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How I Became My Neighbor's Diaperboy Ch. 02

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He gets in deeper.
1.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 05/27/2008
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I'm not leaving the house like this!" I practically screamed.

"Let's not make a big fuss honey," Miss Hunt replied. "We can just sneak through our backyards. Noone is gonna see us."

"But I uh.." I tried to reply.

"Enough!" she ordered. "Mommy says we're going home. You can put on a t-shirt if you like, but you and your diapered butt are going to my house. If you say another word the deals off."

I bowed my head. I was defeated. How was I going to argue while standing here in a huge diaper. I didn't exactly have the upperhand.

I grabbed a t-shirt and we were on our way.

Miss Hunts house was just next door. Both houses had a fence in backyard connected by a gate. Hopefully noone would see us.

Miss Hunt led me out the backdoor and across my backyard to the connecting gate. We were halfway there. So far so good. Miss Hunt opened the gate and stopped.

"Let's go Miss Hunt," I said. "Hurry before someone see's me."

"Too late diaperboy," she smiled with glee. "Hello Tina."

I froze. Tina Moore was another neighbor and she was standing at Miss Hunt's backdoor. She was all the way across the yard so maybe she couldn't see my diaper yet.

"I'm going back," I whispered.

She grabbed my arm before I could bolt.

"No you don't diaperboy," she laughed. "You'll follow me or our deal is off."

"Please Miss Hunt, I'll do anything!" I nearly cried.

"Yes you will do anything," she replied "And you better start calling me Mommy or I'll take your diaper off and spank you right here in front of Tina. This is your last warning."

She gave me a cold stare that told me she wasn't fooling.

"Let's go," she ordered.

We crossed the yard to her backdoor. I tried to stay right behind her so Miss Moore couldn't see me but it wasn't gonna do alot of good. She'd see anyway.

"Hello Anne," Miss Moore said. "I just dropped by to see if you wanted to have some tea but..."

She moved her head to the side so she could see around Miss Hunt and smiled.

"But I see that you are a little busy right now." she nearly laughed.

"Oh Tina, I'd love some tea. How about you come back in about half an hour. I should be all set by than." Miss Hunt said.

"Sounds wonderful," Miss Moore replied as she walked back across the yard toward her house. "I'll see you than. Bye bye Anne. Bye bye diaperboy."

Oh god. I was speechless. Now Miss Moore was sure to tell the entire neighborhood. I was doomed. I can't believe I agreed to this deal.

"Let's get inside diaperboy," Miss Hunt ordered.

"Wait a minute Miss uh.. Mommy," I interupted. "She's gonna tell the whole neighborhood. My parents are sure to find out and want to know why I'm wearing diapers around the neighborhood. I'm totally screwed. I might as well tell them what happened. In fact I'm going home right now."

"DON'T YOU DARE" she loudly demanded. "Tina won't tell anyone. I promise you that. The deal is still on. Your parents won't hear one word of this unless you disobey me."

"Now let's get your diapered butt inside before anyone else comes along and see's you." she continued. "If it will make you feel better, I'll have a talk with Tina when she comes over for tea. She's not some busybody who gossips all day. Don't worry about it."

We went inside and I continued to play along.

Once inside she told me that she needed to get cleaned up before Miss Moore came over, so she would have to leave me alone for a while. She led me to a bedroom and motioned me to enter.

"You can hang out here. There's a tv for you to watch if you get bored and I'll bring you something to drink," she said.

She turned to leave but stopped short and turned around.

"By the way, you are not to use the bathroom unless I order you to. Leave your diaper on until I get back. If you break this rule the deal is off. I'll go straight to your parents and tell them everything. Including about you wearing diapers around the neighborhood."

"Oh and also," she laughed. "I've got a witness to back me up. Have fun diaperboy."

She left the room and I collasped on the bed in defeat.

How did I get into this? Was I totally screwed or was this going to save my ass? Was I leaving my fate in the hands of a madwoman?

I'm in too far to turn around now. Hopefully this woman just wanted to humiliate me to teach me a lesson and this would it. She'd leave me here for awhile in a big baby diaper and then just let me go.

I sat up and looked around the room. The first thing I noticed was alot of mirrors. There were five large mirrors spaced around the room and a mirror over the bed. Ohh kinky.

I sat around for a few minutes and decided to watch some tv. Before I could finish Miss Hunt returned. And boy did she ever return.

She burst into the room and my jaw fell to the floor. Miss Hunt looked incredible. She was half naked so of course she looked incredible. All she was wearing was a red satin bra and matching satin panties. Needless to say my boner was back.

"Here I brought you something to drink, I hope you still like beer?" she asked.

The beer was in a glass and had a funny color but I didn't think this was a good time to complain.

"Sorry about the lack of dress but I'm looking for my stockings and garter," she said with a knowing smile. "I know I left them in here somewhere. Ah here they are." she continued after looking in a dresser drawer.

Then she started to slip her stockings on slowly.

I nearly came in my diaper. She stood next to the bed and propped a leg upon the bed and slowly pulled each stocking up her beautiful long legs. Then she hooked her red satin garter belt around her lucious hips and clipped her stockings securely to the garter belt. All the while she kept glancing at me and smiling.

Finally she was done and she stood straight up and put her hands on her hips.

"What do you think diaperboy?" she asked. "How do I look?"

"You look uh great. Really uh great Miss uh Mommy." I studdered idiotically.

"Thank you." she replied. "Please drink up. I'll check on you later."

And she was out the door.

What a tease. And I was loving it.

I quickly finished my beer as I thought about Miss Hunt's little panty show. I still had a raging boner that wouldn't go away. Wait a minute. Why did Miss Hunt need to get all dressed up in sexy underwear to have tea with Miss Moore. Now my mind went into overdrive and I was more excited than I'd ever been.

I sat around the room and dreamt of Miss Hunt and Miss Moore gettin it on in the other room. Needless to say I began to touch myself. I knew that I couldn't take the diaper off and somewhere in my mind I was hoping that if I was good I'd get to see Miss Hunt and Miss Moore gettin it on so I had to rub myself through the diaper. I quickly realized that this felt quite good.

I layed back on the bed rubbing myself for several minutes. It didn't take long for me reach orgasm.

After a few more minutes I began to realize what I had just done. Miss Hunt was sure to find out what I had done if she were to change my diaper. I began to pace.

While I paced I noticed two things. First I noticed myself in one of the floor length mirrors. I stopped in front of the mirror and just stared at myself in my huge diaper.

The second thing I noticed was that I had to pee really bad. I mean really bad.

There was no way I could hold it until Miss Hunt got back. Somehow I knew that she had set me up for this so I gave in to the urge.

Standing in front of the mirror I watched as my diaper slowly filled and turned yellow. I was peeing my diaper and my boner was coming back.

When I was done I sat on the bed in shock. Miss Hunt had quickly and easily turned me into diaperboy.

I sat on the bed in a very wet diaper and waited for Miss Hunt's return never realizing how much she had really set me up.

It wasn't long before I found out.

to be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

u must make more!! i demand it! plz!

Phoenix3973Phoenix3973over 15 years ago
Great Story

More. I can't wait to see what happens next and I hope that you post again soon. Thanks for an awesome story!!

morningchicamorningchicaover 15 years ago
Wonderful story

Please continue

sexysmilesexysmileabout 16 years ago
What a tease!

Please post more soon!

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