by Nameless08
Complete lack of self control is pathetic. This story is really dragging with these little chapters.
why repost? nothing changed? I wanna see this bitch get whats coming to her already!!
Have you thought about outlining the.story? It would help with the storyline and make it read more smoothly. I find that when I wrote for school an outline provided for a more cohesive essay
Thanks for writing
The only positive part of this chapter is that Melissa understands what she is and knows she can never have a relationship. Too bad her mother does not have that self awareness. Ken needs to detox from his "wife".
How many stories are you doing here sounds like Sam was smart enough to get rid of the whore but Ken has no balls maybe write one then go to the other as you are losing something here
This made zero sense.
Disjointed conversations, this iver dramatic crap about honesty and fidelity and being a slut and not being able to say no to cheating. I mean, come the fuck on!
People make choices. If you have a compulsion to cheat, then it’s a mental illness and you need help, not a marriage. If you choose to cheat, then you choose to accept the consequences.
This wasn’t erotic, even the sex was bizarre and inconsistent.
I don’t expect Stephen King, but I don’t want Dick and Jane either.
You will probably get better ratings if you write a few episodes and post them on successive days. Two pages every couple months is guaranteed to annoy your readers. Yeah, life comes first. But just hold off submission till you have a couple.
Sam is such a pussy. Typical weakling runs away crying and refuses to fight for what's his.
Is this story headed anywhere? Everything seems disjointed and husband seems like a wimp who cannot even make basic decisions.
Writer should check common phrases.
It is not "Two birds in one stone" but "two birds with one stone.".
It is not "there's water under the bridge" but "that's water under the bridge."
It is not "Ken let out a groan and lied beside Sarah" but "lay beside Sarah."
If you are going to switch names and stories in midstream save us the pain of reading the drivel. Copy and pasting still requires reviewing
Totally lost the story in chapter 3. Moronic, mess. How could you post this??
So she justifies her behavior by blaming her cohorts, and trying to expose Sarah’s secrets. No doubt, Ivan was working for her. Jasmine is just another piece of work. She kept it buried for 20 years. Why the sudden honesty?
Like it but there is a lot still to be written. I would much prefer you write the whole thing and publish one chapter a day. It’s been 5 months since your last chapter and I’m still waiting for the ending. So far, we have a knowing cuckhold who doesn’t know whether to shit or get off the pot. Not very stimulating to your readers. MtM
All that’s missing is the rest of the story. Any day now would be fine. . .
I am really enjoying the story and very much looking forward to the next chapter. The plot is very engaging and the characters of both mother and daughter are well imagined and described. The young and single daughter isn't bound by the same expectations that apply to her Mum as both a wife and mother, but has still betrayed her Dad by participating with her Mum in her extramarital adventures and condoning them, up until now. The latest chapter (03) suggests she may be maturing better than her Mum has. I really hope Nameless08 can get back to finishing the story, I am intrigued to learn how the MC comes out of this; does he stand up to his cheating wife or become a cuck or participant in an open marriage - something he clearly hasn't wanted in the past.
Not sure why some people are asking for more of this shit, I think that it's far too long and filled with mostly unnecessary bullshit as it is without wanting any more of the bullshit.
What the f..k have I just read biggest load of shite ever must have been written by a ten year old.