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Hot Tub Mixup

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A stranger helps husband get closer to his wife.
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It was our fifth wedding anniversary and I couldn't wait to take you back to that special hot tub room and relive that steamy experience we had years ago. With two little ones consuming our life for the past few years we had little time for romance. As our sex became infrequent, your appetite diminished, while mine just continued to grow. It was such a contrast to the wild times we had together before we started our family. We would fuck 5 times a day. We would fuck in public places, on a beach, even in a parking lot once. All I needed to do was give you a look and you were immediately on your knees, minutes later swallowing every drop without breaking eye contact. I dearly missed our lust-filled days and was determined to get us back there.

I had arranged everything. Your mother who was visiting us was watching the kids. I reserved a nice sushi spot I knew you would love, great omakase always used to make you horny. And most important, I booked the same hot tub room we had a special time in when we were dating. It was one of those indoor/outdoor places. One walked into what felt like a spa, and after being given a robe they would take you to a door that opened up to a room with no roof and a large inviting hot tub. It was a hot tub under the stars experience that one could have in the city. The last time we were there we had just gotten into one of our first fights. The hot tub had a way of reminding us why we were so into each other and it wasn't long before our swimwear came off. There was no way tonight wasn't going to end in some sorely needed throwback sex.

We were finishing up the delicious sushi, downed by a fair amount of sake, when you asked, "So where are we going after this? A dessert place?" I loved the anticipation in your beautiful face. Your long-lashed brown eyes managed to twinkle when you got excited. It was so long since we did anything date-like. The sake was also kicking in nicely as evidenced by your rosy cheeks.

I decided to let you know now, so you could start remembering how we used to be and start imagining where this night was going. "Do you remember the hot tub place?"

I saw that memorable night play out on your face. You recalled the the naughty things we did there. And then you recalled the fight right before. Your eyes came back to focus on mine, with a mysterious expression. "But I didn't bring a swimsuit," you pouted.

"Baby of course I thought of that," I reassured. Years ago you bought a two-piece that was quite bold for someone conservative like you. You modeled it for me but never had the courage to wear it in public. The black bikini didn't leave much to the imagination, yet supported your porcelain-skinned C-cup breasts and the sexy curves of your shapely ass perfectly. I figured in a private room with just us, you wouldn't mind donning it. Even though I wasn't planning on you being in it for very long.

When we arrived at the hot tub place I let the girl at the counter know about our reservation for Room 4, the same scenic room as the last time. The girl looked at her screen and I saw her brows furrow. Something was up. "Um sir, I deeply apologize we have been having issues with our booking system. Room 4 was double-booked. There is another couple there now and they were quite understanding about it. They told me it was okay if the next guest wanted to start now and after 30 min they would be done and the room would be yours. You could also wait until they are done as well. Either way we will give you the room free of charge for this mix up."

Their offer was appreciated but I was still pissed. Of all times to screw up a reservation! I tried not to let it show to shield the issue from you. I wanted tonight to be perfect. "Ok, what about another room?" I asked. She replied they were all booked. I thought for a bit and went back to where you were waiting. "Baby there was a mixup, there's another couple that overlaps with our time by 30 min. They said they don't mind if we join them or we could just wait until they leave."

You were a little disappointed but were mostly concerned with not getting back home too late. "That's fine let's go in now and hopefully they will wrap up soon."

The girl showed us to Room 4. We glanced at each other before she opened the door for us. I'm sure you were thinking about the things that transpired the last time we were here. I was thinking about them too and winked at you. The door opened. It was just as we remembered. A large churning hot tub filled the center of a big wooden deck. There was a shower to the side with a privacy screen. But the best part was above. A gorgeous starry night sky, with just enough moonlight to indicate the silhouettes of a few large trees and branches that formed a sparse canopy. "Hello there." We were startled back to earth by the man in the hot tub. I didn't see anyone else. Perhaps his girl was in the bathroom.

I answered, "Hi, sorry if we are intruding. The girl at the front mentioned you guys were okay with some overlap. Is that still all right?" This night was not feeling very romantic. I hoped they were going to call it quits early.

"Oh yes. I remember that. That's fine." He had an odd almost robotic tone. This was getting awkward.

We proceeded to the private shower area and disrobed so we could change into our swimsuits. That's when it hit me that you might not like what I picked out for you. "Are you kidding?!" you whispered frantically when you saw the skimpy two-piece. "I can't wear that in front of him!"

I didn't want things to continue spiraling on the special night I had prepared. "I'm sorry baby I didn't realize we would have company. Perhaps we should just--", my bail-out thought was cut short when we both heard sobbing. I couldn't believe it, was this man crying? I had my suit on and left you in the shower area to go see what was up.

After a few moments I returned. "Baby it looks like our new friend just got dumped by his girlfriend who took off. That's why it's just him. Poor guy."

All of a sudden your nurturing instincts kicked in. "Oh that's so sad, perhaps we should stay with him for a bit if he wants some company." At this point you didn't mind putting on the outfit thinking that as long as you slipped into the water quickly he wouldn't see much.

Before you left the shower area I marveled at your sexiness. Your nipples were somewhat protruding, causing me to wonder if that was from the chill in the night air, the sake, or this new situation? We both got in.

Being near him now we were able to size up our new friend. He seemed like he was in his early thirties, average height and build, short brown hair, a trimmed beard and a strong jaw line. We learned that his name was Harold. He was with his girlfriend for 3 years, and was planning to propose that night. Sadly (or thankfully) his girlfriend had gotten wind of what was about to happen so she ended things before he had a chance to be officially rejected.

"I'm so sorry," you said with genuine compassion. "You seem like such a nice person, and I wish things had gone better for you tonight." Harold started to tear up again which made you get misty-eyed too. You then surprised both of us when you leaned over to hold his hand out of sympathy.

It was a very brief hold but interestingly I felt my cock stir a little. All of a sudden I was hit by a fantasy of exposing your supple breasts to our heartbroken friend for him to suckle on for comfort. "Weird," I thought to myself.

After the sadness passed our conversation started to flow. Harold surprised us with some bubbly he had brought for the occasion. You and I shared his girlfriend's glass and this helped loosen all of us up and get out of the funk. After a few glasses each I started noticing you getting less concerned about keeping your neckline at water level. There were a few times where you stood up or sat on the edge and Harold got a nice look at your perfect shape. I thought I caught him licking his lips at one point.

Finally my libido started to take hold of me. You were engaged in conversation with Harold while I started to caress your inner thigh under the water. I was able to do it pretty discreetly as the way we were sitting you were closer to him. I didn't sense any resistance from you so I moved my fingers so that my caresses had me just brushing your lips. Again either you were so deeply engrossed in talking or you didn't mind, either way I took it as a sign to keep going. I started to gently rub your clit. I now detected pauses in your speech. Your nipples were rock hard and I could tell Harold noticed them too. I proceeded and moved my fingers under your bikini bottoms and started to finger you. I could feel even under water how wet you were. You were more than ready and I'm sure if Harold weren't here we would be all over each other by now.

I needed to get him to scram. The 30 min overlap had already come and gone so he was overstaying his welcome. I had an idea. "Baby I'm going to hit the restroom and will be right back." I thought my coming back would be the perfect cue for Harold to leave. You didn't seem to mind being alone with him and so I went. While I was away I started to fantasize again. My cock started to get hard imagining Harold going down on you while I was gone. Then I imagined you going down on him. I decided to change my plan.

I returned to find you sitting much closer to Harold and laughing. I was hit by a wave of jealousy. I got in and sat on the other side of you. My jealousy diminished when I heard that you were talking about me and how happy you have been. I felt so touched to hear that. After some very tough years of parenting it was so nice to hear that you still loved being with me, that you loved our life together. I don't know what came over me but I grabbed your hand, pulled you to me and kissed you. You were startled but started to kiss back. For some reason we didn't feel awkward doing this in front of Harold. Perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was the bond that was forged after a big life moment and some deep conversation. But it felt natural. We didn't mind Harold watching.

That's when I got carried away. My tongue found yours as I started to grope your breasts. This crossed a line for you and you pushed my hand aside. I had embarrassed you and I was immediately sorry for it. But I proceeded with my plan anyway. I whispered into your ear, "Baby, do you remember how you used to worship me? How you used to worship my cock?" I had returned to clandestinely rubbing your clit and you were breathing more rapidly.

"Yes, Daddy," you gasped. I was getting my baby back. I debated for a moment whether my plan would work, it would make or break this special night. You could feel how rock hard I was as I continued.

"How much do you love me?" I asked.

"More than anything," you quickly replied, with a trace of curiosity in your inflection.

Here we go. "I want you to show me baby. Show me how much you love Daddy by pleasing Harold." Before you could register this I continued, "Show me how you worshipped me by worshipping Harold tonight. Show me how you worshipped my cock by worshipping his."

The moment of truth. You didn't seem to react. You didn't say anything. I continued to massage your pussy and after a moment you turned and gave me a deep kiss. Then you nibbled my ear and whispered back, "I never stopped worshipping you. I will show you. But are you sure?" I moved your hand to my cock in answer. It was so hard it was painful.

Harold had been watching us and was stroking himself fantasizing about you. When you approached it dawned on him that his fantasy was about to become reality. He stopped smiling and became very nervous. You straddled his lap facing him, your arms wrapping around his neck. He could feel your breasts against his chest. Your nipples pressing into him. You put your hands on his face. You felt his beard and looked into his eyes. You looked back at me in case I had a last minute change of heart. I was nervous but was so turned on by watching you embrace him. I nodded assent. You started to give Harold soft kisses on his neck. Feeling his bristles against your soft skin. He was starting to relax and was letting himself get used to being watched. You felt how hard he was as his cock rubbed against you. He said to you, "I think you are so exquisite, I find you incredibly attractive." The verbal and physical evidence of his excitement for you turned you on even more. Your lips met his.

I felt I was outside of myself, watching this uncanny scene. My wife and mother to my children was kissing another man in front of me. She was enjoying it. And I didn't understand why I was too. It was so hot. You let out a soft moan as Harold wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to him. I nearly came right then. I slowed down my stroking to enjoy every minute of this wonderland we were in together.

Your kissing became more passionate. I could tell that your tongues had now met as I saw your cheeks bulge every now and then. Harold was enjoying you. He started to caress your left breast. He brushed his fingers over the very erect protrusion through your bikini top. I know nipple play stimulates you and so could only guess how much wetter you were getting. You started to gyrate your hips against his, rubbing yourself on his cock. He became more bold and brought his mouth to your breast. He enveloped your nipple through your suit. You pulled the bikini material aside revealing your perfect tits to him. You were offering yourself. Harold plunged in, licking, sucking, biting each nipple with feverish intensity. The rubbing of your groins and nipple play caused you to experience your first orgasm of the night. You shivered and held Harold tight while you came. It was everything I could do to not erupt myself.

After the intense pleasure wave passed you were doubly determined to show me your love through Harold. You got off of him and had him sit on the ledge. This is when we both saw what he was packing. The tent in his suit belied the massive organ lurking inside. When his cock sprang free after you pulled his trunks down you let out a gasp at its impressive size. And then the most lovely sight transpired. My beautiful wife took another man into her mouth. Harold let out a loud moan before exclaiming, "Oh my god your wife's mouth feels so good." My eyes feasted on the sight before me. Your knees were on the seat, head bobbing up and down, gorgeous ass out of the water facing me. My ears enjoyed the slurping sounds from all of the saliva that was covering his penis, as well as your gagging here and there. From your speed and rhythm I could tell you were sucking him off in a frenzied way, devouring him. You gave attention to more than just his head and shaft. You licked, sucked and nibbled his large balls. You explored the nether regions beneath his balls near his ass. I felt your love intensely right then. I knew he wasn't going to last long. And just as I thought it we heard Harold's very loud grunting. He held your head as you took wave after wave of a stranger's cum into your mouth. Impressively you swallowed everything.

Harold was spent. You stood up and gave him a deep kiss, letting him taste himself as he fondled your breasts. Amazingly his cock showed signs of new life. Then all of a sudden he lifted you up, his hands holding your exquisite ass, and turned you around so you were now the one sitting on the ledge. I didn't know how far I was willing to take this, but the deep pain in my groin encouraged me to keep going. He slipped your bottoms off. This was getting very real. You looked at me with some anxiousness and I nodded reassurance. You were doing this for me but I saw the lust in your eyes and knew you wanted this too. And then the next most beautiful sight of the evening. My conservative wife spreading her legs, putting her pretty pink pussy on display for her new lover to consume. Harold dove in with an intensity that matched yours. He was sucking and nibbling your clit, tonguing your hole, and slurping up your love juices. You lifted your legs onto his shoulders to give him better access. This allowed him to start exploring your ass. You shrieked with delight as he proceeded to eat your ass out. His tongue delving deep, stimulating you in ways you hadn't been in a very long time. Your face showed extreme pleasure masked as intense pain. You started to shudder and experience one of the biggest orgasms of your life. I couldn't touch myself at all anymore otherwise I would have exploded.

"Thank you for letting me return the favor," Harold said to you with a wry smile that suggested he wanted more. But he didn't try to push it.

When you returned to me it was as if we had just renewed our vows. I never felt more love for you the way I did at that moment. Harold watched as we kissed deeply and tenderly. You then saw my predicament and started to blow me in the same fashion, me on the ledge, you on your knees on the seat, ass in the air this time facing Harold. I think the only reason I didn't explode in your mouth right then was the nervousness I started to feel as I saw Harold approach with his again very erect and large cock. You were too busy worshipping mine to notice his proximity. He was mesmerized by the sight of you from behind. By the sight of your glistening pussy lips he felt were calling out to him. I was mesmerized by the vision of you being taken by another man. I couldn't believe what I was about to let happen yet I found myself nodding to him.

You were sucking me just like we were still dating. I felt your desire, your lust, your love, your worship. I wanted to give you this too tonight. For you. For us. Without warning Harold entered you. You immediately stopped sucking, eyes shut tight in pain as he forced his full length into you. You opened your eyes and looked at me with an expression that said "I hope you are okay with me enjoying my new lover's fat cock". I smiled and kissed you and you let yourself enjoy this moment before you returned to sucking me off. I had the third and final beautiful vision of the the night of our fifth anniversary. My wife getting fucked from behind by a new lover while her mouth was around my cock. You enjoyed feeling every inch of him inside you, feeling your pussy filled in a new way, seeing your husband excited by watching. You were building toward an orgasm that would dwarf the earlier ones. All of a sudden your mouth stopped, and it's as if all your energy was directed to your pussy which clamped down on Harold's cock. And as if on cue the two men inside you started to unload their cum into your waiting holes. You sucked up every large spurt I fired into you, while your pussy hungrily ate up Harold's second load. We all collapsed back into the hot tub.

After we regained our senses, Harold thanked us for the best evening of his life. He quickly gathered his things and left. We were finally alone in Room 4 together, but I would not have changed a thing about the evening. I felt your love, deeply. And you felt mine through my gift to you. We have never been closer since. And our sex life never better. Happy anniversary indeed.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Here is how you read and enjoy 2nd person narrative for those who don't like it...

If the story is written from a man's perspective to a woman and you are a male reading it...pretend you are the person sharing the story from the writer's point of view. It's called imagination. If you are female, then pretend someone is writing it about you...about something you have done.

shadrachtshadracht8 months ago

To repeat other's statements - second person is never a good idea unless it's an audio script. Particularly on a LW story? 1*

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

5 Stars, great story, well written, nicely paced and predictably enjoyable for all three of them.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I enjoyed your story, so I gave it 5 stars! I can imagine this happening fairly frequently between a married couple, but with neighbors or a friend not a complete stranger. I know I have been in a hot tub where not only was the water warm but so was my neighbor's wife's mouth.

tralan69ertralan69er11 months ago

2nd person POV really sucks. NO READ NO SCORE!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The idea was a little different though it felt too contrived and needs work to make the story line credible. The worst thing though was the use of the second person, which is very difficult to write in, and uncomfortable to read.

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