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How It Started

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A man poses for an art class/bachelorette party.
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Jessica Helmsworth: 45 y.o. VP of Operations at Sheer Luxury, Inc., and a mother of two. She started at the bottom in this company and worked her way up over the bones of the men she replaced and has brought a chain of women up with her. She is all about connections with other women (and men, as needed) and her daughter is her favorite kid.

Amanda Helmsworth: 21 y.o. college graduate (English Lit, a degree her mother did not approve) with a wealthy fiancé from school. She has managed to hold herself back throughout her youth, saving her virginity for her fiancé (though when they did finally have sex, she found it disappointing) with the idea that her bachelorette party will be WILD! Amanda still lives at home, and works at Sheer Luxury as well, as a proofreader for their documentation department. She has been saving for months now to have extra to spend on her honeymoon.

Felicia Potter: 42 y.o. Secretary, eyes, and mouth of Jessica Helmsworth. Felicia has come up with Jessica since she started working at Sheer Luxury, and both are fiercely loyal to each other. Felicia isn't asexual at all but has managed to purposefully stay out of any long-term relationships and has no children. In that Amanda did not want her mother along on her bachelorette party, Felicia has been assigned to chaperone.

Albert Cherner: 24 y.o. textile salesman. Somewhat shy/introverted, short and lean, but muscular for his frame. (While muscles do show on arms/legs, no washboard abs) Where Albert stands out a bit is that, despite his small stature, he was blessed, cursed with a penis that erects to 7" and thicker than normal as well. All through high school, his very strict mother kept him in baggy pants and tight underwear. While he does have a girlfriend, they both have jobs and while he doesn't live at home anymore, his day job barely keeps rent paid and food in his pantry, leaving him no money to party, so he's looking to moonlight.

Angel Landers and Shy Sutton: Neighbors, down the hall from Albert. The two have become friends with Albert, but only friends, in that neither have made a move on him, since he's dating someone else. They do enjoy inviting him over from time to time, though, especially if/when they have something that needs done at their place. (Their favorite task they've had him do to date was to come and kill a spider on their ceiling, which involved him putting a board from their makeshift coffee table on Angel's bed, a chair atop the board, then standing on that to swat the spider with a slipper. (This raised his T-shirt and showed the bulge his package made in his shorts, and confirmed what they thought they had seen before, despite his usually baggy clothing!) Albert enjoys being around them, in that they're both short-and-small women, and he feels more manly around them. Angel runs an art school and has suggested that Albert should model for an art class, though so far Albert has found other work, instead. Angel, something of a visual woman, would really like to see him naked.

Margo Griffith: Amanda's best friend, and Amanda lives vicariously through her. At 18, while out with Amanda at a restaurant they should not have been in, Margo got the singer at the club to come sit with her. The two wound up making out at the table, followed by sex in the band's RV that night. Since then, Amanda has watched her friend leave with guy after guy, though Margo always tells her everything that happened the next day. Margo has jet black hair, brown eyes, and darker skin from a healthy dose of Puerto Rican blood in her family.

Tammy and Nichole Summers, cousins that act like twins. They were raised by the same parents as if they were sisters, though Nichole's actual parents never gave up parental rights, and Tammy's parents did not sue for them for the sake of family peace. The two of them are a bit bi, and have had 3somes with this or that guy, whenever they could get away from their hometown. Both have the "Summer Smile" that is the family feature. (Somehow, though they rarely brushed, they had cavity free, beautiful teeth and fresh breath all their lives)

Michelle Fischer: Albert's girlfriend. She's the first woman to really date him, since his lack of self-esteem lead him to drive girls and women away from him as he grew up. She still lives at home, so most of her time with Albert is either out to eat or at Albert's tiny apartment. They've been together a couple of years now, and where they used to have a lot of sex, she just doesn't feel the need for as much anymore. Albert has told her about Angel trying to get him to model and told him he's only allowed to do that for $200+ an hour.

Spring was being spring despite the city. Butterflies were out, flower gardens were blooming along the streets, and in many places, people were stopping to sneeze their heads off. Anything that sat for a day would develop a slight yellow-green sheen from all the pollen. It was a beautiful, sunny Friday as Albert headed home from work. "No spare money to spend; looks like Ramen again tonight," he thought to himself, as he boarded the elevator and stabbed a finger at the 8th floor button, grateful at least to have the ride to himself as the old lift took its sweet time getting to his floor.

As he left the elevator, his cell rang; it was his friend and neighbor, Angel. He answered, "I'm in the hall, give me a bit to get in my door," to which Angel replied, "Come in here instead!", and was off the phone and opening her door as he got there. When she could get the door shut behind him, she told him, "I need you for a job, tomorrow. It's urgent that I get back with the customer ASAP, but it's $250 for an hour, tomorrow afternoon."

"What's the job?" Albert asked.

"Model for an art class. Nudity likely. One hour starting 3 o'clock tomorrow. Starts with you in a costume, and I already have that at the school. The sponsor is bringing props and scenery, too."

"You know I don't want to be naked."

"I also know you'd love $250! Aside from that, the contract only says 'nudity likely,' and they're giving you the fancy shorts and underwear they want you in. I just need you to sign this so I can get it faxed back to the sponsor."

"Chelle doesn't want me posing, but she did set a dollar minimum that this beats. Why do I have to sign?"

"The sponsor needs someone locked into this. They've already had a model back out. Someone fancy wants the art class to happen. I don't know who is teaching it, but they're paying well enough to get me to close the place this Saturday until after their class is over."

"I don't suppose I have time to sleep on it?"

"I'm already late to the point this may not happen, but I need that money, too."

"Ok. I'll sign, but I want to get a copy to read."

Angel handed over pen and contract. "I'll bring this back to you after I get this faxed. We need to hand over the original copy once the sponsor gets here, though. She was very clear on that."

Albert signed and handed the contract back, at which point Angel grabbed her keys and flew out the door to the elevator, since her art school was just across the street. Albert locked the doorknob for her and went back to his own apartment. At least thinking about how to spend the money would help take his mind off posing in front of strangers...

Albert was reluctant to call Chelle, in that he didn't think telling her was going to go well, but he did not dare go without telling her. When the call was over, he could tell from her tone she wasn't happy, but understood. She did want dinner after he finished, though, since he would have the money to spare.

Albert woke the next morning feeling like he got some sleep, though he was getting nervous the longer he was awake. He skipped breakfast, busied himself with laundry, dishes, and general cleaning. He forced himself to eat for lunch but didn't pay attention enough to know what that was. Angel came by with the contract at 1:00 that afternoon. She told him the sponsor wanted him to wear his costume in under his clothes, as the students would be using the dressing room. With his nerves shot, it did not occur to him to look at the contract.

At 1:30, he left for the gym; it was time to get pumped up a bit for the posing. Mostly just arms and legs, then back home to shower and get into the costume. The "underwear" was a little tight, even without an erection, but he was used to that. He had grown up wearing tight underwear and baggy jeans to hide his bulge. Now that he was grown, his penis was nearly 7" length, and thick. While that wasn't porn-star sized, his otherwise small stature made it seem monstrous by comparison, and sometimes it seemed it had a mind of its own, as it went erect with little (or no) provocation.

The underwear had a vertical red and off-white stripe to it, with the stripes far enough apart so this didn't blend at a distance. He wasn't used to trying to fit into something that made Speedos seem prudish. Semi-erect, dressed up and left, prevented the material from sitting flush against his skin. This would be obscene in public, but if they were going to see nudity anyway, surely this was no big deal. Putting them on gave him that semi, too. The shorts were of a black leather-looking material and had what looked like nuts and bolts holding the waistband together on the sides. Weird. As he put on his baggy jeans, he could tell the waistband on the shorts wasn't going to be comfortable with clothes on top of it.

Albert got to the art school before three, and took the stairs, rather than waiting on the elevator. The art classroom was on the 3rd floor, so it was no big deal, and it would get his legs a bit more pumped without being enough for him to break another sweat. Angel wasn't there, but she had told him the sponsor didn't want her around. He was a bit nervous about that, but then this way nobody he would see again would see him naked. The door was open as he got there, but the only person in the room was a somewhat matronly woman dressed expensively, who identified herself as the sponsor, Felicia. She told him the students were preparing for the art class, and that he could remove his outer clothing, then pointed to a desk where he could stack his clothes and shoes.

Once stripped to only the clothes he'd been given, Felicia asked if he knew of the statue titled, "The Thinker," and, when he said yes, told him that would be his first pose. For this pose, he would sit on a nearby bench. The bench in question was the sort of thin, padded bench one would expect for a bench press, minus the weights and such, and it had been placed on a rectangular rug (about the same as his full-size bedspread, he thought) with towels folded along either side of the bench. He went ahead and sat on the end of this and put an elbow on his knee and his chin against his fist. "Perfect" said Felicia, "Hold that pose, I'll get the class."

Felicia went to a nearby table and pressed a button, causing music to play. (It was some classical string music Albert did not recognize.) The changing room door opened, and four young women filed out wearing the same white sundress with what looked like paper shoes. From the noise made, maybe the dresses were some sort of paper as well? They must be, he decided; their names were written on them, slightly above or on their chests. Most had decorations surrounding the writing; flowers, butterflies, and... was that what he thought it was? Yes, it was a cartoonish penis, underlining the name Margo, with the tip curved so it entered the "o." She was first in line, and was tall with short black hair, broad-shouldered and muscular, too.

The second in line, Amanda, was about his height or shorter, blonde, and curvy. Her dress had something else written opposite her name, but he was too distracted to notice what it said. From the look of it, they weren't wearing any bras; not that he had any complaints. The last two were also hot, but less exaggerated. They were a bit taller than the second woman and were odd only in that one, Tammy, had candy-apple red hair, and the other, Nichole, had dark blue hair. What they all had in common were smirks. They looked like they could die laughing at any moment.

Since "the Thinker" pose has eyes cast somewhat downward, he quit looking at their faces. He then noticed their legs in more detail. The first had lean, muscular legs, the second, thick legs. The last two were nearly identical, with the last one having a darker tan. If he didn't find something else to think about, though, he was going to have an erection, and he wasn't dressed to prevent that. With her artists in place, Felicia announced that this was a ten-minute pose for pencil sketching. A new woman wheeled a cart in at this time with various bottles of wine, serving each artist a glass in turn. The women started sketching; his attention was drawn by Amanda, in that she had her tongue stuck out to a side while she worked and had a happy-but-hungry look in her eyes when she looked at him.

After ten minutes, Felicia asked him if he was ready to change positions, and he was. For a second position, he was standing, and in such a pose as he would have been, had he been a batter, ready to swing at a baseball. "Charcoal pencils," announced Felicia. The artists flipped the first page over the top of the easel and started scratching away at a fresh page, giggling and drinking a bit of wine as they did. The music got a bit more up-tempo, and the artists started dancing a bit while sketching. They were getting charcoal on each other almost as much as on their pictures.

For the next pose, Felicia wanted him on his right side, on the bench, up on one elbow, with his feet drawn up so that his knees were bent, right knee out in front of him, left knee pointed up. The problem was the studs on the waistband caused pain in this position. "Stand a moment," she ordered, and when he did, she showed him that those nut-and-bolt studs were actually snaps, by undoing them in a swift motion, leaving him in just the underwear they had supplied him, to the amusement of the artists. "Try that position again now." Albert got back on the bench on his right side. This showcased his penis, as it was dressed up the left side of the underwear, and the women seemed to be looking there, frequently.

With his mind racing, and a bit of help from the increasing pain of staying immobile in this awkward position, Albert managed to keep from getting an erection for another ten minutes.

As time was called on position three, Felicia told Albert he could stand and move about a bit, if he wanted, but off the clock. Albert stood and did some stretching, as if he were getting ready to work out or swim, touching his toes at the end, which got him applause from the artists, as he was essentially mooning them, with his backside hanging out of the brief briefs. He blushed a bit, which got fresh giggles, before turning back to Felicia to get the next pose started. She had him lie down on his back this time, with his lower legs hanging off the end of the bench. It was just low enough that his feet did touch the ground. Felicia told him to lace his fingers behind his head and relax, for the easy pose.

At the end of position four, Felicia asked Albert to put his arms down to either side and called upon the artists to bring the props. Giggling, they came over with fuzzy pink handcuffs and ankle cuffs. Albert laughed inwardly at this; he now saw that Amanda's dress had "bridezilla" written on it. This had to be some sort of bachelorette party. The first two put handcuffs on him, while the second two installed ankle cuffs. After the cuffs were in place, the amazon whispered "Nice lips" into his ear, before going back behind her easel. "Finger paints, ladies!" Felicia announced.

He tried to move his hands to the right before the artists could get started, to scratch where Amanda's longer hair had left his right side a bit tickled, and discovered his wrists were not cuffed to each other and he didn't have the range of motion to reach out from under the bench. That was when Albert lost his battle to prevent an erection. As his penis grew, the waistband and leg opening of the underwear had less and less material between them. (Speedos would have been more modest!) About the time his head was showing through both leg openings and above the waistband, it slipped from under the waistband and was now bobbing above his stomach, with laughter and applause from the artists. Albert could not stop this anymore than he could stop blushing but did his best to just ignore it all and try to think about anything else.

After 10 eternal minutes, Felicia came over and asked if the garment was uncomfortable. The artists were gathering trays of something and coming as well when Albert told her it was. She then reached down to either side of Albert's hips and undid the straps of his underwear. "Lift up a bit please," she said, and when he did, she pulled the underwear away, leaving him nude.

"Finger paints again!" The artists came out from behind the easels and began painting on his body. "Can we kiss?" asked Amanda, but she wasn't asking him; she was asking Margo. Albert was drawing a breath to tell her no when Margo locked lips with him and began sliding her tongue in his mouth. "I think he likes it!" said one of the twins as she traced a finger up the underside of his bobbing erection. When Margo straightened back up, Albert was so shocked he didn't even close his mouth, so Amanda copied her, rubbing paint on his chest with one hand while she kissed him; her other hand was getting paint in his hair. Tammy took Amanda's hand from his chest and put it instead on his penis, now throbbing above his stomach. At first Amanda didn't react, focused as she was on her kissing, but when she did, she started slowly stroking up and down on his shaft, then pulled away from the kiss to focus on what she was holding. "I want you," Amanda said, but as if she were talking to Albert's cock.

Felicia stepped near as Amanda tentatively kissed Albert on his helmet and said, "Those finger paints are edible...," at which point the twins grinned at each other and licked him from base to head, and Margo resumed French kissing him. Nichole grinned as she got an idea; she rubbed the other colors off her hands on the rug, then got some blue and slathered it all over his balls before proudly holding them up and telling Amanda, "Don't make him come too soon!" Margo missed the joke while intensely kissing, but the other ladies had a brief laugh at this. A lot was going on all at once: Tammy and Amanda were playing with his penis, Nichole was still toying with his balls and painting his legs, while Margo had sucked his tongue into her mouth in a way he couldn't do anything about. In trying to get a word out, all he could make was some cross between an 'n' and an 'm' with a grunt or humming. Not expecting this, Margo stopped kissing and straightened up next to his shoulder to see what he was trying to say. Amanda, meanwhile, had straddled his midriff, and was rubbing his cock against her pussy. Nichole had licked all the way up his dick to flick Amanda's clit a few times, and that had only stoked Amanda's fire more. Tammy had moved to the end of the bench to straddle his right knee and had started to masturbate against it.

Albert was overwhelmed with sensations. The room now reeked of sex, he had never been this turned on, and his tongue seemed tangled from what Margo was doing. About all he could do was babble. Despite her arousal, Amanda clued in on Albert preparing to tell them to stop. She cast a pleading look at Felicia. Margo had stood when Albert started speaking and followed Amanda's gaze until she was also looking at Felicia.

Felicia saw Amanda's face and for just a second feared this party would grind to a sudden and catastrophic halt. The next second, though, she remembered what Margo could be like, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Margo was able to read that thought. She grinned mischievously, then spun in place, kicked a leg out over the bench, and sat gracefully down, pussy first on Albert's mouth.


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