," Doug said. "Cum for me baby."

Harlan began to growl like an animal, squeezing and sucking my tits like he was going to devour them, letting me feel his teeth while Doug pounded me hard talking to me all the while.

That did it. I came again hard, clawing Harlan's back as I jerked and moaned.

Harlan moved away and Doug stood up with me straddling his waist. He humped me slowly a couple of times until I quit shivering, then withdrew his dick and lowered me to my feet. He held me up for a few seconds until I regained my bearings and could stand on my own.


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