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How Kitty Kat Became a Slut

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How Kat was broken in and trained.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/21/2015
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This story is a spin-off from the original 'Blackmail, Titfuck and Betrayal'. It picks up just before the events of Part 4 of that story...


"Kat it's been SO long!" squealed Zoe as she hugged the 18 year-old close outside the bar. She stood back and looked at the curvy teenage bombshell. "You look incredible. Let's get us both a drink - I want to hear all about what you're up to these days."

The two went in, arm in arm. Heads turned as the pair walked to the bar. Both women were drop-dead gorgeous - the owners of spectacular D-cup breasts, long legs and glossy brown hair, and while Kat's mini-skirt and heels were distracting enough, most eyes were on Zoe's figure-hugging wrap dress that showed off her every curve.

At twice Kat's age she was nevertheless the owner of the kind of fabulous body that could make even the most loyal husband think the most disloyal thoughts. Usually while fucking his own wife.

Kat idolised her gorgeous friend and was loving the freedom to meet her for a drink on a school night. In her last year at college, she was desperate to pick her family friend's brain on how to get a great summer placement before heading to university.

Meanwhile Zoe had her own plans for Kat. She could feel the wetness between her smooth stocking-clad thighs at the thought of what was in store if tonight went well. She looked at the curvaceous teenager opposite, still glowing from finally turning 18 a few weeks ago. A slut-in-waiting if ever she saw one.

She'd dug into enough of Kat's social media to know that she wasn't a shy girl. She had slowly fingered herself only the night before while looking through Kat's recent holiday photos that showed off the girl's amazing figure in a series of wonderfully small, tight bikinis. She had come in the bath while fantasising about what she - and Joe - would do to the girl.

Part one of her plan was already going well - only minutes before meeting Kat she had been been in her own office on her hands and knees, sucking Kat's father's cock so hard he had almost passed out.

Her black satin knickers were still in Tom's mouth - she had left him handcuffed and gagged under her desk in her office, having made him call his wife to say he was staying 'in town' again that night while Zoe stared up at him, his cock deep in her throat as she made him come in her mouth. Zoe loved to hear Tom tell Gemma he loved her as he was fucking her.

She really loved the fact that Kat was unwittingly tasting her own father's cock on her lips as they kissed just now. If Zoe got her way, she would make Kat (and Tom) do much, much worse this summer...

A few stiff drinks into the evening, having pretended to be interested in stories of Kat's new boyfriend Dan for what felt like hours, Zoe slowly began to make her first move.

"How's your mum?" she asked, smiling.

"She's fine thanks" said the teenager.

"Her and dad aren't too good at the moment though."

"Mmmm. Really?" murmured Zoe, looking down at her drink, awkwardly.

"What is it?" asked Kat. She could see Zoe looked uncomfortable and wondered whether it might have anything to do with why she never came around the house any more.

Slightly in awe of the older, glamorous, successful, beautiful older woman, she daren't ask her directly but it was playing on her mind.

"Nothing, no... I said I wouldn't.." Zoe looked up, panicked.

"What is it?" asked Kat, concerned. She held Zoe's hand. "You can tell me".

Zoe buried her head. "I can't. It'll just make things worse". She sobbed.

Kat sat there, helpless. Her stomach was churning.

Eventually Zoe looked up, her face streaked with tears and mascara.

She stared at Kat. "If I tell you, you promise not to say ANYTHING?" she pleaded. "You promise".

The teenager nodded, wide-eyed.

"It was a month ago" she began, quietly. "I think you and your mum were away for the weekend. I got a call from Tom. He sounded frantic. He told me he was depressed and couldn't stop thinking suicidal thoughts. He said he was alone that weekend. So I raced round there."

She looked at Kat.

"It was the worst mistake I ever made."

"He was waiting for me. He tied me up. He threatened me. Told me if I didn't let what he wanted to me, that he'd hurt me. And if I ever told anyone, that he'd hurt you."

Kat sat stunned, her mouth open. "No, no, can't" she began.

"He had me the whole weekend you were away. Told me he'd always had one particular fantasy about me. That he...he...wanted to, to...take me while he talked to your mum on the phone".

"NO!" the teenager almost shouted.

"I can prove it" said Zoe, sadly. She pushed her phone across the table.

Underneath the table, Zoe could feel the throbbing wetness between her legs. She was so turned on by what she was doing, she could barely talk.

"He made me film it. I'm so sorry." she lied, as Kat looked at the screen of the phone.

"Is...that their bedroom?" she said.

"Yes. It's where he forced himself on me" said Zoe. "But it was even worse than that. He made me wear your mum's underwear while he rrrr...raped me."

"I don't believe it. I don't believe you" said Kat, dazed into denial.

"See for yourself" said Zoe. She sat there, thrilled almost to orgasm as the 18 year-old watched the video. In it, Kat could see Zoe on her hands and knees on her parents' bed.

She looked a sorry, sweaty state.

Her fabulous tits hung down, sweaty while her legs were splayed out with a pair of white satin panties pulled tight across her thighs, digging into her legs.

Kat recognised the only other item Zoe was wearing straight away: the thick diamond choker that belonged to her grandmother and had been passed down to Gemma.

Kat saw her father towering over Zoe, his hand pulling her long brown hair tight, forcing his cock into her mouth. She looked around the bar, shocked at hearing her father moan with lust, before remembering she had headphones in.

She heard him say "You've been a very bad girl haven't you?", as he slid his cock out of her mouth and looked down at her.

Zoe took the phone back. "Don't watch any more. Don't do it to yourself."

In fact she had hours of her and Tom on her phone from that weekend.

The first day had been fun as she had dressed up in and then defiled Gemma's bridal underwear, but it was this second day that she had enjoyed the most. Pushing Tom past his limits, he had begun to freefall down to her level.

Unbeknownst to the dumbstruck teen opposite her, Zoe's favourite few hours that weekend had actually been spent wearing Kat's school uniform.

She had handcuffed Tom to the chair Kat sat at in her room to do her homework, making him wear a pair of Kat's silk panties. He had loathed this last line being crossed - in his daughter's room - this last vestige of his former life (before Kat had come to destroy it all).

Tom had been forced to watch as Zoe gave him a lapdance, feeling his cock straining against the silky material as she rode him, baiting him.

"Suck my tits daddy" she had begged him, unbuttoning Kat's tight school shirt and burying his face in her pert 36DD breasts. He couldn't resist and had begun sucking and biting her nipples.

"Do me from behind daddy" she had pleaded in her little girl voice, mocking him. She stood up, looking back at him, pulling Kat's panties down slowly over her cheeks, watching his stiff wet cock sit bolt upright.

She slowly lowered herself onto his cock, bouncing on top of him for minutes, making him gasp with her wet tightness.

"Now fuck my tits daddy" she had ordered, still wearing Kat's school skirt and hold-ups. While he titfucked her she had made him call Kat, smiling with glee at the feel of his cock between her breasts as she whispered obscenities at him while he spoke to his daughter.

Eventually, broken and half-mad with lust, Tom had fucked her up her arse on Kat's bed while Zoe screamed in pleasure. She thought the footage she had of this this might be a bit much for the girl right now.

And would no doubt make her story of 'non-consensual hell' a little harder to sell. In reality the only person who had suffered during the weekend was Tom, as his affair burst its banks and engulfed his own, actual, life.

No, she needed to soften her up for the next stage. Not break her. Yet.

"But what about the phone call?" asked Kat, her voice trembling. Her whole world was crashing down around her ears.

"You might as well know the whole truth." said Zoe. She handed the phone over, and sat back. Her work was nearly done.

Over the weekend he had gotten rougher with her and the sex had got much, much dirtier and it was this footage that she now showed the 18 year old.

Shocked and flushed, Kat watched for minutes as her father talked to her mother on the phone while he slid his cock powerfully in and out of the cheeks of the woman sitting opposite her, a black leather belt tight around Zoe's neck.

"I love you" she saw him say. "I've missed you" as she watched Zoe's head buried in a pillow, her panties pulled tight across her thighs, on her hands and knees as Tom calmly talked to Gemma, his cock thrusting deep inside Zoe's lubed-up arsehole.

Despite being sexually precocious, Kat was still a stranger to anal sex. Dan had badgered her to try it, but she hadn't liked the idea. So she was even more shocked to feel herself starting to get wet at watching her own father be so sexually domineering and adventurous.

She was also angry. Furious at her father for what he had done to the poor woman sitting opposite her. And her own mother.

She watched him put the phone down then pull back hard on the belt, lifting Zoe's head up off the pillow.

"Is this what you want? IS IT?" Tom screamed at her as he fucked her, dropping the belt now and grabbing her hips, thrusting harder and harder until he came, roaring with anger and shame at the end of a weekend that had seen him helplessly betray everything he had once cared for.

Zoe was pleased with her performance as the 'wronged' woman. Truth be told this had been at the end of a weekend of relentless fucking and even she had felt exhausted by the end of it. She knew she looked like a ragdoll on this footage, utterly at the mercy of Tom's rage and cock. It worked beautifully.

"This is why you don't come around any more - to see mum..." said Kat.

Zoe bowed her head and nodded. "He told me if I ever talked to the police he'd hurt Gemma. And you. I couldn't take the chance of going to the police."

Kat shook with rage. "He's ruined your life. I'm so, so sorry".

Zoe looked up, defiant. "I'm not going to let him get away with it Kat. I've got a plan."

Kat stared at her. "What do you mean?"

"I think your father's been defrauding the agency. On a massive scale. If I can get hold of the files I need, I can prove it."

"So what's the problem?"

"You know Joe Fitzgerald don't you? The owner of the agency?"

Kat nodded, blushing slightly. She did indeed. She had had a crush on him since she was 14. A few years ago her family had attended a 'family' day for all the agency staff at the owner's mansion in Berkshire.

Kat had made sure she got his attention by wearing her previous summer's tennis kit. Her mother and father had been furious when they caught up with her jiggling around the court as Joe's tennis partner. She had loved flirting with the much older man, but hadn't seen him in a few years.

"Well he has them locked up somewhere and I can't get to them." said Zoe. "It's made worse by the fact that his PA left last month and Joe's not found a replacement yet. So he's sticking his fingers into everything right now."

Including the last PA, smiled Zoe to herself.

"I couldn't get near those files if I wanted to. Unless I had someone helping me - someone who could temp for Joe - for the summer?" Zoe looked at Kat.

"It's a lot to ask Kat. Would you do it? You'd get him eating out of your hand, so I'd be able to get the evidence I need".

Kat stared at her, thinking. It would be fun to spend time with Joe again. Even if it did mean working for him. How hard could it be though?

"I'm in" she said, with barely a moment's pause.

You certainly are, thought Zoe to herself, delighted that the evening had worked out so well.

What a summer it would be.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
it's been a year

I still hope I'll read the end of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This is awesome

Whole series. Well written n hot. I want to meet zoe. Lol. You did great. And please write a new series as you've done great with this one. Let her destroy gemma in a finale. The final victory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

keep this part of the story going its great

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

We ever going to get an ending?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Love the story how much longer till the next part?

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