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Hotel Restaurant Confrontation

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My wife going into a hotel with our boss, was it?
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/17/2024
Created 02/12/2024
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Hotel confrontation series.

Confrontation in the Restaurant. This was one of the first stories I wrote about two years ago. It just needed a bit of tidying up. As in a lot of my stories there are some true elements in here, but the story is fiction. I like happy endings so you may have to suspend reality at the end. Please just enjoy the journey.

You know how you recognise somebody by the way they walk? Well, I recognised the lady walking into the hotel, she walked and carried herself exactly like my wife, Karen. It was dark with just the lights from the hotel, you couldn't see clearly, but the way she carried herself made me think it was her.

It couldn't be her because she was at home, I had spoken to her last night on the phone and she didn't tell me she was going out anywhere, in fact this hotel was many miles from our home. I was completely bemused, the bloke she was with looked like Darren. He was our boss. We both worked for the same driving school company.

It couldn't be. Could it?

Something wasn't quite right here. I had just pulled into the car park at the hotel I was staying in tonight, there had been a scheduling change to the training programme, and I had changed hotels at the last minute. It was easy as we had an agreement with this hotel chain.

I had tried to phone home earlier and I got the answer phone, Karen's mobile went straight to answer phone. I phoned the offices and tried to phone Darren. I didn't get all the messages through because I got a phone call back from the office, it was all broken up. There's not a great deal of mobile phone signal around Salisbury Plain, but never mind I will just carry on.

I stopped the car and ran across to the hotel entrance and peered around the door. That was my wife and my boss, worst of all they both had small suitcases and he had his arm around her waist, much more familiar than a working relationship.

Fuck what was going on? They looked very familiar together, it certainly looked like they were having an affair. I sat down heavily on the steps of the hotel, and I wanted to throw up, I started breathing very deeply. What the fuck was going on and what do I do now? In actual fact it cleared up a lot of doubts I'd had over the last couple of months.

Now it all became clear. Changing the programme, the change in the schedules, the change in my job. I needed time to sit and think. I went back and parked the car properly. A car with driving instructor's 'L' plates on should drive and park responsibly.

I crept back up and made sure that reception was empty and then I approached the desk and booked in. I'd stayed here a few times. Kelly the deputy manager was on reception duty, we got on well. I'd done her a favour a couple of months ago. We chatted about the weather and stuff, then I asked who the previous couple were that booked in. I told her they looked familiar.

She told me it was a Mr and Mrs Smith. She tilted her head slightly as she said 'Smith' which indicated she didn't believe them. "I hope they're not near me, it sounds like they are going to be noisy tonight.

"Oh no." She said. "You're in 214. They are in 236, way down the corridor."

"So how often have they stayed here?" I asked.

"Is there something going on here?" Kelly asked.

"There may be. That looks like my boss but that's not his wife, I just want to get my facts straight before I say anything. Don't worry I won't mention the hotel or where I got the information from." I didn't mention that it was my wife he was with.

Kelly did some stuff on the computer and said, "I shouldn't tell you this, but they were here three months ago for a large symposium or something. They had separate rooms then. They've been back twice since then. I traced him because he uses the same credit card, I just had to check the last four numbers. It's a company credit card."

I needed time to think, so I went into the bar and bought a pint of beer, something I don't normally do as I'm driving in the morning. I took it to my room. I need to ponder how we got to this point. I think a little background could be needed here.

The driving school company I work for was based in Salisbury, we had the contract to teach young Army recruits how to drive cars, buses and trucks. Up until five months ago I used to teach in my local area around Salisbury covering the Garrison towns of Tidworth, Bulford and Larkhill, just north of Salisbury. Other chaps looked after other locations around the North and West of the Plain. Cyril looked after Lyneham to the north. Graham looked after the Warminster area. It was a brilliant job, meeting young people and seeing them grow up in the Army system, much like I had. Adolescence giving way to adulthood.

These locations are well spread apart around the edge of Salisbury Plain Training Area which is quite difficult to get across unless you have a main battle tank or a big truck.

Five months ago, Cyril retired, and a couple of months ago Graham fell off of a ladder putting himself out of action for several months, this left a hole across the northern part of the training area.

I had been asked to step in and take care of the northern training area for a couple of months whilst they recruited a replacement and Graham got better after his fall. There were other driving instructors but most of them were young with children and were not ex-military. You could form a better bond if you have a shared experience, and the training can go much better. So, I just knuckled down and got on with it. It won't be forever Darren told me.

Karen worked in the offices of our driving school arranging appointments, payments, accounting and the instructors' expenses. Including mine, so I was always very careful to make sure I was below the limit. It's not good to put your wife in the position of having to tell you off about spending too much money. When I looked at our bank balance every month to see how much she spent, the irony struck me every time.

Darren wasn't a good looking sex god, he was a bit plain and a bit overweight. What were they both doing here? Or as my mind was coming round to it, had this been arranged between the two of them so I will be away and they can have an affair. I would have to find out.

I would need proof to take to Darren's wife, Sheila. She worked in our Salisbury office too but did not come in that often. I had to protect my job. The children were still in University.

I thought about our life together. Our sex life had always been good before the children came along, we tried pretty much everything. Spanking, vibrators, sexy clothing. Money was a bit tight, it took us months to save up for her first pair of thigh length boots. She still has them, they still fit and she still wears them. Things we liked we did again. Those things that we didn't like, we didn't do again. Things took a bit of a dive when the children came along as would be expected. But it had picked up again after they went to college, well apart from the last couple of months I'd been looking after the Northern sector. I was away three days a week and knackered when I got home on Friday.

So, why was she here with Darren?

I had come up with a plan. It wasn't a definite plan. It would depend on their responses. It was more of a set of guidelines for confronting cheaters. I went down to have some dinner, not that I was particularly hungry.

I went down early and had a chat with the Maître-d'.

I asked him where Mr and Mrs Smith were going to be sitting because I could have embarrassed myself earlier and didn't want to be in their eye line.

I had been in that restaurant quite a few times and got on with the staff. Often the Maître-d' gave me a choice of where I sat, he pointed out where Mr and Mrs Smith were going to sit. I chose where I could watch them but hopefully not be seen. There are good things to be said about aspidistras.

The Maître-d' told me they were going to be in at seven, I set up my laptop, so it looked like I was working.

They came in, his arm around her waist, which grated on me quite a bit. They sat themselves down, I waited until they had ordered and I summoned the Maître-d. I asked him to deliver on my account a bottle of Mosel wine. I knew it was on the wine list, and I knew it was one of her favourites. I asked him not to tell them where it came from.

Peering around the shrubbery I watched as it was delivered, it seemed to set up quite a consternation, especially when the Maître-d' would not tell them where the wine came from. For a while they just sat chatting however there was quite a lot of hand touching and smiling and giggling, mainly from Darren. This was no business meeting, they can't pull that one on me. The dress she was wearing was stunning. I had never seen it before, certainly it wasn't one she had worn for me. Karen did keep on looking at the bottle of wine and then around the room. I recognised that something was bothering her. Good.

It was approaching the time that I would normally phone her 19:30- 45 ish.

I wandered out into the hotel foyer and called her on her mobile. I could just see her from where I was. I saw her take her phone out of her handbag, she seemed to say. "I've got to get this, it's John." She took the phone and walked into the foyer where there is no sound of background music.

I plugged the earphones in and turned the video recorder on. I should be able to talk to her and record at the same time, wonderful inventions these phones.

At the time I noticed some smart young man walking around videoing the hotel on his phone, I noticed him because he kept on getting in the way so I couldn't see Karen.

"Hello sweetheart." I said. "Just a quick call, there has been a change in plan. I did phone the office, but I was told you'd gone home early, anyway how's your day going, you up too much? Sounds very quiet there, have you not got the telly on?"

"I've muted the telly. Just keeping busy, you know how it is the house, always something to do even if you're not here my sweetheart. You sound funny, are you on your normal phone?"

"Yes, but I'm using earpieces so I can video and talk to you at the same time."

"I didn't know you could do that. What are you recording?

"There is some chap walking around videoing the hotel, so I am videoing the videoer."

She looked around and saw the videoer walking into the restaurant, will she put two and two together and come up with four? She had a quizzical look on her face. I ploughed straight on.

"Are you sure you're at home? The noise in the background is not the same as when we are on the landline?"

"Of course I am, it must be your phone." She was starting to look a bit agitated.

"I tried to phone you on the landline. You didn't pick up." I paused.

"I must have been in the garden, sorry I missed it."

"That's okay. Obviously, there is so much to do this time of year, don't get too fucked by doing too much." I said, she looked a bit taken aback by the 'F' Word, not a word I normally use. "Look I was going to tell you about the change of plan, but something has just come up, can I give you a call later?"

"Certainly, sweetie just don't leave it too late in case I'm in bed."

"It's quite early, have you got something interesting in bed, another man perhaps?" I tried to say in a serious fashion, I think it came across like that.

"Oh no sweetie you are the only man for me nobody else could match up to you."

"So how do you know, I thought I was your first, have you been doing something to do a comparison with?" Trying to be a little more light hearted this time.

I could see her from where I was standing. She started to look nervous and maybe even stagger a little bit. "Right, time for you to go back to comparison man." I laughed as I punched the hang up button up.

She looked startled, like she was waiting for a 'goodbye, I love you', but nothing came, she held the phone in front of her just looking at it.

Whilst she was doing that, she was facing away from me, this wasn't in the plan. I took the opportunity to walk up behind her and gently tap her on the shoulder. She turned, looked at me, gasped and then collapsed on the floor. That was unexpected. It was hard, but I walked to reception to tell them a lady had fainted. I told them that I wasn't going to touch her as I didn't want to be accused of molesting a lady. However, one of the waiters saw her fall and rushed across; he picked her up and returned her to the table with Darren.

Whilst I was at reception, I asked who the chap walking round videoing was. I was told he was an 'influencer'. I had to ask what an 'influencer' was, and I got told it's a person who goes around recording things and doing reviews and putting them on YouTube. They did this in the hope of getting a free night stay, didn't work here they had to pay for the room but got a free meal. Bloody silly idea if you ask me.

I realised then the phones were still connected so I could hear everything that was being said. I made sure I was still recording. I must have missed the hang up button and in my haste hit the mute button.

Karen had recovered after the waiter took her back to her table.

I made my way discreetly back to my table. I could just see them, but they were too intent on their problem to look around for me.

"John's here Darren, John is here!"

"He can't be, he's at Lyneham."

"I saw him, he tapped me on the shoulder. One second I was talking to him on the phone, the next he was there." She was almost crying. "He can't find out about us, it would kill him."

"Hang on, why would he do that and walk away? Fuck that, he would kill us, he can't find out about us." He paused. "If he finds out Sheila will find out and my marriage will be down the tubes as well, I'll phone him." Darren said, picking up his phone.

If looks could kill, Darren would be dead right now, "You should have thought of that when you started this." Karen reminded him.

"But he was never going to find out." After a few seconds. "It's engaged."

"Who sent us that bottle of wine? Someone who knows Schwatz Katz is my favourite." She paused. "Something is not right here?"

"Look, if he's here we say it's a business meeting."

"Really, don't be so stupid, dressed like this for a business meeting at eight o'clock in the evening. And I've just told him I'm at home. We are fucked."

"Okay we will say it's just the first time and it doesn't mean anything we just got carried away."

"He is not stupid enough to fucking believe that."

"Look, it's just been a couple of times, we can blag this."

"A couple of times? At least three in this hotel since that symposium where you blackmailed me."

"Yes, but you wanted it."

"No, I fucking didn't! You drugged me and took photos."

"Yeah, but you kept on coming back without the blackmail."

"Well, you showed me the photos of John and that receptionist, what's her name? Kelly, I had to bite my tongue at reception. You threatened to sack me and tell John that I came on to you and in a moment of weakness you gave in. Anyway it became a bit of fun to take away the boredom whilst he was away." She said. "It doesn't matter he will still fucking kill us."

"But you enjoyed it!" he said.

"It was something to do, he's away three nights a week and is so knackered when he gets home on Friday I have to wait until Saturday before I get anything. You were just something to fill the time. You're actually not that good, you're too selfish."

"But you seemed to enjoy it?"

"If I've got to do it, I might as well fucking enjoy it. And with a bit of training, you might just get as good as John at it."

That was when I decided to take some action. Because we were often alone with young females taking lessons, to back up the dash cam recording, all of the instructors had pens which were audio recorders. I set mine to record, stood up and headed towards their table. I heard Darren say. "I'll phone him again." I hung up, but my phone was still recording. He must have hit redial because I was halfway to their table when my phone rang loudly and everyone looked at me, including Darren and Karen. She swooned for a few seconds and Darren just said, "Oh fuck." I sat down opposite them. I was noticed by everyone in the restaurant.

I waited a few seconds for Karen to come round again then said. "Killing you would let you off too easily, it will be much more painful than that.".

"John, it's not what it looks like." Said Darren.

"So, what the fuck is it then?"

"It's a celebration for the new contract that we've just got."

I looked at Karen, she was looking at Darren with an incredulous look on her face as if to say 'what the fuck are you talking about'.

"Okay then, saying that I believe you, which I don't by the way. What the fuck are you doing here so far away from Salisbury with the office slut and not your wife?" That got me a serious dirty look from Karen. I looked straight at her and said. "Don't you say a fucking word." Looking back at Darren I said, "So what is this contract then enlighten me, it is more shit to have me further away from home so you can fuck my wife." His face fell.

Karen sat there looking very subdued. Try as I might, I could not remain calm. All the frustration I had thought about in the last couple of hours came flooding out. I said in a loud voice. "So, you arrange for me to be away three nights a week and work so fucking hard I am knackered, so you could move in and fuck my wife whilst I am away. You organised all this, just to have your dirty way with my wife." I raised my voice a bit more now. "You evil dirty fucking bastard, just you wait till Sheila hears all about this."

At this stage I can see the Maître-d' hurtling towards our table. In a subdued but direct voice he said, "Sir, you are a valued customer to this establishment, can you please refrain from swearing and keep the noise down."

I looked up at him and said. "Sorry Paul, you are quite correct, however I think some of your customers like the entertainment." As I looked at the Maître-d' I'd notice that the influencer was videoing all that was happening. I looked around the Maître-d' at the influencer and said. "You can call this 'husband confronts wife and lover in a hotel', no better, make that, 'husband confronts wife and lover in a restaurant'. Let's keep the hotel out of this, I think they might appreciate it."

Addressing the Maître-d' again I said. "I will have what they're having and put it on his bill, the company is paying anyway it's not coming out of his pocket, in fact have one for yourself on us." I seemed to have got my appetite back.

The Aberdeen Angus Sirloin was fantastic, I had on the odd occasion paid for one myself, it was about double the meal allowance that we were given.

Karen opened her mouth to say something probably about the expenses, I just gave her a Paddington hard stare and she shut up.

I picked up my phone and snapped a picture of Darren and Karen together. I already had plenty but this was part of the threat.

Karen put a hand up like a little nervous schoolgirl, asking if she could speak, I looked at her and nodded. She looked at Darren and said. "You told me John asked you for the assignment up north, is that not true?" Looking at me she said. "Did you ask for this?"

"No fucking way, why would I leave our bed to go to sleep in several strange beds all through the year?" I turned the phone round and showed both of them the picture I had just taken of them sitting quite close in a hotel restaurant.

"Right, you tell me the fucking truth or this photo goes straight to Sheila right now and you can sort out your own marriage."

Karen said. "So what about the photo I saw of you going into a room with that receptionist, Kelly, at 10:45pm. Why would she go into a room at that time of night if it wasn't for something naughty,"

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